Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
The Fourth World Conference on Women
Having met in Beijing from 4 to 15 September 1995,
Chapter Page
1. Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
2. Expression of thanks to the people and Government of the People's Republic
of China
3. Credentials of representatives to the Fourth World Conference on Women
Chapter I
Resolution 1
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action*
The Fourth World Conference on Women,
Having met in Beijing from 4 to 15 September 1995,
1. Adopts the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which are
annexed to the present resolution;
2. Recommends to the General Assembly of the United Nations at its fiftieth
session that it endorse the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
as adopted by the Conference.
* Adopted at the 16th plenary meeting, on 15 September 1995; for the
discussion, see chapter V.
Annex I
1. We, the Governments participating in the Fourth World Conference on
2. Gathered here in Beijing in September 1995, the year of the fiftieth
anniversary of the founding of the United Nations,
3. Determined to advance the goals of equality, development and peace
for all women everywhere in the interest of all humanity,
4. Acknowledging the voices of all women everywhere and taking note of
the diversity of women and their roles and circumstances, honouring the
women who paved the way and inspired by the hope present in the world's
5. Recognize that the status of women has advanced in some important
respects in the past decade but that progress has been uneven, inequalities
between women and men have persisted and major obstacles remain, with
serious consequences for the well-being of all people,
6. Also recognize that this situation is exacerbated by the increasing
poverty that is affecting the lives of the majority of the world's people,
in particular women and children, with origins in both the national and
international domains,
7. Dedicate ourselves unreservedly to addressing these constraints and
obstacles and thus enhancing further the advancement and empowerment of
women all over the world, and agree that this requires urgent action in
the spirit of determination, hope, cooperation and solidarity, now and
to carry us forward into the next century.
We reaffirm our commitment to:
8. The equal rights and inherent human dignity of women and men and other
purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations,
to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human
rights instruments, in particular the Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights
of the Child, as well as the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence
against Women and the Declaration on the Right to Development;
9. Ensure the full implementation of the human rights of women and of
the girl child as an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of all
human rights and fundamental freedoms;
10. Build on consensus and progress made at previous United Nations conferences
and summits - on women in Nairobi in 1985, on children in New York in
1990, on environment and development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, on human
rights in Vienna in 1993, on population and development in Cairo in 1994
and on social development in Copenhagen in 1995 with the objective of
achieving equality, development and peace;
11. Achieve the full and effective implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking
Strategies for the Advancement of Women;
12. The empowerment and advancement of women, including the right to
freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief, thus contributing
to the moral, ethical, spiritual and intellectual needs of women and men,
individually or in community with others and thereby guaranteeing them
the possibility of realizing their full potential in society and shaping
their lives in accordance with their own aspirations.
We are convinced that:
13. Women's empowerment and their full participation on the basis of
equality in all spheres of society, including participation in the decision-making
process and access to power, are fundamental for the achievement of equality,
development and peace;
14. Women's rights are human rights;
15. Equal rights, opportunities and access to resources, equal sharing
of responsibilities for the family by men and women, and a harmonious
partnership between them are critical to their well-being and that of
their families as well as to the consolidation of democracy;
16. Eradication of poverty based on sustained economic growth, social
development, environmental protection and social justice requires the
involvement of women in economic and social development, equal opportunities
and the full and equal participation of women and men as agents and beneficiaries
of people-centred sustainable development;
17. The explicit recognition and reaffirmation of the right of all women
to control all aspects of their health, in particular their own fertility,
is basic to their empowerment;
18. Local, national, regional and global peace is attainable and is inextricably
linked with the advancement of women, who are a fundamental force for
leadership, conflict resolution and the promotion of lasting peace at
all levels;
19. It is essential to design, implement and monitor, with the full participation
of women, effective, efficient and mutually reinforcing gender-sensitive
policies and programmes, including development policies and programmes,
at all levels that will foster the empowerment and advancement of women;
20. The participation and contribution of all actors of civil society,
particularly women's groups and networks and other non-governmental organizations
and community-based organizations, with full respect for their autonomy,
in cooperation with Governments, are important to the effective implementation
and follow-up of the Platform for Action;
21. The implementation of the Platform for Action requires commitment
from Governments and the international community. By making national and
international commitments for action, including those made at the Conference,
Governments and the international community recognize the need to take
priority action for the empowerment and advancement of women.
We are determined to:
22. Intensify efforts and actions to achieve the goals of the Nairobi
Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women by the end of
this century;
23. Ensure the full enjoyment by women and the girl child of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms and take effective action against violations
of these rights and freedoms;
24. Take all necessary measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination
against women and the girl child and remove all obstacles to gender equality
and the advancement and empowerment of women;
25. Encourage men to participate fully in all actions towards equality;
26. Promote women's economic independence, including employment, and
eradicate the persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women by
addressing the structural causes of poverty through changes in economic
structures, ensuring equal access for all women, including those in rural
areas, as vital development agents, to productive resources, opportunities
and public services;
27. Promote people-centred sustainable development, including sustained
economic growth, through the provision of basic education, life-long education,
literacy and training, and primary health care for girls and women;
28. Take positive steps to ensure peace for the advancement of women
and, recognizing the leading role that women have played in the peace
movement, work actively towards general and complete disarmament under
strict and effective international control, and support negotiations on
the conclusion, without delay, of a universal and multilaterally and effectively
verifiable comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty which contributes to
nuclear disarmament and the prevention of the proliferation of nuclear
weapons in all its aspects;
29. Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls;
30. Ensure equal access to and equal treatment of women and men in education
and health care and enhance women's sexual and reproductive health as
well as education;
31. Promote and protect all human rights of women and girls;
32. Intensify efforts to ensure equal enjoyment of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms for all women and girls who face multiple barriers
to their empowerment and advancement because of such factors as their
race, age, language, ethnicity, culture, religion, or disability, or because
they are indigenous people;
33. Ensure respect for international law, including humanitarian law,
in order to protect women and girls in particular;
34. Develop the fullest potential of girls and women of all ages, ensure
their full and equal participation in building a better world for all
and enhance their role in the development process.
We are determined to:
35. Ensure women's equal access to economic resources, including land,
credit, science and technology, vocational training, information, communication
and markets, as a means to further the advancement and empowerment of
women and girls, including through the enhancement of their capacities
to enjoy the benefits of equal access to these resources, inter alia,
by means of international cooperation;
36. Ensure the success of the Platform for Action, which will require
a strong commitment on the part of Governments, international organizations
and institutions at all levels. We are deeply convinced that economic
development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent
and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development, which
is the framework for our efforts to achieve a higher quality of life for
all people. Equitable social development that recognizes empowering the
poor, particularly women living in poverty, to utilize environmental resources
sustainably is a necessary foundation for sustainable development. We
also recognize that broad-based and sustained economic growth in the context
of sustainable development is necessary to sustain social development
and social justice. The success of the Platform for Action will also require
adequate mobilization of resources at the national and international levels
as well as new and additional resources to the developing countries from
all available funding mechanisms, including multilateral, bilateral and
private sources for the advancement of women; financial resources to strengthen
the capacity of national, subregional, regional and international institutions;
a commitment to equal rights, equal responsibilities and equal opportunities
and to the equal participation of women and men in all national, regional
and international bodies and policy-making processes; and the establishment
or strengthening of mechanisms at all levels for accountability to the
world's women;
37. Ensure also the success of the Platform for Action in countries with
economies in transition, which will require continued international cooperation
and assistance;
38. We hereby adopt and commit ourselves as Governments to implement
the following Platform for Action, ensuring that a gender perspective
is reflected in all our policies and programmes. We urge the United Nations
system, regional and international financial institutions, other relevant
regional and international institutions and all women and men, as well
as non-governmental organizations, with full respect for their autonomy,
and all sectors of civil society, in cooperation with Governments, to
fully commit themselves and contribute to the implementation of this Platform
for Action.
Annex II
Chapter Paragraphs Page
I. MISSION STATEMENT .................................... 1 - 5 10
II. GLOBAL FRAMEWORK ..................................... 6 - 40 11
III. CRITICAL AREAS OF CONCERN ............................ 41 - 44 19
IV. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS ..................... 45 - 285 21
A. Women and poverty ................................ 47 - 68 21
B. Education and training of women .................. 69 - 88 29
C. Women and health ................................. 89 - 111 37
D. Violence against women ........................... 112 - 130 51
E. Women and armed conflict ......................... 131 - 149 59
F. Women and the economy ............................ 150 - 180 68
G. Women in power and decision-making ............... 181 - 195 82
H. Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women ............................................
196 - 209 87
I. Human rights of women ............................ 210 - 233 92
J. Women and the media .............................. 234 - 245 102
K. Women and the environment ........................ 246 - 258 106
L. The girl child ................................... 259 - 285 112
V. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ........................... 286 - 344 122
A. National level ................................... 293 - 300 123
B. Subregional/regional level ....................... 301 - 305 124
C. International level .............................. 306 - 344 125
VI. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS ............................... 345 - 361
A. National level ................................... 346 - 350 131
B. Regional level ................................... 351 - 352 132
C. International level .............................. 353 - 361 132
Chapter I
1. The Platform for Action is an agenda for women's empowerment. It aims
at accelerating the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies
for the Advancement of Women 1/ and at removing all the obstacles to women's
active participation in all spheres of public and private life through
a full and equal share in economic, social, cultural and political decision-making.
This means that the principle of shared power and responsibility should
be established between women and men at home, in the workplace and in
the wider national and international communities. Equality between women
and men is a matter of human rights and a condition for social justice
and is also a necessary and fundamental prerequisite for equality, development
and peace. A transformed partnership based on equality between women and
men is a condition for people-centred sustainable development. A sustained
and long-term commitment is essential, so that women and men can work
together for themselves, for their children and for society to meet the
challenges of the twenty-first century.
2. The Platform for Action reaffirms the fundamental principle set forth
in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, 2/ adopted by the World
Conference on Human Rights, that the human rights of women and of the
girl child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal
human rights. As an agenda for action, the Platform seeks to promote and
protect the full enjoyment of all human rights and the fundamental freedoms
of all women throughout their life cycle.
3. The Platform for Action emphasizes that women share common concerns
that can be addressed only by working together and in partnership with
men towards the common goal of gender* equality around the world. It respects
and values the full diversity of women's situations and conditions and
recognizes that some women face particular barriers to their empowerment.
4. The Platform for Action requires immediate and concerted action by
all to create a peaceful, just and humane world based on human rights
and fundamental freedoms, including the principle of equality for all
people of all ages and from all walks of life, and to this end, recognizes
that broad- based and sustained economic growth in the context of sustainable
development is necessary to sustain social development and social justice.
5. The success of the Platform for Action will require a strong commitment
on the part of Governments, international organizations and institutions
at all levels. It will also require adequate mobilization of resources
at the national and international levels as well as new and additional
resources to the developing countries from all available funding mechanisms,
including multilateral, bilateral and private sources for the advancement
of women; financial resources to strengthen the capacity of national,
subregional, regional and international institutions; a commitment to
equal rights, equal responsibilities and equal opportunities and to the
equal participation of women and men in all national, regional and international
bodies and policy- making processes; and the establishment or strengthening
of mechanisms at all levels for accountability to the world's women.
* For the commonly understood meaning of the term "gender",
see annex IV to the present report.
Chapter II
6. The Fourth World Conference on Women is taking place as the world
stands poised on the threshold of a new millennium.
7. The Platform for Action upholds the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 3/ and builds upon the Nairobi
Forward- looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women, as well as relevant
resolutions adopted by the Economic and Social Council and the General
Assembly. The formulation of the Platform for Action is aimed at establishing
a basic group of priority actions that should be carried out during the
next five years.
8. The Platform for Action recognizes the importance of the agreements
reached at the World Summit for Children, the United Nations Conference
on Environment and Development, the World Conference on Human Rights,
the International Conference on Population and Development and the World
Summit for Social Development, which set out specific approaches and commitments
to fostering sustainable development and international cooperation and
to strengthening the role of the United Nations to that end. Similarly,
the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing
States, the International Conference on Nutrition, the International Conference
on Primary Health Care and the World Conference on Education for All have
addressed the various facets of development and human rights, within their
specific perspectives, paying significant attention to the role of women
and girls. In addition, the International Year for the World's Indigenous
People, 4/ the International Year of the Family, 5/ the United Nations
Year for Tolerance, 6/ the Geneva Declaration for Rural Women, 7/ and
the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women 8/ have also
emphasized the issues of women's empowerment and equality.
9. The objective of the Platform for Action, which is in full conformity
with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations
and international law, is the empowerment of all women. The full realization
of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all women is essential
for the empowerment of women. While the significance of national and regional
particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds
must be borne in mind, it is the duty of States, regardless of their political,
economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights
and fundamental freedoms. 9/ The implementation of this Platform, including
through national laws and the formulation of strategies, policies, programmes
and development priorities, is the sovereign responsibility of each State,
in conformity with all human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the
significance of and full respect for various religious and ethical values,
cultural backgrounds and philosophical convictions of individuals and
their communities should contribute to the full enjoyment by women of
their human rights in order to achieve equality, development and peace.
10. Since the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements
of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace,
held at Nairobi in 1985, and the adoption of the Nairobi Forward-looking
Strategies for the Advancement of Women, the world has experienced profound
political, economic, social and cultural changes, which have had both
positive and negative effects on women. The World Conference on Human
Rights recognized that the human rights of women and the girl child are
an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights.
The full and equal participation of women in political, civil, economic,
social and cultural life at the national, regional and international levels,
and the eradication of all forms of discrimination on the grounds of sex
are priority objectives of the international community. The World Conference
on Human Rights reaffirmed the solemn commitment of all States to fulfil
their obligations to promote universal respect for, and observance and
protection of, all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all in accordance
with the Charter of the United Nations, other instruments related to human
rights and international law. The universal nature of these rights and
freedoms is beyond question.
11. The end of the cold war has resulted in international changes and
diminished competition between the super-Powers. The threat of a global
armed conflict has diminished, while international relations have improved
and prospects for peace among nations have increased. Although the threat
of global conflict has been reduced, wars of aggression, armed conflicts,
colonial or other forms of alien domination and foreign occupation, civil
wars, and terrorism continue to plague many parts of the world. Grave
violations of the human rights of women occur, particularly in times of
armed conflict, and include murder, torture, systematic rape, forced pregnancy
and forced abortion, in particular under policies of ethnic cleansing.
12. The maintenance of peace and security at the global, regional and
local levels, together with the prevention of policies of aggression and
ethnic cleansing and the resolution of armed conflict, is crucial for
the protection of the human rights of women and girl children, as well
as for the elimination of all forms of violence against them and of their
use as a weapon of war.
13. Excessive military expenditures, including global military expenditures
and arms trade or trafficking, and investments for arms production and
acquisition have reduced the resources available for social development.
As a result of the debt burden and other economic difficulties, many developing
countries have undertaken structural adjustment policies. Moreover, there
are structural adjustment programmes that have been poorly designed and
implemented, with resulting detrimental effects on social development.
The number of people living in poverty has increased disproportionately
in most developing countries, particularly the heavily indebted countries,
during the past decade.
14. In this context, the social dimension of development should be emphasized.
Accelerated economic growth, although necessary for social development,
does not by itself improve the quality of life of the population.
In some cases, conditions can arise which can aggravate social inequality
and marginalization. Hence, it is indispensable to search for new alternatives
that ensure that all members of society benefit from economic growth based
on a holistic approach to all aspects of development: growth, equality
between women and men, social justice, conservation and protection of
the environment, sustainability, solidarity, participation, peace and
respect for human rights.
15. A world-wide movement towards democratization has opened up the political
process in many nations, but the popular participation of women in key
decision-making as full and equal partners with men, particularly in politics,
has not yet been achieved. South Africa's policy of institutionalized
racism - apartheid - has been dismantled and a peaceful and democratic
transfer of power has occurred. In Central and Eastern Europe the transition
to parliamentary democracy has been rapid and has given rise to a variety
of experiences, depending on the specific circumstances of each country.
While the transition has been mostly peaceful, in some countries this
process has been hindered by armed conflict that has resulted in grave
violations of human rights.
16. Widespread economic recession, as well as political instability in
some regions, has been responsible for setting back development goals
in many countries. This has led to the expansion of unspeakable poverty.
Of the more than 1 billion people living in abject poverty, women are
an overwhelming majority. The rapid process of change and adjustment in
all sectors has also led to increased unemployment and underemployment,
with particular impact on women. In many cases, structural adjustment
programmes have not been designed to minimize their negative effects on
vulnerable and disadvantaged groups or on women, nor have they been designed
to assure positive effects on those groups by preventing their marginalization
in economic and social activities. The Final Act of the Uruguay Round
of multilateral trade negotiations 10/ underscored the increasing interdependence
of national economies, as well as the importance of trade liberalization
and access to open, dynamic markets. There has also been heavy military
spending in some regions. Despite increases in official development assistance
(ODA) by some countries, ODA has recently declined overall.
17. Absolute poverty and the feminization of poverty, unemployment, the
increasing fragility of the environment, continued violence against women
and the widespread exclusion of half of humanity from institutions of
power and governance underscore the need to continue the search for development,
peace and security and for ways of assuring people-centred sustainable
development. The participation and leadership of the half of humanity
that is female is essential to the success of that search. Therefore,
only a new era of international cooperation among Governments and peoples
based on a spirit of partnership, an equitable, international social and
economic environment, and a radical transformation of the relationship
between women and men to one of full and equal partnership will enable
the world to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.
18. Recent international economic developments have had in many cases
a disproportionate impact on women and children, the majority of whom
live in developing countries. For those States that have carried a large
burden of foreign debt, structural adjustment programmes and measures,
though beneficial in the long term, have led to a reduction in social
expenditures, thereby adversely affecting women, particularly in Africa
and the least developed countries. This is exacerbated when responsibilities
for basic social services have shifted from Governments to women.
19. Economic recession in many developed and developing countries, as
well as ongoing restructuring in countries with economies in transition,
have had a disproportionately negative impact on women's employment. Women
often have no choice but to take employment that lacks long-term job security
or involves dangerous working conditions, to work in unprotected home-based
production or to be unemployed. Many women enter the labour market in
under-remunerated and undervalued jobs, seeking to improve their household
income; others decide to migrate for the same purpose. Without any reduction
in their other responsibilities, this has increased the total burden of
work for women.
20. Macro and micro-economic policies and programmes, including structural
adjustment, have not always been designed to take account of their impact
on women and girl children, especially those living in poverty. Poverty
has increased in both absolute and relative terms, and the number of women
living in poverty has increased in most regions. There are many urban
women living in poverty; however, the plight of women living in rural
and remote areas deserves special attention given the stagnation of development
in such areas. In developing countries, even those in which national indicators
have shown improvement, the majority of rural women continue to live in
conditions of economic underdevelopment and social marginalization.
21. Women are key contributors to the economy and to combating poverty
through both remunerated and unremunerated work at home, in the community
and in the workplace. Growing numbers of women have achieved economic
independence through gainful employment.
22. One fourth of all households world wide are headed by women and many
other households are dependent on female income even where men are present.
Female-maintained households are very often among the poorest because
of wage discrimination, occupational segregation patterns in the labour
market and other gender-based barriers. Family disintegration, population
movements between urban and rural areas within countries, international
migration, war and internal displacements are factors contributing to
the rise of female- headed households.
23. Recognizing that the achievement and maintenance of peace and security
are a precondition for economic and social progress, women are increasingly
establishing themselves as central actors in a variety of capacities in
the movement of humanity for peace. Their full participation in decision-making,
conflict prevention and resolution and all other peace initiatives is
essential to the realization of lasting peace.
24. Religion, spirituality and belief play a central role in the lives
of millions of women and men, in the way they live and in the aspirations
they have for the future. The right to freedom of thought, conscience
and religion is inalienable and must be universally enjoyed. This right
includes the freedom to have or to adopt the religion or belief of their
choice either individually or in community with others, in public or in
private, and to manifest their religion or belief in worship, observance,
practice and teaching. In order to realize equality, development and peace,
there is a need to respect these rights and freedoms fully. Religion,
thought, conscience and belief may, and can, contribute to fulfilling
women's and men's moral, ethical and spiritual needs and to realizing
their full potential in society. However, it is acknowledged that any
form of extremism may have a negative impact on women and can lead to
violence and discrimination.
25. The Fourth World Conference on Women should accelerate the process
that formally began in 1975, which was proclaimed International Women's
Year by the United Nations General Assembly. The Year was a turning-point
in that it put women's issues on the agenda. The United Nations Decade
for Women (1976-1985) was a world-wide effort to examine the status and
rights of women and to bring women into decision-making at all levels.
In 1979, the General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which entered into force
in 1981 and set an international standard for what was meant by equality
between women and men. In 1985, the World Conference to Review and Appraise
the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development
and Peace adopted the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement
of Women, to be implemented by the year 2000. There has been important
progress in achieving equality between women and men. Many Governments
have enacted legislation to promote equality between women and men and
have established national machineries to ensure the mainstreaming of gender
perspectives in all spheres of society. International agencies have focused
greater attention on women's status and roles.
26. The growing strength of the non-governmental sector, particularly
women's organizations and feminist groups, has become a driving force
for change. Non-governmental organizations have played an important advocacy
role in advancing legislation or mechanisms to ensure the promotion of
women. They have also become catalysts for new approaches to development.
Many Governments have increasingly recognized the important role that
non-governmental organizations play and the importance of working with
them for progress. Yet, in some countries, Governments continue to restrict
the ability of non-governmental organizations to operate freely. Women,
through non-governmental organizations, have participated in and strongly
influenced community, national, regional and global forums and international
27. Since 1975, knowledge of the status of women and men, respectively,
has increased and is contributing to further actions aimed at promoting
equality between women and men. In several countries, there have been
important changes in the relationships between women and men, especially
where there have been major advances in education for women and significant
increases in their participation in the paid labour force. The boundaries
of the gender division of labour between productive and reproductive roles
are gradually being crossed as women have started to enter formerly male-dominated
areas of work and men have started to accept greater responsibility for
domestic tasks, including child care. However, changes in women's roles
have been greater and much more rapid than changes in men's roles. In
many countries, the differences between women's and men's achievements
and activities are still not recognized as the consequences of socially
constructed gender roles rather than immutable biological differences.
28. Moreover, 10 years after the Nairobi Conference, equality between
women and men has still not been achieved. On average, women represent
a mere 10 per cent of all elected legislators world wide and in most national
and international administrative structures, both public and private,
they remain underrepresented. The United Nations is no exception. Fifty
years after its creation, the United Nations is continuing to deny itself
the benefits of women's leadership by their underrepresentation at decision-making
levels within the Secretariat and the specialized agencies.
29. Women play a critical role in the family. The family is the basic
unit of society and as such should be strengthened. It is entitled to
receive comprehensive protection and support. In different cultural, political
and social systems, various forms of the family exist. The rights, capabilities
and responsibilities of family members must be respected. Women make a
great contribution to the welfare of the family and to the development
of society, which is still not recognized or considered in its full importance.
The social significance of maternity, motherhood and the role of parents
in the family and in the upbringing of children should be acknowledged.
The upbringing of children requires shared responsibility of parents,
women and men and society as a whole. Maternity, motherhood, parenting
and the role of women in procreation must not be a basis for discrimination
nor restrict the full participation of women in society. Recognition should
also be given to the important role often played by women in many countries
in caring for other members of their family.
30. While the rate of growth of world population is on the decline, world
population is at an all-time high in absolute numbers, with current increments
approaching 86 million persons annually. Two other major demographic trends
have had profound repercussions on the dependency ratio within families.
In many developing countries, 45 to 50 per cent of the population is less
than 15 years old, while in industrialized nations both the number and
proportion of elderly people are increasing. According to United Nations
projections, 72 per cent of the population over 60 years of age will be
living in developing countries by the year 2025, and more than half of
that population will be women. Care of children, the sick and the elderly
is a responsibility that falls disproportionately on women, owing to lack
of equality and the unbalanced distribution of remunerated and unremunerated
work between women and men.
31. Many women face particular barriers because of various diverse factors
in addition to their gender. Often these diverse factors isolate or marginalize
such women. They are, inter alia, denied their human rights, they lack
access or are denied access to education and vocational training, employment,
housing and economic self-sufficiency and they are excluded from decision-making
processes. Such women are often denied the opportunity to contribute to
their communities as part of the mainstream.
32. The past decade has also witnessed a growing recognition of the distinct
interests and concerns of indigenous women, whose identity, cultural traditions
and forms of social organization enhance and strengthen the communities
in which they live. Indigenous women often face barriers both as women
and as members of indigenous communities.
33. In the past 20 years, the world has seen an explosion in the field
of communications. With advances in computer technology and satellite
and cable television, global access to information continues to increase
and expand, creating new opportunities for the participation of women
in communications and the mass media and for the dissemination of information
about women. However, global communication networks have been used to
spread stereotyped and demeaning images of women for narrow commercial
and consumerist purposes. Until women participate equally in both the
technical and decision-making areas of communications and the mass media,
including the arts, they will continue to be misrepresented and awareness
of the reality of women's lives will continue to be lacking. The media
have a great potential to promote the advancement of women and the equality
of women and men by portraying women and men in a non-stereotypical, diverse
and balanced manner, and by respecting the dignity and worth of the human
34. The continuing environmental degradation that affects all human lives
has often a more direct impact on women. Women's health and their livelihood
are threatened by pollution and toxic wastes, large-scale deforestation,
desertification, drought and depletion of the soil and of coastal and
marine resources, with a rising incidence of environmentally related health
problems and even death reported among women and girls. Those most affected
are rural and indigenous women, whose livelihood and daily subsistence
depends directly on sustainable ecosystems.
35. Poverty and environmental degradation are closely interrelated. While
poverty results in certain kinds of environmental stress, the major cause
of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable
patterns of consumption and production, particularly in industrialized
countries, which are a matter of grave concern and aggravate poverty and
36. Global trends have brought profound changes in family survival strategies
and structures. Rural to urban migration has increased substantially in
all regions. The global urban population is projected to reach 47 per
cent of the total population by the year 2000. An estimated 125 million
people are migrants, refugees and displaced persons, half of whom live
in developing countries. These massive movements of people have profound
consequences for family structures and well-being and have unequal consequences
for women and men, including in many cases the sexual exploitation of
37. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, by the beginning
of 1995 the number of cumulative cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS) was 4.5 million. An estimated 19.5 million men, women and children
have been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) since it
was first diagnosed and it is projected that another 20 million will be
infected by the end of the decade. Among new cases, women are twice as
likely to be infected as men. In the early stage of the AIDS pandemic,
women were not infected in large numbers; however, about 8 million women
are now infected. Young women and adolescents are particularly vulnerable.
It is estimated that by the year 2000 more than 13 million women will
be infected and 4 million women will have died from AIDS-related conditions.
In addition, about 250 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases
are estimated to occur every year. The rate of transmission of sexually
transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, is increasing at an alarming
rate among women and girls, especially in developing countries.
38. Since 1975, significant knowledge and information have been generated
about the status of women and the conditions in which they live. Throughout
their entire life cycle, women's daily existence and long-term aspirations
are restricted by discriminatory attitudes, unjust social and economic
structures, and a lack of resources in most countries that prevent their
full and equal participation. In a number of countries, the practice of
prenatal sex selection, higher rates of mortality among very young girls
and lower rates of school enrolment for girls as compared with boys suggest
that son preference is curtailing the access of girl children to food,
education and health care and even life itself. Discrimination against
women begins at the earliest stages of life and must therefore be addressed
from then onwards.
39. The girl child of today is the woman of tomorrow. The skills, ideas
and energy of the girl child are vital for full attainment of the goals
of equality, development and peace. For the girl child to develop her
full potential she needs to be nurtured in an enabling environment, where
her spiritual, intellectual and material needs for survival, protection
and development are met and her equal rights safeguarded. If women are
to be equal partners with men, in every aspect of life and development,
now is the time to recognize the human dignity and worth of the girl child
and to ensure the full enjoyment of her human rights and fundamental freedoms,
including the rights assured by the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
11/ universal ratification of which is strongly urged. Yet there exists
world-wide evidence that discrimination and violence against girls begin
at the earliest stages of life and continue unabated throughout their
lives. They often have less access to nutrition, physical and mental health
care and education and enjoy fewer rights, opportunities and benefits
of childhood and adolescence than do boys. They are often subjected to
various forms of sexual and economic exploitation, paedophilia, forced
prostitution and possibly the sale of their organs and tissues, violence
and harmful practices such as female infanticide and prenatal sex selection,
incest, female genital mutilation and early marriage, including child
40. Half the world's population is under the age of 25 and most of the
world's youth - more than 85 per cent - live in developing countries.
Policy makers must recognize the implications of these demographic factors.
Special measures must be taken to ensure that young women have the life
skills necessary for active and effective participation in all levels
of social, cultural, political and economic leadership. It will be critical
for the international community to demonstrate a new commitment to the
future - a commitment to inspiring a new generation of women and men to
work together for a more just society. This new generation of leaders
must accept and promote a world in which every child is free from injustice,
oppression and inequality and free to develop her/his own potential. The
principle of equality of women and men must therefore be integral to the
socialization process.
Chapter III
41. The advancement of women and the achievement of equality between
women and men are a matter of human rights and a condition for social
justice and should not be seen in isolation as a women's issue. They are
the only way to build a sustainable, just and developed society. Empowerment
of women and equality between women and men are prerequisites for achieving
political, social, economic, cultural and environmental security among
all peoples.
42. Most of the goals set out in the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies
for the Advancement of Women have not been achieved. Barriers to women's
empowerment remain, despite the efforts of Governments, as well as non-governmental
organizations and women and men everywhere. Vast political, economic and
ecological crises persist in many parts of the world. Among them are wars
of aggression, armed conflicts, colonial or other forms of alien domination
or foreign occupation, civil wars and terrorism. These situations, combined
with systematic or de facto discrimination, violations of and failure
to protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all women, and
their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, including
the right to development and ingrained prejudicial attitudes towards women
and girls are but a few of the impediments encountered since the World
Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations
Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, in 1985.
43. A review of progress since the Nairobi Conference highlights special
concerns - areas of particular urgency that stand out as priorities for
action. All actors should focus action and resources on the strategic
objectives relating to the critical areas of concern which are, necessarily,
interrelated, interdependent and of high priority. There is a need for
these actors to develop and implement mechanisms of accountability for
all the areas of concern.
44. To this end, Governments, the international community and civil society,
including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, are called
upon to take strategic action in the following critical areas of concern:
~ The persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women
~ Inequalities and inadequacies in and unequal access to education and
~ Inequalities and inadequacies in and unequal access to health care
and related services
~ Violence against women
~ The effects of armed or other kinds of conflict on women, including
those living under foreign occupation
~ Inequality in economic structures and policies, in all forms of productive
activities and in access to resources
~ Inequality between men and women in the sharing of power and decision-making
at all levels
~ Insufficient mechanisms at all levels to promote the advancement of
~ Lack of respect for and inadequate promotion and protection of the
human rights of women
~ Stereotyping of women and inequality in women's access to and participation
in all communication systems, especially in the media
~ Gender inequalities in the management of natural resources and in the
safeguarding of the environment
~ Persistent discrimination against and violation of the rights of the
girl child
Chapter IV
45. In each critical area of concern, the problem is diagnosed and strategic
objectives are proposed with concrete actions to be taken by various actors
in order to achieve those objectives. The strategic objectives are derived
from the critical areas of concern and specific actions to be taken to
achieve them cut across the boundaries of equality, development and peace
- the goals of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement
of Women - and reflect their interdependence. The objectives and actions
are interlinked, of high priority and mutually reinforcing. The Platform
for Action is intended to improve the situation of all women, without
exception, who often face similar barriers, while special attention should
be given to groups that are the most disadvantaged.
46. The Platform for Action recognizes that women face barriers to full
equality and advancement because of such factors as their race, age, language,
ethnicity, culture, religion or disability, because they are indigenous
women or because of other status. Many women encounter specific obstacles
related to their family status, particularly as single parents; and to
their socio- economic status, including their living conditions in rural,
isolated or impoverished areas. Additional barriers also exist for refugee
women, other displaced women, including internally displaced women as
well as for immigrant women and migrant women, including women migrant
workers. Many women are also particularly affected by environmental disasters,
serious and infectious diseases and various forms of violence against
A. Women and poverty
47. More than 1 billion people in the world today, the great majority
of whom are women, live in unacceptable conditions of poverty, mostly
in the developing countries. Poverty has various causes, including structural
ones. Poverty is a complex, multidimensional problem, with origins in
both the national and international domains. The globalization of the
world's economy and the deepening interdependence among nations present
challenges and opportunities for sustained economic growth and development,
as well as risks and uncertainties for the future of the world economy.
The uncertain global economic climate has been accompanied by economic
restructuring as well as, in a certain number of countries, persistent,
unmanageable levels of external debt and structural adjustment programmes.
In addition, all types of conflict, displacement of people and environmental
degradation have undermined the capacity of Governments to meet the basic
needs of their populations. Transformations in the world economy are profoundly
changing the parameters of social development in all countries. One significant
trend has been the increased poverty of women, the extent of which varies
from region to region. The gender disparities in economic power-sharing
are also an important contributing factor to the poverty of women. Migration
and consequent changes in family structures have placed additional burdens
on women, especially those who provide for several dependants. Macroeconomic
policies need rethinking and reformulation to address such trends. These
policies focus almost exclusively on the formal sector. They also tend
to impede the initiatives of women and fail to consider the differential
impact on women and men. The application of gender analysis to a wide
range of policies and programmes is therefore critical to poverty reduction
strategies. In order to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development,
women and men must participate fully and equally in the formulation of
macroeconomic and social policies and strategies for the eradication of
poverty. The eradication of poverty cannot be accomplished through anti-poverty
programmes alone but will require democratic participation and changes
in economic structures in order to ensure access for all women to resources,
opportunities and public services. Poverty has various manifestations,
including lack of income and productive resources sufficient to ensure
a sustainable livelihood; hunger and malnutrition; ill health; limited
or lack of access to education and other basic services; increasing morbidity
and mortality from illness; homelessness and inadequate housing; unsafe
environments; and social discrimination and exclusion. It is also characterized
by lack of participation in decision-making and in civil, social and cultural
life. It occurs in all countries - as mass poverty in many developing
countries and as pockets of poverty amidst wealth in developed countries.
Poverty may be caused by an economic recession that results in loss of
livelihood or by disaster or conflict. There is also the poverty of low-wage
workers and the utter destitution of people who fall outside family support
systems, social institutions and safety nets.
48. In the past decade the number of women living in poverty has increased
disproportionately to the number of men, particularly in the developing
countries. The feminization of poverty has also recently become a significant
problem in the countries with economies in transition as a short-term
consequence of the process of political, economic and social transformation.
In addition to economic factors, the rigidity of socially ascribed gender
roles and women's limited access to power, education, training and productive
resources as well as other emerging factors that may lead to insecurity
for families are also responsible. The failure to adequately mainstream
a gender perspective in all economic analysis and planning and to address
the structural causes of poverty is also a contributing factor.
49. Women contribute to the economy and to combating poverty through
both remunerated and unremunerated work at home, in the community and
in the workplace. The empowerment of women is a critical factor in the
eradication of poverty.
50. While poverty affects households as a whole, because of the gender
division of labour and responsibilities for household welfare, women bear
a disproportionate burden, attempting to manage household consumption
and production under conditions of increasing scarcity. Poverty is particularly
acute for women living in rural households.
51. Women's poverty is directly related to the absence of economic opportunities
and autonomy, lack of access to economic resources, including credit,
land ownership and inheritance, lack of access to education and support
services and their minimal participation in the decision-making process.
Poverty can also force women into situations in which they are vulnerable
to sexual exploitation.
52. In too many countries, social welfare systems do not take sufficient
account of the specific conditions of women living in poverty, and there
is a tendency to scale back the services provided by such systems. The
risk of falling into poverty is greater for women than for men, particularly
in old age, where social security systems are based on the principle of
continuous remunerated employment. In some cases, women do not fulfil
this requirement because of interruptions in their work, due to the unbalanced
distribution of remunerated and unremunerated work. Moreover, older women
also face greater obstacles to labour-market re-entry.
53. In many developed countries, where the level of general education
and professional training of women and men are similar and where systems
of protection against discrimination are available, in some sectors the
economic transformations of the past decade have strongly increased either
the unemployment of women or the precarious nature of their employment.
The proportion of women among the poor has consequently increased. In
countries with a high level of school enrolment of girls, those who leave
the educational system the earliest, without any qualification, are among
the most vulnerable in the labour market.
54. In countries with economies in transition and in other countries
undergoing fundamental political, economic and social transformations,
these transformations have often led to a reduction in women's income
or to women being deprived of income.
55. Particularly in developing countries, the productive capacity of
women should be increased through access to capital, resources, credit,
land, technology, information, technical assistance and training so as
to raise their income and improve nutrition, education, health care and
status within the household. The release of women's productive potential
is pivotal to breaking the cycle of poverty so that women can share fully
in the benefits of development and in the products of their own labour.
56. Sustainable development and economic growth that is both sustained
and sustainable are possible only through improving the economic, social,
political, legal and cultural status of women. Equitable social development
that recognizes empowering the poor, particularly women, to utilize environmental
resources sustainably is a necessary foundation for sustainable development.
57. The success of policies and measures aimed at supporting or strengthening
the promotion of gender equality and the improvement of the status of
women should be based on the integration of the gender perspective in
general policies relating to all spheres of society as well as the implementation
of positive measures with adequate institutional and financial support
at all levels.
Strategic objective A.1. Review, adopt and maintain macroeconomic policies
and development strategies that address the needs and efforts of women
in poverty
Actions to be taken
58. By Governments:
(a) Review and modify, with the full and equal participation of women,
macroeconomic and social policies with a view to achieving the objectives
of the Platform for Action;
(b) Analyse, from a gender perspective, policies and programmes - including
those related to macroeconomic stability, structural adjustment, external
debt problems, taxation, investments, employment, markets and all relevant
sectors of the economy - with respect to their impact on poverty, on inequality
and particularly on women; assess their impact on family well-being and
conditions and adjust them, as appropriate, to promote more equitable
distribution of productive assets, wealth, opportunities, income and services;
(c) Pursue and implement sound and stable macroeconomic and sectoral
policies that are designed and monitored with the full and equal participation
of women, encourage broad-based sustained economic growth, address the
structural causes of poverty and are geared towards eradicating poverty
and reducing gender-based inequality within the overall framework of achieving
people-centred sustainable development;
(d) Restructure and target the allocation of public expenditures to promote
women's economic opportunities and equal access to productive resources
and to address the basic social, educational and health needs of women,
particularly those living in poverty;
(e) Develop agricultural and fishing sectors, where and as necessary,
in order to ensure, as appropriate, household and national food security
and food self-sufficiency, by allocating the necessary financial, technical
and human resources;
(f) Develop policies and programmes to promote equitable distribution
of food within the household;
(g) Provide adequate safety nets and strengthen State-based and community-based
support systems, as an integral part of social policy, in order to enable
women living in poverty to withstand adverse economic environments and
preserve their livelihood, assets and revenues in times of crisis;
(h) Generate economic policies that have a positive impact on the employment
and income of women workers in both the formal and informal sectors and
adopt specific measures to address women's unemployment, in particular
their long-term unemployment;
(i) Formulate and implement, when necessary, specific economic, social,
agricultural and related policies in support of female-headed households;
(j) Develop and implement anti-poverty programmes, including employment
schemes, that improve access to food for women living in poverty, including
through the use of appropriate pricing and distribution mechanisms;
(k) Ensure the full realization of the human rights of all women migrants,
including women migrant workers, and their protection against violence
and exploitation; introduce measures for the empowerment of documented
women migrants, including women migrant workers; facilitate the productive
employment of documented migrant women through greater recognition of
their skills, foreign education and credentials, and facilitate their
full integration into the labour force;
(l) Introduce measures to integrate or reintegrate women living in poverty
and socially marginalized women into productive employment and the economic
mainstream; ensure that internally displaced women have full access to
economic opportunities and that the qualifications and skills of immigrant
and refugee women are recognized;
(m) Enable women to obtain affordable housing and access to land by,
among other things, removing all obstacles to access, with special emphasis
on meeting the needs of women, especially those living in poverty and
female heads of household;
(n) Formulate and implement policies and programmes that enhance the
access of women agricultural and fisheries producers (including subsistence
farmers and producers, especially in rural areas) to financial, technical,
extension and marketing services; provide access to and control of land,
appropriate infrastructure and technology in order to increase women's
incomes and promote household food security, especially in rural areas
and, where appropriate, encourage the development of producer-owned, market-
based cooperatives;
(o) Create social security systems wherever they do not exist, or review
them with a view to placing individual women and men on an equal footing,
at every stage of their lives;
(p) Ensure access to free or low-cost legal services, including legal
literacy, especially designed to reach women living in poverty;
(q) Take particular measures to promote and strengthen policies and programmes
for indigenous women with their full participation and respect for their
cultural diversity, so that they have opportunities and the possibility
of choice in the development process in order to eradicate the poverty
that affects them.
59. By multilateral financial and development institutions, including
the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and regional development
institutions, and through bilateral development cooperation:
(a) In accordance with the commitments made at the World Summit for Social
Development, seek to mobilize new and additional financial resources that
are both adequate and predictable and mobilized in a way that maximizes
the availability of such resources and uses all available funding sources
and mechanisms with a view to contributing towards the goal of poverty
eradication and targeting women living in poverty;
(b) Strengthen analytical capacity in order to more systematically strengthen
gender perspectives and integrate them into the design and implementation
of lending programmes, including structural adjustment and economic recovery
(c) Find effective development-oriented and durable solutions to external
debt problems in order to help them to finance programmes and projects
targeted at development, including the advancement of women, inter alia,
through the immediate implementation of the terms of debt forgiveness
agreed upon in the Paris Club in December 1994, which encompassed debt
reduction, including cancellation or other debt relief measures and develop
techniques of debt conversion applied to social development programmes
and projects in conformity with the priorities of the Platform for Action;
(d) Invite the international financial institutions to examine innovative
approaches to assisting low-income countries with a high proportion of
multilateral debt, with a view to alleviating their debt burden;
(e) Ensure that structural adjustment programmes are designed to minimize
their negative effects on vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and communities
and to assure their positive effects on such groups and communities by
preventing their marginalization in economic and social activities and
devising measures to ensure that they gain access to and control over
economic resources and economic and social activities; take actions to
reduce inequality and economic disparity;
(f) Review the impact of structural adjustment programmes on social development
by means of gender-sensitive social impact assessments and other relevant
methods, in order to develop policies to reduce their negative effects
and improve their positive impact, ensuring that women do not bear a disproportionate
burden of transition costs; complement adjustment lending with enhanced,
targeted social development lending;
(g) Create an enabling environment that allows women to build and maintain
sustainable livelihoods.
