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Invitation to the launch of the Advance Social Watch Report 2005

Social Watch

You are invited to the launch of the ADVANCE Social Watch Report 2005

"Unkept Promises What the numbers say about poverty and gender"

The findings of the national Social Watch coalitions in over 60 countries and the analysis of the available indicators coincide: the promises have remained largely unmet. Unless substantial changes are put in place soon, the targets set for the year 2015 will not be achieved.

WHY is this happening? What can (and should) be done? These questions will be discussed in a panel by John Foster (Canada), Areli Sandoval (Mexico), Isagani Serrano (Philippines), Iara Pietricovsky (Brazil), Rehema Kerefu-Sameji (Tanzania) and Simon Stocker (Europe). Roberto Bissio will introduce the reports and its findings.

Join us, get a free copy of the report and reach your own conclusions.

WHEN: June 24th - 1:15PM to 2:45PM

WHERE: Conference Room 3, UN Building, New York

See the Advance Social Watch Report 2005 titled "Unkept Promises. What the numbers say about poverty and gender".

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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

18 de Julio 1077/902, Montevideo 11100, Uruguay
Phone: + 598-2-902-04-90. Fax: + 598-2-902-04-90/113;
e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org