Some comments on country-to-country poverty comparisons
Andrea Vigorito
Due to the highly controversial nature of poverty studies, some of the problems arising when establishing international measures are the same as those that are faced when countries establish national poverty lines. The World Bank has advocated making these comparisons according to consumption or income, and in particular, has established a threshold of one dollar per day per person, based on 1985 purchasing power parity. Although it might be useful to resort to income based measures, these on their own are insufficient, as concepts of poverty are becoming more complex and multidimensional. There is now a wide consensus regarding the fact that access to health and education is just as important as income and that in the future, the consensus will probably include empowerment and participation in citizen life.
The purpose of this article is to highlight some problems that
appear when comparing poverty rates among countries and particularly when trying
to establish a common basis on which to make these comparisons. Many of these
problems have been widely addressed by experts on the subject. In particular, we
will examine whether the threshold proposed by the World Bank of a purchasing
power parity (PPP) of one 1985 US dollar—the most commonly disseminated
international poverty line at present—is a suitable indicator of poverty in
various countries.
This discussion has been arranged into four sections. Section I
will discuss the pertinence of establishing an international poverty line.
Section II will go on to analyse the context in which it is advisable to make
comparisons of well-being among countries and the discussion around the multiple
dimensions of poverty will be reviewed. Section III examines how far it is
possible to address poverty incidence using a single measure and questions the
limits of the income space to evaluate people’s well-being. Since several
national studies show that this is not the case, Section IV suggests that an
effort should be made to choose a wide array of indicators to rank countries
with respect to many different criteria and dismisses the idea of uni-dimensionality.
In particular, the data-gathering efforts of Social Watch could be used to
strengthen efforts in this direction.
I. Why establish an international poverty line?
Setting national poverty lines plays an important role in
formulating economic and social policies. In this respect, Atkinson (1993)
proposed considering the existence of poverty lines as institutions and reported
on the relevant role they play in the assessment of the social performance of a
country through time. But is it valid to extend this reasoning to an
international scale and consequently, is the establishment of a world poverty
line going to help assess efforts made to reduce poverty, as proposed for
example by the Millennium Development Goals? Without entering into a discussion
of the relevance of a particular goal regarding poverty reduction, problems
arising when establishing a single, international poverty line will be reviewed.
Due to the highly controversial nature of poverty studies, some of these
problems are the same as those that are faced when countries establish national
poverty lines.
Comparison of poverty among countries can serve many purposes,
from assessing the living conditions of people in different regions or countries
to the allocation of resources from international financial aid. However, the
concentration of efforts to identify the poor often is made without much
discussion about the concepts implicit in comparing individual well-being, since
most studies focus either on contributing to policy controversies or on the
actual design of policies.
Explicit or not, making international comparisons of deprivation
among countries requires the establishment of various criteria as a starting
point. In particular, it requires deciding whether it is necessary and possible
to establish a common poverty line against which all countries can be compared,
and determining its characteristics.
Kanbur (2001) has argued very convincingly that this idea of
counting the world’s poor on the basis of a common line could be seen as “the
finance ministry approach”, which reflects the concern of many institutions
about designing policies to struggle against poverty. However, this concern is
not perceived in the same way by civil society and leads to confrontations
because the perspectives and time horizons for comparison vary. From the
standpoint of international bodies, and particularly international financial
institutions, establishing international rankings is relevant. However,
classifications made on the basis of a single poverty threshold necessarily
simplify reality and disregard many factors that are important when seen from a
national point of view or from a civil society perspective.
In this respect, the World Bank (WB) has advocated making these
comparisons according to consumption or income, and in particular, has
established a threshold of one dollar per day per person, based on 1985
purchasing power parity.
Supporting this point of view, Ravallion (2002) wrote that the use of national
lines to make international comparisons leads to treating differently people or
households who have similar real rates of consumption. He also recognises that
this extreme line of poverty of the WB is conservative, as people who are
considered poor by national standards are not considered so when using this
poverty line. Even when the use of comparative poverty lines is agreed upon,
should these be absolute or relative? In this respect, the question is if an
international measure of poverty should consider absolute lack of income or
should also consider inequality of income. Ravallion provides evidence that the
WB has prepared relative poverty measures that still rely on a common
international poverty line.
Furthermore, Ravallion also indicates that when analysing regions
or countries, the WB experts do not use these international estimates, but rely
on national poverty lines, something which can be noticed in the country reports
prepared by this institution.