60. By national and international non-governmental organizations and
women's groups:
(a) Mobilize all parties involved in the development process, including
academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and grass- roots
and women's groups, to improve the effectiveness of anti-poverty programmes
directed towards the poorest and most disadvantaged groups of women, such
as rural and indigenous women, female heads of household, young women
and older women, refugees and migrant women and women with disabilities,
recognizing that social development is primarily the responsibility of
(b) Engage in lobbying and establish monitoring mechanisms, as appropriate,
and other relevant activities to ensure implementation of the recommendations
on poverty eradication outlined in the Platform for Action and aimed at
ensuring accountability and transparency from the State and private sectors;
(c) Include in their activities women with diverse needs and recognize
that youth organizations are increasingly becoming effective partners
in development programmes;
(d) In cooperation with the government and private sectors, participate
in the development of a comprehensive national strategy for improving
health, education and social services so that girls and women of all ages
living in poverty have full access to such services; seek funding to secure
access to services with a gender perspective and to extend those services
in order to reach the rural and remote areas that are not covered by government
(e) In cooperation with Governments, employers, other social partners
and relevant parties, contribute to the development of education and training
and retraining policies to ensure that women can acquire a wide range
of skills to meet new demands;
(f) Mobilize to protect women's right to full and equal access to economic
resources, including the right to inheritance and to ownership of land
and other property, credit, natural resources and appropriate technologies.
Strategic objective A.2. Revise laws and administrative practices to
ensure women's equal rights and access to economic resources
Actions to be taken
61. By Governments:
(a) Ensure access to free or low-cost legal services, including legal
literacy, especially designed to reach women living in poverty;
(b) Undertake legislative and administrative reforms to give women full
and equal access to economic resources, including the right to inheritance
and to ownership of land and other property, credit, natural resources
and appropriate technologies;
(c) Consider ratification of Convention No. 169 of the International
Labour Organization (ILO) as part of their efforts to promote and protect
the rights of indigenous people.
Strategic objective A.3. Provide women with access to savings and credit
mechanisms and institutions
Actions to be taken
62. By Governments:
(a) Enhance the access of disadvantaged women, including women entrepreneurs,
in rural, remote and urban areas to financial services through strengthening
links between the formal banks and intermediary lending organizations,
including legislative support, training for women and institutional strengthening
for intermediary institutions with a view to mobilizing capital for those
institutions and increasing the availability of credit;
(b) Encourage links between financial institutions and non-governmental
organizations and support innovative lending practices, including those
that integrate credit with women's services and training and provide credit
facilities to rural women.
63. By commercial banks, specialized financial institutions and the private
sector in examining their policies:
(a) Use credit and savings methodologies that are effective in reaching
women in poverty and innovative in reducing transaction costs and redefining
(b) Open special windows for lending to women, including young women,
who lack access to traditional sources of collateral;
(c) Simplify banking practices, for example by reducing the minimum deposit
and other requirements for opening bank accounts;
(d) Ensure the participation and joint ownership, where possible, of
women clients in the decision-making of institutions providing credit
and financial services.
64. By multilateral and bilateral development cooperation organizations:
Support, through the provision of capital and/or resources, financial
institutions that serve low-income, small-scale and micro-scale women
entrepreneurs and producers, in both the formal and informal sectors.
65. By Governments and multilateral financial institutions, as appropriate:
Support institutions that meet performance standards in reaching large
numbers of low-income women and men through capitalization, refinancing
and institutional development support in forms that foster self-sufficiency.
66. By international organizations:
Increase funding for programmes and projects designed to promote sustainable
and productive entrepreneurial activities for income- generation among
disadvantaged women and women living in poverty.
Strategic objective A.4. Develop gender-based methodologies and conduct
research to address the feminization of poverty
Actions to be taken
67. By Governments, intergovernmental organizations, academic and research
institutions and the private sector:
(a) Develop conceptual and practical methodologies for incorporating
gender perspectives into all aspects of economic policy-making, including
structural adjustment planning and programmes;
(b) Apply these methodologies in conducting gender-impact analyses of
all policies and programmes, including structural adjustment programmes,
and disseminate the research findings.
68. By national and international statistical organizations:
(a) Collect gender and age-disaggregated data on poverty and all aspects
of economic activity and develop qualitative and quantitative statistical
indicators to facilitate the assessment of economic performance from a
gender perspective;
(b) Devise suitable statistical means to recognize and make visible the
full extent of the work of women and all their contributions to the national
economy, including their contribution in the unremunerated and domestic
sectors, and examine the relationship of women's unremunerated work to
the incidence of and their vulnerability to poverty.
B. Education and training of women
69. Education is a human right and an essential tool for achieving the
goals of equality, development and peace. Non-discriminatory education
benefits both girls and boys and thus ultimately contributes to more equal
relationships between women and men. Equality of access to and attainment
of educational qualifications is necessary if more women are to become
agents of change. Literacy of women is an important key to improving health,
nutrition and education in the family and to empowering women to participate
in decision-making in society. Investing in formal and non-formal education
and training for girls and women, with its exceptionally high social and
economic return, has proved to be one of the best means of achieving sustainable
development and economic growth that is both sustained and sustainable.
70. On a regional level, girls and boys have achieved equal access to
primary education, except in some parts of Africa, in particular sub-Saharan
Africa, and Central Asia, where access to education facilities is still
inadequate. Progress has been made in secondary education, where equal
access of girls and boys has been achieved in some countries. Enrolment
of girls and women in tertiary education has increased considerably. In
many countries, private schools have also played an important complementary
role in improving access to education at all levels. Yet, more than five
years after the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand,
1990) adopted the World Declaration on Education for All and the Framework
for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs, 12/ approximately 100 million
children, including at least 60 million girls, are without access to primary
schooling and more than two thirds of the world's 960 million illiterate
adults are women. The high rate of illiteracy prevailing in most developing
countries, in particular in sub-Saharan Africa and some Arab States, remains
a severe impediment to the advancement of women and to development.
71. Discrimination in girls' access to education persists in many areas,
owing to customary attitudes, early marriages and pregnancies, inadequate
and gender-biased teaching and educational materials, sexual harassment
and lack of adequate and physically and otherwise accessible schooling
facilities. Girls undertake heavy domestic work at a very early age. Girls
and young women are expected to manage both educational and domestic responsibilities,
often resulting in poor scholastic performance and early drop-out from
the educational system. This has long-lasting consequences for all aspects
of women's lives.
72. Creation of an educational and social environment, in which women
and men, girls and boys, are treated equally and encouraged to achieve
their full potential, respecting their freedom of thought, conscience,
religion and belief, and where educational resources promote non-stereotyped
images of women and men, would be effective in the elimination of the
causes of discrimination against women and inequalities between women
and men.
73. Women should be enabled to benefit from an ongoing acquisition of
knowledge and skills beyond those acquired during youth. This concept
of lifelong learning includes knowledge and skills gained in formal education
and training, as well as learning that occurs in informal ways, including
volunteer activity, unremunerated work and traditional knowledge.
74. Curricula and teaching materials remain gender-biased to a large
degree, and are rarely sensitive to the specific needs of girls and women.
This reinforces traditional female and male roles that deny women opportunities
for full and equal partnership in society. Lack of gender awareness by
educators at all levels strengthens existing inequities between males
and females by reinforcing discriminatory tendencies and undermining girls'
self-esteem. The lack of sexual and reproductive health education has
a profound impact on women and men.
75. Science curricula in particular are gender-biased. Science textbooks
do not relate to women's and girls' daily experience and fail to give
recognition to women scientists. Girls are often deprived of basic education
in mathematics and science and technical training, which provide knowledge
they could apply to improve their daily lives and enhance their employment
opportunities. Advanced study in science and technology prepares women
to take an active role in the technological and industrial development
of their countries, thus necessitating a diverse approach to vocational
and technical training. Technology is rapidly changing the world and has
also affected the developing countries. It is essential that women not
only benefit from technology, but also participate in the process from
the design to the application, monitoring and evaluation stages.
76. Access for and retention of girls and women at all levels of education,
including the higher level, and all academic areas is one of the factors
of their continued progress in professional activities. Nevertheless,
it can be noted that girls are still concentrated in a limited number
of fields of study.
77. The mass media are a powerful means of education. As an educational
tool the mass media can be an instrument for educators and governmental
and non-governmental institutions for the advancement of women and for
development. Computerized education and information systems are increasingly
becoming an important element in learning and the dissemination of knowledge.
Television especially has the greatest impact on young people and, as
such, has the ability to shape values, attitudes and perceptions of women
and girls in both positive and negative ways. It is therefore essential
that educators teach critical judgement and analytical skills.
78. Resources allocated to education, particularly for girls and women,
are in many countries insufficient and in some cases have been further
diminished, including in the context of adjustment policies and programmes.
Such insufficient resource allocations have a long-term adverse effect
on human development, particularly on the development of women.
79. In addressing unequal access to and inadequate educational opportunities,
Governments and other actors should promote an active and visible policy
of mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes,
so that, before decisions are taken, an analysis is made of the effects
on women and men, respectively.
Strategic objective B.1. Ensure equal access to education
Actions to be taken
80. By Governments:
(a) Advance the goal of equal access to education by taking measures
to eliminate discrimination in education at all levels on the basis of
gender, race, language, religion, national origin, age or disability,
or any other form of discrimination and, as appropriate, consider establishing
procedures to address grievances;
(b) By the year 2000, provide universal access to basic education and
ensure completion of primary education by at least 80 per cent of primary
school-age children; close the gender gap in primary and secondary school
education by the year 2005; provide universal primary education in all
countries before the year 2015;
(c) Eliminate gender disparities in access to all areas of tertiary education
by ensuring that women have equal access to career development, training,
scholarships and fellowships, and by adopting positive action when appropriate;
(d) Create a gender-sensitive educational system in order to ensure equal
educational and training opportunities and full and equal participation
of women in educational administration and policy- and decision-making;
(e) Provide - in collaboration with parents, non-governmental organizations,
including youth organizations, communities and the private sector - young
women with academic and technical training, career planning, leadership
and social skills and work experience to prepare them to participate fully
in society;
(f) Increase enrolment and retention rates of girls by allocating appropriate
budgetary resources; by enlisting the support of parents and the community,
as well as through campaigns, flexible school schedules, incentives, scholarships
and other means to minimize the costs of girls' education to their families
and to facilitate parents' ability to choose education for the girl child;
and by ensuring that the rights of women and girls to freedom of conscience
and religion are respected in educational institutions through repealing
any discriminatory laws or legislation based on religion, race or culture;
(g) Promote an educational setting that eliminates all barriers that
impeded the schooling of pregnant adolescents and young mothers, including,
as appropriate, affordable and physically accessible child-care facilities
and parental education to encourage those who are responsible for the
care of their children and siblings during their school years, to return
to or continue with and complete schooling;
(h) Improve the quality of education and equal opportunities for women
and men in terms of access in order to ensure that women of all ages can
acquire the knowledge, capacities, aptitudes, skills and ethical values
needed to develop and to participate fully under equal conditions in the
process of social, economic and political development;
(i) Make available non-discriminatory and gender-sensitive professional
school counselling and career education programmes to encourage girls
to pursue academic and technical curricula in order to widen their future
career opportunities;
(j) Encourage ratification of the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights 13/ where they have not already done so.
Strategic objective B.2. Eradicate illiteracy among women
Actions to be taken
81. By Governments, national, regional and international bodies, bilateral
and multilateral donors and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Reduce the female illiteracy rate to at least half its 1990 level,
with emphasis on rural women, migrant, refugee and internally displaced
women and women with disabilities;
(b) Provide universal access to, and seek to ensure gender equality in
the completion of, primary education for girls by the year 2000;
(c) Eliminate the gender gap in basic and functional literacy, as recommended
in the World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien);
(d) Narrow the disparities between developed and developing countries;
(e) Encourage adult and family engagement in learning to promote total
literacy for all people;
(f) Promote, together with literacy, life skills and scientific and technological
knowledge and work towards an expansion of the definition of literacy,
taking into account current targets and benchmarks.
Strategic objective B.3. Improve women's access to vocational training,
science and technology, and continuing education
Actions to be taken
82. By Governments, in cooperation with employers, workers and trade
unions, international and non-governmental organizations, including women's
and youth organizations, and educational institutions:
(a) Develop and implement education, training and retraining policies
for women, especially young women and women re-entering the labour market,
to provide skills to meet the needs of a changing socio- economic context
for improving their employment opportunities;
(b) Provide recognition to non-formal educational opportunities for girls
and women in the educational system;
(c) Provide information to women and girls on the availability and benefits
of vocational training, training programmes in science and technology
and programmes of continuing education;
(d) Design educational and training programmes for women who are unemployed
in order to provide them with new knowledge and skills that will enhance
and broaden their employment opportunities, including self-employment,
and development of their entrepreneurial skills;
(e) Diversify vocational and technical training and improve access for
and retention of girls and women in education and vocational training
in such fields as science, mathematics, engineering, environmental sciences
and technology, information technology and high technology, as well as
management training;
(f) Promote women's central role in food and agricultural research, extension
and education programmes;
(g) Encourage the adaptation of curricula and teaching materials, encourage
a supportive training environment and take positive measures to promote
training for the full range of occupational choices of non-traditional
careers for women and men, including the development of multidisciplinary
courses for science and mathematics teachers to sensitize them to the
relevance of science and technology to women's lives;
(h) Develop curricula and teaching materials and formulate and take positive
measures to ensure women better access to and participation in technical
and scientific areas, especially areas where they are not represented
or are underrepresented;
(i) Develop policies and programmes to encourage women to participate
in all apprenticeship programmes;
(j) Increase training in technical, managerial, agricultural extension
and marketing areas for women in agriculture, fisheries, industry and
business, arts and crafts, to increase income-generating opportunities,
women's participation in economic decision-making, in particular through
women's organizations at the grass-roots level, and their contribution
to production, marketing, business, and science and technology;
(k) Ensure access to quality education and training at all appropriate
levels for adult women with little or no education, for women with disabilities
and for documented migrant, refugee and displaced women to improve their
work opportunities.
Strategic objective B.4. Develop non-discriminatory education and training
Actions to be taken
83. By Governments, educational authorities and other educational and
academic institutions:
(a) Elaborate recommendations and develop curricula, textbooks and teaching
aids free of gender-based stereotypes for all levels of education, including
teacher training, in association with all concerned - publishers, teachers,
public authorities and parents' associations;
(b) Develop training programmes and materials for teachers and educators
that raise awareness about the status, role and contribution of women
and men in the family, as defined in paragraph 29 above, and society;
in this context, promote equality, cooperation, mutual respect and shared
responsibilities between girls and boys from pre- school level onward
and develop, in particular, educational modules to ensure that boys have
the skills necessary to take care of their own domestic needs and to share
responsibility for their household and for the care of dependants;
(c) Develop training programmes and materials for teachers and educators
that raise awareness of their own role in the educational process, with
a view to providing them with effective strategies for gender- sensitive
(d) Take actions to ensure that female teachers and professors have the
same opportunities as and equal status with male teachers and professors,
in view of the importance of having female teachers at all levels and
in order to attract girls to school and retain them in school;
(e) Introduce and promote training in peaceful conflict resolution;
(f) Take positive measures to increase the proportion of women gaining
access to educational policy- and decision-making, particularly women
teachers at all levels of education and in academic disciplines that are
traditionally male-dominated, such as the scientific and technological
(g) Support and develop gender studies and research at all levels of
education, especially at the postgraduate level of academic institutions,
and apply them in the development of curricula, including university curricula,
textbooks and teaching aids, and in teacher training;
(h) Develop leadership training and opportunities for all women to encourage
them to take leadership roles both as students and as adults in civil
(i) Develop appropriate education and information programmes with due
respect for multilingualism, particularly in conjunction with the mass
media, that make the public, particularly parents, aware of the importance
of non-discriminatory education for children and the equal sharing of
family responsibilities by girls and boys;
(j) Develop human rights education programmes that incorporate the gender
dimension at all levels of education, in particular by encouraging higher
education institutions, especially in their graduate and postgraduate
juridical, social and political science curricula, to include the study
of the human rights of women as they appear in United Nations conventions;
(k) Remove legal, regulatory and social barriers, where appropriate,
to sexual and reproductive health education within formal education programmes
regarding women's health issues;
(l) Encourage, with the guidance and support of their parents and in
cooperation with educational staff and institutions, the elaboration of
educational programmes for girls and boys and the creation of integrated
services in order to raise awareness of their responsibilities and to
help them to assume those responsibilities, taking into account the importance
of such education and services to personal development and self-esteem,
as well as the urgent need to avoid unwanted pregnancy, the spread of
sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV/AIDS, and such phenomena
as sexual violence and abuse;
(m) Provide accessible recreational and sports facilities and establish
and strengthen gender-sensitive programmes for girls and women of all
ages in education and community institutions and support the advancement
of women in all areas of athletics and physical activity, including coaching,
training and administration, and as participants at the national, regional
and international levels;
(n) Recognize and support the right of indigenous women and girls to
education and promote a multicultural approach to education that is responsive
to the needs, aspirations and cultures of indigenous women, including
by developing appropriate education programmes, curricula and teaching
aids, to the extent possible in the languages of indigenous people, and
by providing for the participation of indigenous women in these processes;
(o) Acknowledge and respect the artistic, spiritual and cultural activities
of indigenous women;
(p) Ensure that gender equality and cultural, religious and other diversity
are respected in educational institutions;
(q) Promote education, training and relevant information programmes for
rural and farming women through the use of affordable and appropriate
technologies and the mass media - for example, radio programmes, cassettes
and mobile units;
(r) Provide non-formal education, especially for rural women, in order
to realize their potential with regard to health, micro-enterprise, agriculture
and legal rights;
(s) Remove all barriers to access to formal education for pregnant adolescents
and young mothers, and support the provision of child care and other support
services where necessary.
Strategic objective B.5. Allocate sufficient resources for and monitor
the implementation of educational reforms
Actions to be taken
84. By Governments:
(a) Provide the required budgetary resources to the educational sector,
with reallocation within the educational sector to ensure increased funds
for basic education, as appropriate;
(b) Establish a mechanism at appropriate levels to monitor the implementation
of educational reforms and measures in relevant ministries, and establish
technical assistance programmes, as appropriate, to address issues raised
by the monitoring efforts.
85. By Governments and, as appropriate, private and public institutions,
foundations, research institutes and non-governmental organizations:
(a) When necessary, mobilize additional funds from private and public
institutions, foundations, research institutes and non-governmental organizations
to enable girls and women, as well as boys and men on an equal basis,
to complete their education, with particular emphasis on under-served
(b) Provide funding for special programmes, such as programmes in mathematics,
science and computer technology, to advance opportunities for all girls
and women.
86. By multilateral development institutions, including the World Bank,
regional development banks, bilateral donors and foundations:
(a) Consider increasing funding for the education and training needs
of girls and women as a priority in development assistance programmes;
(b) Consider working with recipient Governments to ensure that funding
for women's education is maintained or increased in structural adjustment
and economic recovery programmes, including lending and stabilization
87. By international and intergovernmental organizations, especially
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
at the global level:
(a) Contribute to the evaluation of progress achieved, using educational
indicators generated by national, regional and international bodies, and
urge Governments, in implementing measures, to eliminate differences between
women and men and boys and girls with regard to opportunities in education
and training and the levels achieved in all fields, particularly in primary
and literacy programmes;
(b) Provide technical assistance upon request to developing countries
to strengthen the capacity to monitor progress in closing the gap between
women and men in education, training and research, and in levels of achievement
in all fields, particularly basic education and the elimination of illiteracy;
(c) Conduct an international campaign promoting the right of women and
girls to education;
(d) Allocate a substantial percentage of their resources to basic education
for women and girls.
Strategic objective B.6. Promote life-long education and training for
girls and women
Actions to be taken
88. By Governments, educational institutions and communities:
(a) Ensure the availability of a broad range of educational and training
programmes that lead to ongoing acquisition by women and girls of the
knowledge and skills required for living in, contributing to and benefiting
from their communities and nations;
(b) Provide support for child care and other services to enable mothers
to continue their schooling;
(c) Create flexible education, training and retraining programmes for
life-long learning that facilitate transitions between women's activities
at all stages of their lives.
Chapter I C. Women and health*
89. Women have the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard
of physical and mental health. The enjoyment of this right is vital to
their life and well-being and their ability to participate in all areas
of public and private life. Health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Women's health involves their emotional, social and physical well-being
and is determined by the social, political and economic context of their
lives, as well as by biology. However, health and well-being elude the
majority of women. A major barrier for women to the achievement of the
highest attainable standard of health is inequality, both between men
and women and among women in different geographical regions, social classes
and indigenous and ethnic groups. In national and international forums,
women have emphasized that to attain optimal health throughout the life
cycle, equality, including the sharing of family responsibilities, development
and peace are necessary conditions.
90. Women have different and unequal access to and use of basic health
resources, including primary health services for the prevention and treatment
of childhood diseases, malnutrition, anaemia, diarrhoeal diseases, communicable
diseases, malaria and other tropical diseases and tuberculosis, among
others. Women also have different and unequal opportunities for the protection,
promotion and maintenance of their health. In many developing countries,
the lack of emergency obstetric services is also of particular concern.
Health policies and programmes often perpetuate gender stereotypes and
fail to consider socio-economic disparities and other differences among
women and may not fully take account of the lack of autonomy of women
regarding their health. Women's health is also affected by gender bias
in the health system and by the provision of inadequate and inappropriate
medical services to women.
91. In many countries, especially developing countries, in particular
the least developed countries, a decrease in public health spending and,
in some cases, structural adjustment, contribute to the deterioration
of public health systems. In addition, privatization of health-care systems
without appropriate guarantees of universal access to affordable health
care further reduces health-care availability. This situation not only
directly affects the health of girls and women, but also places disproportionate
responsibilities on women, whose multiple roles, including their roles
within the family and the community, are often not acknowledged; hence
they do not receive the necessary social, psychological and economic support.
* The Holy See expressed a general reservation on this section. The reservation
is to be interpreted in terms of the statement made by the representative
of the Holy See at the 4th meeting of the Main Committee, on 14 September
1995 (see chap. V of the present report, para. 11).
92. Women's right to the enjoyment of the highest standard of health
must be secured throughout the whole life cycle in equality with men.
Women are affected by many of the same health conditions as men, but women
experience them differently. The prevalence among women of poverty and
economic dependence, their experience of violence, negative attitudes
towards women and girls, racial and other forms of discrimination, the
limited power many women have over their sexual and reproductive lives
and lack of influence in decision-making are social realities which have
an adverse impact on their health. Lack of food and inequitable distribution
of food for girls and women in the household, inadequate access to safe
water, sanitation facilities and fuel supplies, particularly in rural
and poor urban areas, and deficient housing conditions, all overburden
women and their families and have a negative effect on their health. Good
health is essential to leading a productive and fulfilling life, and the
right of all women to control all aspects of their health, in particular
their own fertility, is basic to their empowerment.
93. Discrimination against girls, often resulting from son preference,
in access to nutrition and health-care services endangers their current
and future health and well-being. Conditions that force girls into early
marriage, pregnancy and child-bearing and subject them to harmful practices,
such as female genital mutilation, pose grave health risks. Adolescent
girls need, but too often do not have, access to necessary health and
nutrition services as they mature. Counselling and access to sexual and
reproductive health information and services for adolescents are still
inadequate or lacking completely, and a young woman's right to privacy,
confidentiality, respect and informed consent is often not considered.
Adolescent girls are both biologically and psychosocially more vulnerable
than boys to sexual abuse, violence and prostitution, and to the consequences
of unprotected and premature sexual relations. The trend towards early
sexual experience, combined with a lack of information and services, increases
the risk of unwanted and too early pregnancy, HIV infection and other
sexually transmitted diseases, as well as unsafe abortions. Early child-bearing
continues to be an impediment to improvements in the educational, economic
and social status of women in all parts of the world. Overall, for young
women early marriage and early motherhood can severely curtail educational
and employment opportunities and are likely to have a long-term, adverse
impact on the quality of their lives and the lives of their children.
Young men are often not educated to respect women's self-determination
and to share responsibility with women in matters of sexuality and reproduction.
94. Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all
matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes.
Reproductive health therefore implies that people are able to have a satisfying
and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the
freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. Implicit in this last
condition are the right of men and women to be informed and to have access
to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning
of their choice, as well as other methods of their choice for regulation
of fertility which are not against the law, and the right of access to
appropriate health-care services that will enable women to go safely through
pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the best chance of having
a healthy infant. In line with the above definition of reproductive health,
reproductive health care is defined as the constellation of methods, techniques
and services that contribute to reproductive health and well-being by
preventing and solving reproductive health problems. It also includes
sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal
relations, and not merely counselling and care related to reproduction
and sexually transmitted diseases.
95. Bearing in mind the above definition, reproductive rights embrace
certain human rights that are already recognized in national laws, international
human rights documents and other consensus documents. These rights rest
on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to
decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their
children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right
to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. It also
includes their right to make decisions concerning reproduction free of
discrimination, coercion and violence, as expressed in human rights documents.
In the exercise of this right, they should take into account the needs
of their living and future children and their responsibilities towards
the community. The promotion of the responsible exercise of these rights
for all people should be the fundamental basis for government- and community-supported
policies and programmes in the area of reproductive health, including
family planning. As part of their commitment, full attention should be
given to the promotion of mutually respectful and equitable gender relations
and particularly to meeting the educational and service needs of adolescents
to enable them to deal in a positive and responsible way with their sexuality.
Reproductive health eludes many of the world's people because of such
factors as: inadequate levels of knowledge about human sexuality and inappropriate
or poor-quality reproductive health information and services; the prevalence
of high-risk sexual behaviour; discriminatory social practices; negative
attitudes towards women and girls; and the limited power many women and
girls have over their sexual and reproductive lives. Adolescents are particularly
vulnerable because of their lack of information and access to relevant
services in most countries. Older women and men have distinct reproductive
and sexual health issues which are often inadequately addressed.
96. The human rights of women include their right to have control over
and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality,
including sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination
and violence.
Equal relationships between women and men in matters of sexual relations
and reproduction, including full respect for the integrity of the person,
require mutual respect, consent and shared responsibility for sexual behaviour
and its consequences.
97. Further, women are subject to particular health risks due to inadequate
responsiveness and lack of services to meet health needs related to sexuality
and reproduction. Complications related to pregnancy and childbirth are
among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity of women of reproductive
age in many parts of the developing world. Similar problems exist to a
certain degree in some countries with economies in transition. Unsafe
abortions threaten the lives of a large number of women, representing
a grave public health problem as it is primarily the poorest and youngest
who take the highest risk. Most of these deaths, health problems and injuries
are preventable through improved access to adequate health-care services,
including safe and effective family planning methods and emergency obstetric
care, recognizing the right of women and men to be informed and to have
access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family
planning of their choice, as well as other methods of their choice for
regulation of fertility which are not against the law, and the right of
access to appropriate health-care services that will enable women to go
safely through pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the best
chance of having a healthy infant. These problems and means should be
addressed on the basis of the report of the International Conference on
Population and Development, with particular reference to relevant paragraphs
of the Programme of Action of the Conference. 14/ In most countries, the
neglect of women's reproductive rights severely limits their opportunities
in public and private life, including opportunities for education and
economic and political empowerment. The ability of women to control their
own fertility forms an important basis for the enjoyment of other rights.
Shared responsibility between women and men in matters related to sexual
and reproductive behaviour is also essential to improving women's health.
98. HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, the transmission
of which is sometimes a consequence of sexual violence, are having a devastating
effect on women's health, particularly the health of adolescent girls
and young women. They often do not have the power to insist on safe and
responsible sex practices and have little access to information and services
for prevention and treatment. Women, who represent half of all adults
newly infected with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases,
have emphasized that social vulnerability and the unequal power relationships
between women and men are obstacles to safe sex, in their efforts to control
the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The consequences of HIV/AIDS
reach beyond women's health to their role as mothers and caregivers and
their contribution to the economic support of their families. The social,
developmental and health consequences of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases need to be seen from a gender perspective.
99. Sexual and gender-based violence, including physical and psychological
abuse, trafficking in women and girls, and other forms of abuse and sexual
exploitation place girls and women at high risk of physical and mental
trauma, disease and unwanted pregnancy. Such situations often deter women
from using health and other services.
100. Mental disorders related to marginalization, powerlessness and poverty,
along with overwork and stress and the growing incidence of domestic violence
as well as substance abuse, are among other health issues of growing concern
to women. Women throughout the world, especially young women, are increasing
their use of tobacco with serious effects on their health and that of
their children. Occupational health issues are also growing in importance,
as a large number of women work in low-paid jobs in either the formal
or the informal labour market under tedious and unhealthy conditions,
and the number is rising. Cancers of the breast and cervix and other cancers
of the reproductive system, as well as infertility affect growing numbers
of women and may be preventable, or curable, if detected early.
101. With the increase in life expectancy and the growing number of older
women, their health concerns require particular attention. The long-term
health prospects of women are influenced by changes at menopause, which,
in combination with life-long conditions and other factors, such as poor
nutrition and lack of physical activity, may increase the risk of cardiovascular
disease and osteoporosis. Other diseases of ageing and the interrelationships
of ageing and disability among women also need particular attention.
102. Women, like men, particularly in rural areas and poor urban areas,
are increasingly exposed to environmental health hazards owing to environmental
catastrophes and degradation. Women have a different susceptibility to
various environmental hazards, contaminants and substances and they suffer
different consequences from exposure to them.
103. The quality of women's health care is often deficient in various
ways, depending on local circumstances. Women are frequently not treated
with respect, nor are they guaranteed privacy and confidentiality, nor
do they always receive full information about the options and services
available. Furthermore, in some countries, over-medicating of women's
life events is common, leading to unnecessary surgical intervention and
inappropriate medication.
104. Statistical data on health are often not systematically collected,
disaggregated and analysed by age, sex and socio-economic status and by
established demographic criteria used to serve the interests and solve
the problems of subgroups, with particular emphasis on the vulnerable
and marginalized and other relevant variables. Recent and reliable data
on the mortality and morbidity of women and conditions and diseases particularly
affecting women are not available in many countries. Relatively little
is known about how social and economic factors affect the health of girls
and women of all ages, about the provision of health services to girls
and women and the patterns of their use of such services, and about the
value of disease prevention and health promotion programmes for women.
Subjects of importance to women's health have not been adequately researched
and women's health research often lacks funding. Medical research, on
heart disease, for example, and epidemiological studies in many countries
are often based solely on men; they are not gender specific. Clinical
trials involving women to establish basic information about dosage, side-effects
and effectiveness of drugs, including contraceptives, are noticeably absent
and do not always conform to ethical standards for research and testing.
Many drug therapy protocols and other medical treatments and interventions
administered to women are based on research on men without any investigation
and adjustment for gender differences.
105. In addressing inequalities in health status and unequal access to
and inadequate health-care services between women and men, Governments
and other actors should promote an active and visible policy of mainstreaming
a gender perspective in all policies and programmes, so that, before decisions
are taken, an analysis is made of the effects for women and men, respectively.
Strategic objective C.1. Increase women's access throughout the life
cycle to appropriate, affordable and quality health care, information
and related services
Actions to be taken
106. By Governments, in collaboration with non-governmental organizations
and employers' and workers' organizations and with the support of international
(a) Support and implement the commitments made in the Programme of Action
of the International Conference on Population and Development, as established
in the report of that Conference and the Copenhagen Declaration on Social
Development and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development
15/ and the obligations of States parties under the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and other relevant
international agreements, to meet the health needs of girls and women
of all ages;
(b) Reaffirm the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standards
of physical and mental health, protect and promote the attainment of this
right for women and girls and incorporate it in national legislation,
for example; review existing legislation, including health legislation,
as well as policies, where necessary, to reflect a commitment to women's
health and to ensure that they meet the changing roles and responsibilities
of women wherever they reside;
(c) Design and implement, in cooperation with women and community-based
organizations, gender-sensitive health programmes, including decentralized
health services, that address the needs of women throughout their lives
and take into account their multiple roles and responsibilities, the demands
on their time, the special needs of rural women and women with disabilities
and the diversity of women's needs arising from age and socio-economic
and cultural differences, among others; include women, especially local
and indigenous women, in the identification and planning of health-care
priorities and programmes; remove all barriers to women's health services
and provide a broad range of health-care services;
(d) Allow women access to social security systems in equality with men
throughout the whole life cycle;
(e) Provide more accessible, available and affordable primary health-
care services of high quality, including sexual and reproductive health
care, which includes family planning information and services, and giving
particular attention to maternal and emergency obstetric care, as agreed
to in the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population
and Development;
(f) Redesign health information, services and training for health workers
so that they are gender-sensitive and reflect the user's perspectives
with regard to interpersonal and communications skills and the user's
right to privacy and confidentiality; these services, information and
training should be based on a holistic approach;
(g) Ensure that all health services and workers conform to human rights
and to ethical, professional and gender-sensitive standards in the delivery
of women's health services aimed at ensuring responsible, voluntary and
informed consent; encourage the development, implementation and dissemination
of codes of ethics guided by existing international codes of medical ethics
as well as ethical principles that govern other health professionals;
(h) Take all appropriate measures to eliminate harmful, medically unnecessary
or coercive medical interventions, as well as inappropriate medication
and over-medication of women, and ensure that all women are fully informed
of their options, including likely benefits and potential side-effects,
by properly trained personnel;
(i) Strengthen and reorient health services, particularly primary health
care, in order to ensure universal access to quality health services for
women and girls; reduce ill health and maternal morbidity and achieve
world wide the agreed-upon goal of reducing maternal mortality by at least
50 per cent of the 1990 levels by the year 2000 and a further one half
by the year 2015; ensure that the necessary services are available at
each level of the health system and make reproductive health care accessible,
through the primary health-care system, to all individuals of appropriate
ages as soon as possible and no later than the year 2015;
(j) Recognize and deal with the health impact of unsafe abortion as a
major public health concern, as agreed in paragraph 8.25 of the Programme
of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development;
(k) In the light of paragraph 8.25 of the Programme of Action of the
International Conference on Population and Development, which states:
"In no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning.
All Governments and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations
are urged to strengthen their commitment to women's health, to deal with
the health impact of unsafe abortion 16/ as a major public health concern
and to reduce the recourse to abortion through expanded and improved family-planning
services. Prevention of unwanted pregnancies must always be given the
highest priority and every attempt should be made to eliminate the need
for abortion. Women who have unwanted pregnancies should have ready access
to reliable information and compassionate counselling. Any measures or
changes related to abortion within the health system can only be determined
at the national or local level according to the national legislative process.
In circumstances where abortion is not against the law, such abortion
should be safe. In all cases, women should have access to quality services
for the management of complications arising from abortion. Post-abortion
counselling, education and family-planning services should be offered
promptly, which will also help to avoid repeat abortions", consider
reviewing laws containing punitive measures against women who have undergone
illegal abortions;
(l) Give particular attention to the needs of girls, especially the promotion
of healthy behaviour, including physical activities; take specific measures
for closing the gender gaps in morbidity and mortality where girls are
disadvantaged, while achieving internationally approved goals for the
reduction of infant and child mortality - specifically, by the year 2000,
the reduction of mortality rates of infants and children under five years
of age by one third of the 1990 level, or 50 to 70 per 1,000 live births,
whichever is less; by the year 2015 an infant mortality rate below 35
per 1,000 live births and an under-five mortality rate below 45 per 1,000;
(m) Ensure that girls have continuing access to necessary health and
nutrition information and services as they mature, to facilitate a healthful
transition from childhood to adulthood;
(n) Develop information, programmes and services to assist women to understand
and adapt to changes associated with ageing and to address and treat the
health needs of older women, paying particular attention to those who
are physically or psychologically dependent;
(o) Ensure that girls and women of all ages with any form of disability
receive supportive services;
(p) Formulate special policies, design programmes and enact the legislation
necessary to alleviate and eliminate environmental and occupational health
hazards associated with work in the home, in the workplace and elsewhere
with attention to pregnant and lactating women;
(q) Integrate mental health services into primary health-care systems
or other appropriate levels, develop supportive programmes and train primary
health workers to recognize and care for girls and women of all ages who
have experienced any form of violence especially domestic violence, sexual
abuse or other abuse resulting from armed and non-armed conflict;
(r) Promote public information on the benefits of breast-feeding; examine
ways and means of implementing fully the WHO/UNICEF International Code
of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, and enable mothers to breast-feed
their infants by providing legal, economic, practical and emotional support;
(s) Establish mechanisms to support and involve non-governmental organizations,
particularly women's organizations, professional groups and other bodies
working to improve the health of girls and women, in government policy-making,
programme design, as appropriate, and implementation within the health
sector and related sectors at all levels;
(t) Support non-governmental organizations working on women's health
and help develop networks aimed at improving coordination and collaboration
between all sectors that affect health;
(u) Rationalize drug procurement and ensure a reliable, continuous supply
of high-quality pharmaceutical, contraceptive and other supplies and equipment,
using the WHO Model List of Essential Drugs as a guide, and ensure the
safety of drugs and devices through national regulatory drug approval
(v) Provide improved access to appropriate treatment and rehabilitation
services for women substance abusers and their families;
(w) Promote and ensure household and national food security, as appropriate,
and implement programmes aimed at improving the nutritional status of
all girls and women by implementing the commitments made in the Plan of
Action on Nutrition of the International Conference on Nutrition, 17/
including a reduction world wide of severe and moderate malnutrition among
children under the age of five by one half of 1990 levels by the year
2000, giving special attention to the gender gap in nutrition, and a reduction
in iron deficiency anaemia in girls and women by one third of the 1990
levels by the year 2000; (x) Ensure the availability of and universal
access to safe drinking water and sanitation and put in place effective
public distribution systems as soon as possible;
(y) Ensure full and equal access to health-care infrastructure and services
for indigenous women.
Strategic objective C.2. Strengthen preventive programmes that promote
women's health
Actions to be taken
107. By Governments, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations,
the mass media, the private sector and relevant international organizations,
including United Nations bodies, as appropriate:
(a) Give priority to both formal and informal educational programmes
that support and enable women to develop self-esteem, acquire knowledge,
make decisions on and take responsibility for their own health, achieve
mutual respect in matters concerning sexuality and fertility and educate
men regarding the importance of women's health and well-being, placing
special focus on programmes for both men and women that emphasize the
elimination of harmful attitudes and practices, including female genital
mutilation, son preference (which results in female infanticide and prenatal
sex selection), early marriage, including child marriage, violence against
women, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, which at times is conducive
to infection with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, drug
abuse, discrimination against girls and women in food allocation and other
harmful attitudes and practices related to the life, health and well-being
of women, and recognizing that some of these practices can be violations
of human rights and ethical medical principles;
(b) Pursue social, human development, education and employment policies
to eliminate poverty among women in order to reduce their susceptibility
to ill health and to improve their health;
(c) Encourage men to share equally in child care and household work and
to provide their share of financial support for their families, even if
they do not live with them;
(d) Reinforce laws, reform institutions and promote norms and practices
that eliminate discrimination against women and encourage both women and
men to take responsibility for their sexual and reproductive behaviour;
ensure full respect for the integrity of the person, take action to ensure
the conditions necessary for women to exercise their reproductive rights
and eliminate coercive laws and practices;
(e) Prepare and disseminate accessible information, through public health
campaigns, the media, reliable counselling and the education system, designed
to ensure that women and men, particularly young people, can acquire knowledge
about their health, especially information on sexuality and reproduction,
taking into account the rights of the child to access to information,
privacy, confidentiality, respect and informed consent, as well as the
responsibilities, rights and duties of parents and legal guardians to
provide, in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child,
appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the
rights recognized in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and in
conformity with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women; ensure that in all actions concerning children, the best
interests of the child are a primary consideration;
(f) Create and support programmes in the educational system, in the workplace
and in the community to make opportunities to participate in sport, physical
activity and recreation available to girls and women of all ages on the
same basis as they are made available to men and boys;
(g) Recognize the specific needs of adolescents and implement specific
appropriate programmes, such as education and information on sexual and
reproductive health issues and on sexually transmitted diseases, including
HIV/AIDS, taking into account the rights of the child and the responsibilities,
rights and duties of parents as stated in paragraph 107 (e) above;
(h) Develop policies that reduce the disproportionate and increasing
burden on women who have multiple roles within the family and the community
by providing them with adequate support and programmes from health and
social services;
(i) Adopt regulations to ensure that the working conditions, including
remuneration and promotion of women at all levels of the health system,
are non-discriminatory and meet fair and professional standards to enable
them to work effectively;
(j) Ensure that health and nutritional information and training form
an integral part of all adult literacy programmes and school curricula
from the primary level;
(k) Develop and undertake media campaigns and information and educational
programmes that inform women and girls of the health and related risks
of substance abuse and addiction and pursue strategies and programmes
that discourage substance abuse and addiction and promote rehabilitation
and recovery;
(l) Devise and implement comprehensive and coherent programmes for the
prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, a condition that
predominantly affects women;
(m) Establish and/or strengthen programmes and services, including media
campaigns, that address the prevention, early detection and treatment
of breast, cervical and other cancers of the reproductive system;
(n) Reduce environmental hazards that pose a growing threat to health,
especially in poor regions and communities; apply a precautionary approach,
as agreed to in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, adopted
by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 18/ and
include reporting on women's health risks related to the environment in
monitoring the implementation of Agenda 21; 19/
(o) Create awareness among women, health professionals, policy makers
and the general public about the serious but preventable health hazards
stemming from tobacco consumption and the need for regulatory and education
measures to reduce smoking as important health promotion and disease prevention
(p) Ensure that medical school curricula and other health-care training
include gender-sensitive, comprehensive and mandatory courses on women's
(q) Adopt specific preventive measures to protect women, youth and children
from any abuse - sexual abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence,
for example - including the formulation and enforcement of laws, and provide
legal protection and medical and other assistance.
