Social Watch launches its 2008 report: 'Rights is the answer'
On Wednesday 7 January in the European Parliament in Brussels, the international NGO network Social Watch launched its new report entitled "Rights is the answer", which argues that human rights provide the answer to the global financial crisis.
"Afrika kent nog tweehonderd jaar armoede"
Sub-Sahara Afrika zal nog meer dan tweehonderd jaar kraken onder extreme armoede, tenzij er meer ondernomen wordt om de situatie te verbeteren. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van de sociale waakhond Social Watch.
DEVELOPMENT: Africa May Face 'Centuries' of Poverty
BRUSSELS, Jan 8 (IPS) - Extreme poverty will continue to blight sub-Saharan Africa for another 200 years unless action to overcome it is intensified, a new report has suggested.
Social Watch launched its 2008 report
The unusual combination of financial crisis, food crisis, energy and climate crisis requires a new approach based on human rights, argues the international Social Watch coalition in its 2008 report, launched during the United Nations Conference on Financing for Development. Next December 10, as the report remembers the 60th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be commemorated and the title of the Social Watch Report 2008 is, precisely, “Rights is the Answer”.
Social Watch launched its 2008 report: "Rights is the Answer"
The unusual combination of financial crisis, food crisis, energy and climate crisis requires a new approach based on human rights, argues the international Social Watch coalition in its 2008 report, launched during the United Nations Conference on Financing for Development. Next December 10, as the report remembers the 60th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be commemorated and the title of the Social Watch Report 2008 is, precisely, “Rights is the Answer”.
Rights is the Answer-- Social Watch Report 2008
The unusual combination of financial crisis, food crisis, energy and climate crisis requires a new approach based on human rights, argues the international Social Watch coalition in its 2008 report, launched today here during the United Nations Conference on Financing for Development. Next December 10, as the report remembers the 60th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be commemorated and the title of the Social Watch Report 2008 is, precisely, “Rights is the Answer”.
Social Watch 2008: Rights is the Answer
On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights a new international report concludes that budgets profoundly impact the attainment of human rights, and the attainment of human rights impacts the quality of our lives.
Social Watch Report 2008 Rights is the Answer
Social Watch 2008 report Rights is the Answer was launched Monday at the International Conference on Financing for Development in Doha, Qatar. NEWW-Polska is the co-author of the chapter relates to Poland.
The Outcome of Doha: Civil Society Declaration
The members of more than 250 civil society organizations and networks from around the world gather from 25-28 November to debate the multiple crises (energy, food, climate, and finance) currently affecting the planet urge goverments to “take the side of women and men workers, farmers, youth and children” and effect changes that put “effective development, poverty eradication, human rights, gender equality, decent work, and environmental sustainability at the fore.”
Human rights must guide crisis, report finds
The current financial architecture has ignored human rights triggering spiralling inequity worldwide argues a latest report by an international NGO watchdog. It says that haphazard implementation of policies promoting economic liberalisation have impeded international commitments to end poverty and achieve gender equality.
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