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The Big Issues: Beijing Plataform for Action
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National machineries for the advancement of women in Africa: Are they transforming gender relations?
Dzodzi Tsikata /  Third World Network-Africa /  2001
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Women, the global economy and decision making
June Zeitlin
/  Women’s Environment & Development Organization (WEDO) / 
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Copenhagen and Beijing 5 years later (Spanish version)
Por Susana Chiarotti /  CLADEM /  2000
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After Beijing
Bharati Sadasivam /  WEDO /  1999
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Cairo+5: Moving forward in the eye of the storm
Sonia Correa; Gita Sen
/  DAWN – Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era / 
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Human rights, more rights
Susana Chiarotti /  CLADEM, Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women's Rights /  1999
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Violence against women in Latin America and the Caribbean
Susana Chiarotti /  CLADEM - Comité de Latinoamérica y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer /  1998

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