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People’s involvement must to achieve MDGs

BSS, Dhaka
The New Nation, Bangladesh

Speakers at a seminar here on Tuesday said the dynamism of common people achieved during last two decades in the country will help achieve Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations.

Involvement of the common people and localization of MDGs are must to achieve the objectives by 2015 along with the initiatives of the government and non-government organizations, they added.

The seminar on "National consultation on achieving MDGs in Bangladesh: Challenges and options towards a people's progress report" was held at the auditorium of Jatyia Press Club.

Unnayan Samannay, Manusher Jannyo, Peoples Forum on MDG- CAMPE and Social Watch organized the seminar that discussed the field reports regarding development perception of the common people.

It also discussed expectations of the people for attaining development target in every spheres of national life including quality education, health and sanitation, agriculture, employment, rule of law, human rights and good governance.

Chaired by Dr. Manzoor Ahmed of Education Watch, the seminar was also participated by Dr. Zafarullah Chowdhury of Gonosasthya Kendro , Dr Atiur Rahman of Social Watch, Arifur Rahman of Manusher Jannyo, Ayesha Khanam of Mahila Parishad, Dr Hossain Zillur Rahman of PPRC and Salma Khan of NCBP.

Dr Zafrullah said the government should take effective steps to build confidence on judiciary so that justice is ensured in the society.

Dr Zillur Rahman said a revolutionary change has taken place in the personality of the common people during last two decades that will act as the pathfinder to achieve development targets of the country.

Dr Atiur Rahman said the nation should have its own development strategy side by side with the MDGs and involvement of the common people is a must for ensuring meaningful development.

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