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Declaration Lacks the Teeth to Take a Stronger Bite Out of HIV/AIDS
Coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the first diagnosed AIDS case in North America, the UN General Assembly assessed progress against the pandemic since the 2001 Special Session on HIV/AIDS in a three-day session May 31-June 1, and issued a political declaration. Negotiations were complex and long-drawn, concluding only on the eve of the final day with the arrival of ministers.

Mexico submitted the Alternative Report on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights
On May 1st 2006 Areli Sandoval presented at the UN Committee on ESCR in Geneva the Report on behalf of the Promoting Group of the Alternative Report on Economic, Social, Cultural and Enviromental Rights.

Oral intervention by Areli Sandoval Terán on behalf the Promoting Group of the ESCER
See the document prepared by Areli Sandoval Terán for her oral intervention before the ESCR Committee in Geneva last May 1, 2006.

Joint Declaration of the Movements in Defense of Water on occasion of the 4th World Water Forum
March 16-22, Mexico City. One and a half billion people across the world lack drinking water and another two billion lack clean water generally. In 20 years' time these numbers will have doubled. Agricultural and industrial pollution is degrading the quality of fresh water supplies everywhere.

Yet the biggest threat to universal access to clean water and adequate sanitation is not mother nature but corporate globalization.

International Forum in the Defense of Water
As part of the Rallies in the Defense of Water, COMDA, together with international organizations, is organizing the International Forum in the Defense of Water from the 17th to the 19th of March in the Sindicato de Telefonistas de la República Mexicana (Villalongín 50, Col. Cuauhtémoc).

No country in the world treats its women as well as its men
March 8, 2006. There is not a single country in the world today where women have the same opportunities as men, and although progress has been made in some areas in recent years, women are still disadvantaged in economic and political life.

India's war on poverty: Easy victory unlikely
NEW DELHI - The fanfare surrounding the start of the latest poverty reduction program in India was exultant. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India described the initiative as "historic," the president of the governing Congress party, Sonia Gandhi, said it was "revolutionary," and the minister responsible for it declared that this was the "perfect" system for reducing hunger.

RP on ‘poverty red alert’
Poverty should be treated as an emergency that needs immediate action, an alliance of anti-poverty organization said yesterday, reminding the government of an alarming poverty incidence of about 3.97 million Filipino families.

SW convenor participates in Switzerland tax debate
A co-convenor of the Social Watch from Oriental Negros presented the concerns of the Philippine civil society amid the global tax phenomenon at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, recently.

Report exposes ugly underbelly of Gujarat
AHMEDABAD: In Gujarat, over 50 per cent of the children that start schooling drop out by the time they reach class 8! Corporate health sector may be booming but 96 per cent of the Community Health Centres (CHCs) in the state do not have an operation theatre and over 50 per cent of the CHCs do not even have a separate delivery room for pregnant women to deliver children in privacy.

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