Latin American women at the end of the century: family and work
Irma Arriagada
This brief text aims to highlight some basic
tendencies in the situation of women in relation to the
family, work and poverty as they move into the new
century. The ambivalence in the situation of women are
very noticeable, especially in the spheres of employment
and the family; central elements which define their
opportunities for participation. In all areas, the
permanent paradox between the economic and family
contributions of women, their great lack of participation
and the poor representation of their interests can be
seen. This contradiction is even more clearly seen in
relation to the serious obstacles in the way of
translating women's demands into effective State policies
which aim to improve their condition and tend towards
modifying the gender system on the cultural plane.
It is obvious that as the condition of women improves,
the space they occupy becomes devalued. For instance,
with women's participation in the work market: as some
occupations become "feminised" -that is with a
higher proportion of women than men going into them- the
income they generate becomes reduced along with the
prestige associated with holding such a job. The
differences in income have been maintained in a way
similar to the situation of five years ago, along with
the range of occupations carried out by men.That is to
say, that discrimination has been reconstructed at a
different point in the scale at the same rate as the
improvement in the position of women has upset the
balance between the sexes. The point at which inequality
is established has changed and new openings for
inequality appear in social and political participation,
in employment and social security and in the family
The work marked offers advantages and opportunities of
freedom to women, who fought their way in here and are
now fighting to broaden this space, diminishing the
effects of discrimination and segmentation, while labour
flexibility recreates new forms of exclusion and
segregation. The family structure and organisation,
meanwhile, are not so well covered by research, but it is
feasible there would be strong negotiations given the
great changes in the lives of women and the tensions
which their double lives as worker and housekeeper impose
on their time, their physical capacities and their
quality of life. The impacts the changes in the work
sphere throw onto the family and their internal
hierarchies must not be forgotten either. There are
changes in the "knowledge" and the
"power" within the family, which have been
little studied. Although it is credible to suppose the
role of women in the family is still of crucial
importance as a bridge to the new roles and rupture with
the old norms of submission.
The significance of the forms of participation and
exclusion depend on the ambits where they are produced
and the meaning attributed by the actors, hence the
discriminations are also perceived subjectively. How do
women experience the situation of inequality and the
changes in terms of negotiation, resistance,
confrontation and also "resignation" in the
fora of employment and family?
On this front, it is important to differentiate the
situation between the old and new generations. So the
younger ones begin their negotiations from a higher
starting point? The negation of the new and subtle forms
of discrimination by the youngest generations, allied
with the growing individualism and the exaltation of an
apparent equality in the most modern systems, stand in
the way of changing the gender structures by making the
new aspects of subordination invisible in the subjective
consciousness. However, as a generation, they also have
better educational and professional opportunities and a
new outlook on the family.
The present context
Adjustment policies were applied from the outbreak of
the debt crisis, and these tended to prepare the Latin
American economies for their insertion into the new
globalised international model which was held up as the
only development alternative. As a result, the most
defining characteristics of the current situation include
increasing integration into the international, regional
and subregional market, movements of capital, information
and technological innovation.
The role of the State as defined by the new model
meant a reduction in social spending, with the consequent
repercussions for the poorer strata of the population.
Furthermore, the State was expected to have greater
intervention in the markets and develop new regulatory
functions. Thus the current Latin American State has been
gradually modifying having to face several challenges,
including assuring governability through the clear
regulation of conflicts, redefining its own functions
according to the great changes of the new international
economic order and finally, assuring the long term
stability of the economic transformations and their
acceptance on a social level.
In the field of the most recent plans and policies, we
need to stress that plans were designed for equal
opportunities and other instruments to bring in gender
policies in several Latin American nations. This process
has been largely due to the development of the women's
movements and the pressure they have exerted with their
demands in several countries. These instruments have been
the combined product of a process of consultation with
specialists and analysis of the social experience of the
women's movements (Guzmán and Ríos, 1995), both
regional and European, especially the experience
accumulated in Spain.
However, although we contributed to the creation of a
special situation to redefine functions of public
management, there are great difficulties in getting
gender policies accepted and put into action, related to
resistance to change, with a multiplicity of social and
political agents implied, depending on conflicts of
interest and the institutional diversity of each country.
