Roberto Bissio, coordinator of Social Watch, at the U.N. Conference on the world financial crisis
As a representative of civil society, Roberto Bissio, coordinator of Social Watch, spoke at the Official Round Table at the UN Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development that took place June 24-26, 2009 in New York.
Civil society scorecard - governments fail the test
At the closing of the UN Conference on the Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development, governments adopted an outcome document reflecting months of negotiations. The following analysis looks at 7 key issues that civil society deemed crucial for the success of the conference.
Stiglitz calls for a reshaping of the global financial system in dialogue with international civil society
NEW YORK - June 24, 2009 - Today, in an open dialogue with representatives of civil society, Prof. Joseph Stiglitz, Chair of the Commission of Experts of the President of the UN General Assembly on Reform of the International Monetary and Financial System, detailed many of the recommendations proposed by that Commission and in particular called for a “new intellectual framework” which can lay the basis for a new global financial architecture.
Press conference by global social economy group
June 24- Voicing the interests of civil society a day before the United Nations begins a three-day summit on the world financial crisis, the Global Social Economy Group called today for sweeping reform of international financial and economic institutions and practices that had contributed to the current global economic turmoil.
10 days of action: countdown to commitments
The 10 Days of Action: Countdown to Commitments is a mobilization tool to help raise awareness, build momentum and deliver key civil society messaging around the UN Conference on the Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development, scheduled for 24 – 26 June, 2009, at the UN Headquarters in New York City. The 10 Days of Action would be launched as a virtual action on Tuesday, 16 June, the Global Day of the African Child, which would serve as a bookend to the ten days, and culminate on the closing day of the UN Conference, 26 June. A daily notice would be disseminated widely through the main information listservs.
New Social Watch publication: Learning from Successful Experiences
Summary of the Analysis of Four Case Studies from the Social Watch National Coalitions
Civil society wants substance, not procedural delays at UN Conf on crisis
A statement calling upon governments not to take procedural arguments as an excuse to further delaying the substantive negotiations on the urgently needed global policy responses to the current crisis is being circulated to negotiators at the UN.
Peoples’ voices on the crisis
The event to take place on 20 June in New York will bring together people from the South and the North, from the US and abroad, women and men, workers and unemployed on the eve of the UN Summit Conference on the Economic and Financial Crisis.
Ensuring Development in the face of the financial crisis
The following position paper was endorsed by Euro step, Social Watch, the Arab NGO Network for Development, Asociación Latinoamericana de Organizaciones de Promoción (ALOP), South Asia Alliance for Poverty Erradication (SAAPE) and Least Developed Countries (LDC) Watch.
Civil Society perspectives on the financing for development agenda
The Economic and Social Council held a panel discussion on "Civil Society Perspectives on the Financing for Development Agenda" on Monday, 20 April 2009, in the ECOSOC Chamber in New York. Roberto Bissio from Social Watch intervened at the first panel together with other civil society representatives.
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