One of the criticisms of the WB poverty line is that it does not
correspond to a capabilities or basic needs basket (see for example, Pogge and
Reddy, 2002). But even setting an international basic food basket would be a
very difficult task, especially considering the diversity among regions in
meeting their caloric and nutritional needs. Any criteria of this sort would
certainly lead to establishing baskets of different monetary values in different
countries. Turning the food basket into a poverty line would also generate new
problems as the relative prices of non-food goods vary significantly from one
country to another.
In Latin America, the Economic Commission for Latin America and
the Caribbean (ECLAC) chose a middle of the way path, as its poverty estimates
are made on the basis of national basic food baskets, which are established on
the basis of expenditure surveys or come from standard baskets according to the
country, and are then multiplied by a common Orshansky coefficient to obtain
regional poverty lines (ECLAC, 2000). This methodology attempting to harmonise
national habits with international comparability criteria has also been
questioned regionally because of the apparently arbitrary setting of the Engel
coefficient at 0.5, although this value arises from previous research by the
The WB threshold would probably appear low in middle-income
regions where poverty and income inequality are high, as is the case in Latin
America, labelled as the most unequal region in the world, particularly in
regard to its per capita GDP. Although it is probable that the proportion of
people living under this threshold in Latin America is smaller than in vast
zones of Asia and Africa, there are nevertheless problems of severe malnutrition
in the region and the cost of the basic food baskets established by many
countries exceeds the WB threshold. Although an extremely low threshold will
identify regions and countries where deprivation is extreme, it will often
overlook other places with less acute, but still problematic, poverty. To
recognise these less extreme cases we must use additional measures or indexes.
Furthermore, the establishment of a common threshold in terms of
income or expenditure disregards the vast differences from country to country of
the cost of and access to various services. Thus, if access to public health,
housing and education varies from country to country, unsatisfied needs will
also vary considerably. Gardiner et al. (1995), in their comparative
study of relatively similar countries in the European Union, particularly the
United Kingdom and France, show the serious problems arising in attempts to
compare income and analyse the impacts of the different health and housing
systems on these comparisons. Their results show that estimating these costs
correctly led to different rankings among the European countries they
considered. This observation must be kept in mind when performing comparisons
solely according to income or expenditure.
The assessment of poverty in many countries has evolved toward a
broader conception of poverty than the mere lack of income, including the
comprehensive—but sometimes vague—idea of social exclusion. The efforts made by
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), crystallised in the Human
Development Index, also point to broadening the dimensions used to evaluate the
performance of the different countries (see for example, UNDP, 2002). As
concepts of poverty widen and become more complex, why is there still an
interest in simplifying indexes and rankings? Although it is true that there is
a strong link between social exclusion and poverty,
the concept of
social exclusion can be valid among groups whose income is not significantly
In order to obtain more illuminating comparisons, it might be
useful to evaluate simultaneously international poverty rankings and the
evolution of poverty measured by national thresholds. Criteria for measuring
poverty vary from region to region. While in all the countries of the Americas
absolute poverty lines are used, in Europe poverty is measured more often
through relative poverty lines that arise from the idea that after having
accomplished a reasonable satisfaction of basic needs, the main concern is with
gaining access to the society’s resources.
Income and consumption are difficult variables to measure,
particularly in developing countries and the WB has contributed to the
development of corrective measurement instruments and methodologies. The quality
of income data varies significantly from country to country as household surveys
use different criteria, cover different areas, and include different sources of
income. The populations of different countries also have different propensions
towards under-reporting.
Furthermore, using current income alone is a very important
source of error, particularly among the poor, whose income is very erratic; in
many countries, all or nearly all of poor people’s income is in kind. Although
it is therefore recommended that consumption be used as a more reliable
indicator, in practice in many countries income is still used, because the
countries do not gather periodic data on consumption.
Besides, there is an ongoing debate on the accuracy of the WB
methodology used to set the international poverty lines. Pogge and Reddy (2002)
question various aspects of these estimates and, in particular, question the way
purchasing power parity (PPP) indicators are used. These authors criticise the
fact that in the construction of these indexes, the WB uses the price of all the
consumer goods, not only those consumed by the poor. This is derived from the
fact that relative prices vary considerably from country to country,
particularly the prices of tradable and non-tradable goods. While the former do
not vary significantly from country to country, the latter do. According to
Pogge and Reddy (2002), PPP is estimated weighing the prices incorporated into
the index by average consumption. Thus, international comparisons should be
based on goods and services consumed by the poor and not on any other type of
goods. As a result of this methodological option, and due to recent changes in
the estimation procedure, poverty rates are significantly underestimated and
poverty trends are misleading. These authors consider that it would be possible
to make more accurate international comparisons of poverty by correcting the
estimation of PPP. A greater effort is needed in this direction.
