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Human Rights and Globalization
Establishing linkages between the processes of globalization and the realization of the human rights.

Iraq: Who pays the cost? N° 1
On April 8th 2003, the Iraqui Al-Amal Association, the national Social Watch Focal Point, has issued a newsletter on the Iraq war focusing on the analysis of the cost of the war for civilian people.

Recognize the right to adequate housing, demands rapporteur
A firm recognition to the human right to adequate housing was demanded by the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing Miloon Kothari, in his annual report to the UN Human Rights Commission presented in Geneva on April 1st 2003. In his report he mentions the significant input that constitutes the 2003 Social Watch Report, “The Poor and the Market”. He also acknowledged that “he is inspired by the diligent work of civil society in supporting his mandate and contributing towards securing housing rights for all.”

Germany: Making Globalization Equitable
Only the successful creation of a broad social participation in issues of international economic policy will make it possible to counter the social and ecological reprehensibility of neo-liberal globalization with a globalization of social justice and ecological sustainability.

No Consensus on Water as a Human Right
A ministerial meeting tackling the world's water problems fell short of producing a clearly defined programme of action in its final declaration, which was released here in this central Japanese city on Sunday.

NGOs launch campaign against investment agreement
Forty non-governmental organizations from different continents announced today a campaign focusd on stopping the launch of negotiations in the World Trade Organization (WTO) on a multilateral investment agreement, which they consider harmful for developing countries.

The UN is not just about Iraq
The United Nations exists to find solutions through the common endeavor of all States. It is the one indispensable global organization in our globalizing world.

Water Privatisation Stirs Up Access Problem
Privatisation of water services has had negative consequences in many countries, says the environmental network Friends of the Earth International, which urges global resistance to the commercialisation and commodification of this essential resource.

Non-Aligned Nations Must Lead Financial Reform
"Tobin Tax" and increased South-South cooperation are demanded by leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Services for All: Citizens against the privatization of water, health and education
A hundred people from citizen based organizations from around the world gathered in Washington, DC to participate in the workshop Services for All (SFA). Sponsored by 18 organizations, SFA focused on the threat of privatization of basic services, especially water, energy, health care and education.

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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

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e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org