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Meeting of Special Rapporteurs and Experts members of the UN Commission of Human Rights

Social Watch

The special rapporteurs/representatives, experts and chairpersons of the working groups of the special procedures of the Commission on Human Rights, meeting in Geneva 23-27 June 2003, expressed alarm at the growing threats against human rights which require a renewed resolve to defend and promote these rights.

The Tenth Meeting of Special Rapporteurs and Experts members of the UN Commission of Human Rights working groups ended here today. During the week the most relevant subjects of the Special Rapporteurs and Experts work, as well as the major subjects and obstacles found for the enjoyment of Civil and Political Rights and Social, Cultural and Economic Rights were discussed. A special session was devoted to the issue of globalization and its impact in the full enjoyment of human rights.

During the week, there were also sessions of interactive dialogue with NGOs, aimed at a greater involvement of these in the work of the Rapporteurs both at the national and international levels. The Social Watch report was mentioned by some of the Rapporteurs as an example of NGOs contribution to the work of these experts, providing quantitative as well as qualitative information.

At the end of the meeting the Special Rapporteurs and Experts members of the UN Commission of Human Rights working groups made a joint declaration in which they stated that the multiplication of policies, legislation and practices being adopted in certain countries in the name of the fight against terrorism constitute a threat to human rights.

Joint statement


Special rapporteurs/representatives, experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures of the Commission on Human Rights

The special rapporteurs/representatives, experts and chairpersons of the working groups of the special procedures of the Commission on Human Rights, meeting in Geneva 23-27 June 2003, expressed alarm at the growing threats against human rights which require a renewed resolve to defend and promote these rights. They also noted the impact of this environment on the effectiveness and independence of special procedures.

Although they share the unequivocal condemnation of terrorism, they voiced profound concern at the multiplication of policies, legislations and practices increasingly being adopted by many countries in the name of the fight against terrorism, which negatively effect the enjoyment of virtually all human rights; civil, cultural, economic, political and social.

They draw attention to the dangers inherent in the indiscriminate use of ‘terrorism’, and the resulting new categories of discrimination. They recall that, in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and pursuant to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, certain rights are non-derogable and that any measures of derogation from the other rights guaranteed by the Covenant must be made in strict conformity with the provisions of its Article 4.

The special rapporteurs/representatives, experts and chairpersons of the working groups of the special procedures of the Commission on Human Rights and the chairpersons of human rights treaty bodies deplore the fact, under the pretext of combating terrorism, human rights defenders are threatened, vulnerable groups are targeted and discriminated against on the basis of origin and socio-economic status, in particular migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers, indigenous peoples and people fighting for their land rights or against the negative effects of economic globalization policies.

They strongly affirm that any measures taken by States to combat terrorism must be in accordance with their obligations under the international human rights instruments.

They are determined, in the framework of their respective mandates, to monitor developments in this area and call upon all those committed to respect for human rights, including the United Nations, to be vigilant to prevent any abuse of counter-terrorism measures.


27 June 2003

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