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Hope amid despair
The devastation wreaked by Typhoon Reming on the hapless residents of Southern Luzon is only one of many natural disasters which occurred in quick succession this year.

We thought Milenyo was the mother of all supertyphoons. It turned out that destructive forces brought by earlier calamities were surpassed by Reming. Extra-strong winds, excessive rainfall, rampaging floods, huge boulders, mudflows, landslides—name it, Reming brought them with unparalleled fury.

NGOs support Senate version of '07 national budget
December 07 2006, Philippines. National Twenty-two non-government organizations on Thursday expressed their support to the Senate's version of the proposed 2007 national budget.

Ghana: Social Watch Report Calls for the Separation of Multilateral And Bilateral Aid
The 2006 Social Watch report has suggested the separation of bilateral and multilateral arrangement for development as a first step towards reforms for financial independence for poor countries.

Kofi Annan condemns finances flowing from South to North
Montevideo, November 5 -- "We all hoped globalization would bring us closer together; yet in some respects, it has driven us further apart", said UN secretary general Kofi Annan in his speech to the Ibeoramerican Summit that ended Sunday in Montevideo.

IBERO-AMERICA: Remittances No Substitute for Sound Development Policies
MONTEVIDEO, Nov 5 (IPS) - Immigrants have a right to send remittances to their families in their countries of origin, and this fast-growing flow of funds must not be seen as a replacement for foreign development aid, according to the final declaration signed by the leaders meeting this weekend in the Ibero-American summit in Uruguay.

Launching of the Sixth German Social Watch Report
Bonn, 16 October 2006: In the past fifteen years, nearly one in every four countries has seen a decline in the quality of social services like education and health.

Third Social Watch General Assembly
The III General Assembly of Social Watch was organized in Sofia, Bulgaria from the 23th to the 26th September 2006. The Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation/BGRF hosted the Assembly and received more than 100 participants from the entire world. The Assembly assessed Social Watch collective work so far, decided on future strategies and elected a new Coordinating Committee.

Global tech imbalance causes new inequalities
Imbalanced access to communication technologies has generated new inequalities, according to Social Watch, a coalition of 400 NGOs in 60 countries.

Social Watch Report 2006 Launch in Singapore at the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank
The Social Watch Annual Report “Impossible Architecture” was launched on September 19th in Singapore. The Annual Report monitors governments’ public policy to determine their degree of compliance with commitments and treaties to eradicate poverty and achieve gender equity that they have signed.

World Bank Profits From Poor Countries - Report
SINGAPORE, Sep 19 (IPS) - The World Bank receives more from developing countries than what it disburses to them says a new report released Tuesday as finance ministers endorsed a controversial new Bank plan to tackle corruption in developing countries.

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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

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e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org