Strategic objective C.3. Undertake gender-sensitive initiatives that
address sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and sexual and reproductive
health issues
Actions to be taken
108. By Governments, international bodies including relevant United Nations
organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors and non-governmental
(a) Ensure the involvement of women, especially those infected with HIV/AIDS
or other sexually transmitted diseases or affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic,
in all decision-making relating to the development, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation of policies and programmes on HIV/AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases;
(b) Review and amend laws and combat practices, as appropriate, that
may contribute to women's susceptibility to HIV infection and other sexually
transmitted diseases, including enacting legislation against those socio-cultural
practices that contribute to it, and implement legislation, policies and
practices to protect women, adolescents and young girls from discrimination
related to HIV/AIDS;
(c) Encourage all sectors of society, including the public sector, as
well as international organizations, to develop compassionate and supportive,
non-discriminatory HIV/AIDS-related policies and practices that protect
the rights of infected individuals;
(d) Recognize the extent of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in their countries,
taking particularly into account its impact on women, with a view to ensuring
that infected women do not suffer stigmatization and discrimination, including
during travel;
(e) Develop gender-sensitive multisectoral programmes and strategies
to end social subordination of women and girls and to ensure their social
and economic empowerment and equality; facilitate promotion of programmes
to educate and enable men to assume their responsibilities to prevent
HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases;
(f) Facilitate the development of community strategies that will protect
women of all ages from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases; provide
care and support to infected girls, women and their families and mobilize
all parts of the community in response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic to exert
pressure on all responsible authorities to respond in a timely, effective,
sustainable and gender-sensitive manner;
(g) Support and strengthen national capacity to create and improve gender-sensitive
policies and programmes on HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases,
including the provision of resources and facilities to women who find
themselves the principal caregivers or economic support for those infected
with HIV/AIDS or affected by the pandemic, and the survivors, particularly
children and older persons;
(h) Provide workshops and specialized education and training to parents,
decision makers and opinion leaders at all levels of the community, including
religious and traditional authorities, on prevention of HIV/AIDS and other
sexually transmitted diseases and on their repercussions on both women
and men of all ages;
(i) Give all women and health workers all relevant information and education
about sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS and pregnancy and
the implications for the baby, including breast- feeding;
(j) Assist women and their formal and informal organizations to establish
and expand effective peer education and outreach programmes and to participate
in the design, implementation and monitoring of these programmes;
(k) Give full attention to the promotion of mutually respectful and equitable
gender relations and, in particular, to meeting the educational and service
needs of adolescents to enable them to deal in a positive and responsible
way with their sexuality;
(l) Design specific programmes for men of all ages and male adolescents,
recognizing the parental roles referred to in paragraph 107 (e) above,
aimed at providing complete and accurate information on safe and responsible
sexual and reproductive behaviour, including voluntary, appropriate and
effective male methods for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases through, inter alia, abstinence and condom use;
(m) Ensure the provision, through the primary health-care system, of
universal access of couples and individuals to appropriate and affordable
preventive services with respect to sexually transmitted diseases, including
HIV/AIDS, and expand the provision of counselling and voluntary and confidential
diagnostic and treatment services for women; ensure that high-quality
condoms as well as drugs for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
are, where possible, supplied and distributed to health services;
(n) Support programmes which acknowledge that the higher risk among women
of contracting HIV is linked to high-risk behaviour, including intravenous
substance use and substance-influenced unprotected and irresponsible sexual
behaviour, and take appropriate preventive measures;
(o) Support and expedite action-oriented research on affordable methods,
controlled by women, to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases,
on strategies empowering women to protect themselves from sexually transmitted
diseases, including HIV/AIDS, and on methods of care, support and treatment
of women, ensuring their involvement in all aspects of such research;
(p) Support and initiate research which addresses women's needs and situations,
including research on HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases
in women, on women-controlled methods of protection, such as non-spermicidal
microbicides, and on male and female risk-taking attitudes and practices.
Strategic objective C.4. Promote research and disseminate information
on women's health
Actions to be taken
109. By Governments, the United Nations system, health professions, research
institutions, non-governmental organizations, donors, pharmaceutical industries
and the mass media, as appropriate:
(a) Train researchers and introduce systems that allow for the use of
data collected, analysed and disaggregated by, among other factors, sex
and age, other established demographic criteria and socio-economic variables,
in policy-making, as appropriate, planning, monitoring and evaluation;
(b) Promote gender-sensitive and women-centred health research, treatment
and technology and link traditional and indigenous knowledge with modern
medicine, making information available to women to enable them to make
informed and responsible decisions;
(c) Increase the number of women in leadership positions in the health
professions, including researchers and scientists, to achieve equality
at the earliest possible date;
(d) Increase financial and other support from all sources for preventive,
appropriate biomedical, behavioural, epidemiological and health service
research on women's health issues and for research on the social, economic
and political causes of women's health problems, and their consequences,
including the impact of gender and age inequalities, especially with respect
to chronic and non-communicable diseases, particularly cardiovascular
diseases and conditions, cancers, reproductive tract infections and injuries,
HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, domestic violence, occupational
health, disabilities, environmentally related health problems, tropical
diseases and health aspects of ageing;
(e) Inform women about the factors which increase the risks of developing
cancers and infections of the reproductive tract, so that they can make
informed decisions about their health;
(f) Support and fund social, economic, political and cultural research
on how gender-based inequalities affect women's health, including etiology,
epidemiology, provision and utilization of services and eventual outcome
of treatment;
(g) Support health service systems and operations research to strengthen
access and improve the quality of service delivery, to ensure appropriate
support for women as health-care providers and to examine patterns with
respect to the provision of health services to women and use of such services
by women;
(h) Provide financial and institutional support for research on safe,
effective, affordable and acceptable methods and technologies for the
reproductive and sexual health of women and men, including more safe,
effective, affordable and acceptable methods for the regulation of fertility,
including natural family planning for both sexes, methods to protect against
HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases and simple and inexpensive
methods of diagnosing such diseases, among others; this research needs
to be guided at all stages by users and from the perspective of gender,
particularly the perspective of women, and should be carried out in strict
conformity with internationally accepted legal, ethical, medical and scientific
standards for biomedical research;
(i) Since unsafe abortion 16/ is a major threat to the health and life
of women, research to understand and better address the determinants and
consequences of induced abortion, including its effects on subsequent
fertility, reproductive and mental health and contraceptive practice,
should be promoted, as well as research on treatment of complications
of abortions and post-abortion care;
(j) Acknowledge and encourage beneficial traditional health care, especially
that practised by indigenous women, with a view to preserving and incorporating
the value of traditional health care in the provision of health services,
and support research directed towards achieving this aim;
(k) Develop mechanisms to evaluate and disseminate available data and
research findings to researchers, policy makers, health professionals
and women's groups, among others;
(l) Monitor human genome and related genetic research from the perspective
of women's health and disseminate information and results of studies conducted
in accordance with accepted ethical standards.
Strategic objective C.5. Increase resources and monitor follow-up for
women's health
Actions to be taken
110. By Governments at all levels and, where appropriate, in cooperation
with non-governmental organizations, especially women's and youth organizations:
(a) Increase budgetary allocations for primary health care and social
services, with adequate support for secondary and tertiary levels, and
give special attention to the reproductive and sexual health of girls
and women and give priority to health programmes in rural and poor urban
(b) Develop innovative approaches to funding health services through
promoting community participation and local financing; increase, where
necessary, budgetary allocations for community health centres and community-based
programmes and services that address women's specific health needs;
(c) Develop local health services, promoting the incorporation of gender-sensitive
community-based participation and self-care and specially designed preventive
health programmes;
(d) Develop goals and time-frames, where appropriate, for improving women's
health and for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programmes,
based on gender-impact assessments using qualitative and quantitative
data disaggregated by sex, age, other established demographic criteria
and socio-economic variables;
(e) Establish, as appropriate, ministerial and inter-ministerial mechanisms
for monitoring the implementation of women's health policy and programme
reforms and establish, as appropriate, high- level focal points in national
planning authorities responsible for monitoring to ensure that women's
health concerns are mainstreamed in all relevant government agencies and
111. By Governments, the United Nations and its specialized agencies,
international financial institutions, bilateral donors and the private
sector, as appropriate:
(a) Formulate policies favourable to investment in women's health and,
where appropriate, increase allocations for such investment;
(b) Provide appropriate material, financial and logistical assistance
to youth non-governmental organizations in order to strengthen them to
address youth concerns in the area of health, including sexual and reproductive
(c) Give higher priority to women's health and develop mechanisms for
coordinating and implementing the health objectives of the Platform for
Action and relevant international agreements to ensure progress.
D. Violence against women
112. Violence against women is an obstacle to the achievement of the
objectives of equality, development and peace. Violence against women
both violates and impairs or nullifies the enjoyment by women of their
human rights and fundamental freedoms. The long-standing failure to protect
and promote those rights and freedoms in the case of violence against
women is a matter of concern to all States and should be addressed. Knowledge
about its causes and consequences, as well as its incidence and measures
to combat it, have been greatly expanded since the Nairobi Conference.
In all societies, to a greater or lesser degree, women and girls are subjected
to physical, sexual and psychological abuse that cuts across lines of
income, class and culture. The low social and economic status of women
can be both a cause and a consequence of violence against women.
113. The term "violence against women" means any act of gender-based
violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual
or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such
acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring
in public or private life.
Accordingly, violence against women encompasses but is not limited to
the following:
(a) Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family,
including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the household,
dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and other
traditional practices harmful to women, non- spousal violence and violence
related to exploitation;
(b) Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring within the
general community, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and
intimidation at work, in educational institutions and elsewhere, trafficking
in women and forced prostitution;
(c) Physical, sexual and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned
by the State, wherever it occurs.
114. Other acts of violence against women include violation of the human
rights of women in situations of armed conflict, in particular murder,
systematic rape, sexual slavery and forced pregnancy.
115. Acts of violence against women also include forced sterilization
and forced abortion, coercive/forced use of contraceptives, female infanticide
and prenatal sex selection.
116. Some groups of women, such as women belonging to minority groups,
indigenous women, refugee women, women migrants, including women migrant
workers, women in poverty living in rural or remote communities, destitute
women, women in institutions or in detention, female children, women with
disabilities, elderly women, displaced women, repatriated women, women
living in poverty and women in situations of armed conflict, foreign occupation,
wars of aggression, civil wars, terrorism, including hostage-taking, are
also particularly vulnerable to violence.
117. Acts or threats of violence, whether occurring within the home or
in the community, or perpetrated or condoned by the State, instil fear
and insecurity in women's lives and are obstacles to the achievement of
equality and for development and peace. The fear of violence, including
harassment, is a permanent constraint on the mobility of women and limits
their access to resources and basic activities. High social, health and
economic costs to the individual and society are associated with violence
against women. Violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms
by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men.
In many cases, violence against women and girls occurs in the family or
within the home, where violence is often tolerated. The neglect, physical
and sexual abuse, and rape of girl children and women by family members
and other members of the household, as well as incidences of spousal and
non-spousal abuse, often go unreported and are thus difficult to detect.
Even when such violence is reported, there is often a failure to protect
victims or punish perpetrators.
118. Violence against women is a manifestation of the historically unequal
power relations between men and women, which have led to domination over
and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of women's
full advancement. Violence against women throughout the life cycle derives
essentially from cultural patterns, in particular the harmful effects
of certain traditional or customary practices and all acts of extremism
linked to race, sex, language or religion that perpetuate the lower status
accorded to women in the family, the workplace, the community and society.
Violence against women is exacerbated by social pressures, notably the
shame of denouncing certain acts that have been perpetrated against women;
women's lack of access to legal information, aid or protection; the lack
of laws that effectively prohibit violence against women; failure to reform
existing laws; inadequate efforts on the part of public authorities to
promote awareness of and enforce existing laws; and the absence of educational
and other means to address the causes and consequences of violence. Images
in the media of violence against women, in particular those that depict
rape or sexual slavery as well as the use of women and girls as sex objects,
including pornography, are factors contributing to the continued prevalence
of such violence, adversely influencing the community at large, in particular
children and young people.
119. Developing a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to the challenging
task of promoting families, communities and States that are free of violence
against women is necessary and achievable. Equality, partnership between
women and men and respect for human dignity must permeate all stages of
the socialization process. Educational systems should promote self-respect,
mutual respect, and cooperation between women and men.
120. The absence of adequate gender-disaggregated data and statistics
on the incidence of violence makes the elaboration of programmes and monitoring
of changes difficult. Lack of or inadequate documentation and research
on domestic violence, sexual harassment and violence against women and
girls in private and in public, including the workplace, impede efforts
to design specific intervention strategies. Experience in a number of
countries shows that women and men can be mobilized to overcome violence
in all its forms and that effective public measures can be taken to address
both the causes and the consequences of violence. Men's groups mobilizing
against gender violence are necessary allies for change.
121. Women may be vulnerable to violence perpetrated by persons in positions
of authority in both conflict and non-conflict situations. Training of
all officials in humanitarian and human rights law and the punishment
of perpetrators of violent acts against women would help to ensure that
such violence does not take place at the hands of public officials in
whom women should be able to place trust, including police and prison
officials and security forces.
122. The effective suppression of trafficking in women and girls for
the sex trade is a matter of pressing international concern. Implementation
of the 1949 Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and
of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, 20/ as well as other
relevant instruments, needs to be reviewed and strengthened. The use of
women in international prostitution and trafficking networks has become
a major focus of international organized crime. The Special Rapporteur
of the Commission on Human Rights on violence against women, who has explored
these acts as an additional cause of the violation of the human rights
and fundamental freedoms of women and girls, is invited to address, within
her mandate and as a matter of urgency, the issue of international trafficking
for the purposes of the sex trade, as well as the issues of forced prostitution,
rape, sexual abuse and sex tourism. Women and girls who are victims of
this international trade are at an increased risk of further violence,
as well as unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection, including
infection with HIV/AIDS.
123. In addressing violence against women, Governments and other actors
should promote an active and visible policy of mainstreaming a gender
perspective in all policies and programmes so that before decisions are
taken an analysis may be made of their effects on women and men, respectively.
Strategic objective D.1. Take integrated measures to prevent and eliminate
violence against women
Actions to be taken
124. By Governments:
(a) Condemn violence against women and refrain from invoking any custom,
tradition or religious consideration to avoid their obligations with respect
to its elimination as set out in the Declaration on the Elimination of
Violence against Women;
(b) Refrain from engaging in violence against women and exercise due
diligence to prevent, investigate and, in accordance with national legislation,
punish acts of violence against women, whether those acts are perpetrated
by the State or by private persons;
(c) Enact and/or reinforce penal, civil, labour and administrative sanctions
in domestic legislation to punish and redress the wrongs done to women
and girls who are subjected to any form of violence, whether in the home,
the workplace, the community or society;
(d) Adopt and/or implement and periodically review and analyse legislation
to ensure its effectiveness in eliminating violence against women, emphasizing
the prevention of violence and the prosecution of offenders; take measures
to ensure the protection of women subjected to violence, access to just
and effective remedies, including compensation and indemnification and
healing of victims, and rehabilitation of perpetrators;
(e) Work actively to ratify and/or implement international human rights
norms and instruments as they relate to violence against women, including
those contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 21/ the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 13/ the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 13/ and the Convention
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;
(f) Implement the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women, taking into account general recommendation 19, adopted
by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at
its eleventh session; 23/
(g) Promote an active and visible policy of mainstreaming a gender perspective
in all policies and programmes related to violence against women; actively
encourage, support and implement measures and programmes aimed at increasing
the knowledge and understanding of the causes, consequences and mechanisms
of violence against women among those responsible for implementing these
policies, such as law enforcement officers, police personnel and judicial,
medical and social workers, as well as those who deal with minority, migration
and refugee issues, and develop strategies to ensure that the revictimization
of women victims of violence does not occur because of gender-insensitive
laws or judicial or enforcement practices;
(h) Provide women who are subjected to violence with access to the mechanisms
of justice and, as provided for by national legislation, to just and effective
remedies for the harm they have suffered and inform women of their rights
in seeking redress through such mechanisms;
(i) Enact and enforce legislation against the perpetrators of practices
and acts of violence against women, such as female genital mutilation,
female infanticide, prenatal sex selection and dowry- related violence,
and give vigorous support to the efforts of non-governmental and community
organizations to eliminate such practices;
(j) Formulate and implement, at all appropriate levels, plans of action
to eliminate violence against women;
(k) Adopt all appropriate measures, especially in the field of education,
to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women,
and to eliminate prejudices, customary practices and all other practices
based on the idea of the inferiority or superiority of either of the sexes
and on stereotyped roles for men and women;
(l) Create or strengthen institutional mechanisms so that women and girls
can report acts of violence against them in a safe and confidential environment,
free from the fear of penalties or retaliation, and file charges;
(m) Ensure that women with disabilities have access to information and
services in the field of violence against women;
(n) Create, improve or develop as appropriate, and fund the training
programmes for judicial, legal, medical, social, educational and police
and immigrant personnel, in order to avoid the abuse of power leading
to violence against women and sensitize such personnel to the nature of
gender-based acts and threats of violence so that fair treatment of female
victims can be assured;
(o) Adopt laws, where necessary, and reinforce existing laws that punish
police, security forces or any other agents of the State who engage in
acts of violence against women in the course of the performance of their
duties; review existing legislation and take effective measures against
the perpetrators of such violence;
(p) Allocate adequate resources within the government budget and mobilize
community resources for activities related to the elimination of violence
against women, including resources for the implementation of plans of
action at all appropriate levels;
(q) Include in reports submitted in accordance with the provisions of
relevant United Nations human rights instruments, information pertaining
to violence against women and measures taken to implement the Declaration
on the Elimination of Violence against Women;
(r) Cooperate with and assist the Special Rapporteur of the Commission
on Human Rights on violence against women in the performance of her mandate
and furnish all information requested; cooperate also with other competent
mechanisms, such as the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human
Rights on torture and the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human
Rights on summary, extrajudiciary and arbitrary executions, in relation
to violence against women;
(s) Recommend that the Commission on Human Rights renew the mandate of
the Special Rapporteur on violence against women when her term ends in
1997 and, if warranted, to update and strengthen it.
125. By Governments, including local governments, community organizations,
non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, the public and
private sectors, particularly enterprises, and the mass media, as appropriate:
(a) Provide well-funded shelters and relief support for girls and women
subjected to violence, as well as medical, psychological and other counselling
services and free or low-cost legal aid, where it is needed, as well as
appropriate assistance to enable them to find a means of subsistence;
(b) Establish linguistically and culturally accessible services for migrant
women and girls, including women migrant workers, who are victims of gender-based
(c) Recognize the vulnerability to violence and other forms of abuse
of women migrants, including women migrant workers, whose legal status
in the host country depends on employers who may exploit their situation;
(d) Support initiatives of women's organizations and non-governmental
organizations all over the world to raise awareness on the issue of violence
against women and to contribute to its elimination;
(e) Organize, support and fund community-based education and training
campaigns to raise awareness about violence against women as a violation
of women's enjoyment of their human rights and mobilize local communities
to use appropriate gender-sensitive traditional and innovative methods
of conflict resolution;
(f) Recognize, support and promote the fundamental role of intermediate
institutions, such as primary health-care centres, family-planning centres,
existing school health services, mother and baby protection services,
centres for migrant families and so forth in the field of information
and education related to abuse;
(g) Organize and fund information campaigns and educational and training
programmes in order to sensitize girls and boys and women and men to the
personal and social detrimental effects of violence in the family, community
and society; teach them how to communicate without violence and promote
training for victims and potential victims so that they can protect themselves
and others against such violence;
(h) Disseminate information on the assistance available to women and
families who are victims of violence;
(i) Provide, fund and encourage counselling and rehabilitation programmes
for the perpetrators of violence and promote research to further efforts
concerning such counselling and rehabilitation so as to prevent the recurrence
of such violence;
(j) Raise awareness of the responsibility of the media in promoting non-stereotyped
images of women and men, as well as in eliminating patterns of media presentation
that generate violence, and encourage those responsible for media content
to establish professional guidelines and codes of conduct; also raise
awareness of the important role of the media in informing and educating
people about the causes and effects of violence against women and in stimulating
public debate on the topic.
126. By Governments, employers, trade unions, community and youth organizations
and non-governmental organizations, as appropriate:
(a) Develop programmes and procedures to eliminate sexual harassment
and other forms of violence against women in all educational institutions,
workplaces and elsewhere;
(b) Develop programmes and procedures to educate and raise awareness
of acts of violence against women that constitute a crime and a violation
of the human rights of women;
(c) Develop counselling, healing and support programmes for girls, adolescents
and young women who have been or are involved in abusive relationships,
particularly those who live in homes or institutions where abuse occurs;
(d) Take special measures to eliminate violence against women, particularly
those in vulnerable situations, such as young women, refugee, displaced
and internally displaced women, women with disabilities and women migrant
workers, including enforcing any existing legislation and developing,
as appropriate, new legislation for women migrant workers in both sending
and receiving countries.
127. By the Secretary-General of the United Nations:
Provide the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on violence
against women with all necessary assistance, in particular the staff and
resources required to perform all mandated functions, especially in carrying
out and following up on missions undertaken either separately or jointly
with other special rapporteurs and working groups, and adequate assistance
for periodic consultations with the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women and all treaty bodies.
128. By Governments, international organizations and non-governmental
Encourage the dissemination and implementation of the UNHCR Guidelines
on the Protection of Refugee Women and the UNHCR Guidelines on the Prevention
of and Response to Sexual Violence against Refugees.
Strategic objective D.2. Study the causes and consequences of violence
against women and the effectiveness of preventive measures
Actions to be taken
129. By Governments, regional organizations, the United Nations, other
international organizations, research institutions, women's and youth
organizations and non-governmental organizations, as appropriate:
(a) Promote research, collect data and compile statistics, especially
concerning domestic violence relating to the prevalence of different forms
of violence against women, and encourage research into the causes, nature,
seriousness and consequences of violence against women and the effectiveness
of measures implemented to prevent and redress violence against women;
(b) Disseminate findings of research and studies widely;
(c) Support and initiate research on the impact of violence, such as
rape, on women and girl children, and make the resulting information and
statistics available to the public;
(d) Encourage the media to examine the impact of gender role stereotypes,
including those perpetuated by commercial advertisements which foster
gender-based violence and inequalities, and how they are transmitted during
the life cycle, and take measures to eliminate these negative images with
a view to promoting a violence-free society.
Strategic objective D.3. Eliminate trafficking in women and assist victims
of violence due to prostitution and trafficking
Actions to be taken
130. By Governments of countries of origin, transit and destination,
regional and international organizations, as appropriate:
(a) Consider the ratification and enforcement of international conventions
on trafficking in persons and on slavery;
(b) Take appropriate measures to address the root factors, including
external factors, that encourage trafficking in women and girls for prostitution
and other forms of commercialized sex, forced marriages and forced labour
in order to eliminate trafficking in women, including by strengthening
existing legislation with a view to providing better protection of the
rights of women and girls and to punishing the perpetrators, through both
criminal and civil measures;
(c) Step up cooperation and concerted action by all relevant law enforcement
authorities and institutions with a view to dismantling national, regional
and international networks in trafficking;
(d) Allocate resources to provide comprehensive programmes designed to
heal and rehabilitate into society victims of trafficking, including through
job training, legal assistance and confidential health care, and take
measures to cooperate with non-governmental organizations to provide for
the social, medical and psychological care of the victims of trafficking;
(e) Develop educational and training programmes and policies and consider
enacting legislation aimed at preventing sex tourism and trafficking,
giving special emphasis to the protection of young women and children.
E. Women and armed conflict
131. An environment that maintains world peace and promotes and protects
human rights, democracy and the peaceful settlement of disputes, in accordance
with the principles of non-threat or use of force against territorial
integrity or political independence and of respect for sovereignty as
set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, is an important factor
for the advancement of women. Peace is inextricably linked with equality
between women and men and development. Armed and other types of conflicts
and terrorism and hostage-taking still persist in many parts of the world.
Aggression, foreign occupation, ethnic and other types of conflicts are
an ongoing reality affecting women and men in nearly every region. Gross
and systematic violations and situations that constitute serious obstacles
to the full enjoyment of human rights continue to occur in different parts
of the world. Such violations and obstacles include, as well as torture
and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, summary and
arbitrary executions, disappearances, arbitrary detentions, all forms
of racism and racial discrimination, foreign occupation and alien domination,
xenophobia, poverty, hunger and other denials of economic, social and
cultural rights, religious intolerance, terrorism, discrimination against
women and lack of the rule of law. International humanitarian law, prohibiting
attacks on civilian populations, as such, is at times systematically ignored
and human rights are often violated in connection with situations of armed
conflict, affecting the civilian population, especially women, children,
the elderly and the disabled.
Violations of the human rights of women in situations of armed conflict
are violations of the fundamental principles of international human rights
and humanitarian law. Massive violations of human rights, especially in
the form of genocide, ethnic cleansing as a strategy of war and its consequences,
and rape, including systematic rape of women in war situations, creating
a mass exodus of refugees and displaced persons, are abhorrent practices
that are strongly condemned and must be stopped immediately, while perpetrators
of such crimes must be punished. Some of these situations of armed conflict
have their origin in the conquest or colonialization of a country by another
State and the perpetuation of that colonization through state and military
132. The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons
in Time of War, of 1949, and the Additional Protocols of 1977 24/ provide
that women shall especially be protected against any attack on their honour,
in particular against humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, enforced
prostitution or any form of indecent assault. The Vienna Declaration and
Programme of Action, adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights,
states that "violations of the human rights of women in situations
of armed conflict are violations of the fundamental principles of international
human rights and humanitarian law". 25/ All violations of this kind,
including in particular murder, rape, including systematic rape, sexual
slavery and forced pregnancy require a particularly effective response.
Gross and systematic violations and situations that constitute serious
obstacles to the full enjoyment of human rights continue to occur in different
parts of the world. Such violations and obstacles include, as well as
torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or summary and arbitrary
detention, all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, denial
of economic, social and cultural rights and religious intolerance.
133. Violations of human rights in situations of armed conflict and military
occupation are violations of the fundamental principles of international
human rights and humanitarian law as embodied in international human rights
instruments and in the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Additional Protocols
thereto. Gross human rights violations and policies of ethnic cleansing
in war-torn and occupied areas continue to be carried out. These practices
have created, inter alia, a mass flow of refugees and other displaced
persons in need of international protection and internally displaced persons,
the majority of whom are women, adolescent girls and children. Civilian
victims, mostly women and children, often outnumber casualties among combatants.
In addition, women often become caregivers for injured combatants and
find themselves, as a result of conflict, unexpectedly cast as sole manager
of household, sole parent, and caretaker of elderly relatives.
134. In a world of continuing instability and violence, the implementation
of cooperative approaches to peace and security is urgently needed. The
equal access and full participation of women in power structures and their
full involvement in all efforts for the prevention and resolution of conflicts
are essential for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security.
Although women have begun to play an important role in conflict resolution,
peace- keeping and defence and foreign affairs mechanisms, they are still
underrepresented in decision-making positions. If women are to play an
equal part in securing and maintaining peace, they must be empowered politically
and economically and represented adequately at all levels of decision-making.
135. While entire communities suffer the consequences of armed conflict
and terrorism, women and girls are particularly affected because of their
status in society and their sex. Parties to conflict often rape women
with impunity, sometimes using systematic rape as a tactic of war and
terrorism. The impact of violence against women and violation of the human
rights of women in such situations is experienced by women of all ages,
who suffer displacement, loss of home and property, loss or involuntary
disappearance of close relatives, poverty and family separation and disintegration,
and who are victims of acts of murder, terrorism, torture, involuntary
disappearance, sexual slavery, rape, sexual abuse and forced pregnancy
in situations of armed conflict, especially as a result of policies of
ethnic cleansing and other new and emerging forms of violence. This is
compounded by the life-long social, economic and psychologically traumatic
consequences of armed conflict and foreign occupation and alien domination.
136. Women and children constitute some 80 per cent of the world's millions
of refugees and other displaced persons, including internally displaced
persons. They are threatened by deprivation of property, goods and services
and deprivation of their right to return to their homes of origin as well
as by violence and insecurity. Particular attention should be paid to
sexual violence against uprooted women and girls employed as a method
of persecution in systematic campaigns of terror and intimidation and
forcing members of a particular ethnic, cultural or religious group to
flee their homes. Women may also be forced to flee as a result of a well-founded
fear of persecution for reasons enumerated in the 1951 Convention relating
to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol, including persecution
through sexual violence or other gender-related persecution, and they
continue to be vulnerable to violence and exploitation while in flight,
in countries of asylum and resettlement and during and after repatriation.
Women often experience difficulty in some countries of asylum in being
recognized as refugees when the claim is based on such persecution.
137. Refugee, displaced and migrant women in most cases display strength,
endurance and resourcefulness and can contribute positively to countries
of resettlement or to their country of origin on their return. They need
to be appropriately involved in decisions that affect them.
138. Many women's non-governmental organizations have called for reductions
in military expenditures world wide, as well as in international trade
and trafficking in and the proliferation of weapons. Those affected most
negatively by conflict and excessive military spending are people living
in poverty, who are deprived because of the lack of investment in basic
Women living in poverty, particularly rural women, also suffer because
of the use of arms that are particularly injurious or have indiscriminate
effects. There are more than 100 million anti-personnel land-mines scattered
in 64 countries globally. The negative impact on development of excessive
military expenditures, the arms trade, and investment for arms production
and acquisition must be addressed. At the same time, maintenance of national
security and peace is an important factor for economic growth and development
and the empowerment of women.
139. During times of armed conflict and the collapse of communities,
the role of women is crucial. They often work to preserve social order
in the midst of armed and other conflicts. Women make an important but
often unrecognized contribution as peace educators both in their families
and in their societies.
140. Education to foster a culture of peace that upholds justice and
tolerance for all nations and peoples is essential to attaining lasting
peace and should be begun at an early age. It should include elements
of conflict resolution, mediation, reduction of prejudice and respect
for diversity.
141. In addressing armed or other conflicts, an active and visible policy
of mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes
should be promoted so that before decisions are taken an analysis is made
of the effects on women and men, respectively.
Strategic objective E.1. Increase the participation of women in conflict
resolution at decision-making levels and protect women living in situations
of armed and other conflicts or under foreign occupation
Actions to be taken
142. By Governments and international and regional intergovernmental
(a) Take action to promote equal participation of women and equal opportunities
for women to participate in all forums and peace activities at all levels,
particularly at the decision-making level, including in the United Nations
Secretariat with due regard to equitable geographical distribution in
accordance with Article 101 of the Charter of the United Nations;
(b) Integrate a gender perspective in the resolution of armed or other
conflicts and foreign occupation and aim for gender balance when nominating
or promoting candidates for judicial and other positions in all relevant
international bodies, such as the United Nations International Tribunals
for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda and the International Court of
Justice, as well as in other bodies related to the peaceful settlement
of disputes;
(c) Ensure that these bodies are able to address gender issues properly
by providing appropriate training to prosecutors, judges and other officials
in handling cases involving rape, forced pregnancy in situations of armed
conflict, indecent assault and other forms of violence against women in
armed conflicts, including terrorism, and integrate a gender perspective
into their work.
Strategic objective E.2. Reduce excessive military expenditures and control
the availability of armaments
Actions to be taken
143. By Governments:
(a) Increase and hasten, as appropriate, subject to national security
considerations, the conversion of military resources and related industries
to development and peaceful purposes;
(b) Undertake to explore new ways of generating new public and private
financial resources, inter alia, through the appropriate reduction of
excessive military expenditures, including global military expenditures,
trade in arms and investment for arms production and acquisition, taking
into consideration national security requirements, so as to permit the
possible allocation of additional funds for social and economic development,
in particular for the advancement of women;
(c) Take action to investigate and punish members of the police, security
and armed forces and others who perpetrate acts of violence against women,
violations of international humanitarian law and violations of the human
rights of women in situations of armed conflict;
(d) While acknowledging legitimate national defence needs, recognize
and address the dangers to society of armed conflict and the negative
effect of excessive military expenditures, trade in arms, especially those
arms that are particularly injurious or have indiscriminate effects, and
excessive investment for arms production and acquisition; similarly, recognize
the need to combat illicit arms trafficking, violence, crime, the production
and use of and trafficking in illicit drugs, and trafficking in women
and children;
(e) Recognizing that women and children are particularly affected by
the indiscriminate use of anti-personnel land-mines:
(i) Undertake to work actively towards ratification, if they have not
already done so, of the 1981 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions
on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively
Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, particularly the Protocol
on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby Traps and Other
Devices (Protocol II), 26/ with a view to universal ratification by the
year 2000;
(ii) Undertake to strongly consider strengthening the Convention to promote
a reduction in the casualties and intense suffering caused to the civilian
population by the indiscriminate use of land-mines;
(iii) Undertake to promote assistance in mine clearance, notably by facilitating,
in respect of the means of mine-clearing, the exchange of information,
the transfer of technology and the promotion of scientific research;
(iv) Within the United Nations context, undertake to support efforts
to coordinate a common response programme of assistance in de-mining without
unnecessary discrimination;
(v) Adopt at the earliest possible date, if they have not already done
so, a moratorium on the export of anti-personnel land- mines, including
to non-governmental entities, noting with satisfaction that many States
have already declared moratoriums on the export, transfer or sale of such
(vi) Undertake to encourage further international efforts to seek solutions
to the problems caused by antipersonnel land-mines, with a view to their
eventual elimination, recognizing that States can move most effectively
towards this goal as viable and humane alternatives are developed;
(f) Recognizing the leading role that women have played in the peace
(i) Work actively towards general and complete disarmament under strict
and effective international control;
(ii) Support negotiations on the conclusion, without delay, of a universal
and multilaterally and effectively verifiable comprehensive nuclear-test-ban
treaty that contributes to nuclear disarmament and the prevention of the
proliferation of nuclear weapons in all its aspects;
(iii) Pending the entry into force of a comprehensive nuclear-test- ban
treaty, exercise the utmost restraint in respect of nuclear testing.
Strategic objective E.3. Promote non-violent forms of conflict resolution
and reduce the incidence of human rights abuse in conflict situations
Actions to be taken
144. By Governments:
(a) Consider the ratification of or accession to international instruments
containing provisions relative to the protection of women and children
in armed conflicts, including the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection
of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 1949, the Protocols Additional
to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 relating to the Protection of Victims
of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) and to the Protection of
Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II); 24/
(b) Respect fully the norms of international humanitarian law in armed
conflicts and take all measures required for the protection of women and
children, in particular against rape, forced prostitution and any other
form of indecent assault;
(c) Strengthen the role of women and ensure equal representation of women
at all decision-making levels in national and international institutions
which may make or influence policy with regard to matters related to peace-keeping,
preventive diplomacy and related activities and in all stages of peace
mediation and negotiations, taking note of the specific recommendations
of the Secretary-General in his strategic plan of action for the improvement
of the status of women in the Secretariat (1995-2000) (A/49/587, sect.
145. By Governments and international and regional organizations:
(a) Reaffirm the right of self-determination of all peoples, in particular
of peoples under colonial or other forms of alien domination or foreign
occupation, and the importance of the effective realization of this right,
as enunciated, inter alia, in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of
Action, 2/ adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights;
(b) Encourage diplomacy, negotiation and peaceful settlement of disputes
in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, in particular Article
2, paragraphs 3 and 4 thereof;
(c) Urge the identification and condemnation of the systematic practice
of rape and other forms of inhuman and degrading treatment of women as
a deliberate instrument of war and ethnic cleansing and take steps to
ensure that full assistance is provided to the victims of such abuse for
their physical and mental rehabilitation;
(d) Reaffirm that rape in the conduct of armed conflict constitutes a
war crime and under certain circumstances it constitutes a crime against
humanity and an act of genocide as defined in the Convention on the Prevention
and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; 27/ take all measures required
for the protection of women and children from such acts and strengthen
mechanisms to investigate and punish all those responsible and bring the
perpetrators to justice;
(e) Uphold and reinforce standards set out in international humanitarian
law and international human rights instruments to prevent all acts of
violence against women in situations of armed and other conflicts; undertake
a full investigation of all acts of violence against women committed during
war, including rape, in particular systematic rape, forced prostitution
and other forms of indecent assault and sexual slavery; prosecute all
criminals responsible for war crimes against women and provide full redress
to women victims;
(f) Call upon the international community to condemn and act against
all forms and manifestations of terrorism;
(g) Take into account gender-sensitive concerns in developing training
programmes for all relevant personnel on international humanitarian law
and human rights awareness and recommend such training for those involved
in United Nations peace-keeping and humanitarian aid, with a view to preventing
violence against women, in particular;
(h) Discourage the adoption of and refrain from any unilateral measure
not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United
Nations, that impedes the full achievement of economic and social development
by the population of the affected countries, in particular women and children,
that hinders their well-being and that creates obstacles to the full enjoyment
of their human rights, including the right of everyone to a standard of
living adequate for their health and well-being and their right to food,
medical care and the necessary social services. This Conference reaffirms
that food and medicine must not be used as a tool for political pressure;
(i) Take measures in accordance with international law with a view to
alleviating the negative impact of economic sanctions on women and children.
Strategic objective E.4. Promote women's contribution to fostering a
culture of peace
Actions to be taken
146. By Governments, international and regional intergovernmental institutions
and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Promote peaceful conflict resolution and peace, reconciliation and
tolerance through education, training, community actions and youth exchange
programmes, in particular for young women;
(b) Encourage the further development of peace research, involving the
participation of women, to examine the impact of armed conflict on women
and children and the nature and contribution of women's participation
in national, regional and international peace movements; engage in research
and identify innovative mechanisms for containing violence and for conflict
resolution for public dissemination and for use by women and men;
(c) Develop and disseminate research on the physical, psychological,
economic and social effects of armed conflicts on women, particularly
young women and girls, with a view to developing policies and programmes
to address the consequences of conflicts;
(d) Consider establishing educational programmes for girls and boys to
foster a culture of peace, focusing on conflict resolution by non-violent
means and the promotion of tolerance.
Strategic objective E.5. Provide protection, assistance and training
to refugee women, other displaced women in need of international protection
and internally displaced women
Actions to be taken
147. By Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations
and other institutions involved in providing protection, assistance and
training to refugee women, other displaced women in need of international
protection and internally displaced women, including the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the World Food Programme,
as appropriate:
(a) Take steps to ensure that women are fully involved in the planning,
design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all short-term and
long-term projects and programmes providing assistance to refugee women,
other displaced women in need of international protection and internally
displaced women, including the management of refugee camps and resources;
ensure that refugee and displaced women and girls have direct access to
the services provided;
(b) Offer adequate protection and assistance to women and children displaced
within their country and find solutions to the root causes of their displacement
with a view to preventing it and, when appropriate, facilitate their return
or resettlement;
(c) Take steps to protect the safety and physical integrity of refugee
women, other displaced women in need of international protection and internally
displaced women during their displacement and upon their return to their
communities of origin, including programmes of rehabilitation; take effective
measures to protect from violence women who are refugees or displaced;
hold an impartial and thorough investigation of any such violations and
bring those responsible to justice;
(d) While fully respecting and strictly observing the principle of non-refoulement
of refugees, take all the necessary steps to ensure the right of refugee
and displaced women to return voluntarily to their place of origin in
safety and with dignity, and their right to protection after their return;
(e) Take measures, at the national level with international cooperation,
as appropriate, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
to find lasting solutions to questions related to internally displaced
women, including their right to voluntary and safe return to their home
of origin;
(f) Ensure that the international community and its international organizations
provide financial and other resources for emergency relief and other longer-term
assistance that takes into account the specific needs, resources and potentials
of refugee women, other displaced women in need of international protection
and internally displaced women; in the provision of protection and assistance,
take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women
and girls in order to ensure equal access to appropriate and adequate
food, water and shelter, education, and social and health services, including
reproductive health care and maternity care and services to combat tropical
(g) Facilitate the availability of educational materials in the appropriate
language - in emergency situations also - in order to minimize disruption
of schooling among refugee and displaced children;
(h) Apply international norms to ensure equal access and equal treatment
of women and men in refugee determination procedures and the granting
of asylum, including full respect and strict observation of the principle
of non-refoulement through, inter alia, bringing national immigration
regulations into conformity with relevant international instruments, and
consider recognizing as refugees those women whose claim to refugee status
is based upon the well- founded fear of persecution for reasons enumerated
in the 1951 Convention 28/ and the 1967 Protocol 29/ relating to the Status
of Refugees, including persecution through sexual violence or other gender-related
persecution, and provide access to specially trained officers, including
female officers, to interview women regarding sensitive or painful experiences,
such as sexual assault;
(i) Support and promote efforts by States towards the development of
criteria and guidelines on responses to persecution specifically aimed
at women, by sharing information on States' initiatives to develop such
criteria and guidelines and by monitoring to ensure their fair and consistent
(j) Promote the self-reliant capacities of refugee women, other displaced
women in need of international protection and internally displaced women
and provide programmes for women, particularly young women, in leadership
and decision-making within refugee and returnee communities;
(k) Ensure that the human rights of refugee and displaced women are protected
and that refugee and displaced women are made aware of these rights; ensure
that the vital importance of family reunification is recognized;
(l) Provide, as appropriate, women who have been determined refugees
with access to vocational/professional training programmes, including
language training, small-scale enterprise development training and planning
and counselling on all forms of violence against women, which should include
rehabilitation programmes for victims of torture and trauma; Governments
and other donors should contribute adequately to assistance programmes
for refugee women, other displaced women in need of international protection
and internally displaced women, taking into account in particular the
effects on the host countries of the increasing requirements of large
refugee populations and the need to widen the donor base and to achieve
greater burden-sharing;
(m) Raise public awareness of the contribution made by refugee women
to their countries of resettlement, promote understanding of their human
rights and of their needs and abilities and encourage mutual understanding
and acceptance through educational programmes promoting cross-cultural
and interracial harmony;
(n) Provide basic and support services to women who are displaced from
their place of origin as a result of terrorism, violence, drug trafficking
or other reasons linked to violence situations;
(o) Develop awareness of the human rights of women and provide, as appropriate,
human rights education and training to military and police personnel operating
in areas of armed conflict and areas where there are refugees.
