Report of the Linking & Learning Programme on ESC Rights for the Latin America region
More than 25 civil society organisations from Latin America participated in the programme on economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) organised by Social Watch and Dignity International and held in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay from 7 to 15 November 2005.
Several NGOs attending the Hong Kong Ministerial are taking the initiative of a joint NGO statement expressing our concerns about the negotiations in which the developed countries are intent on piling pressure on developing countries to accept extreme liberalization policies. The current proposals of developed countries particularly on NAMA, Services and Agriculture, do not have development content and are in fact anti-developmental.
The Development Agenda after the 2005 Millennium+5 Summit - a checklist of uncompleted tasks
Jens Martens (Global Policy Forum Europe, Germany) explores which topics will define the development agenda in the coming years and where public pressure and critical monitoring by civil society is particularly necessary.
Latin America united in defence of the rights
More than 25 civil society organisations from Latin America participated in the programme on economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) organised by Social Watch and Dignity International and held in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay from 7 to 15 November 2005.
German Social Watch report 2005 launched
Endorsed by 28 organizations, the German Social Watch Report 2005 was launched in Bonn last October 21.
Torturing the Poor
Geneva, 4 October 2005. A recent research project coordinated by the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) with the support of the Geneva International Academic Network (RUIG-GIAN) concludes that individuals are often victims of torture, ill- treatment, forced disappearances and summary executions because they are poor.
Millennium Goals: 'A Miserable Performance,' Mbeki Scolds UN Summit
UNITED NATIONS, Sep 16 (IPS) - The United Nations World Summit 2005, originally billed as a review of progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set by the world body in 2000, saw a discontented South African President Thabo Mbeki, who described poverty-fighting efforts towards those goals as "half- hearted, timid and tepid."
Launching of the Social Watch Report in Ghana
Accra, Sept. 16, GNA - The Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS), the country's economic framework, has been less successful in alleviating poverty since its introduction some three years ago. There has also been insufficient attention paid to the situation of women in politics and their role in economic activity, the Ghana Social Watch Coalition said in a report launched in Accra on Friday. The report is contained in this year's 2005 Global Social Watch Report on the theme, "Roars and Whispers, Gender and Poverty, Promises versus Actions".
NGO/Civil Society Statement by Leonor Briones at the UN World Summit
Prof. Leonor Briones of Social Watch, a member of the International Facilitating Group on Financing for Development (IFG), and a GCAP partner, presented her statement on behalf of NGOs and civil society at the Financing for Development Segment of the UN World Summit on September 14, 2005.
Millennium Goals: Poverty is not a statistic
MONTEVIDEO, Sep 14 (IPS) - Fighting poverty requires, among other things, tools for measuring the phenomenon in all its complexity. Poverty cannot be defined by having an income of one or two dollars a day, nor is there any advantage in distinguishing the very poor from the "almost" very poor, says the annual report by Social Watch, a global coalition of around 400 citizens' groups and non-governmental organisations from more than 50 countries.
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