In his reply to Pogge and Reddy, Ravallion (2002) acknowledges
that PPP estimations present serious problems and that they should try to
reflect consumption in lower income households in the distribution, but he does
not consider that Reddy and Pogge’s methodological proposals would lead to
obtaining better estimates of poverty. In particular, he considers that the PPP
calculation methodology proposed by Reddy and Pogge has serious problems.
II. The multiple dimensions of poverty
Kanbur (2001) points out that, in contrast to twenty-five years
ago, there is now a wide consensus regarding the fact that access to health and
education is just as important as income and that in the future, the consensus
will probably include empowerment and participation in citizen life.
For this reason, the income method needs to be complemented by
other dimensions, addressing the quality of life of households or individuals,
given that not all individuals have the same rate of converting income into what
Sen (1992) has called functionings. This concept refers to the
insufficiency of equalising opportunities alone as a mechanism to achieve equity
and eradicate poverty. Thus functionings are individual’s abilities to
take advantage of opportunities in different areas
(being well
nourished, access to health services, housing, etc.).
From this approach, it appears that the relationship between
income and capabilities is parametrically variable among communities, families
and even among individuals in the same family. This is based on two elements. In
the first place, it varies according to differences in ages, gender, social
roles, geographical location of the household, and other variables over which
the individual may or may not have control. Secondly, there may be individual
difficulties in converting income into functionings; it is probable that
people with different needs and abilities require different amounts of income to
achieve the same goals, and inequality may be more intense than what is
perceived by looking at the space at income alone.
These considerations point to the fact that the identification of
the poor exclusively by the income method leaves out dimensions that may be very
relevant when defining the individual’s access to available resources,
especially when attempting to make international comparisons.
“If we go on to analyse poverty, the identification of a minimum
combination of basic capabilities may be a good way of setting out the problem
of assessing and measuring poverty. It may lead to very different results from
those obtained when concentrating on the inadequacy of income as a criterion to
identify the poor. The conversion of income into basic capabilities may vary
greatly among individuals and also among the various societies, so that the
possibility of achieving minimally acceptable levels of basic capability may be
associated with different levels of minimally adequate income. The standpoint of
poverty concentrated on income, based on the specification of income in a
‘poverty line’ that does not vary among individuals, may be very mistaken in the
identification and assessment of poverty.”
(Sen, 1996, p. 68)
However, this does not mean discarding the idea of establishing
an income threshold. In fact:
“As income is not desired for itself, any notion of poverty based
on income must refer directly or indirectly to those basic purposes that promote
income in its function as a means
[to an end]. In
fact, in studies on poverty referring to developing countries, the income in the
‘poverty line’ is frequently derived in an explicit way from reference to
nutrition standards. Once it is recognised that the relationship between income
and capabilities varies among communities and individuals in the same community,
it will be considered that minimally acceptable levels of capabilities are
variable: they will depend on personal and social characteristics. However,
while minimum capabilities can be achieved by means of strengthening the level
of income (given the other personal and social characteristics on which
capabilities depend) it will be possible (for the specified social and personal
characteristics) to identify a minimum adequate income to achieve minimally
acceptable levels of capability. Once this correspondence has been established,
it will not matter whether poverty is defined in terms of a failure of basic
capability or as a failure in obtaining the corresponding minimally adequate
income.” (Sen, 1995, p. 69)
Furthermore, in his work comparing India and China, Sen makes
clear how two countries having very similar GDP have very wide differences in
terms of basic capabilities for survival and education, a fact that also alerts
us to the limitations of uni-dimensional comparisons.
III. Why use income?
The analysis of poverty and inequality made by economists has
mainly focused on income and consumption and paid scant attention to other ideas
about poverty until very late in the twentieth century. In her analysis of the
origins of poverty studies, Ruggeri-Laderchi (2000) suggests that this lack of
conceptualisation is typical of poverty studies prepared by economists since the
birth of this field of study in Great Britain in the nineteenth century.
According to her interpretation, the lack of interest in alternative definitions
of poverty is related to the positivist vision predominating in the first
poverty analyses, in particular in the studies by Rowntree and Booth, who were
more concerned with estimating poverty and finding mechanisms to reduce it than
with questioning ideas about the nature of poverty.
