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time; pt=part time * SCR (Service Commun Relex), French for Joint Service for External Relations. The
limited human resources for social development in programmes for the South can
partly be explained by the transfer of resources to aid programmes for Central
and Eastern Europe and the Directorate General for enlargement. This
transformation has not only affected the balance within and perspectives of the
EU aid programmes, but is also gradually changing the nature of the EU as the
countries are progressing toward membership in the EU. Enlargement In
1993, at the Copenhagen European Council, the Member States took the step
towards current enlargement, agreeing that “the
associated countries in Central and Eastern Europe that so desire shall become
members of the European Union.” The European Council decided that: “[a]ccession
will take place as soon as an applicant is able to assume the obligations of
membership by satisfying the economic
and political conditions required.” The Member States designed
membership criteria, often referred to as the Copenhagen Criteria, which
constitute the following principles for achievement of candidate countries: ·
Stability of
institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect
for and protection of minorities; ·
The existence
of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive
pressure and market forces within the Union; ·
The ability to
take on the obligations of membership including adherence to the aims of
political, economic and monetary union. Non-EU
members, particularly the candidate countries for EU membership, are encouraged
to: invest in their national social protection systems; assure coverage of wide
risks on the basis of a solidarity-based system; provide the state with a
significant role; and ensure participation of the social partners.[14]
Despite occasional statements on EU social policy, which
include an external dimension, however, social policy is not within the criteria
for accession to the EU. In addition, the communication planned for publication
in 1998 on the external dimension of EU social policy with regard to the Central
and Eastern European Countries (CEEC), but also to other areas to which the EU
is a major donor, was never published because of discord among the different
Directorates General and services of the Commission.
[15] The
EU external aid programme for the CEEC, PHARE,[16]
was first set out in 1989 to eradicate poverty in Poland and Hungary, and was
thereafter extended to 14 CEEC altogether. The guiding mechanism in the
provision of aid was “demand-oriented”, which meant that the CEEC determined
their needs independently. This implied that PHARE acted more as a
“policy-taker” than as a “policy-maker”, largely accepting policies and
programmes proposed by the recipient countries’ governments. During this first
phase of the lifetime of PHARE, the objectives were very vaguely defined, as
were the expected outcomes. The tangible results were few, and instead of being
able to specify the contribution of each project, only a general contribution
was traceable.[17]
European Council meetings in Essen (December 1994) and Madrid (December 1995)
re-focused the orientation of the programme as a financial instrument in a
pre-accession strategy. In this process the Commission enhanced its role as a
policy-maker for the region. The Commission reoriented the PHARE programme in
1997 to become an accession-oriented type of structural fund, set out to develop
the private sector and to build the infrastructures in the CEEC. In this
framework, 70% of PHARE funds were set out for financing of investment and 30%
for institution building.[18]
policy-making aspect has to a large extent proved to be limited. For instance,
in many projects dealing with social policy reform, the principle aim is to
provide information on the weaknesses, the strengths and the capacity of the
CEEC to sustain reform and to evaluate their capacity of adopting and
implementing the European acquis
(obligations for EU Membership) in relation to accession.[19]
Most of the EU social
policy projects deal with reforming the administrative infrastructure, rather
than contributing to shaping policy issues, which leaves the place for other
donors, such as the World Bank, to determine the direction of policy reform.
That the EU influences social policy in the CEEC less than the World Bank and
other donors—despite the fact that the countries will be EU members—is a
worrying sign of the weakness of the EU's political identity and the disunity of
the EU as a whole. Social
sector support in Eastern Europe With
no specific focus on social development in the PHARE programme, the Consensus
Programme was created as part of it in 1995 to fill the gap in social protection
reform in the CEEC. At the outset,
the programme's basic idea was an ideal-typical mechanism to enhance democratic
principles rather than a precise policy framework. The Consensus Programme is a
two-year Euro 10 million programme, financed by PHARE funds. Consensus I was
implemented from 1995 to 1997 and Consensus II from 1997 to 1999. At the end of
1999, the Commission took the decision to discontinue the programme in the
framework of a broader political decision to eliminate multi-country and
cross-country projects. No
prescriptions in terms of social policy guided the
Consensus Programme. After a brief period of trial-and-error during the
inception of the programme, it became clear that the CEEC counterparts did not
implicitly conceive social protection as the Commission understood it.
Eventually the Consensus experts, including actors from consulting companies and
academic institutions and the Commission's representative—a medical doctor
rather than a social policy expert—eventually agreed in December 1996 on
defining the scope of social protection (see box 1). The
definition of social protection set out in the framework of the Consensus
Programme, and adopted by the Consensus Programme Advisory Board (PAB) in
December 1996 is: Social
Protection should include all compulsory schemes or voluntary arrangements
made for the purpose of providing individuals and/or households with benefits
intended to relieve or to assist them upon the occurrence of specified social
contingencies (term broadly equivalent to social risk) and/or social needs.
The relevant social contingencies should include: old-age, disability, death
of the breadwinner, occupational accidents and diseases, a condition requiring
health care in connection with illness, maternity or injury, family
responsibility for bearing children, involuntary unemployment, the lack of
minimum resources for subsistence. The specific functions performed by social
protection as defined above are: (i)
Income maintenance; (ii)
Income support, and: (iii)
Guaranteed access to health and medical care regardless of individual income. The
design and structure of the programme was complex, and in both phases of its
life external consultancy consortia undertook the implementation of projects.