148. By Governments:
(a) Disseminate and implement the UNHCR Guidelines on the Protection
of Refugee Women and the UNHCR Guidelines on Evaluation and Care of Victims
of Trauma and Violence, or provide similar guidance, in close cooperation
with refugee women and in all sectors of refugee programmes;
(b) Protect women and children who migrate as family members from abuse
or denial of their human rights by sponsors and consider extending their
stay, should the family relationship dissolve, within the limits of national
Strategic objective E.6. Provide assistance to the women of the colonies
and non-self-governing territories
Actions to be taken
149. By Governments and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Support and promote the implementation of the right of self- determination
of all peoples as enunciated, inter alia, in the Vienna Declaration and
Programme of Action by providing special programmes in leadership and
in training for decision-making;
(b) Raise public awareness, as appropriate, through the mass media, education
at all levels and special programmes to create a better understanding
of the situation of women of the colonies and non- self-governing territories.
F. Women and the economy
150. There are considerable differences in women's and men's access to
and opportunities to exert power over economic structures in their societies.
In most parts of the world, women are virtually absent from or are poorly
represented in economic decision-making, including the formulation of
financial, monetary, commercial and other economic policies, as well as
tax systems and rules governing pay. Since it is often within the framework
of such policies that individual men and women make their decisions, inter
alia, on how to divide their time between remunerated and unremunerated
work, the actual development of these economic structures and policies
has a direct impact on women's and men's access to economic resources,
their economic power and consequently the extent of equality between them
at the individual and family levels as well as in society as a whole.
151. In many regions, women's participation in remunerated work in the
formal and non-formal labour market has increased significantly and has
changed during the past decade. While women continue to work in agriculture
and fisheries, they have also become increasingly involved in micro, small
and medium-sized enterprises and, in some cases, have become more dominant
in the expanding informal sector. Due to, inter alia, difficult economic
situations and a lack of bargaining power resulting from gender inequality,
many women have been forced to accept low pay and poor working conditions
and thus have often become preferred workers. On the other hand, women
have entered the workforce increasingly by choice when they have become
aware of and demanded their rights. Some have succeeded in entering and
advancing in the workplace and improving their pay and working conditions.
However, women have been particularly affected by the economic situation
and restructuring processes, which have changed the nature of employment
and, in some cases, have led to a loss of jobs, even for professional
and skilled women. In addition, many women have entered the informal sector
owing to the lack of other opportunities. Women's participation and gender
concerns are still largely absent from and should be integrated in the
policy formulation process of the multilateral institutions that define
the terms and, in cooperation with Governments, set the goals of structural
adjustment programmes, loans and grants.
152. Discrimination in education and training, hiring and remuneration,
promotion and horizontal mobility practices, as well as inflexible working
conditions, lack of access to productive resources and inadequate sharing
of family responsibilities, combined with a lack of or insufficient services
such as child care, continue to restrict employment, economic, professional
and other opportunities and mobility for women and make their involvement
stressful. Moreover, attitudinal obstacles inhibit women's participation
in developing economic policy and in some regions restrict the access
of women and girls to education and training for economic management.
153. Women's share in the labour force continues to rise and almost everywhere
women are working more outside the household, although there has not been
a parallel lightening of responsibility for unremunerated work in the
household and community. Women's income is becoming increasingly necessary
to households of all types. In some regions, there has been a growth in
women's entrepreneurship and other self-reliant activities, particularly
in the informal sector. In many countries, women are the majority of workers
in non-standard work, such as temporary, casual, multiple part-time, contract
and home-based employment.
154. Women migrant workers, including domestic workers, contribute to
the economy of the sending country through their remittances and also
to the economy of the receiving country through their participation in
the labour force. However, in many receiving countries, migrant women
experience higher levels of unemployment compared with both non-migrant
workers and male migrant workers.
155. Insufficient attention to gender analysis has meant that women's
contributions and concerns remain too often ignored in economic structures,
such as financial markets and institutions, labour markets, economics
as an academic discipline, economic and social infrastructure, taxation
and social security systems, as well as in families and households. As
a result, many policies and programmes may continue to contribute to inequalities
between women and men. Where progress has been made in integrating gender
perspectives, programme and policy effectiveness has also been enhanced.
156. Although many women have advanced in economic structures, for the
majority of women, particularly those who face additional barriers, continuing
obstacles have hindered their ability to achieve economic autonomy and
to ensure sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their dependants.
Women are active in a variety of economic areas, which they often combine,
ranging from wage labour and subsistence farming and fishing to the informal
sector. However, legal and customary barriers to ownership of or access
to land, natural resources, capital, credit, technology and other means
of production, as well as wage differentials, contribute to impeding the
economic progress of women. Women contribute to development not only through
remunerated work but also through a great deal of unremunerated work.
On the one hand, women participate in the production of goods and services
for the market and household consumption, in agriculture, food production
or family enterprises. Though included in the United Nations System of
National Accounts and therefore in international standards for labour
statistics, this unremunerated work - particularly that related to agriculture
- is often undervalued and under-recorded. On the other hand, women still
also perform the great majority of unremunerated domestic work and community
work, such as caring for children and older persons, preparing food for
the family, protecting the environment and providing voluntary assistance
to vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and groups. This work is often
not measured in quantitative terms and is not valued in national accounts.
Women's contribution to development is seriously underestimated, and thus
its social recognition is limited. The full visibility of the type, extent
and distribution of this unremunerated work will also contribute to a
better sharing of responsibilities.
157. Although some new employment opportunities have been created for
women as a result of the globalization of the economy, there are also
trends that have exacerbated inequalities between women and men. At the
same time, globalization, including economic integration, can create pressures
on the employment situation of women to adjust to new circumstances and
to find new sources of employment as patterns of trade change. More analysis
needs to be done of the impact of globalization on women's economic status.
158. These trends have been characterized by low wages, little or no
labour standards protection, poor working conditions, particularly with
regard to women's occupational health and safety, low skill levels, and
a lack of job security and social security, in both the formal and informal
sectors. Women's unemployment is a serious and increasing problem in many
countries and sectors. Young workers in the informal and rural sectors
and migrant female workers remain the least protected by labour and immigration
laws. Women, particularly those who are heads of households with young
children, are limited in their employment opportunities for reasons that
include inflexible working conditions and inadequate sharing, by men and
by society, of family responsibilities.
159. In countries that are undergoing fundamental political, economic
and social transformation, the skills of women, if better utilized, could
constitute a major contribution to the economic life of their respective
countries. Their input should continue to be developed and supported and
their potential further realized.
160. Lack of employment in the private sector and reductions in public
services and public service jobs have affected women disproportionately.
In some countries, women take on more unpaid work, such as the care of
children and those who are ill or elderly, compensating for lost household
income, particularly when public services are not available. In many cases,
employment creation strategies have not paid sufficient attention to occupations
and sectors where women predominate; nor have they adequately promoted
the access of women to those occupations and sectors that are traditionally
161. For those women in paid work, many experience obstacles that prevent
them from achieving their potential. While some are increasingly found
in lower levels of management, attitudinal discrimination often prevents
them from being promoted further. The experience of sexual harassment
is an affront to a worker's dignity and prevents women from making a contribution
commensurate with their abilities. The lack of a family-friendly work
environment, including a lack of appropriate and affordable child care,
and inflexible working hours further prevent women from achieving their
full potential.
162. In the private sector, including transnational and national enterprises,
women are largely absent from management and policy levels, denoting discriminatory
hiring and promotion policies and practices. The unfavourable work environment
as well as the limited number of employment opportunities available have
led many women to seek alternatives. Women have increasingly become self-employed
and owners and managers of micro, small and medium-scale enterprises.
The expansion of the informal sector, in many countries, and of self-organized
and independent enterprises is in large part due to women, whose collaborative,
self-help and traditional practices and initiatives in production and
trade represent a vital economic resource. When they gain access to and
control over capital, credit and other resources, technology and training,
women can increase production, marketing and income for sustainable development.
163. Taking into account the fact that continuing inequalities and noticeable
progress coexist, rethinking employment policies is necessary in order
to integrate the gender perspective and to draw attention to a wider range
of opportunities as well as to address any negative gender implications
of current patterns of work and employment. To realize fully equality
between women and men in their contribution to the economy, active efforts
are required for equal recognition and appreciation of the influence that
the work, experience, knowledge and values of both women and men have
in society.
164. In addressing the economic potential and independence of women,
Governments and other actors should promote an active and visible policy
of mainstreaming a gender perspective in all policies and programmes so
that before decisions are taken, an analysis is made of the effects on
women and men, respectively.
Strategic objective F.1. Promote women's economic rights and independence,
including access to employment, appropriate working conditions and control
over economic resources
Actions to be taken
165. By Governments:
(a) Enact and enforce legislation to guarantee the rights of women and
men to equal pay for equal work or work of equal value;
(b) Adopt and implement laws against discrimination based on sex in the
labour market, especially considering older women workers, hiring and
promotion, the extension of employment benefits and social security, and
working conditions;
(c) Eliminate discriminatory practices by employers and take appropriate
measures in consideration of women's reproductive role and functions,
such as the denial of employment and dismissal due to pregnancy or breast-feeding,
or requiring proof of contraceptive use, and take effective measures to
ensure that pregnant women, women on maternity leave or women re-entering
the labour market after childbearing are not discriminated against;
(d) Devise mechanisms and take positive action to enable women to gain
access to full and equal participation in the formulation of policies
and definition of structures through such bodies as ministries of finance
and trade, national economic commissions, economic research institutes
and other key agencies, as well as through their participation in appropriate
international bodies;
(e) Undertake legislation and administrative reforms to give women equal
rights with men to economic resources, including access to ownership and
control over land and other forms of property, credit, inheritance, natural
resources and appropriate new technology;
(f) Conduct reviews of national income and inheritance tax and social
security systems to eliminate any existing bias against women;
(g) Seek to develop a more comprehensive knowledge of work and employment
through, inter alia, efforts to measure and better understand the type,
extent and distribution of unremunerated work, particularly work in caring
for dependants and unremunerated work done for family farms or businesses,
and encourage the sharing and dissemination of information on studies
and experience in this field, including the development of methods for
assessing its value in quantitative terms, for possible reflection in
accounts that may be produced separately from, but consistent with, core
national accounts;
(h) Review and amend laws governing the operation of financial institutions
to ensure that they provide services to women and men on an equal basis;
(i) Facilitate, at appropriate levels, more open and transparent budget
(j) Revise and implement national policies that support the traditional
savings, credit and lending mechanisms for women;
(k) Seek to ensure that national policies related to international and
regional trade agreements do not have an adverse impact on women's new
and traditional economic activities;
(l) Ensure that all corporations, including transnational corporations,
comply with national laws and codes, social security regulations, applicable
international agreements, instruments and conventions, including those
related to the environment, and other relevant laws;
(m) Adjust employment policies to facilitate the restructuring of work
patterns in order to promote the sharing of family responsibilities;
(n) Establish mechanisms and other forums to enable women entrepreneurs
and women workers to contribute to the formulation of policies and programmes
being developed by economic ministries and financial institutions;
(o) Enact and enforce equal opportunity laws, take positive action and
ensure compliance by the public and private sectors through various means;
(p) Use gender-impact analyses in the development of macro and micro-
economic and social policies in order to monitor such impact and restructure
policies in cases where harmful impact occurs;
(q) Promote gender-sensitive policies and measures to empower women as
equal partners with men in technical, managerial and entrepreneurial fields;
(r) Reform laws or enact national policies that support the establishment
of labour laws to ensure the protection of all women workers, including
safe work practices, the right to organize and access to justice.
Strategic objective F.2. Facilitate women's equal access to resources,
employment, markets and trade
Actions to be taken
166. By Governments:
(a) Promote and support women's self-employment and the development of
small enterprises, and strengthen women's access to credit and capital
on appropriate terms equal to those of men through the scaling-up of institutions
dedicated to promoting women's entrepreneurship, including, as appropriate,
non-traditional and mutual credit schemes, as well as innovative linkages
with financial institutions;
(b) Strengthen the incentive role of the State as employer to develop
a policy of equal opportunities for women and men;
(c) Enhance, at the national and local levels, rural women's income-
generating potential by facilitating their equal access to and control
over productive resources, land, credit, capital, property rights, development
programmes and cooperative structures;
(d) Promote and strengthen micro-enterprises, new small businesses, cooperative
enterprises, expanded markets and other employment opportunities and,
where appropriate, facilitate the transition from the informal to the
formal sector, especially in rural areas;
(e) Create and modify programmes and policies that recognize and strengthen
women's vital role in food security and provide paid and unpaid women
producers, especially those involved in food production, such as farming,
fishing and aquaculture, as well as urban enterprises, with equal access
to appropriate technologies, transportation, extension services, marketing
and credit facilities at the local and community levels;
(f) Establish appropriate mechanisms and encourage intersectoral institutions
that enable women's cooperatives to optimize access to necessary services;
(g) Increase the proportion of women extension workers and other government
personnel who provide technical assistance or administer economic programmes;
(h) Review, reformulate, if necessary, and implement policies, including
business, commercial and contract law and government regulations, to ensure
that they do not discriminate against micro, small and medium-scale enterprises
owned by women in rural and urban areas;
(i) Analyse, advise on, coordinate and implement policies that integrate
the needs and interests of employed, self-employed and entrepreneurial
women into sectoral and inter-ministerial policies, programmes and budgets;
(j) Ensure equal access for women to effective job training, retraining,
counselling and placement services that are not limited to traditional
employment areas;
(k) Remove policy and regulatory obstacles faced by women in social and
development programmes that discourage private and individual initiative;
(l) Safeguard and promote respect for basic workers' rights, including
the prohibition of forced labour and child labour, freedom of association
and the right to organize and bargain collectively, equal remuneration
for men and women for work of equal value and non-discrimination in employment,
fully implementing the conventions of the International Labour Organization
in the case of States Parties to those conventions and, taking into account
the principles embodied in the case of those countries that are not parties
to those conventions in order to achieve truly sustained economic growth
and sustainable development.
167. By Governments, central banks and national development banks, and
private banking institutions, as appropriate:
(a) Increase the participation of women, including women entrepreneurs,
in advisory boards and other forums to enable women entrepreneurs from
all sectors and their organizations to contribute to the formulation and
review of policies and programmes being developed by economic ministries
and banking institutions;
(b) Mobilize the banking sector to increase lending and refinancing through
incentives and the development of intermediaries that serve the needs
of women entrepreneurs and producers in both rural and urban areas, and
include women in their leadership, planning and decision-making;
(c) Structure services to reach rural and urban women involved in micro,
small and medium-scale enterprises, with special attention to young women,
low-income women, those belonging to ethnic and racial minorities, and
indigenous women who lack access to capital and assets; and expand women's
access to financial markets by identifying and encouraging financial supervisory
and regulatory reforms that support financial institutions' direct and
indirect efforts to better meet the credit and other financial needs of
the micro, small and medium-scale enterprises of women;
(d) Ensure that women's priorities are included in public investment
programmes for economic infrastructure, such as water and sanitation,
electrification and energy conservation, transport and road construction;
promote greater involvement of women beneficiaries at the project planning
and implementation stages to ensure access to jobs and contracts.
168. By Governments and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Pay special attention to women's needs when disseminating market,
trade and resource information and provide appropriate training in these
(b) Encourage community economic development strategies that build on
partnerships among Governments, and encourage members of civil society
to create jobs and address the social circumstances of individuals, families
and communities.
169. By multilateral funders and regional development banks, as well
as bilateral and private funding agencies, at the international, regional
and subregional levels:
(a) Review, where necessary reformulate, and implement policies, programmes
and projects, to ensure that a higher proportion of resources reach women
in rural and remote areas;
(b) Develop flexible funding arrangements to finance intermediary institutions
that target women's economic activities, and promote self-sufficiency
and increased capacity in and profitability of women's economic enterprises;
(c) Develop strategies to consolidate and strengthen their assistance
to the micro, small and medium-scale enterprise sector, in order to enhance
the opportunities for women to participate fully and equally and work
together to coordinate and enhance the effectiveness of this sector, drawing
upon expertise and financial resources from within their own organizations
as well as from bilateral agencies, Governments and non-governmental organizations.
170. By international, multilateral and bilateral development cooperation
Support, through the provision of capital and/or resources, financial
institutions that serve low-income, small and micro-scale women entrepreneurs
and producers in both the formal and informal sectors.
By Governments and/or multilateral financial institutions: Review
rules and procedures of formal national and international financial institutions
that obstruct replication of the Grameen Bank prototype, which provides
credit facilities to rural women.172. By international organizations:
Provide adequate support for programmes and projects designed to promote
sustainable and productive entrepreneurial activities among women, in
particular the disadvantaged.
Strategic objective F.3. Provide business services, training and access
to markets, information and technology, particularly to low-income women
Actions to be taken
173. By Governments in cooperation with non-governmental organizations
and the private sector:
(a) Provide public infrastructure to ensure equal market access for women
and men entrepreneurs;
(b) Develop programmes that provide training and retraining, particularly
in new technologies, and affordable services to women in business management,
product development, financing, production and quality control, marketing
and the legal aspects of business;
(c) Provide outreach programmes to inform low-income and poor women,
particularly in rural and remote areas, of opportunities for market and
technology access, and provide assistance in taking advantage of such
(d) Create non-discriminatory support services, including investment
funds for women's businesses, and target women, particularly low- income
women, in trade promotion programmes;
(e) Disseminate information about successful women entrepreneurs in both
traditional and non-traditional economic activities and the skills necessary
to achieve success, and facilitate networking and the exchange of information;
(f) Take measures to ensure equal access of women to ongoing training
in the workplace, including unemployed women, single parents, women re-entering
the labour market after an extended temporary exit from employment owing
to family responsibilities and other causes, and women displaced by new
forms of production or by retrenchment, and increase incentives to enterprises
to expand the number of vocational and training centres that provide training
for women in non-traditional areas;
(g) Provide affordable support services, such as high-quality, flexible
and affordable child-care services, that take into account the needs of
working men and women.
174. By local, national, regional and international business organizations
and non-governmental organizations concerned with women's issues:
Advocate, at all levels, for the promotion and support of women's businesses
and enterprises, including those in the informal sector, and the equal
access of women to productive resources.
Strategic objective F.4. Strengthen women's economic capacity and commercial
Actions to be taken
175. By Governments:
(a) Adopt policies that support business organizations, non-governmental
organizations, cooperatives, revolving loan funds, credit unions, grass-roots
organizations, women's self-help groups and other groups in order to provide
services to women entrepreneurs in rural and urban areas;
(b) Integrate a gender perspective into all economic restructuring and
structural adjustment policies and design programmes for women who are
affected by economic restructuring, including structural adjustment programmes,
and for women who work in the informal sector;
(c) Adopt policies that create an enabling environment for women's self-
help groups, workers' organizations and cooperatives through non-conventional
forms of support and by recognizing the right to freedom of association
and the right to organize;
(d) Support programmes that enhance the self-reliance of special groups
of women, such as young women, women with disabilities, elderly women
and women belonging to racial and ethnic minorities;
(e) Promote gender equality through the promotion of women's studies
and through the use of the results of studies and gender research in all
fields, including the economic, scientific and technological fields;
(f) Support the economic activities of indigenous women, taking into
account their traditional knowledge, so as to improve their situation
and development;
(g) Adopt policies to extend or maintain the protection of labour laws
and social security provisions for those who do paid work in the home;
(h) Recognize and encourage the contribution of research by women scientists
and technologists;
(i) Ensure that policies and regulations do not discriminate against
micro, small and medium-scale enterprises run by women.
176. By financial intermediaries, national training institutes, credit
unions, non-governmental organizations, women's associations, professional
organizations and the private sector, as appropriate:
(a) Provide, at the national, regional and international levels, training
in a variety of business-related and financial management and technical
skills to enable women, especially young women, to participate in economic
policy-making at those levels;
(b) Provide business services, including marketing and trade information,
product design and innovation, technology transfer and quality, to women's
business enterprises, including those in export sectors of the economy;
(c) Promote technical and commercial links and establish joint ventures
among women entrepreneurs at the national, regional and international
levels to support community-based initiatives;
(d) Strengthen the participation of women, including marginalized women,
in production and marketing cooperatives by providing marketing and financial
support, especially in rural and remote areas;
(e) Promote and strengthen women's micro-enterprises, new small businesses,
cooperative enterprises, expanded markets and other employment opportunities
and, where appropriate, facilitate the transition from the informal to
the formal sector, in rural and urban areas;
(f) Invest capital and develop investment portfolios to finance women's
business enterprises;
(g) Give adequate attention to providing technical assistance, advisory
services, training and retraining for women connected with the entry to
the market economy;
(h) Support credit networks and innovative ventures, including traditional
savings schemes;
(i) Provide networking arrangements for entrepreneurial women, including
opportunities for the mentoring of inexperienced women by the more experienced;
(j) Encourage community organizations and public authorities to establish
loan pools for women entrepreneurs, drawing on successful small-scale
cooperative models.
177. By the private sector, including transnational and national corporations:
(a) Adopt policies and establish mechanisms to grant contracts on a non-discriminatory
(b) Recruit women for leadership, decision-making and management and
provide training programmes, all on an equal basis with men;
(c) Observe national labour, environment, consumer, health and safety
laws, particularly those that affect women.
Strategic objective F.5. Eliminate occupational segregation and all forms
of employment discrimination
Actions to be taken
178. By Governments, employers, employees, trade unions and women's organizations:
(a) Implement and enforce laws and regulations and encourage voluntary
codes of conduct that ensure that international labour standards, such
as International Labour Organization Convention No. 100 on equal pay and
workers' rights, apply equally to female and male workers;
(b) Enact and enforce laws and introduce implementing measures, including
means of redress and access to justice in cases of non-compliance, to
prohibit direct and indirect discrimination on grounds of sex, including
by reference to marital or family status, in relation to access to employment,
conditions of employment, including training, promotion, health and safety,
as well as termination of employment and social security of workers, including
legal protection against sexual and racial harassment;
(c) Enact and enforce laws and develop workplace policies against gender
discrimination in the labour market, especially considering older women
workers, in hiring and promotion, and in the extension of employment benefits
and social security, as well as regarding discriminatory working conditions
and sexual harassment; mechanisms should be developed for the regular
review and monitoring of such laws;
(d) Eliminate discriminatory practices by employers on the basis of women's
reproductive roles and functions, including refusal of employment and
dismissal of women due to pregnancy and breast- feeding responsibilities;
(e) Develop and promote employment programmes and services for women
entering and/or re-entering the labour market, especially poor urban,
rural and young women, the self-employed and those negatively affected
by structural adjustment;
(f) Implement and monitor positive public- and private-sector employment,
equity and positive action programmes to address systemic discrimination
against women in the labour force, in particular women with disabilities
and women belonging to other disadvantaged groups, with respect to hiring,
retention and promotion, and vocational training of women in all sectors;
(g) Eliminate occupational segregation, especially by promoting the equal
participation of women in highly skilled jobs and senior management positions,
and through other measures, such as counselling and placement, that stimulate
their on-the-job career development and upward mobility in the labour
market, and by stimulating the diversification of occupational choices
by both women and men; encourage women to take up non-traditional jobs,
especially in science and technology, and encourage men to seek employment
in the social sector;
(h) Recognize collective bargaining as a right and as an important mechanism
for eliminating wage inequality for women and to improve working conditions;
(i) Promote the election of women trade union officials and ensure that
trade union officials elected to represent women are given job protection
and physical security in connection with the discharge of their functions;
(j) Ensure access to and develop special programmes to enable women with
disabilities to obtain and retain employment, and ensure access to education
and training at all proper levels, in accordance with the Standard Rules
on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities; 30/
adjust working conditions, to the extent possible, in order to suit the
needs of women with disabilities, who should be assured legal protection
against unfounded job loss on account of their disabilities;
(k) Increase efforts to close the gap between women's and men's pay,
take steps to implement the principle of equal remuneration for equal
work of equal value by strengthening legislation, including compliance
with international labour laws and standards, and encourage job evaluation
schemes with gender-neutral criteria;
(l) Establish and/or strengthen mechanisms to adjudicate matters relating
to wage discrimination;
(m) Set specific target dates for eliminating all forms of child labour
that are contrary to accepted international standards and ensure the full
enforcement of relevant existing laws and, where appropriate, enact the
legislation necessary to implement the Convention on the Rights of the
Child and International Labour Organization standards, ensuring the protection
of working children, in particular, street children, through the provision
of appropriate health, education and other social services;
(n) Ensure that strategies to eliminate child labour also address the
excessive demands made on some girls for unpaid work in their household
and other households, where applicable;
(o) Review, analyse and, where appropriate, reformulate the wage structures
in female-dominated professions, such as teaching, nursing and child care,
with a view to raising their low status and earnings;
(p) Facilitate the productive employment of documented migrant women
(including women who have been determined refugees according to the 1951
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees) through greater recognition
of foreign education and credentials and by adopting an integrated approach
to labour market training that incorporates language training.
Strategic objective F.6. Promote harmonization of work and family responsibilities
for women and men
Actions to be taken
179. By Governments:
(a) Adopt policies to ensure the appropriate protection of labour laws
and social security benefits for part-time, temporary, seasonal and home-based
workers; promote career development based on work conditions that harmonize
work and family responsibilities;
(b) Ensure that full and part-time work can be freely chosen by women
and men on an equal basis, and consider appropriate protection for atypical
workers in terms of access to employment, working conditions and social
(c) Ensure, through legislation, incentives and/or encouragement, opportunities
for women and men to take job-protected parental leave and to have parental
benefits; promote the equal sharing of responsibilities for the family
by men and women, including through appropriate legislation, incentives
and/or encouragement, and also promote the facilitation of breast-feeding
for working mothers;
(d) Develop policies, inter alia, in education to change attitudes that
reinforce the division of labour based on gender in order to promote the
concept of shared family responsibility for work in the home, particularly
in relation to children and elder care;
(e) Improve the development of, and access to, technologies that facilitate
occupational as well as domestic work, encourage self- support, generate
income, transform gender-prescribed roles within the productive process
and enable women to move out of low-paying jobs;
(f) Examine a range of policies and programmes, including social security
legislation and taxation systems, in accordance with national priorities
and policies, to determine how to promote gender equality and flexibility
in the way people divide their time between and derive benefits from education
and training, paid employment, family responsibilities, volunteer activity
and other socially useful forms of work, rest and leisure.
180. By Governments, the private sector and non-governmental organizations,
trade unions and the United Nations, as appropriate:
(a) Adopt appropriate measures involving relevant governmental bodies
and employers' and employees' associations so that women and men are able
to take temporary leave from employment, have transferable employment
and retirement benefits and make arrangements to modify work hours without
sacrificing their prospects for development and advancement at work and
in their careers;
(b) Design and provide educational programmes through innovative media
campaigns and school and community education programmes to raise awareness
on gender equality and non-stereotyped gender roles of women and men within
the family; provide support services and facilities, such as on-site child
care at workplaces and flexible working arrangements;
(c) Enact and enforce laws against sexual and other forms of harassment
in all workplaces.
G. Women in power and decision-making
181. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has
the right to take part in the Government of his/her country. The empowerment
and autonomy of women and the improvement of women's social, economic
and political status is essential for the achievement of both transparent
and accountable government and administration and sustainable development
in all areas of life. The power relations that prevent women from leading
fulfilling lives operate at many levels of society, from the most personal
to the highly public. Achieving the goal of equal participation of women
and men in decision-making will provide a balance that more accurately
reflects the composition of society and is needed in order to strengthen
democracy and promote its proper functioning. Equality in political decision-making
performs a leverage function without which it is highly unlikely that
a real integration of the equality dimension in government policy-making
is feasible.
In this respect, women's equal participation in political life plays
a pivotal role in the general process of the advancement of women. Women's
equal participation in decision-making is not only a demand for simple
justice or democracy but can also be seen as a necessary condition for
women's interests to be taken into account. Without the active participation
of women and the incorporation of women's perspective at all levels of
decision-making, the goals of equality, development and peace cannot be
182. Despite the widespread movement towards democratization in most
countries, women are largely underrepresented at most levels of government,
especially in ministerial and other executive bodies, and have made little
progress in attaining political power in legislative bodies or in achieving
the target endorsed by the Economic and Social Council of having 30 per
cent women in positions at decision-making levels by 1995. Globally, only
10 per cent of the members of legislative bodies and a lower percentage
of ministerial positions are now held by women. Indeed, some countries,
including those that are undergoing fundamental political, economic and
social changes, have seen a significant decrease in the number of women
represented in legislative bodies. Although women make up at least half
of the electorate in almost all countries and have attained the right
to vote and hold office in almost all States Members of the United Nations,
women continue to be seriously underrepresented as candidates for public
office. The traditional working patterns of many political parties and
government structures continue to be barriers to women's participation
in public life. Women may be discouraged from seeking political office
by discriminatory attitudes and practices, family and child-care responsibilities,
and the high cost of seeking and holding public office. Women in politics
and decision-making positions in Governments and legislative bodies contribute
to redefining political priorities, placing new items on the political
agenda that reflect and address women's gender-specific concerns, values
and experiences, and providing new perspectives on mainstream political
183. Women have demonstrated considerable leadership in community and
informal organizations, as well as in public office. However, socialization
and negative stereotyping of women and men, including stereotyping through
the media, reinforces the tendency for political decision-making to remain
the domain of men. Likewise, the underrepresentation of women in decision-making
positions in the areas of art, culture, sports, the media, education,
religion and the law have prevented women from having a significant impact
on many key institutions.
184. Owing to their limited access to the traditional avenues to power,
such as the decision-making bodies of political parties, employer organizations
and trade unions, women have gained access to power through alternative
structures, particularly in the non-governmental organization sector.
Through non-governmental organizations and grass-roots organizations,
women have been able to articulate their interests and concerns and have
placed women's issues on the national, regional and international agendas.
185. Inequality in the public arena can often start with discriminatory
attitudes and practices and unequal power relations between women and
men within the family, as defined in paragraph 29 above. The unequal division
of labour and responsibilities within households based on unequal power
relations also limits women's potential to find the time and develop the
skills required for participation in decision-making in wider public forums.
A more equal sharing of those responsibilities between women and men not
only provides a better quality of life for women and their daughters but
also enhances their opportunities to shape and design public policy, practice
and expenditure so that their interests may be recognized and addressed.
Non-formal networks and patterns of decision-making at the local community
level that reflect a dominant male ethos restrict women's ability to participate
equally in political, economic and social life.
186. The low proportion of women among economic and political decision
makers at the local, national, regional and international levels reflects
structural and attitudinal barriers that need to be addressed through
positive measures. Governments, transnational and national corporations,
the mass media, banks, academic and scientific institutions, and regional
and international organizations, including those in the United Nations
system, do not make full use of women's talents as top-level managers,
policy makers, diplomats and negotiators.
187. The equitable distribution of power and decision-making at all levels
is dependent on Governments and other actors undertaking statistical gender
analysis and mainstreaming a gender perspective in policy development
and the implementation of programmes. Equality in decision-making is essential
to the empowerment of women. In some countries, affirmative action has
led to 33.3 per cent or larger representation in local and national Governments.
188. National, regional and international statistical institutions still
have insufficient knowledge of how to present the issues related to the
equal treatment of women and men in the economic and social spheres. In
particular, there is insufficient use of existing databases and methodologies
in the important sphere of decision-making.
189. In addressing the inequality between men and women in the sharing
of power and decision-making at all levels, Governments and other actors
should promote an active and visible policy of mainstreaming a gender
perspective in all policies and programmes so that before decisions are
taken, an analysis is made of the effects on women and men, respectively.
Strategic objective G.1. Take measures to ensure women's equal access
to and full participation in power structures and decision-making
Actions to be taken
190. By Governments:
(a) Commit themselves to establishing the goal of gender balance in governmental
bodies and committees, as well as in public administrative entities, and
in the judiciary, including, inter alia, setting specific targets and
implementing measures to substantially increase the number of women with
a view to achieving equal representation of women and men, if necessary
through positive action, in all governmental and public administration
(b) Take measures, including, where appropriate, in electoral systems
that encourage political parties to integrate women in elective and non-elective
public positions in the same proportion and at the same levels as men;
(c) Protect and promote the equal rights of women and men to engage in
political activities and to freedom of association, including membership
in political parties and trade unions;
(d) Review the differential impact of electoral systems on the political
representation of women in elected bodies and consider, where appropriate,
the adjustment or reform of those systems;
(e) Monitor and evaluate progress in the representation of women through
the regular collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative and
qualitative data on women and men at all levels in various decision-making
positions in the public and private sectors, and disseminate data on the
number of women and men employed at various levels in Governments on a
yearly basis; ensure that women and men have equal access to the full
range of public appointments and set up mechanisms within governmental
structures for monitoring progress in this field;
(f) Support non-governmental organizations and research institutes that
conduct studies on women's participation in and impact on decision- making
and the decision-making environment;
(g) Encourage greater involvement of indigenous women in decision-making
at all levels;
(h) Encourage and, where appropriate, ensure that government-funded organizations
adopt non-discriminatory policies and practices in order to increase the
number and raise the position of women in their organizations;
(i) Recognize that shared work and parental responsibilities between
women and men promote women's increased participation in public life,
and take appropriate measures to achieve this, including measures to reconcile
family and professional life;
(j) Aim at gender balance in the lists of national candidates nominated
for election or appointment to United Nations bodies, specialized agencies
and other autonomous organizations of the United Nations system, particularly
for posts at the senior level.
191. By political parties:
(a) Consider examining party structures and procedures to remove all
barriers that directly or indirectly discriminate against the participation
of women;
(b) Consider developing initiatives that allow women to participate fully
in all internal policy-making structures and appointive and electoral
nominating processes;
(c) Consider incorporating gender issues in their political agenda, taking
measures to ensure that women can participate in the leadership of political
parties on an equal basis with men.
192. By Governments, national bodies, the private sector, political parties,
trade unions, employers' organizations, research and academic institutions,
subregional and regional bodies and non-governmental and international
(a) Take positive action to build a critical mass of women leaders, executives
and managers in strategic decision-making positions;
(b) Create or strengthen, as appropriate, mechanisms to monitor women's
access to senior levels of decision-making;
(c) Review the criteria for recruitment and appointment to advisory and
decision-making bodies and promotion to senior positions to ensure that
such criteria are relevant and do not discriminate against women;
(d) Encourage efforts by non-governmental organizations, trade unions
and the private sector to achieve equality between women and men in their
ranks, including equal participation in their decision-making bodies and
in negotiations in all areas and at all levels;
(e) Develop communications strategies to promote public debate on the
new roles of men and women in society, and in the family as defined in
paragraph 29 above;
(f) Restructure recruitment and career-development programmes to ensure
that all women, especially young women, have equal access to managerial,
entrepreneurial, technical and leadership training, including on-the-job
(g) Develop career advancement programmes for women of all ages that
include career planning, tracking, mentoring, coaching, training and retraining;
(h) Encourage and support the participation of women's non-governmental
organizations in United Nations conferences and their preparatory processes;
(i) Aim at and support gender balance in the composition of delegations
to the United Nations and other international forums.
193. By the United Nations:
(a) Implement existing and adopt new employment policies and measures
in order to achieve overall gender equality, particularly at the Professional
level and above, by the year 2000, with due regard to the importance of
recruiting staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible, in conformity
with Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations;
(b) Develop mechanisms to nominate women candidates for appointment to
senior posts in the United Nations, the specialized agencies and other
organizations and bodies of the United Nations system;
(c) Continue to collect and disseminate quantitative and qualitative
data on women and men in decision-making and analyse their differential
impact on decision-making and monitor progress towards achieving the Secretary-General's
target of having women hold 50 per cent of managerial and decision-making
positions by the year 2000.
194. By women's organizations, non-governmental organizations, trade
unions, social partners, producers, and industrial and professional organizations:
(a) Build and strengthen solidarity among women through information,
education and sensitization activities;
(b) Advocate at all levels to enable women to influence political, economic
and social decisions, processes and systems, and work towards seeking
accountability from elected representatives on their commitment to gender
(c) Establish, consistent with data protection legislation, databases
on women and their qualification for use in appointing women to senior
decision-making and advisory positions, for dissemination to Governments,
regional and international organizations and private enterprise, political
parties and other relevant bodies.
Strategic objective G.2. Increase women's capacity to participate in
decision-making and leadership
Actions to be taken
195. By Governments, national bodies, the private sector, political parties,
trade unions, employers' organizations, subregional and regional bodies,
non-governmental and international organizations and educational institutions:
(a) Provide leadership and self-esteem training to assist women and girls,
particularly those with special needs, women with disabilities and women
belonging to racial and ethnic minorities to strengthen their self-esteem
and to encourage them to take decision- making positions;
(b) Have transparent criteria for decision-making positions and ensure
that the selecting bodies have a gender-balanced composition;
(c) Create a system of mentoring for inexperienced women and, in particular,
offer training, including training in leadership and decision-making,
public speaking and self-assertion, as well as in political campaigning;
(d) Provide gender-sensitive training for women and men to promote non-discriminatory
working relationships and respect for diversity in work and management
(e) Develop mechanisms and training to encourage women to participate
in the electoral process, political activities and other leadership areas.
H. Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women
196. National machineries for the advancement of women have been established
in almost every Member State to, inter alia, design, promote the implementation
of, execute, monitor, evaluate, advocate and mobilize support for policies
that promote the advancement of women. National machineries are diverse
in form and uneven in their effectiveness, and in some cases have declined.
Often marginalized in national government structures, these mechanisms
are frequently hampered by unclear mandates, lack of adequate staff, training,
data and sufficient resources, and insufficient support from national
political leadership.
197. At the regional and international levels, mechanisms and institutions
to promote the advancement of women as an integral part of mainstream
political, economic, social and cultural development, and of initiatives
on development and human rights, encounter similar problems emanating
from a lack of commitment at the highest levels.
198. Successive international conferences have underscored the need to
take gender factors into account in policy and programme planning. However,
in many instances this has not been done.
199. Regional bodies concerned with the advancement of women have been
strengthened, together with international machinery, such as the Commission
on the Status of Women and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women. However, the limited resources available continue to impede
full implementation of their mandates.
200. Methodologies for conducting gender-based analysis in policies and
programmes and for dealing with the differential effects of policies on
women and men have been developed in many organizations and are available
for application but are often not being applied or are not being applied
201. A national machinery for the advancement of women is the central
policy- coordinating unit inside government. Its main task is to support
government- wide mainstreaming of a gender-equality perspective in all
policy areas. The necessary conditions for an effective functioning of
such national machineries include:
(a) Location at the highest possible level in the Government, falling
under the responsibility of a Cabinet minister;
(b) Institutional mechanisms or processes that facilitate, as appropriate,
decentralized planning, implementation and monitoring with a view to involving
non-governmental organizations and community organizations from the grass-roots
(c) Sufficient resources in terms of budget and professional capacity;
(d) Opportunity to influence development of all government policies.
202. In addressing the issue of mechanisms for promoting the advancement
of women, Governments and other actors should promote an active and visible
policy of mainstreaming a gender perspective in all policies and programmes
so that, before decisions are taken, an analysis is made of the effects
on women and men, respectively.
Strategic objective H.1. Create or strengthen national machineries and
other governmental bodies
Actions to be taken
203. By Governments:
(a) Ensure that responsibility for the advancement of women is vested
in the highest possible level of government; in many cases, this could
be at the level of a Cabinet minister;
(b) Based on a strong political commitment, create a national machinery,
where it does not exist, and strengthen, as appropriate, existing national
machineries, for the advancement of women at the highest possible level
of government; it should have clearly defined mandates and authority;
critical elements would be adequate resources and the ability and competence
to influence policy and formulate and review legislation; among other
things, it should perform policy analysis, undertake advocacy, communication,
coordination and monitoring of implementation;
(c) Provide staff training in designing and analysing data from a gender
(d) Establish procedures to allow the machinery to gather information
on government-wide policy issues at an early stage and continuously use
it in the policy development and review process within the Government;
(e) Report, on a regular basis, to legislative bodies on the progress
of efforts, as appropriate, to mainstream gender concerns, taking into
account the implementation of the Platform for Action;
(f) Encourage and promote the active involvement of the broad and diverse
range of institutional actors in the public, private and voluntary sectors
to work for equality between women and men.
Strategic objective H.2. Integrate gender perspectives in legislation,
public policies, programmes and projects
Actions to be taken
204. By Governments:
(a) Seek to ensure that before policy decisions are taken, an analysis
of their impact on women and men, respectively, is carried out;
(b) Regularly review national policies, programmes and projects, as well
as their implementation, evaluating the impact of employment and income
policies in order to guarantee that women are direct beneficiaries of
development and that their full contribution to development, both remunerated
and unremunerated, is considered in economic policy and planning;
(c) Promote national strategies and aims on equality between women and
men in order to eliminate obstacles to the exercise of women's rights
and eradicate all forms of discrimination against women;
(d) Work with members of legislative bodies, as appropriate, to promote
a gender perspective in all legislation and policies;
(e) Give all ministries the mandate to review policies and programmes
from a gender perspective and in the light of the Platform for Action;
locate the responsibility for the implementation of that mandate at the
highest possible level; establish and/or strengthen an inter-ministerial
coordination structure to carry out this mandate, to monitor progress
and to network with relevant machineries.
205. By national machinery:
(a) Facilitate the formulation and implementation of government policies
on equality between women and men, develop appropriate strategies and
methodologies, and promote coordination and cooperation within the central
Government in order to ensure mainstreaming of a gender perspective in
all policy-making processes;
(b) Promote and establish cooperative relationships with relevant branches
of government, centres for women's studies and research, academic and
educational institutions, the private sector, the media, non-governmental
organizations, especially women's organizations, and all other actors
of civil society;
(c) Undertake activities focusing on legal reform with regard, inter
alia, to the family, conditions of employment, social security, income
tax, equal opportunity in education, positive measures to promote the
advancement of women, and the perception of attitudes and a culture favourable
to equality, as well as promote a gender perspective in legal policy and
programming reforms;
(d) Promote the increased participation of women as both active agents
and beneficiaries of the development process, which would result in an
improvement in the quality of life for all;
(e) Establish direct links with national, regional and international
bodies dealing with the advancement of women;
(f) Provide training and advisory assistance to government agencies in
order to integrate a gender perspective in their policies and programmes.