The ideological resistance which has developed against
the issue from religious and political fundamentalists,
amongst other factors, are especially strong.
The recent economic trends do not offer much hope.
Even though some productive sectors have been modernised,
allowing for comparative advantages to be obtained in the
export of new goods, the generation of productive
employment has not been sufficiently dynamic to
incorporate all the population of working age. The work
markets have become increasingly segmented, the
unemployment and subemployment rates are especially high
amongst women and young people. The average regional
growth of the Gross Domestic Product for 1995 was of
barely 0.3 % and represents a fall of 1.5% of the per
capita product, in relation to the previous year. An
important achievement for the region was the reduction of
inflation in nearly all the countries, whereby the
regional rate fell from 340% in 1994 to 25% in 1995
(ECLAC, 1996a). In 1996 growth reached 3.4%, half of the
aim proposed by ECLAC (ECLAC, 1996b) as necessary to be
able to tackle poverty adequately.
Without doubt these overall results have also had
repercussions on the social budgets of the countries -
those which have not yet recovered the levels of before
the debt crisis. In the majority of countries the levels
of social spending increased in relation to 1990,
especially on education and social security, however, two
thirds of the countries show very low levels of per
capita spending in dollars: less than 100 dollars per
person per year are spent on health and education (ECLAC;
Is poverty concentrated
amongst women?
The new role of the State, the debt crisis, the
effects of the adjustment programmes and the reduction in
social spending have had long term consequences which
have been expressed in the social and gender planes, in
increasing poverty, unemployment both structural and born
of the situation, concentrated on women and young people,
and in an increase of precarious and unusual employment,
where women are found in the less well paid areas of the
productive and sub-contracted occupations. There has also
been a reduction in civil service posts which has
affected women in a discriminatory manner, as the main
users and employees of the public sector.
Poverty, with its low income and inability to satisfy
basic needs, constitutes the extreme form of the
exclusion of individuals and families from the productive
processes, social integration and access to
opportunities. It is thus one of the most perverse
consequences of a development model, whose fruits are
distributed in an inequitable manner.
From the social exclusion perspective, women in Latin
America continued to be poor for gender related reasons,
independent of the social strata they belonged to because
of their families. Their role in society robs them of the
possibility of acceding to ownership and control of the
economic, social and political resources. Their
fundamental economic resource is paid work, which they
have access to only in highly unequal conditions.
Women who live in poor homes tend to be even poorer
than their male counterparts, especially when they are
also heads of household. They must carry out domestic
labour, raise children, and care for the sick alongside
holding a paid job. All this work is carried out in poor
conditions meaning extensive working hours and therefore
a poor quality of life which results in physical and
mental exhaustion.
At present, woman-maintained households are becoming
more common due to the economic tendencies which force
women to seek their own income, like increasing poverty
and demographic and social tendencies, like migrations,
widowship, marital breakdown and teenage pregnancy
(Buvinic, 1991). Even though these data are not totally
reliable -given the definition of what constitutes a
female head of household in the censuses and surveys, and
as the statistical information is incomplete- in Latin
America at least one in five urban homes is maintained by
a woman (between 20% and 30% of the homes, and in the
Caribbean region this reaches up to 40% and beyond),
which means, in real terms, the absence of stable
partnerships. This growth was very marked in the last
decade and it is probable that the trend will be
maintained and/or increased, as long as the phenomena
that caused it are maintained (ECLAC, 1994, 1995 and
1996) (See Graphs 1 and 2).
A large amount of these homes are headed by unmarried
or separated women, most of whom are young. They are one
of the most vulnerable groups of women in the region
because they experience the greatest difficulties with
maternity. Again, within this section there is the
increasing group of adolescent mothers, who add extreme
youth and poverty to the fragility of the leadership of
the home (Buvinic and Rao Gupta, 1995). In nations with
advanced demographic transition, homes headed by widows,
especially in the urban areas, are an increasing
phenomenon which must also be adequately considered in
the design of social policies.