For many users and producers of poverty studies, income
incorporates other dimensions of welfare, or at least it is considered that the
lack of income is sufficiently correlated with deprivation in other dimensions
to enable it to serve as a good summary. Furthermore, in regions where poverty
and inequality are at extreme levels and worsening, it may be understandable
that imperfect approaches such as poverty lines based on consumption and
comparisons of welfare based on income are considered by many as sufficiently
good shortcuts to deal with the most acute problems.
However, empirical studies carried out by Ruggeri-Laderchi for
Peru and Chile make it evident that the other dimensions of poverty are not
consistent with income in all cases. The same conclusion can be drawn from the
myriad of studies that map basic needs and income poverty or even from the
UNDP’s Human Development Index.
Consideration should also be given to the fact that economists
find income a very attractive variable because it is conceptually easier to
relate to a standard analysis of economic change, making it possible to link
evolution of poverty and inequality with the rest of the economy, in particular
with the evolution of the labour market. This possibility makes easier
derivation of policy conclusions from poverty analysis
(Rius and Vigorito, 2000).
Additionally, the disciplinary imperative of quantifiability is
satisfied by income, which can be treated as a continuous variable. This
difference between income and other variables that can be used to quantify
poverty is very important. The sophistication of techniques available to apply
to basic income indicators also helps to give the impression of objectivity that
seems so essential to legitimise economic analysis in many areas (Rius and
Vigorito, 2000).
IV. Toward multidimensional poverty assessments
The preceding paragraphs emphasise the need to consider the
multiplicity of spaces where the needs of the world’s population manifest
themselves when trying to assess poverty levels. Although it might be useful to
resort to income based measures, these on their own are insufficient, as
concepts of poverty are becoming more complex and multidimensional, as Kanbur
(2001) maintains. In turn, the studies showing that the classification of
countries differs according to different types of needs measured, also argue for
the use of a multiplicity of indicators to assess comparative performance. Very
often these results contradict the wishes of policy-makers, for whom uni-dimensional
classifications are simpler and therefore more attractive.
Although the attempt at making international comparisons in the
space of income should not be abandoned, classifications of countries cannot
consider income exclusively. Including other indicators gives a truer picture
than using a single, universal measure of absolute poverty. The efforts made by
Social Watch in collecting and publishing information should, in
conjunction with other sources of international data, help to generate richer
classifications, resulting in the systematisation and production of new, more
valuable, indicators. Thus, the dimensions of access to drinking water and
sanitation, malnutrition, life expectancy at birth, and distribution of income,
considered together, offer a good starting point for describing the evolution
and current level of living conditions in developing countries.
A. B. Atkinson
(1993), The institution of an official poverty line and economic policy,
WSP/98, STICERD, London School of Economics.
A. Rius and A.
Vigorito (2000), “Sen meets the marketplace of ideas: The Capability Approach
and poverty research in Latin America”, paper presented at the Seminar An
operalisation of Sen’s capabilities approach, Cambridge University.
A. Sen (1992),
Inequality re-examined, Cambridge University Press.
A. Sen (1996),
“Vidas y capacidades” in M. Nussbaum and A. Sen (eds.) La calidad de
vida, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico DF.
A. Sen (1999),
Development as freedom, New York: Anchor Books, Random House.
C. Ruggeri-Laderchi
(1999), The many dimensions of deprivation in
theoretical debates and empirical evidence,
Working Paper No. 29, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.
C. Ruggeri-Laderchi
(2000), The monetary approach to poverty: a survey of concepts and methods,
Working Paper No. 58, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.
Economic Commission
for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) (2000), Panorama Social de
América Latina. Santiago, Chile.
K. Gardiner, J.
Hills, J. Falkingham, V. Lechene and H. Sutherland (1995), The effects of
differences in housing and health care systems on international comparisons of
income distribution, WSP/110, STICERD, London School of Economics.
M. Evans, S. Paugam
and J. Prèlis (1995), Chunnel vision: poverty, social
exclusion and the debate on social welfare in
France and Britain,
Discussion Paper WSP/115, STICERD, London School of Economics.
M. Ravallion
(2002), How not to count the poor? A response to Reddy and Pogge, mimeo,
R. Kanbur (2001),
Economic policy, distribution and poverty: the nature of disagreements,
working paper, Cornell University.
T. Pogge and S.
Reddy (2002), How not to count the poor, mimeo, www.socialanalysis.org.
United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) (2002), Human Development Report 2002.
World Bank (1999),
World Development Report 1999/2000.
World Bank (2000),
World Development Indicators 2000.
The methodology for derivation of the World Bank’s international poverty line is
described in various documents, among others, World Bank (2000). Basically, it
is derived from a study of national poverty lines in over thirty countries,
taking those corresponding to the poorest countries.