10 days of action: countdown to commitments
Social Watch
The 10 Days of Action: Countdown to Commitments is a mobilization tool to help raise awareness, build momentum and deliver key civil society messaging around the UN Conference on the Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development, scheduled for 24 – 26 June, 2009, at the UN Headquarters in New York City. The 10 Days of Action would be launched as a virtual action on Tuesday, 16 June, the Global Day of the African Child, which would serve as a bookend to the ten days, and culminate on the closing day of the UN Conference, 26 June. A daily notice would be disseminated widely through the main information listservs.

The 10 Days of Action would assist in organizing civil society organization (CSO) events and actions, as well as to present a “united front” with which to deliver coordinated and focused messaging. The 10 Days would help raise awareness and put pressure on the governments by putting them on notice about civil society activism and advocacy around the June Conference.
See the programme plus more information here
See also the People's Voices on the Crisis event that will take place 20 June 2009 in New York