Strategic objective H.3. Generate and disseminate gender- disaggregated
data and information for planning and evaluation
Actions to be taken
206. By national, regional and international statistical services and
relevant governmental and United Nations agencies, in cooperation with
research and documentation organizations, in their respective areas of
(a) Ensure that statistics related to individuals are collected, compiled,
analysed and presented by sex and age and reflect problems, issues and
questions related to women and men in society;
(b) Collect, compile, analyse and present on a regular basis data disaggregated
by age, sex, socio-economic and other relevant indicators, including number
of dependants, for utilization in policy and programme planning and implementation;
(c) Involve centres for women's studies and research organizations in
developing and testing appropriate indicators and research methodologies
to strengthen gender analysis, as well as in monitoring and evaluating
the implementation of the goals of the Platform for Action;
(d) Designate or appoint staff to strengthen gender-statistics programmes
and ensure coordination, monitoring and linkage to all fields of statistical
work, and prepare output that integrates statistics from the various subject
(e) Improve data collection on the full contribution of women and men
to the economy, including their participation in the informal sector(s);
(f) Develop a more comprehensive knowledge of all forms of work and employment
(i) Improving data collection on the unremunerated work which is already
included in the United Nations System of National Accounts, such as in
agriculture, particularly subsistence agriculture, and other types of
non-market production activities;
(ii) Improving measurements that at present underestimate women's unemployment
and underemployment in the labour market;
(iii) Developing methods, in the appropriate forums, for assessing the
value, in quantitative terms, of unremunerated work that is outside national
accounts, such as caring for dependants and preparing food, for possible
reflection in satellite or other official accounts that may be produced
separately from but are consistent with core national accounts, with a
view to recognizing the economic contribution of women and making visible
the unequal distribution of remunerated and unremunerated work between
women and men;
(g) Develop an international classification of activities for time-use
statistics that is sensitive to the differences between women and men
in remunerated and unremunerated work, and collect data disaggregated
by sex. At the national level, subject to national constraints:
(i) Conduct regular time-use studies to measure, in quantitative terms,
unremunerated work, including recording those activities that are performed
simultaneously with remunerated or other unremunerated activities;
(ii) Measure, in quantitative terms, unremunerated work that is outside
national accounts and work to improve methods to assess and accurately
reflect its value in satellite or other official accounts that are separate
from but consistent with core national accounts;
(h) Improve concepts and methods of data collection on the measurement
of poverty among women and men, including their access to resources;
(i) Strengthen vital statistical systems and incorporate gender analysis
into publications and research; give priority to gender differences in
research design and in data collection and analysis in order to improve
data on morbidity; and improve data collection on access to health services,
including access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services,
maternal care and family planning, with special priority for adolescent
mothers and for elder care;
(j) Develop improved gender-disaggregated and age-specific data on the
victims and perpetrators of all forms of violence against women, such
as domestic violence, sexual harassment, rape, incest and sexual abuse,
and trafficking in women and girls, as well as on violence by agents of
the State;
(k) Improve concepts and methods of data collection on the participation
of women and men with disabilities, including their access to resources.
207. By Governments:
(a) Ensure the regular production of a statistical publication on gender
that presents and interprets topical data on women and men in a form suitable
for a wide range of non-technical users;
(b) Ensure that producers and users of statistics in each country regularly
review the adequacy of the official statistical system and its coverage
of gender issues, and prepare a plan for needed improvements, where necessary;
(c) Develop and encourage the development of quantitative and qualitative
studies by research organizations, trade unions, employers, the private
sector and non-governmental organizations on the sharing of power and
influence in society, including the number of women and men in senior
decision-making positions in both the public and private sectors;
(d) Use more gender-sensitive data in the formulation of policy and implementation
of programmes and projects.
208. By the United Nations:
(a) Promote the development of methods to find better ways to collect,
collate and analyse data that may relate to the human rights of women,
including violence against women, for use by all relevant United Nations
(b) Promote the further development of statistical methods to improve
data that relate to women in economic, social, cultural and political
(c) Prepare a new issue of The World's Women at regular five-year intervals
and distribute it widely;
(d) Assist countries, upon request, in the development of gender policies
and programmes;
(e) Ensure that the relevant reports, data and publications of the Statistical
Division of the United Nations Secretariat and the International Research
and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women on progress at the
national and international levels are transmitted to the Commission on
the Status of Women in a regular and coordinated fashion.
209. By multilateral development institutions and bilateral donors:
Encourage and support the development of national capacity in developing
countries and in countries with economies in transition by providing resources
and technical assistance so that countries can fully measure the work
done by women and men, including both remunerated and unremunerated work,
and, where appropriate, use satellite or other official accounts for unremunerated
I. Human rights of women
210. Human rights and fundamental freedoms are the birthright of all
human beings; their protection and promotion is the first responsibility
of Governments.
211. The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirmed the solemn commitment
of all States to fulfil their obligation to promote universal respect
for, and observance and protection of, all human rights and fundamental
freedoms for all, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
other instruments relating to human rights, and international law. The
universal nature of these rights and freedoms is beyond question.
212. The promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental
freedoms must be considered as a priority objective of the United Nations,
in accordance with its purposes and principles, in particular with the
purpose of international cooperation. In the framework of these purposes
and principles, the promotion and protection of all human rights is a
legitimate concern of the international community. The international community
must treat human rights globally, in a fair and equal manner, on the same
footing, and with the same emphasis. The Platform for Action reaffirms
the importance of ensuring the universality, objectivity and non-selectivity
of the consideration of human rights issues.
213. The Platform for Action reaffirms that all human rights - civil,
cultural, economic, political and social, including the right to development
- are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, as expressed
in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action adopted by the World
Conference on Human Rights. The Conference reaffirmed that the human rights
of women and the girl child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible
part of universal human rights. The full and equal enjoyment of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms by women and girls is a priority for Governments
and the United Nations and is essential for the advancement of women.
214. Equal rights of men and women are explicitly mentioned in the Preamble
to the Charter of the United Nations. All the major international human
rights instruments include sex as one of the grounds upon which States
may not discriminate.
215. Governments must not only refrain from violating the human rights
of all women, but must work actively to promote and protect these rights.
Recognition of the importance of the human rights of women is reflected
in the fact that three quarters of the States Members of the United Nations
have become parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women.
216. The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirmed clearly that the
human rights of women throughout the life cycle are an inalienable, integral
and indivisible part of universal human rights. The International Conference
on Population and Development reaffirmed women's reproductive rights and
the right to development. Both the Declaration of the Rights of the Child
31/ and the Convention on the Rights of the Child 11/ guarantee children's
rights and uphold the principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of
217. The gap between the existence of rights and their effective enjoyment
derives from a lack of commitment by Governments to promoting and protecting
those rights and the failure of Governments to inform women and men alike
about them. The lack of appropriate recourse mechanisms at the national
and international levels, and inadequate resources at both levels, compound
the problem. In most countries, steps have been taken to reflect the rights
guaranteed by the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women in national law. A number of countries have established
mechanisms to strengthen women's ability to exercise their rights.
218. In order to protect the human rights of women, it is necessary to
avoid, as far as possible, resorting to reservations and to ensure that
no reservation is incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention
or is otherwise incompatible with international treaty law. Unless the
human rights of women, as defined by international human rights instruments,
are fully recognized and effectively protected, applied, implemented and
enforced in national law as well as in national practice in family, civil,
penal, labour and commercial codes and administrative rules and regulations,
they will exist in name only.
219. In those countries that have not yet become parties to the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and other
international human rights instruments, or where reservations that are
incompatible with the object or purpose of the Convention have been entered,
or where national laws have not yet been revised to implement international
norms and standards, women's de jure equality is not yet secured. Women's
full enjoyment of equal rights is undermined by the discrepancies between
some national legislation and international law and international instruments
on human rights. Overly complex administrative procedures, lack of awareness
within the judicial process and inadequate monitoring of the violation
of the human rights of all women, coupled with the underrepresentation
of women in justice systems, insufficient information on existing rights
and persistent attitudes and practices perpetuate women's de facto inequality.
De facto inequality is also perpetuated by the lack of enforcement of,
inter alia, family, civil, penal, labour and commercial laws or codes,
or administrative rules and regulations intended to ensure women's full
enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
220. Every person should be entitled to participate in, contribute to
and enjoy cultural, economic, political and social development. In many
cases women and girls suffer discrimination in the allocation of economic
and social resources. This directly violates their economic, social and
cultural rights.
221. The human rights of all women and the girl child must form an integral
part of United Nations human rights activities. Intensified efforts are
needed to integrate the equal status and the human rights of all women
and girls into the mainstream of United Nations system-wide activities
and to address these issues regularly and systematically throughout relevant
bodies and mechanisms. This requires, inter alia, improved cooperation
and coordination between the Commission on the Status of Women, the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Commission on Human Rights,
including its special and thematic rapporteurs, independent experts, working
groups and its Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection
of Minorities, the Commission on Sustainable Development, the Commission
for Social Development, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice, and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against
Women and other human rights treaty bodies, and all relevant entities
of the United Nations system, including the specialized agencies. Cooperation
is also needed to strengthen, rationalize and streamline the United Nations
human rights system and to promote its effectiveness and efficiency, taking
into account the need to avoid unnecessary duplication and overlapping
of mandates and tasks.
222. If the goal of full realization of human rights for all is to be
achieved, international human rights instruments must be applied in such
a way as to take more clearly into consideration the systematic and systemic
nature of discrimination against women that gender analysis has clearly
223. Bearing in mind the Programme of Action of the International Conference
on Population and Development 14/ and the Vienna Declaration and Programme
of Action 2/ adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights, the Fourth
World Conference on Women reaffirms that reproductive rights rest on the
recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide
freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children
and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain
the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. It also includes
their right to make decisions concerning reproduction free of discrimination,
coercion and violence, as expressed in human rights documents.
224. Violence against women both violates and impairs or nullifies the
enjoyment by women of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Taking into
account the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women and
the work of Special Rapporteurs, gender-based violence, such as battering
and other domestic violence, sexual abuse, sexual slavery and exploitation,
and international trafficking in women and children, forced prostitution
and sexual harassment, as well as violence against women, resulting from
cultural prejudice, racism and racial discrimination, xenophobia, pornography,
ethnic cleansing, armed conflict, foreign occupation, religious and anti-religious
extremism and terrorism are incompatible with the dignity and the worth
of the human person and must be combated and eliminated. Any harmful aspect
of certain traditional, customary or modern practices that violates the
rights of women should be prohibited and eliminated. Governments should
take urgent action to combat and eliminate all forms of violence against
women in private and public life, whether perpetrated or tolerated by
the State or private persons.
225. Many women face additional barriers to the enjoyment of their human
rights because of such factors as their race, language, ethnicity, culture,
religion, disability or socio-economic class or because they are indigenous
people, migrants, including women migrant workers, displaced women or
refugees. They may also be disadvantaged and marginalized by a general
lack of knowledge and recognition of their human rights as well as by
the obstacles they meet in gaining access to information and recourse
mechanisms in cases of violation of their rights.
226. The factors that cause the flight of refugee women, other displaced
women in need of international protection and internally displaced women
may be different from those affecting men. These women continue to be
vulnerable to abuses of their human rights during and after their flight.
227. While women are increasingly using the legal system to exercise
their rights, in many countries lack of awareness of the existence of
these rights is an obstacle that prevents women from fully enjoying their
human rights and attaining equality. Experience in many countries has
shown that women can be empowered and motivated to assert their rights,
regardless of their level of education or socio-economic status. Legal
literacy programmes and media strategies have been effective in helping
women to understand the link between their rights and other aspects of
their lives and in demonstrating that cost-effective initiatives can be
undertaken to help women obtain those rights. Provision of human rights
education is essential for promoting an understanding of the human rights
of women, including knowledge of recourse mechanisms to redress violations
of their rights. It is necessary for all individuals, especially women
in vulnerable circumstances, to have full knowledge of their rights and
access to legal recourse against violations of their rights.
228. Women engaged in the defence of human rights must be protected.
Governments have a duty to guarantee the full enjoyment of all rights
set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights by women working peacefully in
a personal or organizational capacity for the promotion and protection
of human rights. Non-governmental organizations, women's organizations
and feminist groups have played a catalytic role in the promotion of the
human rights of women through grass-roots activities, networking and advocacy
and need encouragement, support and access to information from Governments
in order to carry out these activities.
229. In addressing the enjoyment of human rights, Governments and other
actors should promote an active and visible policy of mainstreaming a
gender perspective in all policies and programmes so that, before decisions
are taken, an analysis is made of the effects on women and men, respectively.
Strategic objective I.1. Promote and protect the human rights of women,
through the full implementation of all human rights instruments, especially
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Actions to be taken
230. By Governments:
(a) Work actively towards ratification of or accession to and implement
international and regional human rights treaties;
(b) Ratify and accede to and ensure implementation of the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women so that
universal ratification of the Convention can be achieved by the year 2000;
(c) Limit the extent of any reservations to the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; formulate any such reservations
as precisely and as narrowly as possible; ensure that no reservations
are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention or otherwise
incompatible with international treaty law and regularly review them with
a view to withdrawing them; and withdraw reservations that are contrary
to the object and purpose of the Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women or which are otherwise incompatible
with international treaty law;
(d) Consider drawing up national action plans identifying steps to improve
the promotion and protection of human rights, including the human rights
of women, as recommended by the World Conference on Human Rights;
(e) Create or strengthen independent national institutions for the protection
and promotion of these rights, including the human rights of women, as
recommended by the World Conference on Human Rights;
(f) Develop a comprehensive human rights education programme to raise
awareness among women of their human rights and raise awareness among
others of the human rights of women;
(g) If they are States parties, implement the Convention by reviewing
all national laws, policies, practices and procedures to ensure that they
meet the obligations set out in the Convention; all States should undertake
a review of all national laws, policies, practices and procedures to ensure
that they meet international human rights obligations in this matter;
(h) Include gender aspects in reporting under all other human rights
conventions and instruments, including ILO conventions, to ensure analysis
and review of the human rights of women;
(i) Report on schedule to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women regarding the implementation of the Convention, following
fully the guidelines established by the Committee and involving non-governmental
organizations, where appropriate, or taking into account their contributions
in the preparation of the report;
(j) Enable the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against
Women fully to discharge its mandate by allowing for adequate meeting
time through broad ratification of the revision adopted by the States
parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women on 22 May 1995 relative to article 20, paragraph 1, 32/
and by promoting efficient working methods;
(k) Support the process initiated by the Commission on the Status of
Women with a view to elaborating a draft optional protocol to the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women that could
enter into force as soon as possible on a right of petition procedure,
taking into consideration the Secretary- General's report on the optional
protocol, including those views related to its feasibility;
(l) Take urgent measures to achieve universal ratification of or accession
to the Convention on the Rights of the Child before the end of 1995 and
full implementation of the Convention in order to ensure equal rights
for girls and boys; those that have not already done so are urged to become
parties in order to realize universal implementation of the Convention
on the Rights of the Child by the year 2000;
(m) Address the acute problems of children, inter alia, by supporting
efforts in the context of the United Nations system aimed at adopting
efficient international measures for the prevention and eradication of
female infanticide, harmful child labour, the sale of children and their
organs, child prostitution, child pornography and other forms of sexual
abuse and consider contributing to the drafting of an optional protocol
to the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
(n) Strengthen the implementation of all relevant human rights instruments
in order to combat and eliminate, including through international cooperation,
organized and other forms of trafficking in women and children, including
trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation, pornography, prostitution
and sex tourism, and provide legal and social services to the victims;
this should include provisions for international cooperation to prosecute
and punish those responsible for organized exploitation of women and children;
(o) Taking into account the need to ensure full respect for the human
rights of indigenous women, consider a declaration on the rights of indigenous
people for adoption by the General Assembly within the International Decade
of the World's Indigenous People and encourage the participation of indigenous
women in the working group elaborating the draft declaration, in accordance
with the provisions for the participation of organizations of indigenous
231. By relevant organs, bodies and agencies of the United Nations system,
all human rights bodies of the United Nations system, as well as the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees, while promoting greater efficiency and effectiveness
through better coordination of the various bodies, mechanisms and procedures,
taking into account the need to avoid unnecessary duplication and overlapping
of their mandates and tasks:
(a) Give full, equal and sustained attention to the human rights of women
in the exercise of their respective mandates to promote universal respect
for and protection of all human rights - civil, cultural, economic, political
and social rights, including the right to development;
(b) Ensure the implementation of the recommendations of the World Conference
on Human Rights for the full integration and mainstreaming of the human
rights of women;
(c) Develop a comprehensive policy programme for mainstreaming the human
rights of women throughout the United Nations system, including activities
with regard to advisory services, technical assistance, reporting methodology,
gender-impact assessments, coordination, public information and human
rights education, and play an active role in the implementation of the
(d) Ensure the integration and full participation of women as both agents
and beneficiaries in the development process and reiterate the objectives
established for global action for women towards sustainable and equitable
development set forth in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development;
(e) Include information on gender-based human rights violations in their
activities and integrate the findings into all of their programmes and
(f) Ensure that there is collaboration and coordination of the work of
all human rights bodies and mechanisms to ensure that the human rights
of women are respected;
(g) Strengthen cooperation and coordination between the Commission on
the Status of Women, the Commission on Human Rights, the Commission for
Social Development, the Commission on Sustainable Development, the Commission
on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, the United Nations human rights
treaty monitoring bodies, including the Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination against Women, and the United Nations Development Fund
for Women, the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement
of Women, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations
Children's Fund and other organizations of the United Nations system,
acting within their mandates, in the promotion of the human rights of
women, and improve cooperation between the Division for the Advancement
of Women and the Centre for Human Rights;
(h) Establish effective cooperation between the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
and other relevant bodies, within their respective mandates, taking into
account the close link between massive violations of human rights, especially
in the form of genocide, ethnic cleansing, systematic rape of women in
war situations and refugee flows and other displacements, and the fact
that refugee, displaced and returnee women may be subject to particular
human rights abuse;
(i) Encourage incorporation of a gender perspective in national programmes
of action and in human rights and national institutions, within the context
of human rights advisory services programmes;
(j) Provide training in the human rights of women for all United Nations
personnel and officials, especially those in human rights and humanitarian
relief activities, and promote their understanding of the human rights
of women so that they recognize and deal with violations of the human
rights of women and can fully take into account the gender aspect of their
(k) In reviewing the implementation of the plan of action for the United
Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004), take into account
the results of the Fourth World Conference on Women.
Strategic objective I.2. Ensure equality and non-discrimination under
the law and in practice
Actions to be taken
232. By Governments:
(a) Give priority to promoting and protecting the full and equal enjoyment
by women and men of all human rights and fundamental freedoms without
distinction of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political
or other opinions, national or social origins, property, birth or other
(b) Provide constitutional guarantees and/or enact appropriate legislation
to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex for all women and girls
of all ages and assure women of all ages equal rights and their full enjoyment;
(c) Embody the principle of the equality of men and women in their legislation
and ensure, through law and other appropriate means, the practical realization
of this principle;
(d) Review national laws, including customary laws and legal practices
in the areas of family, civil, penal, labour and commercial law in order
to ensure the implementation of the principles and procedures of all relevant
international human rights instruments by means of national legislation,
revoke any remaining laws that discriminate on the basis of sex and remove
gender bias in the administration of justice;
(e) Strengthen and encourage the development of programmes to protect
the human rights of women in the national institutions on human rights
that carry out programmes, such as human rights commissions or ombudspersons,
according them appropriate status, resources and access to the Government
to assist individuals, in particular women, and ensure that these institutions
pay adequate attention to problems involving the violation of the human
rights of women;
(f) Take action to ensure that the human rights of women, including the
rights referred to in paragraphs 94 to 96 above, are fully respected and
(g) Take urgent action to combat and eliminate violence against women,
which is a human rights violation, resulting from harmful traditional
or customary practices, cultural prejudices and extremism;
(h) Prohibit female genital mutilation wherever it exists and give vigorous
support to efforts among non-governmental and community organizations
and religious institutions to eliminate such practices;
(i) Provide gender-sensitive human rights education and training to public
officials, including, inter alia, police and military personnel, corrections
officers, health and medical personnel, and social workers, including
people who deal with migration and refugee issues, and teachers at all
levels of the educational system, and make available such education and
training also to the judiciary and members of parliament in order to enable
them to better exercise their public responsibilities;
(j) Promote the equal right of women to be members of trade unions and
other professional and social organizations;
(k) Establish effective mechanisms for investigating violations of the
human rights of women perpetrated by any public official and take the
necessary punitive legal measures in accordance with national laws;
(l) Review and amend criminal laws and procedures, as necessary, to eliminate
any discrimination against women in order to ensure that criminal law
and procedures guarantee women effective protection against, and prosecution
of, crimes directed at or disproportionately affecting women, regardless
of the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim, and ensure
that women defendants, victims and/or witnesses are not revictimized or
discriminated against in the investigation and prosecution of crimes;
(m) Ensure that women have the same right as men to be judges, advocates
or other officers of the court, as well as police officers and prison
and detention officers, among other things;
(n) Strengthen existing or establish readily available and free or affordable
alternative administrative mechanisms and legal aid programmes to assist
disadvantaged women seeking redress for violations of their rights;
(o) Ensure that all women and non-governmental organizations and their
members in the field of protection and promotion of all human rights -
civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, including the
right to development - enjoy fully all human rights and freedoms in accordance
with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all other human rights
instruments and the protection of national laws;
(p) Strengthen and encourage the implementation of the recommendations
contained in the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for
Persons with Disabilities, 30/ paying special attention to ensure non-discrimination
and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by women
and girls with disabilities, including their access to information and
services in the field of violence against women, as well as their active
participation in and economic contribution to all aspects of society;
(q) Encourage the development of gender-sensitive human rights programmes.
Strategic objective I.3. Achieve legal literacy
Actions to be taken
233. By Governments and non-governmental organizations, the United Nations
and other international organizations, as appropriate:
(a) Translate, whenever possible, into local and indigenous languages
and into alternative formats appropriate for persons with disabilities
and persons at lower levels of literacy, publicize and disseminate laws
and information relating to the equal status and human rights of all women,
including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the International Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 33/ the Convention
on the Rights of the Child, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Declaration on the Right
to Development 34/ and the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence
against Women, as well as the outcomes of relevant United Nations conferences
and summits and national reports to the Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination against Women;
(b) Publicize and disseminate such information in easily understandable
formats and alternative formats appropriate for persons with disabilities,
and persons at low levels of literacy;
(c) Disseminate information on national legislation and its impact on
women, including easily accessible guidelines on how to use a justice
system to exercise one's rights;
(d) Include information about international and regional instruments
and standards in their public information and human rights education activities
and in adult education and training programmes, particularly for groups
such as the military, the police and other law enforcement personnel,
the judiciary, and legal and health professionals to ensure that human
rights are effectively protected;
(e) Make widely available and fully publicize information on the existence
of national, regional and international mechanisms for seeking redress
when the human rights of women are violated;
(f) Encourage, coordinate and cooperate with local and regional women's
groups, relevant non-governmental organizations, educators and the media,
to implemen t programmes in human rights education to make women aware
of their human rights;
(g) Promote education on the human and legal rights of women in school
curricula at all levels of education and undertake public campaigns, including
in the most widely used languages of the country, on the equality of women
and men in public and private life, including their rights within the
family and relevant human rights instruments under national and international
(h) Promote education in all countries in human rights and international
humanitarian law for members of the national security and armed forces,
including those assigned to United Nations peace-keeping operations, on
a routine and continuing basis, reminding them and sensitizing them to
the fact that they should respect the rights of women at all times, both
on and off duty, giving special attention to the rules on the protection
of women and children and to the protection of human rights in situations
of armed conflict;
(i) Take appropriate measures to ensure that refugee and displaced women,
migrant women and women migrant workers are made aware of their human
rights and of the recourse mechanisms available to them.
J. Women and the media
234. During the past decade, advances in information technology have
facilitated a global communications network that transcends national boundaries
and has an impact on public policy, private attitudes and behaviour, especially
of children and young adults. Everywhere the potential exists for the
media to make a far greater contribution to the advancement of women.
235. More women are involved in careers in the communications sector,
but few have attained positions at the decision-making level or serve
on governing boards and bodies that influence media policy. The lack of
gender sensitivity in the media is evidenced by the failure to eliminate
the gender-based stereotyping that can be found in public and private
local, national and international media organizations.
236. The continued projection of negative and degrading images of women
in media communications - electronic, print, visual and audio - must be
changed. Print and electronic media in most countries do not provide a
balanced picture of women's diverse lives and contributions to society
in a changing world. In addition, violent and degrading or pornographic
media products are also negatively affecting women and their participation
in society. Programming that reinforces women's traditional roles can
be equally limiting. The world- wide trend towards consumerism has created
a climate in which advertisements and commercial messages often portray
women primarily as consumers and target girls and women of all ages inappropriately.
237. Women should be empowered by enhancing their skills, knowledge and
access to information technology. This will strengthen their ability to
combat negative portrayals of women internationally and to challenge instances
of abuse of the power of an increasingly important industry. Self-regulatory
mechanisms for the media need to be created and strengthened and approaches
developed to eliminate gender-biased programming. Most women, especially
in developing countries, are not able to access effectively the expanding
electronic information highways and therefore cannot establish networks
that will provide them with alternative sources of information. Women
therefore need to be involved in decision-making regarding the development
of the new technologies in order to participate fully in their growth
and impact.
238. In addressing the issue of the mobilization of the media, Governments
and other actors should promote an active and visible policy of mainstreaming
a gender perspective in policies and programmes.
Strategic objective J.1. Increase the participation and access of women
to expression and decision- making in and through the media and new technologies
of communication
Actions to be taken
239. By Governments:
(a) Support women's education, training and employment to promote and
ensure women's equal access to all areas and levels of the media;
(b) Support research into all aspects of women and the media so as to
define areas needing attention and action and review existing media policies
with a view to integrating a gender perspective;
(c) Promote women's full and equal participation in the media, including
management, programming, education, training and research;
(d) Aim at gender balance in the appointment of women and men to all
advisory, management, regulatory or monitoring bodies, including those
connected to the private and State or public media;
(e) Encourage, to the extent consistent with freedom of expression, these
bodies to increase the number of programmes for and by women to see to
it that women's needs and concerns are properly addressed;
(f) Encourage and recognize women's media networks, including electronic
networks and other new technologies of communication, as a means for the
dissemination of information and the exchange of views, including at the
international level, and support women's groups active in all media work
and systems of communications to that end;
(g) Encourage and provide the means or incentives for the creative use
of programmes in the national media for the dissemination of information
on various cultural forms of indigenous people and the development of
social and educational issues in this regard within the framework of national
(h) Guarantee the freedom of the media and its subsequent protection
within the framework of national law and encourage, consistent with freedom
of expression, the positive involvement of the media in development and
social issues.
240. By national and international media systems:
Develop, consistent with freedom of expression, regulatory mechanisms,
including voluntary ones, that promote balanced and diverse portrayals
of women by the media and international communication systems and that
promote increased participation by women and men in production and decision-making.
241. By Governments, as appropriate, or national machinery for the advancement
of women:
(a) Encourage the development of educational and training programmes
for women in order to produce information for the mass media, including
funding of experimental efforts, and the use of the new technologies of
communication, cybernetics space and satellite, whether public or private;
(b) Encourage the use of communication systems, including new technologies,
as a means of strengthening women's participation in democratic processes;
(c) Facilitate the compilation of a directory of women media experts;
(d) Encourage the participation of women in the development of professional
guidelines and codes of conduct or other appropriate self-regulatory mechanisms
to promote balanced and non-stereotyped portrayals of women by the media.
242. By non-governmental organizations and media professional associations:
(a) Encourage the establishment of media watch groups that can monitor
the media and consult with the media to ensure that women's needs and
concerns are properly reflected;
(b) Train women to make greater use of information technology for communication
and the media, including at the international level;
(c) Create networks among and develop information programmes for non-governmental
organizations, women's organizations and professional media organizations
in order to recognize the specific needs of women in the media, and facilitate
the increased participation of women in communication, in particular at
the international level, in support of South-South and North-South dialogue
among and between these organizations, inter alia, to promote the human
rights of women and equality between women and men;
(d) Encourage the media industry and education and media training institutions
to develop, in appropriate languages, traditional, indigenous and other
ethnic forms of media, such as story-telling, drama, poetry and song,
reflecting their cultures, and utilize these forms of communication to
disseminate information on development and social issues.
Strategic objective J.2. Promote a balanced and non-stereotyped-portrayal
of women in the media
Actions to be taken
243. By Governments and international organizations, to the extent consistent
with freedom of expression:
(a) Promote research and implementation of a strategy of information,
education and communication aimed at promoting a balanced portrayal of
women and girls and their multiple roles;
(b) Encourage the media and advertising agencies to develop specific
programmes to raise awareness of the Platform for Action;
(c) Encourage gender-sensitive training for media professionals, including
media owners and managers, to encourage the creation and use of non-stereotyped,
balanced and diverse images of women in the media;
(d) Encourage the media to refrain from presenting women as inferior
beings and exploiting them as sexual objects and commodities, rather than
presenting them as creative human beings, key actors and contributors
to and beneficiaries of the process of development;
(e) Promote the concept that the sexist stereotypes displayed in the
media are gender discriminatory, degrading in nature and offensive;
(f) Take effective measures or institute such measures, including appropriate
legislation against pornography and the projection of violence against
women and children in the media.
244. By the mass media and advertising organizations:
(a) Develop, consistent with freedom of expression, professional guidelines
and codes of conduct and other forms of self-regulation to promote the
presentation of non-stereotyped images of women;
(b) Establish, consistent with freedom of expression, professional guidelines
and codes of conduct that address violent, degrading or pornographic materials
concerning women in the media, including advertising;
(c) Develop a gender perspective on all issues of concern to communities,
consumers and civil society;
(d) Increase women's participation in decision-making at all levels of
the media.
245. By the media, non-governmental organizations and the private sector,
in collaboration, as appropriate, with national machinery for the advancement
of women:
(a) Promote the equal sharing of family responsibilities through media
campaigns that emphasize gender equality and non-stereotyped gender roles
of women and men within the family and that disseminate information aimed
at eliminating spousal and child abuse and all forms of violence against
women, including domestic violence;
(b) Produce and/or disseminate media materials on women leaders, inter
alia, as leaders who bring to their positions of leadership many different
life experiences, including but not limited to their experiences in balancing
work and family responsibilities, as mothers, as professionals, as managers
and as entrepreneurs, to provide role models, particularly to young women;
(c) Promote extensive campaigns, making use of public and private educational
programmes, to disseminate information about and increase awareness of
the human rights of women;
(d) Support the development of and finance, as appropriate, alternative
media and the use of all means of communication to disseminate information
to and about women and their concerns;
(e) Develop approaches and train experts to apply gender analysis with
regard to media programmes.
K. Women and the environment
246. Human beings are at the centre of concern for sustainable development.
They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.
Women have an essential role to play in the development of sustainable
and ecologically sound consumption and production patterns and approaches
to natural resource management, as was recognized at the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development and the International Conference
on Population and Development and reflected throughout Agenda 21. Awareness
of resource depletion, the degradation of natural systems and the dangers
of polluting substances has increased markedly in the past decade. These
worsening conditions are destroying fragile ecosystems and displacing
communities, especially women, from productive activities and are an increasing
threat to a safe and healthy environment. Poverty and environmental degradation
are closely interrelated. While poverty results in certain kinds of environmental
stress, the major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment
is the unsustainable pattern of consumption and production, particularly
in industrialized countries, which is a matter of grave concern, aggravating
poverty and imbalances. Rising sealevels as a result of global warming
cause a grave and immediate threat to people living in island countries
and coastal areas. The use of ozone- depleting substances, such as products
with chlorofluorocarbons, halons and methyl bromides (from which plastics
and foams are made), are severely affecting the atmosphere, thus allowing
excessive levels of harmful ultraviolet rays to reach the Earth's surface.
This has severe effects on people's health such as higher rates of skin
cancer, eye damage and weakened immune systems. It also has severe effects
on the environment, including harm to crops and ocean life.
247. All States and all people shall cooperate in the essential task
of eradicating poverty as an indispensable requirement for sustainable
development, in order to decrease the disparities in standards of living
and better meet the needs of the majority of the people of the world.
Hurricanes, typhoons and other natural disasters and, in addition, the
destruction of resources, violence, displacements and other effects associated
with war, armed and other conflicts, the use and testing of nuclear weaponry,
and foreign occupation can also contribute to environmental degradation.
The deterioration of natural resources displaces communities, especially
women, from income-generating activities while greatly adding to unremunerated
work. In both urban and rural areas, environmental degradation results
in negative effects on the health, well-being and quality of life of the
population at large, especially girls and women of all ages. Particular
attention and recognition should be given to the role and special situation
of women living in rural areas and those working in the agricultural sector,
where access to training, land, natural and productive resources, credit,
development programmes and cooperative structures can help them increase
their participation in sustainable development. Environmental risks in
the home and workplace may have a disproportionate impact on women's health
because of women's different susceptibilities to the toxic effects of
various chemicals. These risks to women's health are particularly high
in urban areas, as well as in low-income areas where there is a high concentration
of polluting industrial facilities.
248. Through their management and use of natural resources, women provide
sustenance to their families and communities. As consumers and producers,
caretakers of their families and educators, women play an important role
in promoting sustainable development through their concern for the quality
and sustainability of life for present and future generations. Governments
have expressed their commitment to creating a new development paradigm
that integrates environmental sustainability with gender equality and
justice within and between generations as contained in chapter 24 of Agenda
21. 19/
249. Women remain largely absent at all levels of policy formulation
and decision-making in natural resource and environmental management,
conservation, protection and rehabilitation, and their experience and
skills in advocacy for and monitoring of proper natural resource management
too often remain marginalized in policy-making and decision-making bodies,
as well as in educational institutions and environment-related agencies
at the managerial level. Women are rarely trained as professional natural
resource managers with policy-making capacities, such as land-use planners,
agriculturalists, foresters, marine scientists and environmental lawyers.
Even in cases where women are trained as professional natural resource
managers, they are often underrepresented in formal institutions with
policy-making capacities at the national, regional and international levels.
Often women are not equal participants in the management of financial
and corporate institutions whose decision-making most significantly affects
environmental quality. Furthermore, there are institutional weaknesses
in coordination between women's non-governmental organizations and national
institutions dealing with environmental issues, despite the recent rapid
growth and visibility of women's non-governmental organizations working
on these issues at all levels.
250. Women have often played leadership roles or taken the lead in promoting
an environmental ethic, reducing resource use, and reusing and recycling
resources to minimize waste and excessive consumption. Women can have
a particularly powerful role in influencing sustainable consumption decisions.
In addition, women's contributions to environmental management, including
through grass-roots and youth campaigns to protect the environment, have
often taken place at the local level, where decentralized action on environmental
issues is most needed and decisive. Women, especially indigenous women,
have particular knowledge of ecological linkages and fragile ecosystem
management. Women in many communities provide the main labour force for
subsistence production, including production of seafood; hence, their
role is crucial to the provision of food and nutrition, the enhancement
of the subsistence and informal sectors and the preservation of the environment.
In certain regions, women are generally the most stable members of the
community, as men often pursue work in distant locations, leaving women
to safeguard the natural environment and ensure adequate and sustainable
resource allocation within the household and the community.
251. The strategic actions needed for sound environmental management
require a holistic, multidisciplinary and intersectoral approach. Women's
participation and leadership are essential to every aspect of that approach.
The recent United Nations global conferences on development, as well as
regional preparatory conferences for the Fourth World Conference on Women,
have all acknowledged that sustainable development policies that do not
involve women and men alike will not succeed in the long run. They have
called for the effective participation of women in the generation of knowledge
and environmental education in decision-making and management at all levels.
Women's experiences and contributions to an ecologically sound environment
must therefore be central to the agenda for the twenty-first century.
Sustainable development will be an elusive goal unless women's contribution
to environmental management is recognized and supported.
252. In addressing the lack of adequate recognition and support for women's
contribution to conservation and management of natural resources and safeguarding
the environment, Governments and other actors should promote an active
and visible policy of mainstreaming a gender perspective in all policies
and programmes, including, as appropriate, an analysis of the effects
on women and men, respectively, before decisions are taken.
Strategic objective K.1. Involve women actively in environmental decision-making
at all levels
Actions to be taken
253. By Governments, at all levels, including municipal authorities,
as appropriate:
(a) Ensure opportunities for women, including indigenous women, to participate
in environmental decision-making at all levels, including as managers,
designers and planners, and as implementers and evaluators of environmental
(b) Facilitate and increase women's access to information and education,
including in the areas of science, technology and economics, thus enhancing
their knowledge, skills and opportunities for participation in environmental
(c) Encourage, subject to national legislation and consistent with the
Convention on Biological Diversity, 35/ the effective protection and use
of the knowledge, innovations and practices of women of indigenous and
local communities, including practices relating to traditional medicines,
biodiversity and indigenous technologies, and endeavour to ensure that
these are respected, maintained, promoted and preserved in an ecologically
sustainable manner, and promote their wider application with the approval
and involvement of the holders of such knowledge; in addition, safeguard
the existing intellectual property rights of these women as protected
under national and international law; work actively, where necessary,
to find additional ways and means for the effective protection and use
of such knowledge, innovations and practices, subject to national legislation
and consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity and relevant
international law, and encourage fair and equitable sharing of benefits
arising from the utilization of such knowledge, innovation and practices;
(d) Take appropriate measures to reduce risks to women from identified
environmental hazards at home, at work and in other environments, including
appropriate application of clean technologies, taking into account the
precautionary approach agreed to in the Rio Declaration on Environment
and Development; 18/
(e) Take measures to integrate a gender perspective in the design and
implementation of, among other things, environmentally sound and sustainable
resource management mechanisms, production techniques and infrastructure
development in rural and urban areas;
(f) Take measures to empower women as producers and consumers so that
they can take effective environmental actions, along with men, in their
homes, communities and workplaces;
(g) Promote the participation of local communities, particularly women,
in identification of public service needs, spatial planning and the provision
and design of urban infrastructure.
254. By Governments and international organizations and private sector
institutions, as appropriate:
(a) Take gender impact into consideration in the work of the Commission
on Sustainable Development and other appropriate United Nations bodies
and in the activities of international financial institutions;
(b) Promote the involvement of women and the incorporation of a gender
perspective in the design, approval and execution of projects funded under
the Global Environment Facility and other appropriate United Nations organizations;
(c) Encourage the design of projects in the areas of concern to the Global
Environment Facility that would benefit women and projects managed by
(d) Establish strategies and mechanisms to increase the proportion of
women, particularly at grass-roots levels, involved as decision makers,
planners, managers, scientists and technical advisers and as beneficiaries
in the design, development and implementation of policies and programmes
for natural resource management and environmental protection and conservation;
(e) Encourage social, economic, political and scientific institutions
to address environmental degradation and the resulting impact on women.
255. By non-governmental organizations and the private sector:
(a) Assume advocacy of environmental and natural resource management
issues of concern to women and provide information to contribute to resource
mobilization for environmental protection and conservation;
(b) Facilitate the access of women agriculturists, fishers and pastoralists
to knowledge, skills, marketing services and environmentally sound technologies
to support and strengthen their crucial roles and their expertise in resource
management and the conservation of biological diversity.
Strategic objective K.2. Integrate gender concerns and perspectives in
policies and programmes for sustainable development
Actions to be taken
256. By Governments:
(a) Integrate women, including indigenous women, their perspectives and
knowledge, on an equal basis with men, in decision-making regarding sustainable
resource management and the development of policies and programmes for
sustainable development, including in particular those designed to address
and prevent environmental degradation of the land;
(b) Evaluate policies and programmes in terms of environmental impact
and women's equal access to and use of natural resources;
(c) Ensure adequate research to assess how and to what extent women are
particularly susceptible or exposed to environmental degradation and hazards,
including, as necessary, research and data collection on specific groups
of women, particularly women with low income, indigenous women and women
belonging to minorities;
(d) Integrate rural women's traditional knowledge and practices of sustainable
resource use and management in the development of environmental management
and extension programmes;
(e) Integrate the results of gender-sensitive research into mainstream
policies with a view to developing sustainable human settlements;
(f) Promote knowledge of and sponsor research on the role of women, particularly
rural and indigenous women, in food gathering and production, soil conservation,
irrigation, watershed management, sanitation, coastal zone and marine
resource management, integrated pest management, land-use planning, forest
conservation and community forestry, fisheries, natural disaster prevention,
and new and renewable sources of energy, focusing particularly on indigenous
women's knowledge and experience;
(g) Develop a strategy for change to eliminate all obstacles to women's
full and equal participation in sustainable development and equal access
to and control over resources;
(h) Promote the education of girls and women of all ages in science,
technology, economics and other disciplines relating to the natural environment
so that they can make informed choices and offer informed input in determining
local economic, scientific and environmental priorities for the management
and appropriate use of natural and local resources and ecosystems;
(i) Develop programmes to involve female professionals and scientists,
as well as technical, administrative and clerical workers, in environmental
management, develop training programmes for girls and women in these fields,
expand opportunities for the hiring and promotion of women in these fields
and implement special measures to advance women's expertise and participation
in these activities;
(j) Identify and promote environmentally sound technologies that have
been designed, developed and improved in consultation with women and that
are appropriate to both women and men;
(k) Support the development of women's equal access to housing infrastructure,
safe water, and sustainable and affordable energy technologies, such as
wind, solar, biomass and other renewable sources, through participatory
needs assessments, energy planning and policy formulation at the local
and national levels;
(l) Ensure that clean water is available and accessible to all by the
year 2000 and that environmental protection and conservation plans are
designed and implemented to restore polluted water systems and rebuild
damaged watersheds.
