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Fear and Want. Obstacles to Human Security: 2004 Social Watch report was launched in Washington

Social Watch

Previous to the official launching of the Social Watch 2004 report in New York, authors of the report discussed its conclusions in Washington with advocacy NGOs involved in campaigning around trade and financial issues.

The Social Watch report will be officially launched at the United Nations in New York next April 26.


It is available on the Internet at:



Here Jeans Martens, Rehema Kerefu, Jagadananda and Roberto Bissio comment on highlights of the report during a special session at the Center of Concern.

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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

18 de Julio 1077/902, Montevideo 11100, Uruguay
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e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org