The traditional model of the family which is
habitually used for planning, is made up of a head of
household who is the provider, a housewife who does the
domestic work and children who -according to their
ages- are either in the educational system or the work
market until they make up new family nucleus. However,
current studies show this family model is far from
predominant. For example, in Chile, less than half of all
families are like this: 33% (Bravo and Torado, 1995), as
an increasing proportion of families have more than one
person acting as provider (ECLAC, 1995), in others, the
only provider is the woman (Valenzuela, 1995), while in
extreme cases of indigent families the children are
participating in the work market at an increasing rate
(Arriagada, 1996).
Amongst the indigent sectors, there are a greater
number of female heads of household. This sector of women
has only recently been "discovered" by the
public policies and several countries have programmes
especially directed towards them, which seek to reduce
the depth of the indigence without modifying their gender
condition and the consequences of overburdening with work
and subordination which their condition implies.
Poverty and gender biases
Although the measuring of poverty by the family income
method does not allow us to determine whether there is
greater poverty amongst women than men, it is feasible
there are gender biases in poverty if we analyse the
factors which determine it. In this way, the main factors
include: the number of contributors to the home, the
number of hours worked, unemployment, the jobs and
incomes of the members of the home. In the case of
indigent female heads of household the number of
contributors is smaller.
For 1994, it was confirmed that between 17% and 27% of
urban homes were led by women and the indigent homes
maintained an overrepresentation of women heads of
household (ECLAC, 1996) (See Graphs 1 and 2). It can also
be confirmed that there were gender biases especially in
pay per hour received by men and women, the amount of
working people per home, in the unemployment rates and in
the average number of hours worked (ECLAC, 1995).
However, for all the countries in general it cannot be
clearly proven that the situation is developing towards
an increasing feminisation of poverty, for while female
leadership of homes increased between 1980 and 1994,
there was a greater increase in the number of these
amongst the non-poor than the poor homes. Independently
of the methodological criticisms of the way of measuring
female home leadership in the surveys, the heterogeneity
of the women maintained homes this data reflects, must be
kept in view if we wish to understand the diverse living
conditions of the women along with wishing to modify
situations of extreme need and gender inequalities.
The increase in female led homes in the non-poor
sectors is due to several situations like the increasing
number of divorces and separations, where women do not
form new partnerships, and there are more unmarried women
and widows now living independently. All these situations
show new cultural patterns which increase the diversity
of family situations.
Changes in the family and the
role of women
The processes of the modernisation of the family have
not only changed its structure but also its functions.
Thus, the family concentrates on the affective functions
of caring for and socialising children, while other
functions of a more instrumental type, like education for
work, and economic production for the market, were
redirected towards other social instances. Historically,
the economic productive family functions have been losing
importance given the modifications in the productive
structure, such that there is increasing distance between
the home and production for the market.
In the present day, the market tendencies in
employment available could turn this situation round as
the new forms of sub-contracting and outworking in
certain sectors of the economy (in Chile, for example, in
the clothes making trade), have once more placed the
woman in the home, linking productive and reproductive
tasks. This strategy has a distinct character, as the
production is directed towards the market, both national
and transnational, and the result in an economic model
which tends to reduce the cost of the workforce to a
In Latin America the family appears to have evolved
from a "Victorian" situation to a situation
where the public ambit is expanding and the private
reducing, which is in line with the modern societies,
which are more secularised and where there is greater
exaltation of equality and individualism. In this way,
the dividing lines between the public and private worlds
have become more flexible and the permanent change has
tended, in all referring to the family, towards
broadening the public space.
The more definitive functions of the family, like
reproduction and the regulation of sexuality have
diminished as families are having increasingly fewer
children (and there are an increasing number of children
born outside of marriage where their parents do not form
a family) and sexual activity is increasingly occurring
outside of marriage.
Thus many of the functions of the family which were
previously carried out within the home began to occur
outside this ambit, producing an inversion of the amount
of time people spent in their homes, and a modification
of the ways in which the family and its functions are
At the moment we are living through a process of
change in the gender system: the family roles are tending
to become more flexible - from a highly segregated model,
like the traditional one, to shared roles, where the
participation of both men and women in the work market is
no longer argued over, but the different arrangements for
caring for the children and the housework are negotiated.
