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Fund for contraceptives remains unspent while LGUs waits for guidelines
WHAT happens when a government agency has P180 million for family planning supplies but is barred from buying contraceptives?

Social Watch Philippines kicks off civil society review on FfD
Five years after the United Nations Financing for Development (FfD) Conference held in Monterrey Mexico in 2002, Social Watch Philippines (SWP) once again kicks off the civil society review of the FfD outcomes in the Philippines.

Indian Prime Minister receives Social Watch report
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was presented with a copy of the Indian Social Watch report and commented that "institutions such as Social Watch are important to monitor governance and provide constructive feedback to the government".

Here is a report published by the prestigious Indian daily "The Hindu".

Kiangan pilots community-based monitoring system
KIANGAN, Ifugao (10 May) -- In line with the localization of the Millennium Development Goals, this municipality has adopted the community-based monitoring system (CBMS) as a strategy to achieve full development and prosperity.

India: 25% of the members of the Lok Sabha have criminal records
The arrest of an Indian Member of Parliament on a human-trafficking attempt became a dramatic example of an issue first raised by SW India: nearly 25 per cent of the members of the Lok Sabha (lower house of parliament) have criminal records. SW India’s Report was quoted in International Herald Tribune Asia-Pacific, The Indian Express, Bloomberg New York, Central Chronicle, Daily News & Analysis DNA, IOL.

Did Malta deceives the World?
While EU figures rank Malta as the new member state with the highest percentage of its Gross National Income (GNI) given to international development aid, the local Social Watchers claim that this goal was achieved “deceptively”. SW Malta’s Report was quoted in: Maltastar.com

AFRICA: Help Africans to feed themselves, governments urged
NAIROBI - Eighty percent of Africans who experience frequent food shortages live on poor land in rural areas - neglect of such communities is one of the main causes of hunger on the continent, campaigners for the right to food said.

Hope amid despair
The devastation wreaked by Typhoon Reming on the hapless residents of Southern Luzon is only one of many natural disasters which occurred in quick succession this year.

We thought Milenyo was the mother of all supertyphoons. It turned out that destructive forces brought by earlier calamities were surpassed by Reming. Extra-strong winds, excessive rainfall, rampaging floods, huge boulders, mudflows, landslides—name it, Reming brought them with unparalleled fury.

Ghana: Social Watch Report Calls for the Separation of Multilateral And Bilateral Aid
The 2006 Social Watch report has suggested the separation of bilateral and multilateral arrangement for development as a first step towards reforms for financial independence for poor countries.

IBERO-AMERICA: Remittances No Substitute for Sound Development Policies
MONTEVIDEO, Nov 5 (IPS) - Immigrants have a right to send remittances to their families in their countries of origin, and this fast-growing flow of funds must not be seen as a replacement for foreign development aid, according to the final declaration signed by the leaders meeting this weekend in the Ibero-American summit in Uruguay.

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Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

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