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A statement from Lebanese Civic Society Associations

Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND)

A number of Lebanese, Arab and international organizations held a meeting on July 15, 2006 to discuss the current situation in Lebanon.

See French version

Out of a common interest in helping their fellow citizens, and out of a sense of duty, and despite their differences, these organizations are inviting everyone to contribute to efforts to help those citizens displaced due to Israeli attacks on Lebanon.

As a result of this meeting, these organizations came out with this declaration:

1. Call for an immediate ceasefire and call upon the UN to assume its responsibilities for protecting peace and stability.

2. Stop all military actions, particularly those which are affecting civilians.

3. Immediately cease and desist the policy of collective punishment including the siege of Lebanon, the bombardment of transportation links, and the resulting displacement of citizens which resulted to a grave humanitarian crisis in Lebanon.

4. Immediately stop and refute the policy of attacks against civilian infrastructures.

5. Invite all private, civic and public organizations as well as concerned individuals to assist people displaced from the south of Lebanon and/or other Lebanese regions.

Finally, the organizations that met invite all interested NGOs, to a general meeting on Monday, June 17 at 5 pm in Zico House in Sanayeh. The meeting will be a forum to discuss how to organize and best assist displaced people of Lebanon and to discuss potential civic Actions.

1. Center of Research and Training for Development Action (CRTDA)
2. Lebanese Association for Democratic Election
3. Permanent Peace Movement
4. Nahwa al-Muwatinya
5. Amam05
6. Haya Bina
7. A Step Away
8. Hilm
9. Spring Hints
10. Lebanese center for Civic Education
11. Lebanese Association for Active Learning
12. Organization of Arab Parliamentarians Against Corruption
13. Lebanese Transparency Association
14. Arab NGOs Network for Development
15. Lebanese Forum for Development
16. Lebanese Center for Policy Studies
17. Green Line
18. Kafa
19. Maharat
20. Sawa Group
21. Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA)
22. Youth Association for Blinds

French version. A statement from Lebanese Civic Society Associations

Des organisations sociales libanaises et arabes se sont réunis le 15/07/2006 pour examiner la conjoncture actuelle sur les plans humanitaires et de la sécurité. Les associations réunies, et en dépit de leurs différents, ont toute convenu de la nécessite de jouer leur rôle humanitaire et nationale. Elles appellent à tous de faire preuve d’esprit de solidarité nationale et de coopération et de soutenir toutes les personnes déplacées afin de leur permettre de surmonter cette crise qui atteint tout le monde sans exception.

Sur la base de ces principes, les associations réunies affirment

1. Demander un accord de cesser le feu et appeler les Nations Unies à assumer, dans ce cadre, ses responsabilités en tant que garant de la paie entre les nations.
2. Demander un arrêt immédiat et définitif des actions militaires notamment celles qui ciblent les civiles.
3. Arrêter la politique de punition collective imposée aux civiles par le billet de blocus maritime, terrestre et aérien imposé à l’état libanais. Cette situation a provoque et provoque des mouvements importants de migration interne et externe et crée une situation humanitaire et sanitaire inquiétante et inacceptable.
4. Refuser les agressions répétées contre l’infrastructure civile et les condamner fermement.
5. Appeler toutes les institutions privées, publiques et associatives ainsi que les personnes a même de le faire, à amener toute l’aide possible aux personnes civiles déplacés a cause des actes de guerre.
6. Enfin, les organisations réunies lancent un appel a toutes les associations civiles a une réunion Lundi 17/07/2006 à 17h qui se tiendra à Zico house a Sanaeh pour étudier les moyens de coordonner les opérations d’aide aux déplacés et pour discuter des initiatives civile futures à adopter.

1. Center of Research and Training for Development Action (CRTDA)
2. Lebanese Association for Democratic Election
3. Permanent Peace Movement
4. Nahwa al-Muwatinya
5. Amam05
6. Haya Bina
7. A Step Away
8. Hilm
9. Spring Hints
10. Lebanese center for Civic Education
11. Lebanese Association for Active Learning
12. Organization of Arab Parliamentarians Against Corruption
13. Lebanese Transparency Association
14. Arab NGOs Network for Development
15. Lebanese Forum for Development
16. Lebanese Center for Policy Studies
17. Green Line
18. Kafa
19. Maharat
20. Sawa Group
21. Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA)
22. Youth Association for Blinds

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