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Advance Social Watch Report 2005

Social Watch

The Advance Social Watch Report 2005 titled "Unkept Promises. What the numbers say about poverty and gender” is now available at the website.

The Advance Social Watch Report 2005 will be launched during the Informal Interactive Hearings of the UN General Assembly with non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and the private sector which will take place in New York, USA, from June 23 to 24, 2005. This event is a lead-up event to the Millennium Summit+5, to be held 14-16 September 2005 in New York.

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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

18 de Julio 1077/902, Montevideo 11100, Uruguay
Phone: + 598-2-902-04-90. Fax: + 598-2-902-04-90/113;
e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org