The Social Watch reports on the ten commitments
of the World
Summit for Social Development and the critical areas
of concern of the Beijing
Platform for Action
- To achieve completion of primary education of at least 80% of
school age children by 2000
- To provide universal access to basic education for all school
age children by 2000
- To achieve a life expectancy of over 60 years by 2000
- To reduce infant mortality rates by a third of the 1990 rate
or to 50 per 1,000 live births by 2000 if this figure is lower
- To reduce under 5 mortality rates by a third of the 1990 rate
or to 70 per 1,000 live births by 2000 if this figure is lower
- To reduce maternal mortality to half the 1990 level by 2000
- To achieve food security
- To reduce severe and moderate malnutrition for children under
5 to half of the 1990 rate by 2000
- To provide access to health care services for all by 2000
- To provide access to reproductive health care services to all
persons (pregnancies attended per every 1,000 live births)
- To provide access to reproductive health care services to all
persons (Percentages of births attended)
- To reduce mortality and morbidity due to malaria by at least
20% of 1995 levels in 75% of countries affected
- To eradicate, eliminate or control the main diseases constituting
sanitary problems on a world level by 2000
- To reduce the adult illiteracy to at least half the 1990 level
- To provide access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation
for all (Percentage of population with access to sanitation)
- To provide access to safe drinking water and aequatesanitation
for all (Percentage of population with access to safe water)