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German Social Watch Report 2004 launched in Berlin

Social Watch

The German edition of the 2004 Social Watch Report was launched at a press conference in Berlin on July 1, 2004.

This year’s report is the fourth Social Watch Report published by Social Watch Germany, a broad coalition of development NGOs, social welfare organisations, trade unions and political foundations.

See or download the Social Watch Deutschland Report 2004 / NR. 4:

"In Angst und Not. Bedrohungen menschlicher Sicherheit

For further information contact:

Jens Martens


World Economy, Ecology & Development Assoc.

Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 13

D-53111 Bonn



Fax: +49-228-696470

e-mail: jens.martens@weed-online.org

Internet: http://www.weed-online.org

About Germany  
About Social Watch in Germany  
Publications by Social Watch Focal Point in Germany 
See news about Germany  

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