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Launch of the Italian Social Watch Report 2006

Social Watch

Social Watch Italy organized several activities on occasion of the launching of the 2006 Report “Architettura Impossibile”. Areli Sandoval (Equipo Pueblo, SW Mexico), co-chair of the Coordinating Committee of Social Watch made a presentation on 2 May, at the Italian Parliament in Rome, with the presence of members of the European Parliament as well as Italian government representatives. On 3 May, a debate was organized at the Municipality of Florence, where the SW Report was launched with a strong message on the role of civil society in promoting social development and human rights.

Italian Parliament
Rome - May 2, 2007

See the program

Social Watch - international financial architecture and policy coherence
Parlamentarians and government. representatives invited
Alfiero Grandi - Undersecretary to the Finance Minister
On. Sabina Siniscalchi - Foreign affairs Parlamentary commission
On. Vittorio Agnoletto - European Parliament
Areli Sandoval - Equipo Pueblo
, Social Watch (Mexico) and International Coordinating Committee
Alex Wilks - Eurodad
Giulio Marcon - Sbilanciamoci! (Campaign on national budgeting)
Antonio Tricarico - CRBM / Mani Tese
Coordination: Jason Nardi - Social Watch Ital

Municipality of Florence
Florence - May 3, 2007

Social Watch - presentation of the report, with specific focus on civil society's role in promoting human and social development/rights.
The gender policies and indicators will also be discussed.

See the news A Firenze la presentazione del rapporto annuale.

See the program

Cristina Bevilacqua - City councelor for democratic participation and lifestyles
Areli Sandoval - Equipo Pueblo
, Social Watch (Mexico) and International Coordinating Committee
Giovanni Andrea Cornia - economist, professor at the University of Florence
Paolo Beni - president of ARCI
Laura Pennacchi - economist, unionist, democratic party
Ugo Biggeri - president of the Ethical Bank foundation
Francesco Petrelli - president of Ucodep, ngo

See the news Firenze: Social Watch 2006 sull'architettura finanziaria di 60 paesi del mondo

See the Italian Social Watch Rapporto 2006


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