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Social Watch at WSF 2007: Workshop on Alternative budget and Budget monitoring
During the World Social Forum held in Nairobi, Social Watch organised a workshop focused on of how to monitor state budgets and how to develop feasible alternatives to them from a civil society point of view. More than 60 people participated to the discussion..

Social Watch at Alliance 2015 Meeting in Brussels
Facilitated by the European External Policy Advisors (EEPA), Alliance 2015 held an Expert meeting in Brussels on “Measuring the Contribution of General Budget Support to Social Sectors”. Founded in 2000, the purpose of the Alliance is to fight poverty by supporting the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Karina Batthyány, coordinator of the SW Secretariat Social Sciences Team, gave a presentation on the Social Watch indicators and methodology, in particular in relation to the Basic Capabilities Index (BCI) and the Gender Equity Index (GEI) under the title “Measuring Progress in Social Sectors: the SW Indicators”.

Social Watch at the World Social Forum. Nairobi, Kenya
Our network had a major presence at the WSF in Nairobi, Kenya, with a series of workshops and activities addressing the different areas that our work has emphasized in the past years. In addition to organizing a number of capacity-building workshops (the Use of Social Indicators, Poverty and ESC Rights, Budget Monitoring), round tables and Watchers coordinating meetings during the Forum itself, we subsequently held another meeting of our Coordinating Committee to decide upon the guidelines for our work in the future.

The Right to housing in Spain, still lots to build
From 20 November to 1 December 2006, the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Miloon Kothari, conducted a mission to Spain to examine the status of realization of the right to adequate housing, paying particular attention to aspects of gender equality and non- discrimination.

NGOs support Senate version of '07 national budget
December 07 2006, Philippines. National Twenty-two non-government organizations on Thursday expressed their support to the Senate's version of the proposed 2007 national budget.

Kofi Annan condemns finances flowing from South to North
Montevideo, November 5 -- "We all hoped globalization would bring us closer together; yet in some respects, it has driven us further apart", said UN secretary general Kofi Annan in his speech to the Ibeoramerican Summit that ended Sunday in Montevideo.

Launching of the Sixth German Social Watch Report
Bonn, 16 October 2006: In the past fifteen years, nearly one in every four countries has seen a decline in the quality of social services like education and health.

Third Social Watch General Assembly
The III General Assembly of Social Watch was organized in Sofia, Bulgaria from the 23th to the 26th September 2006. The Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation/BGRF hosted the Assembly and received more than 100 participants from the entire world. The Assembly assessed Social Watch collective work so far, decided on future strategies and elected a new Coordinating Committee.

Given the serious erosion of the credibility of your organizations that the non-compliance with the host-country agreement implies, I am convinced that you should consider postponing the whole event and moving it to a more convenient location.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Linking & Learning Programme on ESCR for Latin America - Call for Applications
CDES, COHRE, Dignity International, Equipo Pueblo y Social Watch are pleased to announce that the application procedure to the second Linking & Learning Programme on ESC Rights for the Latin America Region that will take place in Quito, Ecuador, from 2 to 10 November 2006 is now open. A limited number of full and partial scholarships can be made available.

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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

18 de Julio 1077/902, Montevideo 11100, Uruguay
Phone: + 598-2-902-04-90. Fax: + 598-2-902-04-90/113;
e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org