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Social Watch 2008: Rights is the Answer
On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights a new international report concludes that budgets profoundly impact the attainment of human rights, and the attainment of human rights impacts the quality of our lives.

L'équité entre les sexes: toujours un mythe
Plus de la moitié des femmes du monde vivent dans des pays qui n'ont fait aucun progrès vers l'équité entre les sexes ces cinq dernières années. C'est la principale conclusion de l'Indice d’équité de genre (IEG) 2008 (ou Gender Equity Index) que Social Watch lançait le 28 février.

Launch of Social Watch Report 2007 in Canada
Next Friday, February 1, 2008, the North-South Institute, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) will be launching the Canadian chapter of the international report Social Watch Report 2007: in dignity and rights.

International Conference Reconciling Trade and Human Rights: The New Development Agenda
The Conference will be a unique opportunity to explore the ways in which a human rights framework can inform new strategies for trade, development and the eradication of poverty.

Canada: Minimum wage is still not enough
A full-time person working for the new minimum wage in New Brunswick earns roughly $13,400 per year before deductions, barely enough to support a single person, let alone a family. On July 1, the minimum wage in New Brunswick increased 20 cents to $6.70 per hour, an adjustment that UNB professor Thom Workman calls "political tokenism.”

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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

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e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org