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Poor countries cautioned against services liberalization
The Social Watch report 2003 was quoted as evidence of the risks of unplanned service liberalization during an expert panel discussion organized by UNCTAD in Geneva. Since there is no legal requirement under the WTO to liberalise the services sectors, developing countries should be cautious about further liberalization, especially if they have not yet carried out an assessment of the effects.

Anti-Globalisation Movement To Expand Across Asia
The third World Social Forum (WSF) ended Tuesday in an upbeat mood with organisers vowing to expand the movement all across Asia as it moves to India next year.

The Poor and the Market: 2003 Social Watch report was launched in Porto Alegre
The 2003 Social Watch report was launched in Porto Alegre, Brazil last 26 January. Within the framework of World Social Forum, Social Watch met with grassroots organizations, economists, unionists and international networks to debate on the access of the poor to essential services and presented the conclusions of its new annual report.

Convergence of the Trade and Finance agendas
How The World Bank Group’s Facilitation of the Trade Agenda Undermines the Bargaining Power of Developing Countries

World Social Forum Grows, Diversifies in Third Year
The southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre this month will serve, once again, as the global capital of indignation and of dreams as it hosts the World Social Forum, Jan 23-28, which in its third year will be the largest and most diverse so far. The organisers of this major annual gathering of social movements, non-governmental organisations, intellectuals and leftist groups seeking a better possible world predict that this year's attendance will reach 100,000, double that of 2002.

Alone and United in support of women with AIDS
While the government of Peru cuts down the state aid to the HIV-AIDS patients, the civil society gets together to fight against the disease. Alone and United (Solas y Unidas) is an organization focusing exclusively on infected women. It was established after the women themselves verified that not only their needs but mainly their attitudes towards the disease were different.

The right to health in Argentina
The evident and systematic violation of the right to health by the Argentinian Government, which is clearly shown in the collapse of the health system, was reported by several health institutions before the OAS Inter-American Commission of Human Rights.

Will Wolfensohn fire his chief trade adviser?
The issue of trade and the need for a two-sided bargain (between developed and developing countries) "is the new hymnbook that we are singing now", said World Bank president James Wolfensohn.

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