257. By international organizations, non-governmental organizations and
private sector institutions:
(a) Involve women in the communication industries in raising awareness
regarding environmental issues, especially on the environmental and health
impacts of products, technologies and industry processes;
(b) Encourage consumers to use their purchasing power to promote the
production of environmentally safe products and encourage investment in
environmentally sound and productive agricultural, fisheries, commercial
and industrial activities and technologies;
(c) Support women's consumer initiatives by promoting the marketing of
organic food and recycling facilities, product information and product
labelling, including labelling of toxic chemical and pesticide containers
with language and symbols that are understood by consumers, regardless
of age and level of literacy.
Strategic objective K.3. Strengthen or establish mechanisms at the national,
regional and international levels to assess the impact of development
and environmental policies on women
Actions to be taken
258. By Governments, regional and international organizations and non-governmental
organizations, as appropriate:
(a) Provide technical assistance to women, particularly in developing
countries, in the sectors of agriculture, fisheries, small enterprises,
trade and industry to ensure the continuing promotion of human resource
development and the development of environmentally sound technologies
and of women's entrepreneurship;
(b) Develop gender-sensitive databases, information and monitoring systems
and participatory action-oriented research, methodologies and policy analyses,
with the collaboration of academic institutions and local women researchers,
on the following:
(i) Knowledge and experience on the part of women concerning the management
and conservation of natural resources for incorporation in the databases
and information systems for sustainable development;
(ii) The impact on women of environmental and natural resource degradation,
deriving from, inter alia, unsustainable production and consumption patterns,
drought, poor quality water, global warming, desertification, sealevel
rise, hazardous waste, natural disasters, toxic chemicals and pesticide
residues, radioactive waste, armed conflicts and its consequences;
(iii) Analysis of the structural links between gender relations, environment
and development, with special emphasis on particular sectors, such as
agriculture, industry, fisheries, forestry, environmental health, biological
diversity, climate, water resources and sanitation;
(iv) Measures to develop and include environmental, economic, cultural,
social and gender-sensitive analyses as an essential step in the development
and monitoring of programmes and policies;
(v) Programmes to create rural and urban training, research and resource
centres that will disseminate environmentally sound technologies to women;
(c) Ensure the full compliance with relevant international obligations,
including where relevant, the Basel Convention and other conventions relating
to the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes (which include toxic
wastes) and the Code of Practice of the International Atomic Energy Agency
relating to the movement of radioactive waste; enact and enforce regulations
for environmentally sound management related to safe storage and movements;
consider taking action towards the prohibition of those movements that
are unsafe and insecure; ensure the strict control and management of hazardous
wastes and radioactive waste, in accordance with relevant international
and regional obligations and eliminate the exportation of such wastes
to countries that, individually or through international agreements, prohibit
their importation;
(d) Promote coordination within and among institutions to implement the
Platform for Action and chapter 24 of Agenda 21 by, inter alia, requesting
the Commission on Sustainable Development, through the Economic and Social
Council, to seek input from the Commission on the Status of Women when
reviewing the implementation of Agenda 21 with regard to women and the
L. The girl child
259. The Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes that "States
Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention
to each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any
kind, irrespective of the child's or his or her parent's or legal guardian's
race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national,
ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or status" (art.
2, para. 1). 11/ However, in many countries available indicators show
that the girl child is discriminated against from the earliest stages
of life, through her childhood and into adulthood. In some areas of the
world, men outnumber women by 5 in every 100. The reasons for the discrepancy
include, among other things, harmful attitudes and practices, such as
female genital mutilation, son preference - which results in female infanticide
and prenatal sex selection - early marriage, including child marriage,
violence against women, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, discrimination
against girls in food allocation and other practices related to health
and well-being. As a result, fewer girls than boys survive into adulthood.
260. Girls are often treated as inferior and are socialized to put themselves
last, thus undermining their self-esteem. Discrimination and neglect in
childhood can initiate a lifelong downward spiral of deprivation and exclusion
from the social mainstream. Initiatives should be taken to prepare girls
to participate actively, effectively and equally with boys at all levels
of social, economic, political and cultural leadership.
261. Gender-biased educational processes, including curricula, educational
materials and practices, teachers' attitudes and classroom interaction,
reinforce existing gender inequalities.
262. Girls and adolescents may receive a variety of conflicting and confusing
messages on their gender roles from their parents, teachers, peers and
the media. Women and men need to work together with children and youth
to break down persistent gender stereotypes, taking into account the rights
of the child and the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents as
stated in paragraph 267 below.
263. Although the number of educated children has grown in the past 20
years in some countries, boys have proportionately fared much better than
girls. In 1990, 130 million children had no access to primary school;
of these, 81 million were girls. This can be attributed to such factors
as customary attitudes, child labour, early marriages, lack of funds and
lack of adequate schooling facilities, teenage pregnancies and gender
inequalities in society at large as well as in the family as defined in
paragraph 29 above. In some countries the shortage of women teachers can
inhibit the enrolment of girls. In many cases, girls start to undertake
heavy domestic chores at a very early age and are expected to manage both
educational and domestic responsibilities, often resulting in poor scholastic
performance and an early drop-out from schooling.
264. The percentage of girls enrolled in secondary school remains significantly
low in many countries. Girls are often not encouraged or given the opportunity
to pursue scientific and technological training and education, which limits
the knowledge they require for their daily lives and their employment
265. Girls are less encouraged than boys to participate in and learn
about the social, economic and political functioning of society, with
the result that they are not offered the same opportunities as boys to
take part in decision-making processes.
266. Existing discrimination against the girl child in her access to
nutrition and physical and mental health services endangers her current
and future health. An estimated 450 million adult women in developing
countries are stunted as a result of childhood protein-energy malnutrition.
267. The International Conference on Population and Development recognized,
in paragraph 7.3 of the Programme of Action, 14/ that "full attention
should be given to the promotion of mutually respectful and equitable
gender relations and particularly to meeting the educational and service
needs of adolescents to enable them to deal in a positive and responsible
way with their sexuality", taking into account the rights of the
child to access to information, privacy, confidentiality, respect and
informed consent, as well as the responsibilities, rights and duties of
parents and legal guardians to provide, in a manner consistent with the
evolving capacities of the child, appropriate direction and guidance in
the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the Convention on
the Rights of the Child, and in conformity with the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. In all actions
concerning children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary
consideration. Support should be given to integral sexual education for
young people with parental support and guidance that stresses the responsibility
of males for their own sexuality and fertility and that help them exercise
their responsibilities.
268. More than 15 million girls aged 15 to 19 give birth each year. Motherhood
at a very young age entails complications during pregnancy and delivery
and a risk of maternal death that is much greater than average. The children
of young mothers have higher levels of morbidity and mortality. Early
child-bearing continues to be an impediment to improvements in the educational,
economic and social status of women in all parts of the world. Overall,
early marriage and early motherhood can severely curtail educational and
employment opportunities and are likely to have a long-term adverse impact
on their and their children's quality of life.
269. Sexual violence and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS,
have a devastating effect on children's health, and girls are more vulnerable
than boys to the consequences of unprotected and premature sexual relations.
Girls often face pressures to engage in sexual activity. Due to such factors
as their youth, social pressures, lack of protective laws, or failure
to enforce laws, girls are more vulnerable to all kinds of violence, particularly
sexual violence, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, trafficking,
possibly the sale of their organs and tissues, and forced labour.
270. The girl child with disabilities faces additional barriers and needs
to be ensured non-discrimination and equal enjoyment of all human rights
and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Standard Rules on the
Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. 30/
271. Some children are particularly vulnerable, especially the abandoned,
homeless and displaced, street children, children in areas in conflict,
and children who are discriminated against because they belong to an ethnic
or racial minority group.
272. All barriers must therefore be eliminated to enable girls without
exception to develop their full potential and skills through equal access
to education and training, nutrition, physical and mental health care
and related information.
273. In addressing issues concerning children and youth, Governments
should promote an active and visible policy of mainstreaming a gender
perspective into all policies and programmes so that before decisions
are taken, an analysis is made of the effects on girls and boys, respectively.
Strategic objective L.1. Eliminate all forms of discrimination- against
the girl child
Actions to be taken
274. By Governments:
(a) By States that have not signed or ratified the Convention on the
Rights of the Child, take urgent measures towards signing and ratifying
the Convention, bearing in mind the strong exhortation made at the World
Conference on Human Rights to sign it before the end of 1995, and by States
that have signed and ratified the Convention, ensure its full implementation
through the adoption of all necessary legislative, administrative and
other measures and by fostering an enabling environment that encourages
full respect for the rights of children;
(b) Consistent with article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the
Child, 11/ take measures to ensure that a child is registered immediately
after birth and has the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire
a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know and be cared
for by his or her parents;
(c) Take steps to ensure that children receive appropriate financial
support from their parents, by, among other measures, enforcing child-support
(d) Eliminate the injustice and obstacles in relation to inheritance
faced by the girl child so that all children may enjoy their rights without
discrimination, by, inter alia, enacting, as appropriate, and enforcing
legislation that guarantees equal right to succession and ensures equal
right to inherit, regardless of the sex of the child;
(e) Enact and strictly enforce laws to ensure that marriage is only entered
into with the free and full consent of the intending spouses; in addition,
enact and strictly enforce laws concerning the minimum legal age of consent
and the minimum age for marriage and raise the minimum age for marriage
where necessary;
(f) Develop and implement comprehensive policies, plans of action and
programmes for the survival, protection, development and advancement of
the girl child to promote and protect the full enjoyment of her human
rights and to ensure equal opportunities for girls; these plans should
form an integral part of the total development process;
(g) Ensure the disaggregation by sex and age of all data related to children
in the health, education and other sectors in order to include a gender
perspective in planning, implementation and monitoring of such programmes.
275. By Governments and international and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Disaggregate information and data on children by sex and age, undertake
research on the situation of girls and integrate, as appropriate, the
results in the formulation of policies, programmes and decision-making
for the advancement of the girl child;
(b) Generate social support for the enforcement of laws on the minimum
legal age for marriage, in particular by providing educational opportunities
for girls.
Strategic objective L.2. Eliminate negative cultural attitudes- and practices
against girls
Actions to be taken
276. By Governments:
(a) Encourage and support, as appropriate, non-governmental organizations
and community-based organizations in their efforts to promote changes
in negative attitudes and practices towards girls;
(b) Set up educational programmes and develop teaching materials and
textbooks that will sensitize and inform adults about the harmful effects
of certain traditional or customary practices on girl children;
(c) Develop and adopt curricula, teaching materials and textbooks to
improve the self-image, lives and work opportunities of girls, particularly
in areas where women have traditionally been underrepresented, such as
mathematics, science and technology;
(d) Take steps so that tradition and religion and their expressions are
not a basis for discrimination against girls.
277. By Governments and, as appropriate, international and non-governmental
(a) Promote an educational setting that eliminates all barriers that
impede the schooling of married and/or pregnant girls and young mothers,
including, as appropriate, affordable and physically accessible child-care
facilities and parental education to encourage those who have responsibilities
for the care of their children and siblings during their school years
to return to, or continue with, and complete schooling;
(b) Encourage educational institutions and the media to adopt and project
balanced and non-stereotyped images of girls and boys, and work to eliminate
child pornography and degrading and violent portrayals of the girl child;
(c) Eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child and
the root causes of son preference, which result in harmful and unethical
practices such as prenatal sex selection and female infanticide; this
is often compounded by the increasing use of technologies to determine
foetal sex, resulting in abortion of female foetuses;
(d) Develop policies and programmes, giving priority to formal and informal
education programmes that support girls and enable them to acquire knowledge,
develop self-esteem and take responsibility for their own lives; and place
special focus on programmes to educate women and men, especially parents,
on the importance of girls' physical and mental health and well-being,
including the elimination of discrimination against girls in food allocation,
early marriage, violence against girls, female genital mutilation, child
prostitution, sexual abuse, rape and incest.
Strategic objective L.3. Promote and protect the rights of the- girl
child and increase awareness of- her needs and potential
Actions to be taken
278. By Governments and international and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Generate awareness of the disadvantaged situation of girls among
policy makers, planners, administrators and implementors at all levels,
as well as within households and communities;
(b) Make the girl child, particularly the girl child in difficult circumstances,
aware of her own potential, educate her about the rights guaranteed to
her under all international human rights instruments, including the Convention
on the Rights of the Child, legislation enacted for her and the various
measures undertaken by both governmental and non-governmental organizations
working to improve her status;
(c) Educate women, men, girls and boys to promote girls' status and encourage
them to work towards mutual respect and equal partnership between girls
and boys;
(d) Facilitate the equal provision of appropriate services and devices
to girls with disabilities and provide their families with related support
services, as appropriate.
Strategic objective L.4. Eliminate discrimination against girls-in education,
skills development and-training
Actions to be taken
279. By Governments:
(a) Ensure universal and equal access to and completion of primary education
by all children and eliminate the existing gap between girls and boys,
as stipulated in article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
11/ similarly, ensure equal access to secondary education by the year
2005 and equal access to higher education, including vocational and technical
education, for all girls and boys, including the disadvantaged and gifted;
(b) Take steps to integrate functional literacy and numeracy programmes,
particularly for out-of-school girls in development programmes;
(c) Promote human rights education in educational programmes and include
in human rights education the fact that the human rights of women and
the girl child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal
human rights;
(d) Increase enrolment and improve retention rates of girls by allocating
appropriate budgetary resources and by enlisting the support of the community
and parents through campaigns and flexible school schedules, incentives,
scholarships, access programmes for out-of-school girls and other measures;
(e) Develop training programmes and materials for teachers and educators,
raising awareness about their own role in the educational process, with
a view to providing them with effective strategies for gender-sensitive
(f) Take actions to ensure that female teachers and professors have the
same possibilities and status as male teachers and professors.
280. By Governments and international and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Provide education and skills training to increase girls' opportunities
for employment and access to decision-making processes;
(b) Provide education to increase girls' knowledge and skills related
to the functioning of economic, financial and political systems;
(c) Ensure access to appropriate education and skills-training for girl
children with disabilities for their full participation in life;
(d) Promote the full and equal participation of girls in extracurricular
activities, such as sports, drama and cultural activities.
Strategic objective L.5. Eliminate discrimination against girls-in health
and nutrition
Actions to be taken
281. By Governments and international and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Provide public information on the removal of discriminatory practices
against girls in food allocation, nutrition and access to health services;
(b) Sensitize the girl child, parents, teachers and society concerning
good general health and nutrition and raise awareness of the health dangers
and other problems connected with early pregnancies;
(c) Strengthen and reorient health education and health services, particularly
primary health care programmes, including sexual and reproductive health,
and design quality health programmes that meet the physical and mental
needs of girls and that attend to the needs of young, expectant and nursing
(d) Establish peer education and outreach programmes with a view to strengthening
individual and collective action to reduce the vulnerability of girls
to HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, as agreed to in the
Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and
Development and as established in the report of that Conference, recognizing
the parental roles referred to in paragraph 267 of the present Platform
for Action;
(e) Ensure education and dissemination of information to girls, especially
adolescent girls, regarding the physiology of reproduction, reproductive
and sexual health, as agreed to in the Programme of Action of the International
Conference on Population and Development and as established in the report
of that Conference, responsible family planning practice, family life,
reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection and
AIDS prevention, recognizing the parental roles referred to in paragraph
(f) Include health and nutritional training as an integral part of literacy
programmes and school curricula starting at the primary level for the
benefit of the girl child;
(g) Emphasize the role and responsibility of adolescents in sexual and
reproductive health and behaviour through the provision of appropriate
services and counselling, as discussed in paragraph 267;
(h) Develop information and training programmes for health planners and
implementors on the special health needs of the girl child;
(i) Take all the appropriate measures with a view to abolishing traditional
practices prejudicial to the health of children, as stipulated in article
24 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 11/
Strategic objective L.6. Eliminate the economic exploitation- of child
labour and protect young- girls at work
Actions to be taken
282. By Governments:
(a) In conformity with article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, 11/ protect children from economic exploitation and from performing
any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child's
education, or to be harmful to the child's health or physical, mental,
spiritual, moral or social development;
(b) Define a minimum age for a child's admission to employment in national
legislation, in conformity with existing international labour standards
and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, including girls in all
sectors of activity;
(c) Protect young girls at work, inter alia, through:
(i) A minimum age or ages for admission to employment;
(ii) Strict monitoring of work conditions (respect for work time, prohibition
of work by children not provided for by national legislation, and monitoring
of hygiene and health conditions at work);
(iii) Application of social security coverage;
(iv) Establishment of continuous training and education;
(d) Strengthen, where necessary, legislation governing the work of children
and provide for appropriate penalties or other sanctions to ensure effective
enforcement of the legislation;
(e) Use existing international labour standards, including, as appropriate,
ILO standards for the protection of working children, to guide the formulation
of national labour legislation and policies.
Strategic objective L.7. Eradicate violence against- the girl child
Actions to be taken
283. By Governments and, as appropriate, international and non-governmental
(a) Take effective actions and measures to enact and enforce legislation
to protect the safety and security of girls from all forms of violence
at work, including training programmes and support programmes, and take
measures to eliminate incidents of sexual harassment of girls in educational
and other institutions;
(b) Take appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational
measures to protect the girl child, in the household and in society, from
all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or
negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse;
(c) Undertake gender sensitization training for those involved in healing
and rehabilitation and other assistance programmes for girls who are victims
of violence and promote programmes of information, support and training
for such girls;
(d) Enact and enforce legislation protecting girls from all forms of
violence, including female infanticide and prenatal sex selection, genital
mutilation, incest, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, child prostitution
and child pornography, and develop age-appropriate safe and confidential
programmes and medical, social and psychological support services to assist
girls who are subjected to violence.
Strategic objective L.8. Promote the girl child's awareness- of and participation
in social,- economic and political life
Actions to be taken
284. By Governments and international and non-governmental organizations:
(a) Provide access for girls to training, information and the media on
social, cultural, economic and political issues and enable them to articulate
their views;
(b) Support non-governmental organizations, in particular youth non-governmental
organizations, in their efforts to promote the equality and participation
of girls in society.
Strategic objective L.9. Strengthen the role of the family* in- improving
the status of the girl child
Actions to be taken
285. By Governments, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations:
(a) Formulate policies and programmes to help the family, as defined
in paragraph 29 above, in its supporting, educating and nurturing roles,
with particular emphasis on the elimination of intra-family discrimination
against the girl child;
(b) Provide an environment conducive to the strengthening of the family,
as defined in paragraph 29 above, with a view to providing supportive
and preventive measures which protect, respect and promote the potential
of the girl child;
(c) Educate and encourage parents and caregivers to treat girls and boys
equally and to ensure shared responsibilities between girls and boys in
the family, as defined in paragraph 29 above.
* As defined in para. 29 above.
-Chapter V
286. The Platform for Action establishes a set of actions that should
lead to fundamental change. Immediate action and accountability are essential
if the targets are to be met by the year 2000. Implementation is primarily
the responsibility of Governments, but is also dependent on a wide range
of institutions in the public, private and non-governmental sectors at
the community, national, subregional/regional and international levels.
287. During the United Nations Decade for Women (1976-1985), many institutions
specifically devoted to the advancement of women were established at the
national, regional and international levels. At the international level,
the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement
of Women (INSTRAW), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM),
and the Committee to monitor the Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women were established. These entities,
along with the Commission on the Status of Women and its secretariat,
the Division for the Advancement of Women, became the main institutions
in the United Nations specifically devoted to women's advancement globally.
At the national level, a number of countries established or strengthened
national mechanisms to plan, advocate for and monitor progress in the
advancement of women.
288. Implementation of the Platform for Action by national, subregional/regional
and international institutions, both public and private, would be facilitated
by transparency, by increased linkages between networks and organizations
and by a consistent flow of information among all concerned.
Clear objectives and accountability mechanisms are also required. Links
with other institutions at the national, subregional/regional and international
levels and with networks and organizations devoted to the advancement
of women are needed.
289. Non-governmental and grass-roots organizations have a specific role
to play in creating a social, economic, political and intellectual climate
based on equality between women and men. Women should be actively involved
in the implementation and monitoring of the Platform for Action.
290. Effective implementation of the Platform will also require changes
in the internal dynamics of institutions and organizations, including
values, behaviour, rules and procedures that are inimical to the advancement
of women.
Sexual harassment should be eliminated.
291. National, subregional/regional and international institutions should
have strong and clear mandates and the authority, resources and accountability
mechanisms needed for the tasks set out in the Platform for Action. Their
methods of operation should ensure efficient and effective implementation
of the Platform. There should be a clear commitment to international norms
and standards of equality between women and men as a basis for all actions.
292. To ensure effective implementation of the Platform for Action and
to enhance the work for the advancement of women at the national, subregional/
regional and international levels, Governments, the United Nations system
and all other relevant organizations should promote an active and visible
policy of mainstreaming a gender perspective, inter alia, in the monitoring
and evaluation of all policies and programmes.
A. National level
293. Governments have the primary responsibility for implementing the
Platform for Action. Commitment at the highest political level is essential
to its implementation, and Governments should take a leading role in coordinating,
monitoring and assessing progress in the advancement of women. The Fourth
World Conference on Women is a conference of national and international
commitment and action. This requires commitment from Governments and the
international community. The Platform for Action is part of a continuing
process and has a catalytic effect as it will contribute to programmes
and practical outcomes for girls and women of all ages. States and the
international community are encouraged to respond to this challenge by
making commitments for action. As part of this process, many States have
made commitments for action as reflected, inter alia, in their national
294. National mechanisms and institutions for the advancement of women
should participate in public policy formulation and encourage the implementation
of the Platform for Action through various bodies and institutions, including
the private sector, and, where necessary, should act as a catalyst in
developing new programmes by the year 2000 in areas that are not covered
by existing institutions.
295. The active support and participation of a broad and diverse range
of other institutional actors should be encouraged, including legislative
bodies, academic and research institutions, professional associations,
trade unions, cooperatives, local community groups, non-governmental organizations,
including women's organizations and feminist groups, the media, religious
groups, youth organizations and cultural groups, as well as financial
and non-profit organizations.
296. In order for the Platform for Action to be implemented, it will
be necessary for Governments to establish or improve the effectiveness
of national machineries for the advancement of women at the highest political
level, appropriate intra- and inter-ministerial procedures and staffing,
and other institutions with the mandate and capacity to broaden women's
participation and integrate gender analysis into policies and programmes.
The first step in this process for all institutions should be to review
their objectives, programmes and operational procedures in terms of the
actions called for in the Platform. A key activity should be to promote
public awareness and support for the goals of the Platform for Action,
inter alia, through the mass media and public education.
297. As soon as possible, preferably by the end of 1995, Governments,
in consultation with relevant institutions and non-governmental organizations,
should begin to develop implementation strategies for the Platform and,
preferably by the end of 1996, should have developed their strategies
or plans of action. This planning process should draw upon persons at
the highest level of authority in government and relevant actors in civil
society. These implementation strategies should be comprehensive, have
time-bound targets and benchmarks for monitoring, and include proposals
for allocating or reallocating resources for implementation. Where necessary,
the support of the international community could be enlisted, including
298. Non-governmental organizations should be encouraged to contribute
to the design and implementation of these strategies or national plans
of action. They should also be encouraged to develop their own programmes
to complement government efforts. Women's organizations and feminist groups,
in collaboration with other non-governmental organizations, should be
encouraged to organize networks, as necessary, and to advocate for and
support the implementation of the Platform for Action by Governments and
regional and international bodies.
299. Governments should commit themselves to gender balance, inter alia,
through the creation of special mechanisms, in all government-appointed
committees, boards and other relevant official bodies, as appropriate,
as well as in all international bodies, institutions and organizations,
notably by presenting and promoting more women candidates.
300. Regional and international organizations, in particular development
institutions, especially INSTRAW, UNIFEM and bilateral donors, should
provide financial and advisory assistance to national machinery in order
to increase its ability to gather information, develop networks and carry
out its mandate, in addition to strengthening international mechanisms
to promote the advancement of women through their respective mandates,
in cooperation with Governments.
B. Subregional/regional level
301. The regional commissions of the United Nations and other subregional/
regional structures should promote and assist the pertinent national institutions
in monitoring and implementing the global Platform for Action within their
mandates. This should be done in coordination with the implementation
of the respective regional platforms or plans of action and in close collaboration
with the Commission on the Status of Women, taking into account the need
for a coordinated follow-up to United Nations conferences in the economic,
social, human rights and related fields.
302. In order to facilitate the regional implementation, monitoring and
evaluation process, the Economic and Social Council should consider reviewing
the institutional capacity of the United Nations regional commissions
within their mandates, including their women's units/focal points, to
deal with gender issues in the light of the Platform for Action, as well
as the regional platforms and plans of action. Consideration should be
given, inter alia, and, where appropriate, to strengthening capacity in
this respect.
303. Within their existing mandates and activities, the regional commissions
should mainstream women's issues and gender perspectives and should also
consider the establishment of mechanisms and processes to ensure the implementation
and monitoring of both the Platform for Action and the regional platforms
and plans of action. The regional commissions should, within their mandates,
collaborate on gender issues with other regional intergovernmental organizations,
non-governmental organizations, financial and research institutions and
the private sector.
304. Regional offices of the specialized agencies of the United Nations
system should, as appropriate, develop and publicize a plan of action
for implementing the Platform for Action, including the identification
of time- frames and resources. Technical assistance and operational activities
at the regional level should establish well-identified targets for the
advancement of women. To this end, regular coordination should be undertaken
among United Nations bodies and agencies.
305. Non-governmental organizations within the region should be supported
in their efforts to develop networks to coordinate advocacy and dissemination
of information about the global Platform for Action and the respective
regional platforms or plans of action.
C. International level
1. United Nations
306. The Platform for Action needs to be implemented through the work
of all of the bodies and organizations of the United Nations system during
the period 1995-2000, specifically and as an integral part of wider programming.
An enhanced framework for international cooperation for gender issues
must be developed during the period 1995-2000 in order to ensure the integrated
and comprehensive implementation, follow-up and assessment of the Platform
for Action, taking into account the results of global United Nations summits
and conferences. The fact that at all of these summits and conferences,
Governments have committed themselves to the empowerment of women in different
areas, makes coordination crucial to the follow-up strategies for this
Platform for Action. The Agenda for Development and the Agenda for Peace
should take into account the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference
on Women.
307. The institutional capacity of the United Nations system to carry
out and coordinate its responsibility for implementing the Platform for
Action, as well as its expertise and working methods to promote the advancement
of women, should be improved.
308. Responsibility for ensuring the implementation of the Platform for
Action and the integration of a gender perspective into all policies and
programmes of the United Nations system must rest at the highest levels.
309. To improve the system's efficiency and effectiveness in providing
support for equality and women's empowerment at the national level and
to enhance its capacity to achieve the objectives of the Platform for
Action, there is a need to renew, reform and revitalize various parts
of the United Nations system. This would include reviewing and strengthening
the strategies and working methods of different United Nations mechanisms
for the advancement of women with a view to rationalizing and, as appropriate,
strengthening their advisory, catalytic and monitoring functions in relation
to mainstream bodies and agencies. Women/gender units are important for
effective mainstreaming, but strategies must be further developed to prevent
inadvertent marginalization as opposed to mainstreaming of the gender
dimension throughout all operations.
310. In following up the Fourth World Conference on Women, all entities
of the United Nations system focusing on the advancement of women should
have the necessary resources and support to carry out follow-up activities.
The efforts of gender focal points within organizations should be well
integrated into overall policy, planning, programming and budgeting.
311. Action must be taken by the United Nations and other international
organizations to eliminate barriers to the advancement of women within
their organizations in accordance with the Platform for Action.
General Assembly
312. The General Assembly, as the highest intergovernmental body in the
United Nations, is the principal policy-making and appraisal organ on
matters relating to the follow-up to the Conference, and as such, should
integrate gender issues throughout its work. It should appraise progress
in the effective implementation of the Platform for Action, recognizing
that these issues cut across social, political and economic policy. At
its fiftieth session, in 1995, the General Assembly will have before it
the report of the Fourth World Conference on Women. In accordance with
its resolution 49/161, it will also examine a report of the Secretary-General
on the follow-up to the Conference, taking into account the recommendations
of the Conference. The General Assembly should include the follow-up to
the Conference as part of its continuing work on the advancement of women.
In 1996, 1998 and 2000, it should review the implementation of the Platform
for Action.
Economic and Social Council
313. The Economic and Social Council, in the context of its role under
the Charter of the United Nations and in accordance with General Assembly
resolutions 45/264, 46/235 and 48/162, would oversee system-wide coordination
in the implementation of the Platform for Action and make recommendations
in this regard. The Council should be invited to review the implementation
of the Platform for Action, giving due consideration to the reports of
the Commission on the Status of Women. As coordinating body, the Council
should be invited to review the mandate of the Commission on the Status
of Women, taking into account the need for effective coordination with
other related commissions and Conference follow-up. The Council should
incorporate gender issues into its discussion of all policy questions,
giving due consideration to recommendations prepared by the Commission.
It should consider dedicating at least one high-level segment before the
year 2000 to the advancement of women and implementation of the Platform
for Action with the active involvement and participation, inter alia,
of the specialized agencies, including the World Bank and IMF.
314. The Council should consider dedicating at least one coordination
segment before the year 2000 to coordination of the advancement of women,
based on the revised system-wide medium-term plan for the advancement
of women.
315. The Council should consider dedicating at least one operational
activities segment before the year 2000 to the coordination of development
activities related to gender, based on the revised system-wide medium-term
plan for the advancement of women, with a view to instituting guidelines
and procedures for implementation of the Platform for Action by the funds
and programmes of the United Nations system.
316. The Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) should consider
how its participating entities might best coordinate their activities,
inter alia, through existing procedures at the inter-agency level for
ensuring system-wide coordination to implement and help follow up the
objectives of the Platform for Action.
Commission on the Status of Women
317. The General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, in accordance
with their respective mandates, are invited to review and strengthen the
mandate of the Commission on the Status of Women, taking into account
the Platform for Action as well as the need for synergy with other related
commissions and Conference follow-up, and for a system-wide approach to
its implementation.
318. As a functional commission assisting the Economic and Social Council,
the Commission on the Status of Women should have a central role in monitoring,
within the United Nations system, the implementation of the Platform for
Action and advising the Council thereon. It should have a clear mandate
with sufficient human and financial resources, through the reallocation
of resources within the regular budget of the United Nations to carry
the mandate out.
319. The Commission on the Status of Women should assist the Economic
and Social Council in its coordination of the reporting on the implementation
of the Platform for Action with the relevant organizations of the United
Nations system. The Commission should draw upon inputs from other organizations
of the United Nations system and other sources, as appropriate.
320. The Commission on the Status of Women, in developing its work programme
for the period 1996-2000, should review the critical areas of concern
in the Platform for Action and consider how to integrate in its agenda
the follow-up to the World Conference on Women. In this context, the Commission
on the Status of Women could consider how it could further develop its
catalytic role in mainstreaming a gender perspective in United Nations
Other functional commissions
321. Within their mandates, other functional commissions of the Economic
and Social Council should also take due account of the Platform for Action
and ensure the integration of gender aspects in their respective work.
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and other
treaty bodies
322. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,
in implementing its responsibilities under the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, should, within its mandate,
take into account the Platform for Action when considering the reports
submitted by States parties.
323. States parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women are invited, when reporting under article
18 of the Convention, to include information on measures taken to implement
the Platform for Action in order to facilitate the Committee on the Elimination
of Discrimination against Women in monitoring effectively women's ability
to enjoy the rights guaranteed by the Convention.
324. The ability of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women to monitor implementation of the Convention should be strengthened
through the provision of human and financial resources within the regular
budget of the United Nations, including expert legal assistance and, in
accordance with General Assembly resolution 49/164 and the decision made
by the meeting of States parties to the Convention held in May 1995, sufficient
meeting time for the Committee. The Committee should increase its coordination
with other human rights treaty bodies, taking into account the recommendations
in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.
325. Within their mandate, other treaty bodies should also take due account
of the implementation of the Platform for Action and ensure the integration
of the equal status and human rights of women in their work.
United Nations Secretariat
Office of the Secretary-General
326. The Secretary-General is requested to assume responsibility for
coordination of policy within the United Nations for the implementation
of the Platform for Action and for the mainstreaming of a system-wide
gender perspective in all activities of the United Nations, taking into
account the mandates of the bodies concerned. The Secretary-General should
consider specific measures for ensuring effective coordination in the
implementation of these objectives. To this end, the Secretary-General
is invited to establish a high-level post in the office of the Secretary-General,
using existing human and financial resources, to act as the Secretary-General's
adviser on gender issues and to help ensure system-wide implementation
of the Platform for Action in close cooperation with the Division for
the Advancement of Women.
Division for the Advancement of Women
327. The primary function of the Division for the Advancement of Women
of the Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development
is to provide substantive servicing to the Commission on the Status of
Women and other intergovernmental bodies when they are concerned with
the advancement of women, as well as to the Committee on the Elimination
of Discrimination against Women. It has been designated a focal point
for the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the
Advancement of Women. In the light of the review of the mandate of the
Commission on the Status of Women, as set out in paragraph 313 above,
the functions of the Division for the Advancement of Women will also need
to be assessed. The Secretary-General is requested to ensure more effective
functioning of the Division by, inter alia, providing sufficient human
and financial resources within the regular budget of the United Nations.
328. The Division should examine the obstacles to the advancement of
women through the application of gender-impact analysis in policy studies
for the Commission on the Status of Women and through support to other
subsidiary bodies. After the Fourth World Conference on Women it should
play a coordinating role in preparing the revision of the system-wide
medium-term plan for the advancement of women for the period 1996-2001
and should continue serving as the secretariat for inter-agency coordination
for the advancement of women. It should continue to maintain a flow of
information with national commissions, national institutions for the advancement
of women and non-governmental organizations with regard to implementation
of the Platform for Action.
Other units of the United Nations Secretariat
329. The various units of the United Nations Secretariat should examine
their programmes to determine how they can best contribute to the coordinated
implementation of the Platform for Action. Proposals for implementation
of the Platform need to be reflected in the revision of the system-wide
medium-term plan for the advancement of women for the period 1996-2001,
as well as in the proposed United Nations medium-term plan for the period
1998-2002. The content of the actions will depend on the mandates of the
bodies concerned.
330. Existing and new linkages should be developed throughout the Secretariat
in order to ensure that the gender perspective is introduced as a central
dimension in all activities of the Secretariat.
331. The Office of Human Resources Management should, in collaboration
with programme managers world wide, and in accordance with the strategic
plan of action for the improvement of the status of women in the Secretariat
(1995-2000), continue to accord priority to the recruitment and promotion
of women in posts subject to geographical distribution, particularly in
senior policy-level and decision-making posts, in order to achieve the
goals set out in General Assembly resolutions 45/125 and 45/239 C and
reaffirmed in General Assembly resolutions 46/100, 47/93, 48/106 and 49/167.
The training service should design and conduct regular gender-sensitivity
training or include gender-sensitivity training in all of its activities.
332. The Department of Public Information should seek to integrate a
gender perspective in its general information activities and, within existing
resources, strengthen and improve its programmes on women and the girl
child. To this end, the Department should formulate a multimedia communications
strategy to support the implementation of the Platform for Action, taking
new technology fully into account. Regular outputs of the Department should
promote the goals of the Platform, particularly in developing countries.
333. The Statistical Division of the Department for Economic and Social
Information and Policy Analysis should have an important coordinating
role in international work in statistics, as described above in chapter
IV, strategic objective H.3.
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of
334. INSTRAW has a mandate to promote research and training on women's
situation and development. In the light of the Platform for Action, INSTRAW
should review its work programme and develop a programme for implementing
those aspects of the Platform for Action that fall within its mandate.
It should identify those types of research and research methodologies
to be given priority, strengthen national capacities to carry out women's
studies and gender research, including that on the status of the girl
child, and develop networks of research institutions that can be mobilized
for that purpose. It should also identify those types of education and
training that can be effectively supported and promoted by the Institute.
United Nations Development Fund for Women
335. UNIFEM has the mandate to increase options and opportunities for
women's economic and social development in developing countries by providing
technical and financial assistance to incorporate the women's dimension
into development at all levels. Therefore, UNIFEM should review and strengthen,
as appropriate, its work programme in the light of the Platform for Action,
focusing on women's political and economic empowerment. Its advocacy role
should concentrate on fostering a multilateral policy dialogue on women's
empowerment. Adequate resources for carrying out its functions should
be made available.
Specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system
336. To strengthen their support for actions at the national level and
to enhance their contributions to coordinated follow-up by the United
Nations, each organization should set out the specific actions they will
undertake, including goals and targets to realign priorities and redirect
resources to meet the global priorities identified in the Platform for
Action. There should be a clear delineation of responsibility and accountability.
These proposals should in turn be reflected in the system-wide medium-term
plan for the advancement of women for the period 1996-2001.
337. Each organization should commit itself at the highest level and,
in pursuing its targets, should take steps to enhance and support the
roles and responsibilities of its focal points on women's issues.
338. In addition, specialized agencies with mandates to provide technical
assistance in developing countries, particularly in Africa and the least
developed countries, should cooperate more to ensure the continuing promotion
of the advancement of women.
339. The United Nations system should consider and provide appropriate
technical assistance and other forms of assistance to the countries with
economies in transition in order to facilitate solution of their specific
problems regarding the advancement of women.
340. Each organization should accord greater priority to the recruitment
and promotion of women at the Professional level to achieve gender balance,
particularly at decision-making levels. The paramount consideration in
the employment of the staff and in the determination of the conditions
of service should be the necessity of securing the highest standards of
efficiency, competence and integrity. Due regard should be paid to the
importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as
possible. Organizations should report regularly to their governing bodies
on progress towards this goal.
341. Coordination of United Nations operational activities for development
at the country level should be improved through the resident coordinator
system in accordance with relevant resolutions of the General Assembly,
in particular General Assembly resolution 47/199, to take full account
of the Platform for Action.
2. Other international institutions and organizations
342. In implementing the Platform for Action, international financial
institutions are encouraged to review and revise policies, procedures
and staffing to ensure that investments and programmes benefit women and
thus contribute to sustainable development. They are also encouraged to
increase the number of women in high-level positions, increase staff training
in gender analysis and institute policies and guidelines to ensure full
consideration of the differential impact of lending programmes and other
activities on women and men. In this regard, the Bretton Woods institutions,
the United Nations, as well as its funds and programmes and the specialized
agencies, should establish regular and substantive dialogue, including
dialogue at the field level, for more efficient and effective coordination
of their assistance in order to strengthen the effectiveness of their
programmes for the benefit of women and their families.
343. The General Assembly should give consideration to inviting the World
Trade Organization to consider how it might contribute to the implementation
of the Platform for Action, including activities in cooperation with the
United Nations system.
344. International non-governmental organizations have an important role
to play in implementing the Platform for Action. Consideration should
be given to establishing a mechanism for collaborating with non-governmental
organizations to promote the implementation of the Platform at various
Chapter VI
345. Financial and human resources have generally been insufficient for
the advancement of women. This has contributed to the slow progress to
date in implementing the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement
of Women. Full and effective implementation of the Platform for Action,
including the relevant commitments made at previous United Nations summits
and conferences, will require a political commitment to make available
human and financial resources for the empowerment of women. This will
require the integration of a gender perspective in budgetary decisions
on policies and programmes, as well as the adequate financing of specific
programmes for securing equality between women and men. To implement the
Platform for Action, funding will need to be identified and mobilized
from all sources and across all sectors. The reformulation of policies
and reallocation of resources may be needed within and among programmes,
but some policy changes may not necessarily have financial implications.
Mobilization of additional resources, both public and private, including
resources from innovative sources of funding, may also be necessary.
A. National level
346. The primary responsibility for implementing the strategic objectives
of the Platform for Action rests with Governments. To achieve these objectives,
Governments should make efforts to systematically review how women benefit
from public sector expenditures; adjust budgets to ensure equality of
access to public sector expenditures, both for enhancing productive capacity
and for meeting social needs; and achieve the gender-related commitments
made in other United Nations summits and conferences. To develop successful
national implementation strategies for the Platform for Action, Governments
should allocate sufficient resources, including resources for undertaking
gender-impact analysis. Governments should also encourage non-governmental
organizations and private-sector and other institutions to mobilize additional
347. Sufficient resources should be allocated to national machineries
for the advancement of women as well as to all institutions, as appropriate,
that can contribute to the implementation and monitoring of the Platform
for Action.
348. Where national machineries for the advancement of women do not yet
exist or where they have not yet been established on a permanent basis,
Governments should strive to make available sufficient and continuing
resources for such machineries.
349. To facilitate the implementation of the Platform for Action, Governments
should reduce, as appropriate, excessive military expenditures and investments
for arms production and acquisition, consistent with national security
350. Non-governmental organizations, the private sector and other actors
of civil society should be encouraged to consider allocating the resources
necessary for the implementation of the Platform for Action. Governments
should create a supportive environment for the mobilization of resources
by non-governmental organizations, particularly women's organizations
and networks, feminist groups, the private sector and other actors of
civil society, to enable them to contribute towards this end. The capacity
of non-governmental organizations in this regard should be strengthened
and enhanced.
B. Regional level
351. Regional development banks, regional business associations and other
regional institutions should be invited to contribute to and help mobilize
resources in their lending and other activities for the implementation
of the Platform for Action. They should also be encouraged to take account
of the Platform for Action in their policies and funding modalities.
352. The subregional and regional organizations and the United Nations
regional commissions should, where appropriate and within their existing
mandates, assist in the mobilization of funds for the implementation of
the Platform for Action.
C. International level
353. Adequate financial resources should be committed at the international
level for the implementation of the Platform for Action in the developing
countries, particularly in Africa and the least developed countries. Strengthening
national capacities in developing countries to implement the Platform
for Action will require striving for the fulfilment of the agreed target
of 0.7 per cent of the gross national product of developed countries for
overall official development assistance as soon as possible, as well as
increasing the share of funding for activities designed to implement the
Platform for Action. Furthermore, countries involved in development cooperation
should conduct a critical analysis of their assistance programmes so as
to improve the quality and effectiveness of aid through the integration
of a gender approach.
354. International financial institutions, including the World Bank,
the International Monetary Fund, the International Fund for Agricultural
Development and the regional development banks, should be invited to examine
their grants and lending and to allocate loans and grants to programmes
for implementing the Platform for Action in developing countries, especially
in Africa and the least developed countries.
355. The United Nations system should provide technical cooperation and
other forms of assistance to the developing countries, in particular in
Africa and the least developed countries, in implementing the Platform
for Action.