The power of social protection policies with regard to the CEEC was to a certain
extent given to external players. Consultants who implement PHARE or Consensus
projects are selected through competitive tender, based on an expression of
interest by the tenderer or through selection from the PHARE or Consensus
database of experts. This database is organised on loose criteria, rather than
on assessment of past participation in such projects. This partly explains why
the quality of an expert can vary strongly, and why the recipients conceive the
provision of aid through the EU external aid programmes as a lottery. For
the overall monitoring of the Consensus Programme, one Commission representative
in DG1A[20]
had to approve of all decisions, through a decentralised mechanism. In light of
the significant power given to external players, it should be noted that the
appointed representative in DG1A for overall control of the Consensus Programme
was not a social policy or social protection expert. A Commission representative
in DGV,[21]
who was a social policy expert, also participated in the overall monitoring of
the programme, at first on a consultative basis and afterwards (from 1998
onwards) on a more official and binding basis. Two Commission representatives,
only one of which was a social policy expert, controlled the monitoring of
transposition from social policy to action.
The implementation modalities were largely left to contractors. Conclusions The
image created by the EU of a social Europe based on shared values of equality
and social structures that are universal in nature is not consistent with its
external policies in which social dimensions play a secondary role at most. The
EU discourse on the external dimension of social policy is rather broad—but
not united. It encompasses not only the rather limited legal
acquis, but also the wider principles of European social policy: the
soft acquis. This non-fixed identity of social policy externally is
especially alarming considering that the CEEC will soon be members of the EU. The
Commission should ensure that an externally oriented discourse on social policy
is produced, as was planned in the 1998 – 2000 Social Action Programme, and
that measures are foreseen to transpose priorities set out in the discourse to
the programme level. EU
country programmes setting out assistance policies to third parties should
specifically indicate how the assistance will contribute to social development.
This includes assistance to countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The
European Commission should develop indicators to measure the results of
assistance given to social sectors and report on the amount of resources spent
in social areas. The
Commission should ensure that adequate staff and expertise is made available in
social sector development for the implementation of its external assistance
programmes. This includes expertise on gender equity. The
Commission should re-organise its database of experts according to stricter
criteria and create a long-term memory of the “good” project implementors in
order to reduce the randomness of project quality. The
legal acquis needs to reflect the
objectives of a social Europe. The Inter Governmental Conference should,
therefore, incorporate an article that ensures that EU policies, internally and
externally, are not contradicting basic social criteria. In other words, social
protection requirements must be integrated into the definition and
implementation of Community policies and activities. Notes: [1]
Quintin, O.
at meeting of PHARE co-ordinators from the ten candidate countries. The
Development of European Employment and Social Policy, DGV, European
Commission, 2 March 1999. [2]
Council of Labour and Social Affairs Conclusions, November 29th 1999.
The Lomé IV Convention is a non reciprocal agreement for financial and
technical cooperation, emergency help and a preferential system of trade of
the European Community toward the ACP countries (Africa, the Caribbean and
the Pacific).
European Parliament. The 1998 Discharge Procedure. First working Document. Replies by the Commission to the first
questionnaire by Max van den Berg, rapporteur for the European Parliament
Committee on Development and Co-operation for the discharge procedure,
January 2000, p. 2. [5]
DAC, European Union. Development
Co-operation Review Series. OECD, 1998. [6]
European Commission. Evaluation of European Union Aid managed by the
Commission to Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries. Synthesis
Report, November 1998, p. 13. The report also refers to the problem of
the limited commitment of ACP governments to the objective of poverty
European Parliament. Replies to the
Questions addressed to the Court by Mr. Max van den Berg (MEP), rapporteur
of the Development Committee for the discharge procedure 1998,
December 21st 1999, p. 10-11.
European Parliament, Ibid.
European Commission. An Evaluation of
the Process of Evaluation of EC External Aid Programmes. A meta-evaluation
commissioned by the SCR and carried out by Professor Cristopher Politt
(Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Professor Helen O'Neill (University
College Dublin). Final Draft 12-14-99. [13]
European Parliament. The 1998
Discharge Procedure. Replies by the Commission to the second questionnaire
by Max van den Berg, rapporteur for the European Parliament Committee on
Development and Co-operation for the discharge procedure, January 2000,
January 26th 2000, D(2000)20024, pp. 11-12. [14]
A.. Speech at Consensus Programme Advisory Board (PAB) Meeting, December
14th 1998, p. 4 [15]
European Commission. Social Action
Programme 1998 - 2000. DG V/1, April 1998
European programme for Central and Eastern Europe.
European Commission. The PHARE
Programme: an interim evaluation report, DG1A/F5. June 1997, pp. 17-18. [18]
Court of Auditors, Special Report No 11/98 concerning the development of the
PHARE and TACIS private sector for the 1991 to 1996 period (programmes in
support of SMEs, regional development and the reorganisation of businesses)
together with the Commission's replies, Official Journal of the European Communities, C 335, Vol. 41,
November 3rd 1998. [19]
Interview Contractor 1, 5 November 1999. [20]
Directorate General 1A in charge of external relations to Latin America,
Asia and Mediterranean countries.
Directorate General in charge of Social Affairs.
Eurostep is a co-ordination of 22 European development Organisations