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Analysis: "Financing for Development: From Monterrey to Doha"
Jens Martens (Global Policy Forum, SW Germany) co-chair of the SW Coordinating Committee summarizes the most recent trends, the possible issues on the agenda and the key events in the preparatory process for the 2nd Global Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) to be held in Doha in 2008.

New Publication: Multistakeholder Partnerships - Future Models of Multilateralism?
In times of growing dissatisfaction with the groaning pace of the global negotiation process, and the current difficulties on the part of governments to engage in new compromises, multistakeholder initiatives and policy networks between private and public actors are experiencing a boom which appears to be expanding unfettered within the United Nations system.

Launching of the Sixth German Social Watch Report
Bonn, 16 October 2006: In the past fifteen years, nearly one in every four countries has seen a decline in the quality of social services like education and health.

German Social Watch report 2005 launched
Endorsed by 28 organizations, the German Social Watch Report 2005 was launched in Bonn last October 21.

Social Watch Press Conference in Germany
Berlin/Osnabrück. On the occasion of the commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Copenhagen World Summit (1995), German NGOs called for strengthening the fight against poverty and social exclusion. Last March 11, the Social Watch Germany representatives handed over to the Development Minister of that country, Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul (of the SPD), a catalogue of claims, which also included a protest for the insufficient actions undertaken regarding the resolutions adopted at the Copenhagen summit.

German Social Watch Report 2004 launched in Berlin
The German edition of the 2004 Social Watch Report was launched at a press conference in Berlin on July 1, 2004.

German Social Watch Report 2003 launched in Berlin
The German edition of the 2003 Social Watch Report was launched at a press conference in Berlin on June 25, 2003.

Germany: Making Globalization Equitable
Only the successful creation of a broad social participation in issues of international economic policy will make it possible to counter the social and ecological reprehensibility of neo-liberal globalization with a globalization of social justice and ecological sustainability.

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