356. Implementation of the Platform for Action in the countries with
economies in transition will require continued international cooperation
and assistance. The organizations and bodies of the United Nations system,
including the technical and sectoral agencies, should facilitate the efforts
of those countries in designing and implementing policies and programmes
for the advancement of women. To this end, the International Monetary
Fund and the World Bank should be invited to assist those efforts.
357. The outcome of the World Summit for Social Development regarding
debt management and reduction as well as other United Nations world summits
and conferences should be implemented in order to facilitate the realization
of the objectives of the Platform for Action.
358. To facilitate implementation of the Platform for Action, interested
developed and developing country partners, agreeing on a mutual commitment
to allocate, on average, 20 per cent of official development assistance
and 20 per cent of the national budget to basic social programmes should
take into account a gender perspective.
359. Development funds and programmes of the United Nations system should
undertake an immediate analysis of the extent to which their programmes
and projects are directed to implementing the Platform for Action and,
for the next programming cycle, should ensure the adequacy of resources
targeted towards eliminating disparities between women and men in their
technical assistance and funding activities.
360. Recognizing the roles of United Nations funds, programmes and specialized
agencies, in particular the special roles of UNIFEM and INSTRAW, in the
promotion of the empowerment of women, and therefore in the implementation
of the Platform for Action within their respective mandates, inter alia,
in research, training and information activities for the advancement of
women as well as technical and financial assistance to incorporate a gender
perspective in development efforts, the resources provided by the international
community need to be sufficient and should be maintained at an adequate
361. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the United Nations
system in its efforts to promote the advancement of women and to enhance
its capacity to further the objectives of the Platform for Action, there
is a need to renew, reform and revitalize various parts of the United
Nations system, especially the Division for the Advancement of Women of
the United Nations Secretariat, as well as other units and subsidiary
bodies that have a specific mandate to promote the advancement of women.
In this regard, relevant governing bodies within the United Nations system
are encouraged to give special consideration to the effective implementation
of the Platform for Action and to review their policies, programmes, budgets
and activities in order to achieve the most effective and efficient use
of funds to this end. Allocation of additional resources from within the
United Nations regular budget in order to implement the Platform for Action
will also be necessary.
- Notes
1/ Report of the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements
of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace,
Nairobi, 15-26 July 1985 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.85.IV.10),
chap. I, sect. A.
2/ Report of the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25 June
1993 (A/CONF.157/24 (Part I)), chap. III.
3/ General Assembly resolution 34/180, annex.
4/ General Assembly resolution 45/164.
5/ General Assembly resolution 44/82.
6/ General Assembly resolution 48/126.
7/ A/47/308-E/1992/97, annex.
8/ General Assembly resolution 48/104.
9/ Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, Report of the World Conference
on Human Rights ..., chap. III, para. 5.
10/ See The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations:
The Legal Texts (Geneva, GATT secretariat, 1994).
11/ General Assembly resolution 44/25, annex.
12/ Final Report of the World Conference on Education for All: Meeting
Basic Learning Needs, Jomtien, Thailand, 5-9 March 1990, Inter-Agency
Commission (UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank) for the World Conference
on Education for All, New York, 1990, appendix 1.
13/ General Assembly resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex.
14/ Report of the International Conference on Population and Development,
Cairo, 5-13 September 1994 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.95.XIII.18),
chap. I, resolution 1, annex.
15/ Report of the World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, 6-12
March 1995 (A/CONF.166/9), chap. I, resolution 1, annexes I and II.
16/ Unsafe abortion is defined as a procedure for terminating an unwanted
pregnancy either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment
lacking the minimal medical standards or both (based on World Health Organization,
The Prevention and Management of Unsafe Abortion, Report of a Technical
Working Group, Geneva, April 1992 (WHO/MSM/92.5)).
17/ Final Report of the International Conference on Nutrition, Rome,
5-11 December 1992 (Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, 1993), Part II.
18/ Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,
Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992, vol. I, Resolutions Adopted by the Conference
(United Nations publication, Sales No. E.93.I.8 and corrigenda), resolution
1, annex I.
19/ Ibid., resolution 1, annex II.
20/ General Assembly resolution 317 (IV), annex.
21/ General Assembly resolution 217 A (III).
22/ General Assembly resolution 39/46, annex.
23/ Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-seventh Session,
Supplement No. 38 (A/47/38), chap. I.
24/ United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, No. 973, p. 287.
25/ Report of the World Conference on Human Rights ..., chap. III, sect.
II, para. 38.
26/ See The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook, vol. 5: 1980 (United
Nations publication, Sales No. E.81.IX.4), appendix VII.
27/ General Assembly resolution 260 A (III), annex.
28/ United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 189, No. 2545.
29/ Ibid., vol. 606, No. 8791.
30/ General Assembly resolution 48/96, annex.
31/ General Assembly resolution 1386 (XIV).
32/ See CEDAW/SP/1995/2.
33/ General Assembly resolution 2106 A (XX), annex.
34/ General Assembly resolution 41/128, annex.
35/ United Nations Environment Programme, Convention on Biological Diversity
(Environmental Law and Institutions Programme Activity Centre), June 1992.
Resolution 2
Expression of thanks to the people and Government of the People's Republic
of China*
The Fourth World Conference on Women,
Having met in Beijing from 4 to 15 September 1995 at the invitation of
the Government of the People's Republic of China,
1. Expresses its deep appreciation to Her Excellency Madame Chen Muhua,
Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
of the People's Republic of China, for her outstanding contribution, as
President of the Fourth World Conference on Women, to the successful outcome
of the Conference;
2. Expresses its profound gratitude to the Government of the People's
Republic of China for having made it possible for the Conference to be
held in Beijing and for the excellent facilities, staff and services so
graciously placed at its disposal;
3. Requests the Government of the People's Republic of China to convey
to the City of Beijing and to the people of the People's Republic of China
the gratitude of the Conference for the hospitality and warm welcome extended
to the participants.
* Adopted at the 16th plenary meeting, on 15 September 1995; for the
discussion, see chapter VIII.
Resolution 3
Credentials of representatives to the Fourth World Conference on Women*
The Fourth World Conference on Women,
Having considered the report of the Credentials Committee 1/ and the
recommendation contained therein,
Approves the report of the Credentials Committee.
* Adopted at the 12th plenary meeting, on 12 September 1995; for the
discussion, see chapter VI.
1/ A/CONF.177/14.
A. Date and place of the Conference ................. 138
B. Pre-Conference consultations ..................... 138
C. Attendance ....................................... 138
D. Opening of the Conference and election of the
President ....................................... 141
E. Messages from Heads of State or Government ....... 142
F. Adoption of the rules of procedure ............... 142
G. Adoption of the agenda ........................... 142
H. Election of officers other than the President .... 143
I. Organization of work, including the establishment of the Main
Committee of the Conference ...................... 144
J. Appointment of the members of the Credentials
Committee .................................... 144
III. GENERAL EXCHANGE OF VIEWS ............................ 145
IV. REPORT OF THE MAIN COMMITTEE ......................... 149
A. Organization of work ............................. 149
B. Consideration of the draft platform for action ... 150
C. Consideration of the draft declaration ............ 156
Chapter II
A. Date and place of the Conference
1. The Fourth World Conference on Women was held at Beijing from 4 to
15 September 1995 in conformity with General Assembly resolutions 45/129
46/98. During that period the Conference held 16 plenary meetings.
B. Pre-Conference consultations
2. Pre-Conference consultations open to all States invited to participate
in the Conference were held at Beijing on 2 and 3 September 1995 to consider
number of procedural and organizational matters. These and other informal
consultations were conducted under the chairmanship of His Excellency
Mr. Li Zhaoxing, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic
China. The report on the consultations (A/CONF.177/L.4) was submitted
to the
Conference and the recommendations contained in it were accepted as the
for the organization of the Conference's work.
C. Attendance
3. The following States and regional economic integration organization
represented at the Conference:
Antigua and Barbuda
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brunei Darussalam
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Co^te d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
European Community
Holy See
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Marshall Islands
Micronesia (Federated States of)
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Republic of Korea
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Syrian Arab Republic
The former Yugoslav Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
United Republic of Tanzania
United States of America
Viet Nam
4. The observer for Palestine attended the Conference.
5. The following associate members of the regional commissions were
represented by observers:
American Samoa
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Netherlands Antilles
Puerto Rico
6. The secretariats of the following regional commissions were represented:
Economic Commission for Africa
Economic Commission for Europe
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
7. The following United Nations bodies and programmes were represented:
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
United Nations Development Fund for Women
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations University
World Food Programme
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Office of the
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
International Trade Centre
Joint Inspection Unit
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
8. The following specialized agencies and related organizations were
International Labour Organization
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
World Health Organization
World Bank
International Monetary Fund
World Meteorological Organization
International Maritime Organization
World Intellectual Property Organization
International Fund for Agricultural Development
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
International Atomic Energy Agency
9. The following intergovernmental organizations were represented:
African Development Bank
African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development
Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation
Asian Development Bank
Caribbean Community
Commission of the European Communities
Commonwealth of Independent States
Commonwealth Secretariat
Council of Europe
Eastern and Southern African Management Institute
Inter-American Development Bank
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
International Organization for Migration
Latin American Economic System
Latin American Parliament
League of Arab States
Nordic Council
Nordic Council of Ministers
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Organization of African Unity
Organization of American States
Organization of the Islamic Conference
Preparatory Commission for the Organisation for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons
South Pacific Commission
South Pacific Forum
10. A large number of non-governmental organizations were accredited
to the Conference by the Commission on the Status of Women in decision
39/2 and the Economic and Social Council in decision 1995/229.
D. Opening of the Conference and election of the President
11. The Conference was declared open by the Special Representative of
the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who read out the address
of the Secretary-General.
12. At the 1st plenary meeting, on 4 September, the Conference elected,
by acclamation, as President of the Conference, Her Excellency Madame
Chen Muhua, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National
People's Congress of the People's Republic of China.
13. The Secretary-General of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Mrs.
Gertrude Mongella, addressed the Conference.
14. Opening statements were made by Her Excellency Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto,
Prime Minister of Pakistan; Her Excellency Mrs. Vigdis Finnbogadottir,
President of Iceland; Her Excellency Begum Khaleda Zia, Prime Minister
of Bangladesh; Her Excellency Dr. Speciosa Wandira Kazibwe, Vice-President
and Minister of Gender and Community Development of Uganda; and Her Excellency
Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, Vice-President of Viet Nam.
E. Messages from Heads of State or Government
15. The Conference received messages wishing it success from His Excellency
Mr. Heydor Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan; His Excellency Mr. Meles Zenawi,
Prime Minister of Ethiopia; His Excellency Flight Lieutenant J. J. Rawlings,
President of Ghana; His Excellency Mr. Fidel V. Ramos, President of the
Philippines; His Excellency Mr. Boris Yeltsin, President of the Russian
Federation; His Excellency Mr. Abdou Diouf, President of Senegal; and
Her Excellency Professor Tansu Ciller, Prime Minister of Turkey.
F. Adoption of the rules of procedure
16. At the 1st plenary meeting, on 4 September, the Conference adopted
the provisional rules of procedure (A/CONF.177/2) as approved by the Commission
on the Status of Women at its thirty-ninth session, acting as the preparatory
body for the Conference, and by the General Assembly in its decision 49/482
of 21 April 1995.
G. Adoption of the agenda
17. At the 1st plenary meeting, on 4 September, the Conference adopted
as its agenda the provisional agenda (A/CONF.177/1) recommended by the
Commission on the Status of Women, acting as the preparatory body for
the Conference, in annex I of its resolution 39/1. The agenda as adopted
was as follows:
1. Opening of the Conference.
2. Election of the President.
3. Adoption of the rules of procedure.
4. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters.
5. Election of officers other than the President.
6. Organization of work, including the establishment of the Main Committee.
7. Credentials of representatives to the Conference:
(a) Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee;
(b) Report of the Credentials Committee.
8. General exchange of views:
(a) Second review and appraisal of the implementation of the Nairobi
Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the year 2000;
(b) Main conclusions and recommendations of regional preparatory conferences;
(c) National priorities and commitments.
9. Platform for Action.
10. Adoption of the Declaration and the Platform for Action of the Fourth
World Conference on Women.
11. Adoption of the report of the Conference.
H. Election of officers other than the President
18. At the 1st plenary meeting, on 4 September, the Conference endorsed
the recommendations concerning the composition of the General Committee
and the distribution of posts as set out in paragraph 4 of document A/CONF.177/3.
19. At the same meeting, the Conference elected Vice-Presidents from
the following regional groups:
African States (7 Vice-Presidents): Botswana, Congo, Kenya, Morocco,
Nigeria, Senegal and Sudan;
Asian States (6 Vice-Presidents): Bangladesh, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia,
Pakistan and the Syrian Arab Republic;
Eastern European States (3 Vice-Presidents): Azerbaijan, Romania and
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
Latin American and Caribbean States (5 Vice-Presidents): Bahamas, Brazil,
Colombia, Cuba and Panama;
Western European and other States (6 Vice-Presidents): Australia, Greece,
New Zealand, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
20. At the same meeting, the Conference elected an ex officio Vice-President
from the host country, His Excellency Mr. Li Zhaoxing, Vice-Minister for
Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.
21. At the same meeting, the Conference elected Mrs. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah
(Namibia) Rapporteur-General of the Conference.
22. Also at the same meeting, the Conference elected Ms. Patricia B.
Licuanan (Philippines) Chairperson of the Main Committee.
I. Organization of work, including the establishment of the Main Committee
of the Conference
23. At the 1st plenary meeting, on 4 September, the Conference, in accordance
with the recommendations of the pre-Conference consultations contained
in paragraphs 15 to 18 of document A/CONF.177/L.4, approved its organization
of work.
J. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee
24. At the 1st plenary meeting, on 4 September, in conformity with rule
4 of the rules of procedure of the Conference and the recommendation of
the pre-Conference consultations contained in paragraph 19 of document
A/CONF.177/L.4, the Conference established a Credentials Committee composed
of China, Fiji, Honduras, Namibia, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Suriname,
Togo and the United States of America, on the understanding that, if one
of those States did not participate in the Conference, it would be replaced
by another State from the same regional group.
Chapter III
1. The Conference held a general exchange of views on (a) the second
review and appraisal of the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking
Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000; (b) the main
conclusions and recommendations of regional preparatory conferences; and
(c) national priorities and commitments (item 8) at the 2nd to 15th plenary
meetings, from 5 to 15 September 1995. Representatives of States, observers,
specialized agencies, United Nations bodies, programmes and offices, intergovernmental
organizations and non-governmental organizations and observers for associate
members of the regional commissions addressed the Conference. All speakers
expressed their appreciation of the efforts made by the host Government
and the secretariat in preparing for the Conference.
2. At the 2nd plenary meeting, on 5 September, the Conference heard statements
by the First Ladies of Panama and Brazil and the representatives of the
Philippines, Spain, Turkey, Indonesia, Japan, Italy, New Zealand, Belgium,
Mexico and Sri Lanka.
3. At the 3rd plenary meeting, on 5 September, the Conference heard statements
by the First Ladies of the Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Ghana and Benin,
Her Royal Highness Princess Basma Bint Talal of Jordan and the representatives
of Ukraine, Namibia, China, Iceland, India, Thailand, the United Republic
of Tanzania, Senegal, Chile, Portugal, the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, Antigua and Barbuda, Tunisia, the Holy See and Nepal.
4. At the same meeting, statements were made by the Directors-General
of the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations. Statements were also made by the Deputy United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Executive Directors of the
United Nations Children's Fund and the United Nations Population Fund
and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Her Majesty
Queen Fabiola of Belgium, the representative of the International Steering
Committee on the Economic Advancement of Rural Women, made a statement.
Statements were also made by the representatives of the following non-governmental
organizations: NGO Forum in Beijing, National Organization of Arab/American
Women and Committee for Asian Women.
5. At the 4th plenary meeting, on 6 September, statements were made by
the First Lady of Egypt, His Royal Highness Prince Sobandla Dlamini of
Swaziland and the representatives of Ireland, the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea, Germany, Zimbabwe, Malta, Morocco, Gabon, Peru and
6. At the same meeting, the Administrator of the United Nations Development
Programme made a statement. A statement was also made by the representative
of the Commission of the European Communities.
7. At the 5th plenary meeting, on 6 September, the Conference heard statements
by the First Ladies of El Salvador, Suriname, Djibouti and Equatorial
Guinea, Her Royal Highness Princess Norodom Marie Ranariddh of Cambodia
and the representatives of the United States of America, Australia, Denmark,
South Africa, Guinea, Lithuania, Canada, Zambia, Fiji, Finland, Malaysia,
Luxembourg, Sweden, Poland, Mongolia, Guyana, Singapore, Pakistan, Mozambique
and Togo.
8. At the same meeting, a statement was made by the Deputy Director-General
of the International Labour Organization. The Executive Director of the
World Food Programme, an Inspector of the Joint Inspection Unit, the Executive
Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and the Executive
Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
made statements. The representatives of the International Organization
for Migration and the Commonwealth Secretariat, intergovernmental organizations,
made statements. Statements were also made by the following non-governmental
organizations: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Family
Life Counselling and All India Women's Conference.
9. At the 6th plenary meeting, on 7 September, the Conference heard a
statement by the First Lady of Lebanon and the representatives of Austria,
Hungary, Argentina, Slovakia, Latvia, the United Arab Emirates, Norway,
France and Saint Lucia.
10. At the same meeting, the Director-General of the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization made a statement. A statement was also made by
the Chairperson of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women.
11. At the 7th plenary meeting, on 7 September, the Conference heard
statements by Her Majesty Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho of Tonga and the representatives
of Greece, Nicaragua, Co^te d'Ivoire, Cyprus, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Venezuela,
Cameroon, Trinidad and Tobago, Rwanda, Paraguay, the Central African Republic,
Vanuatu, the Czech Republic, Niger, Bahrain and Georgia. The observer
for Macau made a statement. The observer for Palestine also made a statement.
12. At the same meeting, the Rector of the United Nations University,
the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe and the
Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
and Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements
(Habitat II) made statements. Statements were also made by the representatives
of the League of Arab States, the Council of Europe and the Agency for
Cultural and Technical Cooperation. Statements were also made by the representatives
of the following non-governmental organizations: International Cooperative
Alliance, International Coalition on Women and Credit, Accio'n Familiar,
Women's International Democratic Federation, International Right to Life
Federation, Network for Women in Development: Europe, and World Muslim
13. At the 8th meeting, on 8 September, statements were made by the First
Lady of Burundi and the representatives of Kenya, Liechtenstein, Cuba,
Estonia, Croatia, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Belize, Romania and Viet Nam.
14. At the same meeting, statements were made by the Director-General
of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The Director of the Division of Economic Cooperation among Developing
Countries and Special Programmes of the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development also made a statement.
15. At the 9th plenary meeting, on 8 September, the Conference heard
statements by the First Ladies of Nigeria and Bolivia, Her Royal Highness
Princess Sonam Chodron Wangchuck of Bhutan and the representatives of
Honduras, Angola, Oman, Mauritania, the Russian Federation, the Netherlands,
Israel, Dominica, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
and Guinea-Bissau. The observer for the Netherlands Antilles made a statement.
16. At the same meeting, a statement was made by the representative of
the World Meteorological Organization. Statements were also made by the
Executive Director of the International Trade Centre, the Executive Coordinator
of the United Nations Volunteers, the Under-Secretary-General for Development
Support and Management Services of the United Nations Secretariat, the
Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa and the Director
of the United Nations Development Fund for Women. The representatives
of the following intergovernmental organizations made statements: Organization
of the Islamic Conference and Asian Development Bank. Statements were
also made by the representatives of the following non-governmental organizations:
International Planned Parenthood Federation, Inter-Parliamentary Union,
Muslim World League, National Council of Negro Women, Disabled Peoples
International and Centre for International Cooperation.
17. At the 10th plenary meeting, on 11 September, the Conference heard
statements by the representatives of Colombia, Maldives, Liberia, Barbados,
the Republic of Moldova, Mauritius, Papua New Guinea, Burkina Faso and
18. At the same meeting, statements were made by the representative of
the International Monetary Fund and the representative of the World Health
Organization, on behalf of the Joint and Co-sponsored United Nations Programme
on Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus. The Acting
Director of the International Research and Training Institute for the
Advancement of Women made a statement. A statement was also made by the
representative of the Inter-American Development Bank, an intergovernmental
19. At the 11th plenary meeting, on 11 September, statements were made
by the representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malawi, the Congo, the
Islamic Republic of Iran, Belarus, Tuvalu, the Sudan, Guatemala, Iraq,
the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Armenia, San Marino, Myanmar,
the Comoros, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Qatar and Cape Verde.
20. At the same meeting, a statement was made by the representative of
the International Atomic Energy Agency. Statements were also made by the
representatives of the following intergovernmental organizations: Organization
of American States, International Committee of the Red Cross, International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Organization of African
Unity, African Development Bank and Nordic Council. The representative
of the Global Commission on Women's Health also made a statement. Statements
were made by the representatives of the following non-governmental organizations:
International Federation of Agricultural Producers, Commission on Global
Governance, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Grassroots
Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood and Women and Fisheries
21. At the 12th plenary meeting, on 12 September, the Conference heard
statements by the First Ladies of the Gambia and Kazakstan, the representatives
of Sao Tome and Principe, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Haiti, Eritrea, Sierra
Leone, Samoa, Lesotho and Madagascar and the observer for Guam.
22. At the same meeting, a statement was made by the representative of
the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
23. At the 13th plenary meeting, on 12 September, statements were made
by the representatives of Botswana, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Dominican
Republic, Mali, Azerbaijan, the Marshall Islands, Zaire, the Federated
States of Micronesia, Yemen, Ethiopia, Chad, Costa Rica, Brunei Darussalam,
Slovenia, Uzbekistan, Albania, Nauru, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Cook
Islands, Kiribati and Kuwait.
24. At the same meeting, a statement was made by the representative of
the International Maritime Organization. A statement was also made by
the representative of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees in the Near East. The President of the Comite' ministe'riel de
coordination "femmes et de'veloppement" made a statement. The
representative of the Latin American Parliament, an intergovernmental
organization, also made a statement. Statements were made by the representatives
of the following non-governmental organizations: Agence de recherches
d'information et formation pour les femmes, Women's Environment and Development
Organization, Somali Women's Trust, Association pour le progre`s et la
de'fense des droits des femmes maliennes and Forum of African Women Educationalists.
25. At the 14th plenary meeting, on 13 September, the Conference heard
a statement by the representative of Palau.
26. At the same meeting, the representative of the Office of Human Resources
Management of the United Nations Secretariat made a statement. Statements
were also made by the representatives of the following non-governmental
organizations: Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, Interaction:
American Council for Voluntary International Action, Flora Tristan, Coordinating
Board of Jewish Organizations, African Caucus of Femnet, Housewives in
Dialogue, Global Network Women and Politics, International Gay and Lesbian
Human Rights Commission, Older Women's Network Australia, World Association
of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Network of African Rural Women's Associations,
Polish Federation for Women and Family Planning, International Human Rights
Law Group, Centre for Women's Global Leadership, Fe'de'ration europe'enne
des femmes actives au foyer, Anglican Communion, Arab Organization for
Human Rights, Education International, World Federation of United Nations
Associations, World Federation of Trade Unions, Choisir and International
Federation of University Women.
27. At the 15th plenary meeting, on 15 September, the President of Peru
made a statement.
28. At the same meeting, the Conference heard a statement by the President
of the World Bank. A statement was also made by the representative of
the Coalition of Youth Non-Governmental Organizations accredited to the
Fourth World Conference on Women.
Chapter IV
A. Organization of work
1. At its 1st plenary meeting, on 4 September 1995, the Conference approved
the organization of its work, as set out in document A/CONF.177/3, and
decided to allocate agenda item 9 (Platform for Action) to the Main Committee,
which was to submit its recommendations to the Conference.
2. The Main Committee held six meetings, from 5 to 14 September 1995.
It also held a number of informal meetings.
3. The Main Committee had before it the following documents:
(a) Note by the Secretariat on proposals for consideration in the preparation
of a draft declaration and on the draft platform for action (A/CONF.177/L.1);
(b) Note by the Secretariat transmitting the report of the informal contact
group on gender (A/CONF.177/L.2);
(c) Note by the Secretary-General containing amendments to the text of
the draft platform for action agreed upon at the informal consultations
convened by the Chairperson of the Commission on the Status of Women from
31 July to 4 August 1995 (A/CONF.177/L.3).
4. The Chairperson of the Main Committee was Patricia B. Licuanan (Philippines),
who was elected by acclamation at the 1st plenary meeting of the Conference,
on 4 September.
5. The Main Committee, at its 1st meeting, on 5 September, elected the
following officers by acclamation:
Vice-Chairpersons: Zelmira Regazolli (Argentina)
Irene Freudenschuss-Reichl (Austria)
Natalia Drozd (Belarus)
Rapporteur: Selma Ashipala (Namibia)
6. Also at its 1st meeting, the Main Committee established two working
groups and designated Amma Yeboaa (Ghana) Chairperson of Working Group
I and Irene Freudenschuss-Reichl (Austria) Chairperson of Working Group
7. At the 2nd meeting, on 11 September, statements were made by the representatives
of Mauritius, Spain, France, Benin, Mauritania, Tunisia, Paraguay, Latvia,
the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Holy See, Iraq, Guatemala, Canada and
Chile. The Chairperson of the Committee and the Secretary of the Conference
also made statements.
8. At the 3rd meeting, on 12 September, statements were made by the representatives
of Egypt, Peru, the Syrian Arab Republic, Bahrain, Malta, Paraguay, Kuwait,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mauritania.
B. Consideration of the draft platform for action
9. At the 3rd to 6th meetings, on 12 and 14 September, the Main Committee
considered amendments and corrections to the draft platform for action
(A/CONF.177/L.1 and A/CONF.177/L.3) that had been agreed upon by Working
Groups I and II and during informal consultations.
Strategic objectives and actions: women and armed conflict*
10. At the 3rd meeting, on 12 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV (Strategic objectives and actions), section
E (Women and armed conflict) of the draft platform for action. Statements
were made by the representatives of Argentina, Norway, Benin, Canada,
Nigeria, the Philippines (on behalf of the States Members of the United
Nations that are members of the Group of 77), Spain, Guatemala, Cameroon,
Indonesia, the Holy See, Jamaica, Bolivia, Ecuador, the Sudan, the Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya, the United States of America, Malta, Algeria, Australia,
Peru, the Syrian Arab Republic, Namibia, Chile, Kuwait, Belize, Equatorial
Guinea and Liberia. The Vice-Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl,
also made a statement.
11. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter IV, section E, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.9
and Corr.1). Statements were made by the representatives of Malta, Cyprus,
the Holy See, Spain (on behalf of the European Community), Fiji, India,
the Syrian Arab Republic and Cuba. The Vice-Chairperson of the Committee,
Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl, also made a statement.
Strategic objectives and actions: women in power and decision-making*
12. At the 3rd meeting, on 12 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section G (Women in power and decision-making)
of the draft platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives
of Benin, Algeria, Nigeria, Spain (on behalf of the European Community),
Peru, Mauritania and Argentina. The Vice-Chairperson of the Committee,
Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl, also made a statement.
13. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter IV, section G, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.11
and Corr.1). The representative of Japan made a statement.
Strategic objectives and actions: women and poverty*
14. At the 3rd meeting, on 12 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section A (Women and poverty) of the draft
platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives of Argentina,
Pakistan, Benin, the United States of America, Algeria and the Philippines.
The Vice-Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl, also
made a statement.
15. At the 4th and 5th meetings, on 14 September, the Main Committee
approved corrections to chapter IV, section A.
16. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
oral revisions to chapter IV, section A, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended, corrected and orally revised (see
A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.5 and Corr.1 and A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.21).
Strategic objectives and actions: women and the media*
17. At the 3rd meeting, on 12 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section J (Women and the media) of the
draft platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives
of Paraguay, Argentina, Peru, Mauritius and the United States of America.
The Chairperson of Working Group I, Ms. Yeboaa, also made a statement.
18. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter IV, section J, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.14
and Corr.1).
Institutional arrangements
19. At the 3rd meeting, on 12 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter V (Institutional arrangements) of the draft
platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives of Spain
(on behalf of the European Community), Kuwait and the United States of
20. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter V. Statements were made by the representatives
of the United States of America and Spain.
21. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
oral revisions to chapter V and recommended the text to the Conference
for adoption as amended, corrected and orally revised (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.17
and Corr.1 and A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.21). Statements were made by the representatives
of the Holy See, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Philippines (on behalf
of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group
of 77 and China), Spain (on behalf of the European Community), Egypt,
Kuwait, Canada, Namibia, Nigeria, Malta, Bahrain, Norway, Yemen, Switzerland,
Oman, Australia, Suriname, Botswana, Cuba, South Africa, Benin, Belize,
Estonia, Morocco, Bolivia, Israel, Jordan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Jamaica,
the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritania, Chile, Senegal and the Sudan.
The Secretary-General of the Conference and the Chairperson of the Committee
also made statements.
Financial arrangements
22. At the 3rd meeting, on 12 September, the Main Committee considered
an amended and corrected text for chapter VI (Financial arrangements)
of the draft platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives
of the United States of America, Spain (on behalf of the European Community),
Nigeria and Tunisia.
23. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
the text of chapter VI and recommended it to the Conference for adoption
as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.18).
* At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved amendments
and corrections to the section titles and strategic objectives contained
in chapter IV of the draft platform for action (see para. 48 below).
Mission statement
24. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee considered
an amended text for chapter I (Mission statement) of the draft platform
for action. Statements were made by the representatives of the Philippines
(on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members
of the Group of 77), Latvia (on behalf of the Eastern European States),
China, Colombia, Benin, Spain (on behalf of the European Community), the
United States of America, Algeria, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia and India. The
Chairperson of the Committee also made a statement.
25. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee, after accepting
an oral revision to chapter I, approved the text and recommended it to
the Conference for adoption as amended and orally revised (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.1).
Statements were made by the representatives of the Philippines (on behalf
of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group
of 77 and China), the Sudan, the United States of America, Norway, Spain
(on behalf of the European Community) and Japan.
Global framework
26. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text and corrections to chapter II (Global framework) of the
draft platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives
of Guatemala, the Holy See, Bulgaria, the Russian Federation, India, Pakistan,
the United States of America, Canada, the Sudan, Malta, Spain (on behalf
of the European Community), Malaysia, Mauritania and Israel. The Chairperson
of Working Group I, Ms. Yeboaa, also made a statement.
27. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
oral revisions to chapter II and recommended the text to the Conference
for adoption as amended, corrected and orally revised (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.2
and Corr.1).
Critical areas of concern*
28. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter III (Critical areas of concern) of the draft
platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives of Pakistan,
the United States of America, Bulgaria and the Russian Federation.
29. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
oral revisions to chapter III and recommended the text to the Conference
for adoption as amended and orally revised (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.3 and
A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.21). Statements were made by the representatives of
the Holy See, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Philippines (on behalf
of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group
of 77 and China), Spain (on behalf of the European Community), Egypt,
Kuwait, Canada, Namibia, Nigeria, Malta, Bahrain, Norway, Yemen, Switzerland,
Oman, Australia, Suriname, Botswana, Cuba, South Africa, Benin, Belize,
Estonia, Morocco, Bolivia, Israel, Jordan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Jamaica,
the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritania, Chile, Senegal and the Sudan.
The Secretary-General of the Conference and the Chairperson of the Committee
also made statements.
* At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved amendments
and corrections to the critical areas of concern listed in chapter III
of the draft platform for action (see para. 48 below).
Strategic objectives and actions: education and training of women*
30. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text and corrections to chapter IV, section B (Education and
training of women) of the draft platform for action. Statements were made
by the representatives of the Sudan, Benin, China, the Russian Federation,
Spain (on behalf of the European Community), Yemen and the Syrian Arab
Republic. The Vice-Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl,
also made a statement.
31. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
further corrections to chapter IV, section B, and recommended the text
to the Conference for adoption as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.6
and Corr.1). Statements were made by the representatives of Spain, the
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Benin and the United States of America. The Vice-Chairperson
of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl, also made a statement.
Strategic objectives and actions: women and health*
32. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section C (Women and health) of the draft
platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives of Barbados,
Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Malta, Mauritania, the Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya, the Sudan, Honduras, the Holy See, Morocco, Yemen, Iraq, the
United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Kuwait, Benin, the Syrian Arab Republic,
Jordan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tunisia, Oman, Bahrain, Japan, Senegal,
Bangladesh, Indonesia and Belize. The Secretary-General of the Conference
and the Vice-Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl, also
made statements.
33. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter IV, section C, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.7
and A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.21).
Strategic objectives and actions: violence against women*
34. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section D (Violence against women) of
the draft platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives
of Jamaica, Haiti and the Russian Federation.
35. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter IV, section D, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.8
and Corr.1). Statements were made by the representatives of Spain (on
behalf of the European Community), the Russian Federation, the Philippines
(on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members
of the Group of 77 and China), Argentina and Azerbaijan. The Vice-Chairperson
of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl, also made a statement.
Strategic objectives and actions: human rights of women*
36. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section I (Human rights of women) of the
draft platform for action. Statements were made by the representative
of Spain and the Vice-Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl.
37. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter IV, section I.
38. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
oral revisions to chapter IV, section I, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended, corrected and orally revised (see
A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.13 and Corr.1 and A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.21). Statements
were made by the representatives of the Sudan and Canada.
Strategic objectives and actions: women and the economy*
39. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section F (Women and the economy) of the
draft platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives
of Yemen, Spain, the United States of America, Benin and Vanuatu. The
Vice-Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl, also made
a statement.
40. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
oral revisions to chapter IV, section F, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended and orally revised (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.10
and A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.21).
Strategic objectives and actions: women and the environment*
41. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section K (Women and the environment)
of the draft platform for action. Statements were made by the representatives
of Belize, the Syrian Arab Republic, the United States of America, the
United Arab Emirates and Oman.
42. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter IV, section K, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.15
and Corr.1). Statements were made by the representatives of India, Australia,
Spain (on behalf of the European Community), the Philippines (on behalf
of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group
of 77 and China), the United States of America and the Russian Federation.
43. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the representative of the United
States of America and the Vice-Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl,
made statements.
Strategic objectives and actions: the girl child*
44. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section L (The girl child) of the draft
platform for action and recommended the text to the Conference for adoption
as amended (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.16). Statements were made by the representatives
of the United States of America, Spain (on behalf of the European Community),
the Sudan, the Holy See, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the United Arab Emirates,
Mauritania, the Syrian Arab Republic, Oman, Iraq, Kuwait, Zimbabwe, Algeria,
Egypt, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Morocco and Yemen. The Chairperson of Working
Group I, Ms. Yeboaa, also made a statement.
Strategic objectives and actions: institutional mechanisms for the advancement
of women*
45. At the 4th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended text for chapter IV, section H (Institutional mechanisms for
the advancement of women) of the draft platform for action. Statements
were made by the representatives of Spain (on behalf of the European Community),
the United States of America and Nepal. The Vice-Chairperson of the Committee,
Ms. Freudenschuss-Reichl, also made a statement.
46. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
corrections to chapter IV, section H.
47. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
oral revisions to chapter IV, section H, and recommended the text to the
Conference for adoption as amended, corrected and orally revised (see
A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.12 and Corr.1 and A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.21). Statements
were made by the representatives of the Holy See, the Philippines (on
behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of
the Group of 77 and China) and Spain (on behalf of the European Community).
Critical areas of concern listed in chapter III and section titles and
strategic objectives in chapter IV
48. At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
amendments and corrections to the critical areas of concern listed in
chapter III of the draft platform for action and the section titles and
strategic objectives contained in chapter IV and recommended them to the
Conference for adoption as amended and corrected (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.19).
Statements were made by the representatives of the United States of America,
Jamaica, Spain, the Philippines, the Holy See, the Russian Federation,
the Syrian Arab Republic and Malta.
Strategic objectives and actions: introduction
49. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
an amended and orally revised text for the introductory paragraphs of
chapter IV (Strategic objectives and actions) of the draft platform for
action and recommended the text to the Conference for adoption (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.4).
Statements were made by the representatives of Canada, Benin, Egypt, the
Islamic Republic of Iran, Spain, Ecuador, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,
New Zealand, Israel, Switzerland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Jordan, Uganda,
Belize, South Africa, Kuwait, Senegal, Slovenia, Ghana, Australia, Bangladesh,
Cuba, Co^te d'Ivoire, Algeria, the Sudan, the United States of America,
Nigeria, Guatemala, Barbados, Chile, Latvia, the United Arab Emirates,
Jamaica, Brazil, Colombia, Yemen, Bolivia, Norway, Venezuela and the Cook
* At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved amendments
and corrections to the section titles and strategic objectives contained
in chapter IV of the draft platform for action (see para. 48 below).
C. Consideration of the draft declaration
50. At the 6th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved
the text of the draft declaration as orally revised on the basis of informal
consultations and recommended it to the Conference for adoption (see A/CONF.177/L.5/Add.20).
Statements were made by the representatives of Yemen, the Philippines
(on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members
of the Group of 77), Paraguay, Tunisia, Colombia and China.
* * *
51. After the Main Committee approved the draft declaration and draft
platform for action, statements were made by the representatives of Paraguay,
Uruguay, the United States of America, Morocco, Jordan, Lithuania (also
on behalf of Estonia and Latvia), Mauritania, Slovenia, the Sudan, Iraq,
the Syrian Arab Republic, Oman, Tunisia, Yemen, Ghana, India, Benin, the
Philippines (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that
are members of the Group of 77 and China) and Spain (on behalf of the
European Community). The Chairperson of the Committee made a concluding
* At the 5th meeting, on 14 September, the Main Committee approved amendments
and corrections to the section titles and strategic objectives contained
in chapter IV of the draft platform for action (see para. 48 below).
V. ADOPTION OF THE BEIJING DECLARATION AND PLATFORM FOR ACTION .....................................................
Reservations and interpretative statements on the Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action................... 157
VIII. CLOSURE OF THE CONFERENCE .......................... 180
* To be issued as an addendum to the present document.
Chapter V
1. At the 16th plenary meeting, on 15 September 1995, the Conference
considered agenda item 10 (Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
of the Fourth World Conference on Women). The Chairperson of the Main
Committee of the Conference, Patricia B. Licuanan (Philippines), made
a statement.
2. At the same meeting, the representative of the Philippines, on behalf
of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group
of 77, introduced a draft resolution (A/CONF.177/L.9) whereby the Conference
would adopt the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and recommend
them to the General Assembly for endorsement at its fiftieth session.
The Conference then adopted the draft resolution (for the text, see chap.
I, resolution 1).
3. After the draft resolution was adopted, representatives of the following
States made general and interpretative statements or expressed reservations
on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Peru, Kuwait, Egypt,
Philippines, Holy See, Malaysia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya, Ecuador, Indonesia, Mauritania, Oman, Malta, Argentina, Brunei
Darussalam, France, Yemen, Sudan, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, United
Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Bahrain, Lebanon, Tunisia, Mali, Benin, Guatemala,
India, Algeria, Iraq, Vanuatu, Ethiopia, Morocco, Djibouti, Qatar, Nicaragua,
Togo, Liberia, Syrian Arab Republic, Pakistan, Nigeria, Comoros, Bolivia,
Colombia, Bangladesh, Honduras, Jordan, Ghana, Central African Republic,
Cambodia, Maldives, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Brazil,
Panama, El Salvador, Madagascar, Chad, Cameroon, Niger, Gabon, United
States of America and Canada. The observer for Palestine also made a statement.
Reservations and interpretative statements on the Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action
4. The representatives of a number of countries made statements which
they requested the secretariat of the Conference to place on record. Those
statements are set out below.
5. The representative of Argentina submitted the following written statement:
The concept of family as used in the Conference documents is understood
to mean the union of a man and a woman, who produce, nourish and educate
their children. No definition or recommendation contained in these documents
weakens the parents' primary responsibility for bringing up their children,
including providing education on sexual matters, a responsibility which
should be respected by States pursuant to the Convention on the Rights
of the Child.
No reference in these documents to the right to control matters related
to sexuality, including sexual and reproductive health, may be interpreted
as restricting the right to life or abrogating the condemnation of abortion
as a method of birth control or an instrument of population policy (in
accordance with article 75, paragraph 23, of the Constitution of Argentina,
article 16 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women and paragraph 42 of the Vienna Programme of Action, adopted
by the World Conference on Human Rights). No proposal contained in the
documents may be interpreted to justify programmes of female or male sterilization
as an adjustment variable in eradicating poverty.
The Argentine delegation participated in the consensus on paragraph 106
(k) of the Platform for Action, which recommends that Governments should
consider reviewing laws containing punitive measures against women who
have undergone abortions. This position was taken in view of the legal
tradition of Argentina, the practice of our courts and the attenuating
circumstances that have generally been considered; this does not constitute,
however, a proposal to decriminalize abortion or exempt from criminal
responsibility those who may be accomplices or participants in this offence.
The references to the Programme of Action of the International Conference
on Population and Development contained in the documents of the Fourth
World Conference on Women should be understood in the context of the reservations
formulated by the Government of the Argentine Republic and included in
the report of that Conference (A/CONF.171/13 and Add.1).
With regard to all that is relevant to the documents of the Fourth World
Conference on Women, the Argentine delegation maintains the same reservations
which it submitted concerning the Regional Programme of Action for the
Women of Latin America and the Caribbean, adopted in Santiago, Chile,
in June 1995.
6. The representative of Costa Rica submitted the following written statement:
Costa Rica is a State in which the strict rule of law prevails; it is
respectful of the law, being fully devoted to respect for human rights
and the promotion of tolerance; and it participates in the world- wide
consensus that inequalities exist which place women at a disadvantage,
and that this situation should be rectified.
Accordingly, Costa Rica has adopted, signed and ratified all the instruments
which promote equality of rights and opportunities between women and men,
and it has been adapting its national legislation to these instruments,
especially in relation to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women.
Nevertheless, we are aware that new challenges exist in our country,
that much remains to be resolved with regard to improving the situation
of women and that the advancement of women is crucial to the achievement
of sustainable human development.
