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Social Watch launches Gender Equity Index
More than half the women in the world live in countries that have made no progress towards gender equity in recent years. That is one of the findings of the Gender Equity Index (GEI) 2008 that Social Watch launched as a contribution to the 52nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women that will end next March 8, the International Women’s Day.

Global: Social Watch Gender Equity Index 2008
More than half the women in the world live in countries that have made no progress in gender equity in recent years. This is the main conclusion of the Social Watch 2008 Gender Equity Index (GEI) which, for the first time, shows recent evolution and trends in bridging the gap between men and women in education, the economy and empowerment.

Gender Equity Index 2008
The economic dimension is the next challenge towards global gender equity. More than half the women in the world live in countries that have made no progress towards gender equity in recent years. That is one of the findings of the Gender Equity Index (GEI) 2008 that Social Watch launched here as a contribution to the 52nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women that will end next March 8, the International Women's Day.

Bangladesh Women Power Economic Surge
According to the Gener Equality Index compiled by Social watch, equality between women and men during the period 2004-2007 fell faster in Bangladesh than in almost any other nation in the world.

Democracy frustrating
Social activists and voluntary organisations had not much praise for the government in a “Citizens’ Report on Governance & Development 2007”, released by Professor Sunanda Sanyal today. The report was prepared by the National Social Watch Process.

Social Watch: Deregulated finances erode the universal right to social security
Instead of helping workers insure their retirement, current international financial mechanisms are an obstacle to the realization of the universal human right to social security, says the Social Watch Report 2007 launched here Tuesday in the context of the United Nations High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development.

Hedge Funds May Jeopardize Workers' Savings
Individual and government investment of pension programme money in hedge funds could jeopardize workers' retirement savings and future well-being as senior citizens, warns the 2007 Social Watch Report launched in New York in the context of the United Nations High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development. An increasing proportion of citizens' retirement savings is being placed in hedge funds, Rainer Falk reports.

Attaining the MDGs: Are we really on track?
Last August 15-16, forty-two national networks of civil society organizations met in Quezon City to assess the government's Philippines Mid-term Progress Report on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs.) They also considered the alternative assessment of Social Watch.

Exclusive charter for Walayar check-post
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Government will come out with a Citizens’ Charter exclusively for the Walayar check-post, through which roughly 50 per cent of all goods from outside reach Kerala, on September 1, Finance Minister T. M. Thomas Isaac said here on Friday. Releasing the ‘Citizens’ Report on Governance and Development’, brought out by Social Watch India, Dr. Isaac said the Assembly Subject Committee on Finance would visit the check-post on October 11.

Philippines 'off track' on MDGs
Ahead of the release late this month of the official report to the United Nations on how the country is faring in its implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) midway to the 2015 deadline, civil-society organizations are already saying that the government is “off target” particularly in achieving the most crucial goals.

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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

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e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org