Aware that the series of measures contained in the Platform for Action
of the Fourth World Conference on Women is consistent with the policies
promoted in our country for the advancement of women, we wish to confirm
to the international community that we support the Platform, that this
support is respectful of the socio-cultural diversity of nations and that
the Platform will be incorporated at the national level into the current
legal system, in strict concordance with our best traditions, beliefs
and values.
From this point of view, Costa Rica wishes to state that, in matters
relating to sexuality, it understands any references in the Platform to
women's rights to mean, as in the case of men, the capacity of women or
men to achieve and maintain their sexual and reproductive health in a
framework of relations of equality and mutual respect.
In relation to the strategic objective of the Platform which proposes
the reduction in military expenditure and limiting the available arms,
which is based on chapter IV, paragraph 70, subparagraph 12, of the Programme
of Action of the World Summit for Social Development on the topic of social
integration, Costa Rica reiterates its devotion to peace and the statement
it made at that Conference concerning the need for conflicts and differences
among nations and peoples and among social groups to be resolved through
negotiation, dialogue and the quest for consensus, and that the resources
being spent for weapons could be much better spent on the social development
of peoples.
Lastly, we wish to confirm and reiterate to the international community
that it is a priority task of both women and men to seek to eliminate
all forms of discrimination in accordance with the principle of respect
for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
7. The representative of the Dominican Republic submitted the following
written statement:
Pursuant to the rules of procedure of the Fourth World Conference on
Women, the Dominican Republic supports the general agreement reached on
the Platform for Action and reaffirms its commitment to comply with that
The Dominican Republic, as a signatory to the American Convention on
Human Rights, and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the
Republic, confirms that every person has the right to life, and that life
begins at the moment of conception.
Consequently, it accepts the content of the terms "reproductive
health", "sexual health", "maternity without risk",
"reproductive rights", "sexual rights" and "regulation
of fertility" in the Platform for Action, but it makes an express
reservation to the content of these terms, or any others, if they include
abortion or interruption of pregnancy as a component.
We confirm the position taken by our country at the International Conference
on Population and Development, and these reservations apply to all regional
and international agreements referring to these concepts.
In accordance with the above-mentioned rules of procedure, we request
that this statement of reservations be included in full in the final report
of this Conference.
8. The representative of Egypt submitted the following written statement:
The participation of Egypt in the Fourth World Conference on Women reflects
its conviction of the importance of women's issues and their promotion.
It is an extension of Egypt's participation in the three preceding conferences
on women, in addition to its having been host to one of the most important
international conferences, the International Conference on Population
and Development.
The Egyptian delegation would like to register the fact that its understanding
of the texts included in the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference
on Women that refer to sexual and reproductive relations rests on the
basis that these relations are within the framework of a marital bond
and that the family is understood to be the basic unit of society. Egypt's
compliance with the recommendations contained in the Platform for Action
will be conditional on complete respect for the rights of national sovereignty
and various moral and religious values and conformity to our Constitution
and the precepts of law and with the divine guidance of our true and tolerant
religious law.
The Egyptian delegation would also like to register the fact that its
reading and understanding of the paragraphs relating to inheritance rights
in the Platform for Action, particularly paragraph 274 (d), will be against
the background of complete respect for the laws of inheritance in the
Islamic Shariah and in accordance with the provisions of the law and the
The Egyptian delegation requests that this statement in its entirety
should be included in the official report of the Fourth World Conference
on Women.
9. The representatives of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania submitted the
following written statement:
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania wish to express a reservation regarding
paragraph 5 of the Platform for Action. We feel it is essential that the
mission statement reflect a strong commitment by the international community
to all the world's women and that the message should be all-encompassing.
Paragraph 5 in its present form is exclusionary and contradicts the principle
of universality, which should apply to all States Members of the United
The changes in the present paragraph are also a violation of the rules
of procedure in light of the fact that new language was introduced to
unbracketed text already agreed to in document A/CONF.177/L.1 at the preparatory
meeting for the Conference in March 1995.
The concerns and needs of countries with economies in transition have
been marginalized by paragraph 5, thus weakening the Platform for Action.
For this reason, our delegations regrettably feel obligated to place this
reservation on record.
10. The representative of Guatemala submitted the following written statement:
My delegation wishes to state that, consistent with the national interest
of Guatemala, it is submitting the following reservation, with the request
that it be included in the final report of the Fourth World Conference
on Women:
(a) Guatemala has the sovereign right to implement the recommendations
contained in the Platform for Action in accordance with the provisions
of its Political Constitution, national legislation and international
treaties and conventions to which it is a party, and therefore none of
the provisions and recommendations of this Conference and of the Platform
for Action may or should be interpreted as contradicting the aforesaid
legal instruments. In addition, these recommendations will be implemented
in accordance with the development priorities of our country, in full
respect for the diverse religious, ethical and cultural values and philosophical
beliefs of our multi- ethnic, multilingual and multicultural people, and
in accordance with universally recognized international human rights;
(b) Guatemala confirms all its reservations to the Programme of Action
of the International Conference on Population and Development and its
reservations to the Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Summit
for Social Development, especially in relation to the topics, terms, conditions
and provisions contained in the aforesaid documents which are repeated
and re-utilized in this Platform for Action.
In addition, the Government of Guatemala reserves the right to interpret
the Platform for Action expressly in accordance with its unconditional
respect for the right to life from the moment of conception and its unconditional
respect for the right of parents to choose the upbringing of their children.
It endorses and guarantees the social, economic and juridical protection
of the family on the legal basis of marriage, equal rights of spouses,
responsible parenthood, the right of persons to decide freely the number
and spacing of their children, and the dignity of motherhood.
In conformity with the ethical, moral, legal, cultural and natural criteria
of the Guatemalan people, Guatemala interprets the concept of gender solely
as female and male gender in reference to women and men and reserves its
position on the interpretation of the term "lifestyle", because
its meaning is not clear in these documents.
11. The representative of the Holy See submitted the following written
"When one looks at the great process of women's liberation,"
one sees that the journey has been a difficult one, with its "share
of mistakes," but headed toward a better future for women. Those
are the words of Pope John Paul II. And he goes on to say: "This
journey must go on!" The Holy See delegation joins its voice to his:
This great journey must go on!
Women's voyage has been marked by false starts and disappointments, as
well as by luminous achievements. There have been times, as in the industrial
revolution, when old forms of oppression were exchanged for new, as well
as times when intelligence and good will have triumphed.
The documents before us reflect that complex and uneven history of women's
search. They are full of promise, but often short on concrete commitment,
and in certain respects one could ask if the long-term consequences will
really serve the good of women.
The delegation of the Holy See has worked hard, in a constructive way
and in a spirit of good will to make the documents more responsive to
women. Certainly, the living heart of these documents lies in their sections
on the needs of women in poverty, on strategies for development, on literacy
and education, on ending violence against women, on a culture of peace,
and on access to employment, land, capital and technology. My delegation
is pleased to note a close correspondence between these points and Catholic
social teaching.
My delegation would be remiss in its duty to women, however, if it did
not also indicate several critical areas where it strongly disagrees with
the text.
My delegation regrets to note in the text an exaggerated individualism,
in which key, relevant, provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights are slighted - for example, the obligation to provide "special
care and assistance" to motherhood. This selectivity thus marks another
step in the colonization of the broad and rich discourse of universal
rights by an impoverished, libertarian rights dialect. Surely this international
gathering could have done more for women and girls than to leave them
alone with their rights!
Surely we must do more for the girl child in poor nations than give lip
service to providing access to education, health and social services while
carefully avoiding any concrete commitment of new and additional resources
to that end.
Surely we can do better than to address the health needs of girls and
women by paying disproportionate attention to sexual and reproductive
health. Moreover, ambiguous language concerning unqualified control over
sexuality and fertility could be interpreted as including societal endorsement
of abortion and homosexuality.
A document that respects women's dignity should address the health of
the whole woman. A document that respects women's intelligence should
devote at least as much attention to literacy as to fertility.
Because my delegation is hopeful that out of these documents, which are
in some ways at odds with themselves, the good for women will ultimately
prevail, it wishes to associate itself with the consensus only on those
above-mentioned aspects of the documents that the Holy See considers to
be positive and at the service of the real well-being of women.
Unfortunately, the Holy See's participation in the consensus can be only
a partial one because of numerous points in the documents which are incompatible
with what the Holy See and other countries deem favourable to the true
advancement of women. These points are indicated in the reservations which
my delegation has set out below.
My delegation is confident that women themselves will overcome the limitations
of and bring out what is best in these documents. As John Paul II has
so well put it, "The path that lies ahead will be long and difficult,
nevertheless we must have courage to set out on that path and the courage
to go on to the end."
I would ask that the text of this statement, the reservations formally
indicated below, as well as the statement of interpretation of the term
"gender" be included in the report of the Conference.
Reservations and statements of interpretation
The Holy See, in conformity with its nature and particular mission, in
partially joining the consensus on the documents of the Fourth World Conference
on Women, wishes to express its position regarding those documents and
make reservations on some of the concepts used in them.
The Holy See wishes to reaffirm the dignity and worth of women and the
equal rights of men and women and regrets the failure of the Platform
for Action to explicitly reassert this concept.
The Holy See, in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
stresses that the family is the basic unit of society and is based on
marriage as an equal partnership between husband and wife, to which the
transmission of life is entrusted. It regrets that in the Platform for
Action references were not made to such a fundamental societal unit without
banal qualifying language (see, for example, strategic objective L.9).
The Holy See can only interpret such terms as "women's right to
control their sexuality", "women's right to control ... their
fertility" or "couples and individuals" as referring to
the responsible use of sexuality within marriage. At the same time, the
Holy See firmly condemns all forms of violence against and exploitation
of women and girls.
The Holy See reaffirms the reservations it expressed at the conclusion
of the International Conference on Population and Development, held in
Cairo from 5 to 13 September 1994, which are included in the report of
that Conference, concerning the interpretation given to the terms "reproductive
health", "sexual health" and "reproductive rights".
In particular, the Holy See reiterates that it does not consider abortion
or abortion services to be a dimension of reproductive health or reproductive
health services. The Holy See does not endorse any form of legislation
which gives legal recognition to abortion.
With regard to the terms "family planning" or "widest
range of family planning services" and other terms concerning family-planning
services or regulation of fertility, the Holy See's actions during this
Conference should in no way be interpreted as changing its well-known
position concerning those family planning methods that the Catholic Church
considers morally unacceptable or concerning family planning services
that do not respect the liberty of spouses, the human dignity or the human
rights of those concerned. The Holy See in no way endorses contraception
or the use of condoms, either as a family planning measure or in HIV/AIDS
prevention programmes.
The Holy See maintains that nothing in the Platform for Action or in
other documents referenced therein is to be interpreted as requiring any
health professional or health facility to perform, cooperate with, refer
or arrange for services to which they have objections on the basis of
religious belief or moral or ethical conviction.
The Holy See interprets all references to the term "forced pregnancy"
as a specific instrument of armed conflict, in the context in which that
term appears in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, part II,
paragraph 38.
The Holy See interprets the term "gender" as described in the
statement set out below.
The Holy See does not associate itself with the consensus on the entire
chapter IV, section C, concerning health; it wishes to place a general
reservation on the entire section and it would ask that this general reservation
be noted in the chapter. This section devotes a totally unbalanced attention
to sexual and reproductive health in comparison to women's other health
needs, including means to address maternal mortality and morbidity. Furthermore,
the Holy See cannot accept ambiguous terminology concerning unqualified
control over sexuality and fertility, particularly as it could be interpreted
as a societal endorsement of abortion or homosexuality. The reservation
on this chapter does not, however, indicate any reduction in the Holy
See's commitment towards the promotion of the health of women and the
girl child.
The Holy See does not join the consensus and expresses a reservation
on paragraph 232 (f), with its reference to a text (para. 96) on a right
of women to "control over ... their sexuality". This ambiguous
term could be understood as endorsing sexual relationships outside heterosexual
marriage. It asks that this reservation be noted on the paragraph. On
the other hand, however, the Holy See wishes to associate itself with
the condemnation of violence against women asserted in paragraph 96, as
well as with the importance of mutuality and shared responsibility, respect
and free consent in conjugal relations as stated in that paragraph.
The Holy See, with regard to the entire section on human rights, with
the exception of quotations from or restatements of already existing human
rights instruments, expresses its concern about an excessive individualism
in its treatment of human rights. The Holy See further recalls that the
mandate of the Fourth World Conference on Women did not include the affirmation
of new human rights.
With regard to the phrase "Women's rights are human rights",
the Holy See interprets this phrase to mean that women should have the
full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
With regard to all references to international agreements, the Holy See
reserves its position in this regard, in particular on any existing international
agreements mentioned in the documents, consistent with its manner of acceptance
or non-acceptance of them.
The Holy See requests that these reservations, together with the following
statement of interpretation on the term "gender", be included
in the report of the Conference.
Statement of interpretation of the term "gender"
In accepting that the word "gender" in this document is to
be understood according to ordinary usage in the United Nations context,
the Holy See associates itself with the common meaning of that word, in
languages where it exists.
The term "gender" is understood by the Holy See as grounded
in biological sexual identity, male or female. Furthermore, the Platform
for Action itself clearly uses the term "Both genders".
The Holy See thus excludes dubious interpretations based on world views
which assert that sexual identity can be adapted indefinitely to suit
new and different purposes.
It also dissociates itself from the biological determinist notion that
all the roles and relations of the two sexes are fixed in a single, static
Pope John Paul insists on the distinctiveness and complementarity of
women and men. At the same time, he has applauded the assumption of new
roles by women, stressed the degree to which cultural conditioning has
been an obstacle to women's progress, and exhorted men to assist in "the
great process of women's liberation" ("Letter to Women",
In his recent "Letter to Women", the Pope explained the Church's
nuanced view in the following way: "One can also appreciate that
the presence of a certain diversity of roles is in no way prejudicial
to women, provided that this diversity is not the result of an arbitrary
imposition, but is rather an expression of what is specific to being male
and female."
12. The representative of Honduras submitted the following written statement:
The Government of the Republic of Honduras, in accordance with its belief
in democracy, joins the consensus of all the peoples of the world in adopting
the Platform for Action, regarding it as an effective instrument for the
promotion and advancement of women to the year 2001 and in the new millennium.
Accordingly, it reaffirms its desire and commitment to take the necessary
actions to bring about the implementation of the Platform.
The Constitution of Honduras provides that all men and women are born
free and equal before the law, that there are no privileged classes and
that all Hondurans are equal before the law (article 60).
Articles 65, 111 and 112 provide that the right to life is inviolable
and that the family, marriage and de facto union are under the protection
of the State.
The American Convention on Human Rights, of which our country is a signatory,
reaffirms that every individual has the right to life from the moment
of conception, on the basis of the moral, ethical, religious and cultural
principles that should govern human behaviour.
Accordingly, Honduras shares the concepts relating to reproductive health,
sexual health and family planning in the Platform for Action, provided
that abortion or interruption of pregnancy is not included as a family
planning method.
The Government of the Republic reaffirms that the family is the basic
unit of society and therefore commits itself to strengthening all actions
aimed at achieving greater levels of well-being, bringing into harmony
the various segments of society.
Lastly, we invite the international community to support Governments
and peoples in their efforts to ensure that the implementation of the
Platform for Action is as successful as anticipated and that our women
will finally achieve equity, development and peace, which are so necessary
to the advancement of our peoples.
13. The representative of Indonesia submitted the following written statement:
While expressing our delegation's satisfaction on the adoption of the
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action by consensus, my delegation
at the same time feels unhappy about the fact that there have been numerous
reservations made by the delegations attending the Conference. This may
give the public the false impression that our joint commitment to implement
the Platform for Action, which is crucial to the goals of equality, development
and peace for all women, will be difficult to realize.
The concerns reflected in the reservations - and my delegation also has
reservations on certain paragraphs which are not consistent with the national
interest of Indonesia - should not in any way constitute an obstacle to
our genuine endeavour to implement the Platform for Action, since we all
know that the spirit and objective of international cooperation in this
regard is indeed a matter of mutual respect and support for our common
Finally, my delegation wishes to request that its reservation be duly
recorded in the report of the Conference.
14. The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran submitted the
following written statement:
I would like to register the reservation of the Islamic Republic of Iran
on the following issues:
Although the family is the basic unit of society and as such plays a
significant role in the advancement of women and promotion of human development,
the Platform for Action falls short in recognizing its contribution and
the importance of its stability and integrity.
Concerning paragraphs 96 and 232 (f), our understanding is that the provisions
of those paragraphs can only be interpreted in the context of health and
the framework of marital relations between men and women. The Islamic
Republic of Iran holds that the rights referred to in those paragraphs
fall in the category of existing human rights and do not establish any
new rights.
The Islamic Republic of Iran upholds the principle that safe and responsible
sexual relationships between men and women can only be legitimized within
the framework of marriage. Moreover, the phrase "couples and individuals"
should also be interpreted in that context.
Concerning programmes aimed at sexual and reproductive health, education
and services, the Islamic Republic of Iran believes that such education
and services should be guided by ethical and moral values and respect
the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents, taking into account
the evolving capacities of adolescents.
With respect to the issue of inheritance, the Islamic Republic of Iran
interprets the references in the Platform for Action to this matter in
accordance with the principles of the economic system of Islam.
The concept of equality in our interpretation takes into account the
fact that although women are equal in their human rights and dignity with
men, their different roles and responsibilities underline the need for
an equitable system of rights, where the particular priorities and requirements
of the woman in her multiple roles are accounted for.
The Islamic Republic of Iran affirms its commitment to the implementation
of the Platform for Action with full respect for Islam and the ethical
values of our society.
15. The representative of Iraq submitted the following written statement:
The delegation of Iraq has reservations with regard to paragraph 96 of
the Platform for Action because it is incompatible with our social and
religious values. Our reservation also applies to paragraph 232 (f) because
of its allusion to paragraph 96.
The delegation of Iraq accepts the text of paragraph 274 (d) on the basis
of its understanding that this does not conflict with the Islamic Shariah.
16. The representative of Israel submitted the following written statement:
The delegation of Israel to the Fourth World Conference on Women wishes
to submit the following interpretative statement on paragraph 46 of the
Platform for Action.
Israel would have preferred that explicit reference be made to the particular
barriers faced by women because of their sexual orientation. However,
in light of the interpretation given to the words "other status"
by, inter alia, the United Nations Human Rights Committee, we interpret
the words "other status" to include sexual orientation.
17. The representative of Japan submitted the following written statement:
My delegation would like to confirm its interpretation concerning paragraph
106 (k). The delegation of Japan joined the consensus on paragraph 106
(k) on the following understanding.
There has been a continuing debate on this issue in many countries. Some
countries, including Japan, have undertaken a review of the relevant laws,
while others have not. Bearing this in mind, my delegation confirms its
understanding that relevant national laws can only be reviewed at the
national or local level with due regard to national and legislative circumstances.
18. The representative of Kuwait submitted the following written statement:
My country's delegation attaches great importance to the Platform for
Action adopted by this Conference and believes in its significant contribution
to the advancement of women. However, at the same time, it would like
to register a reservation to anything which constitutes a contravention
of the Islamic Shariah and the customs and practices of our Islamic society,
particularly paragraphs 232 (f), 106 (k) and 94 to 96.
The delegation of Kuwait would like to have its reservation recorded
in the report of the Conference.
19. The representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya submitted the following
written statement:
My delegation greatly appreciates the efforts made by the Main Committee
and working groups of the Conference towards producing formulas which
represent the common positions of the participating delegations and respect
the beliefs of different societies and their private affairs. In this
context, the Libyan delegation has made every possible effort in its discussions
with all the working groups and in meetings to join in the global consensus
towards which this Platform for Action is directed.
In view of our belief in the importance of the dialogue between the different
cultures and civilizations of the peoples of the world for the achievement
of universal social peace, we do not accept the right of any nation or
civilization to impose its culture or political, economic or social orientations
on any other nation or people. In view also of our belief in the sovereign
right of every State to draw up domestic policies in keeping with its
religious beliefs, local laws and priorities for social and economic development,
it is our understanding that the terms and expressions which appear in
this document and their application will be within the limits of what
is permitted by our beliefs and the laws and traditions which shape our
behaviour as a society. On this basis, our country's delegation would
like to express reservations with regard to the following:
(a) The expression "sexual relations and sexual behaviour"
between men and women, adult or otherwise, outside of a lawful marital
relationship, which has appeared in a number of articles;
(b) The expression "sexual education and reproductive health"
used with reference to the unmarried and outside the ambit of parental
responsibility, supervision and care;
(c) The term "individuals" linked with the basic right of all
couples to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing
of their children. This right is not accorded in our society outside the
framework of a lawful marital relationship. This expression appears in
paragraphs 95 and 223;
(d) The entire text of paragraph 96 because it is inconsistent with our
social and cultural values. The same applies to paragraph 232 (f);
(e) Everything included in and intended by the text appearing in paragraph
106 (k), since it is contrary to local laws based on the Islamic Shariah.
The same applies to the text appearing in paragraph 106 (j) regarding
abortion, since local laws do not permit the performance of abortion except
to save the mother's life;
(f) The text of paragraph 274 (d), which will be interpreted and implemented
in accordance with the Islamic Shariah, which guarantees females the right
of inheritance.
We hope that this statement and these reservations will be included in
the official report of the Conference.
20. The representative of Malaysia submitted the following written statement:
The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action are an achievement for
all women world wide. My delegation is gratified to join the international
community in expressing our commitment to the Platform, especially on
those provisions dealing with poverty, education, health, the elimination
of violence against women in civil and armed conflicts, and the active
participation of women in decision-making and economic development for
their advancement and empowerment. However, we cannot help noting a number
of differences among delegations arising from the stand on certain issues
by one group of countries. While this group may adopt their own cultural
standards and priorities, their insistence on others has inevitably resulted
in the Platform for Action being accompanied by a number of reservations.
I wish to state that certain provisions within the Platform for Action
remain unacceptable to us, but in the interest of achieving a consensus,
we do not wish to stand in the way of its adoption. Nevertheless, in view
of the differing cultural norms and the lack of clarity of certain words
and phrases in the Platform, I wish to make the following reservations
and clarifications on behalf of the Malaysian delegation.
First, the interpretation of the term "family", and the terms
"individual and couples" throughout the document refer to the
traditional family formed out of a marriage or a registered union between
a man and a woman and comprising children and extended family members.
Second, we are of the conviction that reproductive rights should be applicable
only to married couples formed of the union between a man and a woman.
Third, we wish to state that the adoption of paragraph 96 does not signify
endorsement by the Government of Malaysia of sexual promiscuity, any form
of sexual perversion or sexual behaviour that is synonymous with homosexuality
or lesbianism.
Fourth, in the context of paragraph 106 (k) we wish to support the view
that attention should be given to the prevention of unsafe abortions and
the provision of humane management of complications from abortions as
part of reproductive health care. However, abortion is not legal or permissible
in Malaysia and can only be performed on medical grounds.
Fifth, in the context of paragraph 108 (k), while agreeing that adolescent
health is an area requiring attention due to the increasing problems of
unwanted teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortions, sexually transmitted diseases
and HIV/AIDS, we believe that parental guidance should not be abdicated
and that sexual permissiveness and unhealthy sexual and reproductive practices
by adolescents should not be condoned.
May I request that these reservations be entered into the records of
this Conference.
21. The representative of Malta submitted the following written statement:
In joining the consensus on the Platform for Action, the delegation of
Malta would like to state that it reserves its position on the use of
such terms as "reproductive health", "reproductive rights"
and "control of fertility" as used in different parts of the
document. The interpretation given by Malta is consistent with its national
legislation, which considers the termination of pregnancy through induced
abortion as illegal.
The delegation of Malta further reserves its position on those parts
of the Platform for Action wherein reference is made to the Programme
of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development.
In this respect the delegation of Malta reaffirms its reservations as
contained in the report of that Conference (A/CONF.171/13 and Add.1).
In particular the delegation of Malta cannot accept without reservation
the expression "circumstances in which abortion is not against the
law", the termination of pregnancy through procedures of induced
abortion being illegal in Malta.
The delegation of Malta reserves its position on the wording "such
abortion should be safe" since it feels that this phrase could lend
itself to multiple interpretations, implying among other things that abortion
can be completely free of medical and other psychological risks while
ignoring altogether the rights of the unborn.
Furthermore, the delegation of Malta reserves its position on the use
of the wording "international human rights instruments" and
"United Nations consensus documents" wherever used in the Platform
for Action consistent with its previous acceptance or non-acceptance of
We request that these reservations be recorded in the report of the Conference.
22. The representative of Mauritania submitted the following written
My country's delegation would like to enter reservations with regard
to any matter that conflicts with the Islamic Shariah and Islamic values,
especially paragraph 96 concerning sexual rights, paragraph 232 (f), paragraph
106 (j) concerning illegal abortions, and paragraph 274 (d) concerning
23. The representative of Morocco submitted the following written statement:
The delegation of Morocco reserves its position on paragraphs 96 and
106 (k) of the Platform for Action, whose content is in contradiction
with the precepts of Islam and is not in conformity with its spiritual
values and cultural traditions. Morocco also expresses its reservations
on paragraph 232 (f), which refers to paragraph 96, and on paragraph 274
The delegation of the Kingdom of Morocco requests that its reservations
be included in the report of the Conference.
24. The representative of Nepal submitted the following written statement:
The interpretation of paragraph 26 for Nepal shall preclude the freedom
of conversion of one's own or someone else's religion.
25. The representative of Paraguay submitted the following written statement:
The Government of Paraguay expresses its satisfaction that chapter IV,
section C, of the Platform for Action is in conformity with the content
of its National Constitution, especially article 61 thereof, which provides
that "the State recognizes the right of everyone to freely and responsibly
decide the number of children they plan to have, as well as the time span
between one child and another. Through a coordinated effort with the appropriate
organizations, they are also entitled to receive education, scientific
guidance, and adequate services. Special plans will be implemented to
ensure reproductive health and maternal-child health care for low-income
The delegation of Paraguay points out that the concept of "methods
... for regulation of fertility which are not against the law", as
referred to in paragraph 94 of the Platform for Action, will be interpreted
in conformity with its national legislation.
The Government of Paraguay interprets the term "gender", which
is used in the documents adopted at this Conference, as referring to both
sexes, man and woman, and has incorporated this term, as defined, into
its national documents.
26. The representative of Peru submitted the following written statement:
Pursuant to article 34 of the rules of procedure of the Conference, the
delegation of Peru joins in the general agreement on the adoption of the
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, in so far as the principles
and commitments established by this Conference are compatible with those
embodied in the Political Constitution of Peru. However, in accordance
with the position it took at the International Conference on Population
and Development and reaffirmed at the World Summit for Social Development,
and at the sixth session of the Regional Conference on the Integration
of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and
the Caribbean, the delegation of Peru wishes to express its reservation
with regard to the interpretation of the following points:
The community and the State protect the family and promote marriage,
recognizing them as natural and basic institutions of society. The family
and marriage essentially derive from the personal relation that is established
between a man and a woman.
The right to life and the consideration of a person from the moment of
conception as a subject of law in every respect are fundamental human
rights. Therefore, the terms "reproductive health", "reproductive
rights" and "sexual or reproductive health" as used in
the Platform for Action must not include abortion as a method of birth
control or family planning.
The concepts referring to population policy must always be understood
within the context of the protection and promotion of the family and marriage,
responsible fatherhood and motherhood and the freedom of choice of the
family and the individual.
It is understood that sexual rights refer solely to heterosexual relationships.
The criteria established for allocating resources can in no way be understood
as restricting the right of Governments to have access to such resources.
The reference to "existing" intellectual property rights with
regard to the knowledge, innovations and practices of women of indigenous
and local communities, including practices relating to traditional medicines,
biological diversity and indigenous technologies, may in no way be construed
as restricting the rights of countries and their inhabitants under national
and international law.
27. The representative of the Russian Federation submitted the following
written statement:
Paragraph 83 (p)
The Russian Federation takes the word "respected" in paragraph
83 (p) to mean that gender equality and cultural, religious and other
diversity should be respected in educational institutions.
Paragraph 191 (c)
The Russian Federation understands paragraph 191 (c) to mean that political
parties shall themselves determine the procedure for appointing women
to their leadership bodies and that the State shall not put pressure on
them to do so, while at the same time creating equal opportunities for
the activities of political parties. Under Russian law, this provision
applies not only to political parties but also to political movements.
Paragraph 204 (e)
The Russian Federation understands paragraph 204 (e) regarding mandates
to review policies and programmes in the context of ensuring equal rights
and equal opportunities. The basic principles for implementing this policy
are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Paragraph 258 (c)
The delegation of the Russian Federation takes it that paragraph 258
(c) relates to no other question than the transboundary movement of hazardous
and radioactive waste. The Russian Federation believes that it is necessary
to aim for full compliance of Governments, international governmental
organizations and non-governmental organizations with existing international
principles and rules governing the transboundary movement of hazardous
and radioactive waste through the adoption of special measures, including
the establishment of a national legal framework and the definition of
the various categories of waste. The movement of such materials should
not pose a threat to public health.
28. The representative of South Africa submitted the following written
The South African delegation interprets paragraph 96, which reads, "The
human rights of women include their right to have control over and decide
freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality, including
sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination and violence",
to include the right to be free from coercion, discrimination and violence
based on sexual orientation.
The South African delegation wants to make it very clear that it does
not want to be associated with any form of discrimination.
29. The representative of Tunisia submitted the following written statement:
The Tunisian delegation, by virtue of the powers vested in it, has the
honour to confirm that Tunisia will interpret paragraphs 96, 232 (f) and
274 (d) of the Platform for Action within its fundamental laws and texts.
The foregoing was stated at the meetings of the Main Committee held on
13 and 14 September 1995. Tunisia will reject any provision that is contrary
to its fundamental laws and texts. The delegation of Tunisia requests
that this reservation be included in the documents of the Conference.
30. The representative of the United States of America submitted the
following written statement:
Interpretative statement on the Beijing Declaration
The United States understands that the phrase "hereby adopt and
commit ourselves as Governments to implement the ... Platform for Action"
contained in the Beijing Declaration, and other similar references throughout
the texts, are consistent with the fact that the Platform, Declaration
and commitments made by States (unless such States indicate to the contrary)
are not legally binding, and that they consist of recommendations concerning
how States can and should promote the objectives of the Conference. The
commitment referred to in the Declaration, therefore, constitutes a general
commitment to undertake meaningful implementation of the Platform's recommendations
overall, rather than a specific commitment to implement each element of
the Platform. Accordingly, the United States accepts this phrase on this
basis, on the understanding that it does not alter the status of the documents
or the recommendations contained therein.
The United States understands that the references in the Declaration
and Platform for Action to "sustainable development" are to
be interpreted consistently with established principles and policies on
this matter. As was recognized in Agenda 21, our long-term objective of
enabling all people to achieve sustainable livelihoods involves integration
simultaneously of policies related to issues of development, sustainable
resource management and poverty eradication. At the World Summit for Social
Development, States further acknowledged that economic development, social
development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually
reinforcing components of sustainable development.
Reservation on paragraph 5 of the Platform for Action
As the United States has stated on a number of occasions during the Conference
and in the preparations for it, as a result of domestic funding constraints
it cannot agree to an increase in funding for matters dealt with in the
Platform for Action other than in the context of reallocation of existing
resources, or unless sources of funding other than governmental assessments
are involved. Accordingly, the United States reserves on paragraph 5 of
the Platform for Action. The United States fully supports the objectives
of the Conference and is willing to work with others to ensure that there
is a proper allocation of resources within the United Nations system and
other international organizations, to address commitments made in the
Platform. In this context, the United States notes as well that many of
the most critical actions to be taken in accordance with the Platform
do not require additional funds from the international community and can
be accomplished through actions at the national and local level.
Interpretative statements on individual paragraphs in the Platform for
Paragraph 17
The United States understands that the phrase "radical transformation
of the relationship between women and men in paragraph 17 is a reference
to the realization of full equality between women and men. It is in that
context that the United States accepts this paragraph.
Paragraph 26
Paragraph 26 of the Platform recognizes the important role that non-governmental
organizations play and the importance of working with them for progress.
The United States recognizes the need for Governments to create an enabling
environment for non-governmental organizations and that such an environment
is critical to the successful implementation of the Platform. The United
States understands that Governments, in requesting that non-governmental
organizations take action to implement the Platform, are thereby committing
themselves to facilitating the efforts of such organizations in this regard.
Paragraph 46
The United States Government has a firm policy of non-discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation and considers that the omission of
this reference in paragraph 46 and elsewhere in the Platform for Action
in no way justifies such discrimination in any country.
Paragraph 96
The United States understands and accepts that paragraph 96, which concerns,
inter alia, equal relationships between women and men, applies existing
norms of human rights law to these important areas of the lives of women
and men, and thus emphasizes the importance of freedom from coercion,
discrimination and violence in relations between men and women.
Paragraph 131
While the United States recognizes that human rights violations can and
do occur in situations of foreign occupation around the world, the United
States continues to have reservations, as it did at the World Conference
on Human Rights in Vienna, about any implication that foreign occupation
is a human rights violation per se.
Paragraph 166 (l)
The United States understands the intention of the inclusion of "equal
remuneration for men and women for work of equal value" to be to
promote pay equity between men and women and accepts the recommendation
on that basis. The United States implements it by observing the principle
of "equal pay for equal work".
Paragraph 206 (b), (e) and (f)
With respect to paragraph 206 (b), (e) and (f), the United States will
seek to develop more comprehensive knowledge as well as to improve data
collection on the issue of unwaged work, to the extent that funds are
available. We plan to consult, in a cooperative manner, with appropriate
research and documentation organizations.
Paragraphs 234-245
A number of institutions, organizations and others have been requested
to take actions to implement the Platform. Although many institutions
have participated here as observers, and non-governmental organizations
have provided helpful inputs into the deliberations, Governments alone
will adopt the Platform. As a result, it is necessary to underscore the
fact that when the Platform mentions the actions these other actors may
take, it thereby invites and encourages the suggested actions; it does
not, and cannot, require such actions.
In this context, we understand that references to actions the media may
take (such as those in chapter IV, section J, and in paragraph 33) are
in the nature of suggestions and recommendations, and may not be construed
to impinge on the freedom of the press, speech and expression, which are
fundamental democratic freedoms.
Paragraph 247
The United States would like to underscore that it interprets the second
sentence in paragraph 247 to mean that these listed occurrences can cause
environmental degradation in certain circumstances but not in others.
The United States also remains concerned about the reference to "the
use and testing of nuclear weaponry" in this paragraph, which appears
not to have been reviewed fully in the working group.
Paragraph 293
The United States understands and accepts that references to commitments
in paragraph 293, references to what the Platform "requires"
in paragraphs 4 and 5, and other similar references throughout the texts,
including the Declaration, are consistent with the fact that the Platform,
Declaration and commitments made by States (unless such States indicate
to the contrary) are not legally binding, and that they consist of recommendations
concerning how States can and should promote the human rights of women.
Accordingly, the United States understands and accepts that such terms
as used in these documents suggest practical measures to help promote
the human rights of women, and do not alter the status of the documents
or the recommendations contained therein.
Paragraph 353
The United States reiterates that, with respect to paragraph 353, it
is not one of the countries that have accepted an "agreed target"
for official development assistance or have made a commitments to fulfil
such a target. We believe that national Governments, not international
donors, must have primary responsibility for their country's development.
Targets detract from the more important issues of the effectiveness and
quality of aid and the policies of the recipient country. The United States
has traditionally been one of the largest aid donors in volume terms and
will continue to work with developing countries to provide aid in support
of their efforts.
In addition, the United States understands and accepts the reference
in paragraph 353 to increasing the share of official development assistance
for social development programmes to apply to only those countries that
have accepted the target.
31. The representative of Vanuatu submitted the following written statement:
The Republic of Vanuatu has come to the Fourth World Conference on Women
in Beijing for two purposes: first, to show solidarity with the world
community concerning the advancement and rights of women, and second,
to learn from other countries about what can be done to improve the situation
of women.
In this respect, the delegation of Vanuatu has fully participated in
the plenary meetings of the Conference as well as in the Main Committee
and the working groups.
The delegation of Vanuatu recognizes the spirit of conciliation and compromise
that has gone into the finalization of the Platform for Action. At the
same time, the delegation notes that Vanuatu is a small country which
has grown out of a strong fundamental traditional past and which now is
changing in the midst of modern social, economic and political evolution.
While therefore endorsing the Platform for Action of this important Conference,
the Vanuatu delegation wishes to state that its endorsement of the Platform
is made with full respect for the constitutional, religious and traditional
principles which the sovereign State has inherited and kept for the good
government of our nation.
32. The representative of Venezuela submitted the following written statement:
With a view to speeding up the general debate in order to arrive at a
consensus on the Platform for Action, the official delegation of Venezuela
makes the following statement of reservations and requests that it be
included in full in the final report of the Conference.
The concepts of family planning, sexual health, reproductive health,
maternity without risk, regulation of fertility, reproductive rights and
sexual rights are acceptable provided that they do not include abortion
or voluntary interruption of pregnancy.
Similarly, Venezuela expresses a reservation with regard to the concept
of unwanted pregnancy, since the reference to "unwanted pregnancy"
could be argued in the opposite sense, as implying acceptance of the right
of a woman who has become pregnant against her will to terminate the pregnancy
(by abortion), an act which is illegal in Venezuela.
Venezuela also expresses a reservation with regard to references to "unsafe
abortion", because abortion under any circumstances is illegal in
Venezuela, except when it is essential in order to save a woman's life.
Chapter VI
1. At its 1st plenary meeting, on 4 September 1995, the Fourth World
Conference on Women, in accordance with rule 4 of the rules of procedure
of the Conference, appointed a Credentials Committee, based on the composition
of the Credentials Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations
at its forty-ninth session, consisting of the following nine members:
China, Fiji, Honduras, Namibia, Portugal, Russian Federation, Suriname,
Togo and United States of America.
2. The Credentials Committee held one meeting, on 8 September 1995.
3. Mr. Pedro Catarino (Portugal) was unanimously elected Chairperson
of the Committee.
4. The Committee had before it a memorandum by the Secretary-General
dated 7 September 1995 on the status of credentials of representatives
participating in the Conference. Additional information on credentials
received by the Secretary-General after the issuance of the memorandum
was provided to the Committee by its Secretary.
5. As noted in paragraph 1 of the memorandum by the Secretary-General,
as updated by the additional information received, formal credentials
issued by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign
Affairs, as provided for in rule 3 of the rules of procedure, were received
by the Secretary-General for the representatives of the following 106
States participating in the Conference: Albania, Algeria, Angola, Australia,
Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Congo,
Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, Denmark, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Gambia,
Germany, Guyana, Haiti, Hungary, India, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica, Japan,
Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,
Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia,
Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama,
Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Moldova,
Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Lucia, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome
and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland,
Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia,
Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America
and Uzbekistan.
6. As also noted in paragraph 1 of the memorandum by the Secretary-General,
in the case of the European Community, credentials were submitted for
its representatives by the President of the European Commission, as provided
for in rule 3 of the rules of procedure.
7. As noted in paragraph 2 of the memorandum, as updated by the additional
information received, information concerning the appointment of representatives
participating in the Conference was communicated by means of facsimile
or in the form of letters or notes verbales from Ministries, Embassies,
Permanent Missions to the United Nations or other government offices or
authorities, or through local United Nations offices, by the following
83 States participating in the Conference: Afghanistan, Andorra, Antigua
and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium,
Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde,
Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Cook Islands,
Costa Rica, Co^te d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Greece,
Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Holy See, Honduras, Iceland, Indonesia,
Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Italy, Kazakstan, Kiribati, Lao People's
Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Mali, Marshall Islands,
Micronesia (Federated States of), Monaco, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria,
Niue, Palau, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts
and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, South Africa, Syrian Arab
Republic, Tajikistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkmenistan,
Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zaire,
Zambia and Zimbabwe.
8. The Chairperson proposed that the Committee accept the credentials
of all the representatives mentioned in the memorandum by the Secretary-General,
on the understanding that formal credentials for representatives referred
to in paragraph 2 of the Secretary-General's memorandum, would be communicated
to the Secretary-General as soon as possible. The following draft resolution
was proposed by the Chairperson for adoption by the Committee:
"The Credentials Committee,
"Having examined the credentials of the representatives to the Fourth
World Conference on Women referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the memorandum
by the Secretary-General dated 7 September 1995,
"Accepts the credentials of the representatives concerned."
9. The draft resolution was adopted by the Committee without a vote.
10. Subsequently, the Chairperson proposed that the Committee recommend
to the Conference the adoption of a draft resolution approving the report
of the Credentials Committee. The proposal was adopted by the Committee
without a vote.
Action taken by the Conference
11. At the 12th plenary meeting, on 12 September 1995, the Conference
considered the report of the Credentials Committee (A/CONF.177/14).
12. The Conference adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Committee
in its report (for the text, see chap. I, resolution 3). The States and
the regional economic integration organization that participated in the
Conference are listed in chapter II, paragraph 3.
Chapter VII
1. At the 16th plenary meeting, on 15 September 1995, the Rapporteur-
General introduced and orally revised the draft report of the Conference
(A/CONF.177/L.7 and Add.1).
2. At the same meeting, the Conference adopted the draft report as orally
revised and authorized the Rapporteur-General to complete the report,
in conformity with the practice of the United Nations, with a view to
its submission to the General Assembly at its fiftieth session.
Chapter VIII
1. At the 16th plenary meeting, on 15 September 1995, the representative
of the Philippines, on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations
that are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft resolution (A/CONF.177/L.8)
entitled "Expression of thanks to the people and Government of the
People's Republic of China".
2. At the same meeting, the Conference adopted the draft resolution (for
the text, see chap. I, resolution 2).
3. Statements were made by the representatives of the Philippines (on
behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of
the Group of 77), Spain (on behalf of the European Community), Senegal
(on behalf of the African States), Papua New Guinea (on behalf of the
Asian States), Ukraine (on behalf of the Eastern European States), Barbados
(on behalf of the Latin American and Caribbean States) and Malta (on behalf
of the Western European and other States).
4. After statements by the Secretary-General of the Conference and the
Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
the President of the Conference made a statement and declared the Conference