The most visible point, and the main factor which
began the breakdown of the traditional model, was the
massive incorporation of women into the work market
(which will continue into the future), most of whom, up
until now, have not broken with the traditional system
and carry out a double work-day. In other groups a slow
and difficult process of negotiation has started within
the couple to develop a new model of shared
responsibilities in the home. Some studies indicate that
the tasks which present least resistance to sharing
include caring for the children, but not housework
(Sharin, 1995). Without doubt this will be one of the
aspects which differentiates the old from the new
Access to Knowledge
The situation in relation to the access to knowledge
differs widely across Latin America and it is possible to
find nations where there are high levels of education
throughout the population alongside others which have
only a minimal educational coverage and where 47% of the
women are illiterate - as is the case in Guatemala2. At
the beginning of the nineties there was a great
improvement in women's access to the various levels of
education and approximately 48% of those enrolled in
secondary education were women. This improvement will
later be reflected in the labour markets, given the high
levels of participation of women with university level
education. Advances are also being made -although on a
lesser scale- in reducing the segmentation according to
educational areas, with a marked increase in women
enrolling in habitually male lines of study in higher
In this, as in other issues, a generational overview
is always useful. We are seeing a tendency in the
educational plane whereby young women are gaining a
strong foothold in the basic and medium levels of
education, where, in some countries, they are surpassing
the level achieved by males, while the adult generations
show levels of illiteracy and lower educational levels.
In several regional countries in the nineties, women form
a majority university students (Panama, Cuba, Colombia,
Uruguay and Venezuela).
Increasing female economic

For Latin America as a whole the vast majority of the
jobs generated in recent years have been in the less
productive sectors: small and micro businesses and
non-professional self-employment.
The increase in female employment is found in these
groups and resoundingly outdid the growth in male
employment. Thus, between the early eighties and the mid
nineties male urban activity has been maintained at
around 78%, while female activity increased from 37% to
45%. This increase has mainly occurred amongst women aged
between 25 and 49 years-old, that is, those who are also
undertaking the reproductive tasks to a greater degree
(See Arriagada, 1994).
Economic growth has promoted the demand for female
employment in the structured areas of commerce and
services. This depends on their educational levels, and
the younger professionals have especially been inserting
themselves into the more modern areas of these sectors
with relatively high incomes, but always lower than those
offered to males with similar qualifications. The
professional work market continues to be segregated
according to gender, partly as a consequence of
segregation in education and training, and also because
of the still present cultural norms on the role of women
in society. For the majority of countries there is
greater discrimination of earnings against women the
higher they go up the educational levels. Discriminatory
practices in contracting persist (both open and hidden)
long with difficulties in access to training, promotion
and both horizontal and vertical mobility.
Despite this, an elevated proportion of women with
high educational levels participate in the labour market,
contributing with their work to the generation of goods
and services; and providing an indispensable income for
their family group, both in order to satisfy the
increasing consumer needs imposed by the economic model
and to pay for the increasingly expensive health and
education services resulting from the privatisation of
these services in the region.
Women's income in the home
As a greater number of women live alone or are heads
of household with dependants, their responsibility for
the survival of their families has increased in the last
20 years. Often, pregnant teenage girls do not get the
support of their partner, and older adults are not
supported by their male children - tendencies which
increase the burden on women. Although women live with a
partner, the male income obtained is sometimes so
insufficient that the women and children must take on the
double burden of domestic work and work outside the home
in order to supplement the family budget. A study in
Mexico found 17.1% of homes, independent of the sex of
the head of household, had an exclusively or
predominantly female income (Rubaclava, 1996).
In the ECLAC "Social Outlook", 1995 a
simulation exercise established how much poverty would
increase if women did not contribute to the household.
The results were clearly decisive: without the female
income of married women, the poverty in the home would
increase by between 10% to 20% (See Graph 3). For the
group of homes in general, married women contribute
around 30% of the income with variations according to the
country. Women in 1992 contributed between 23 and 36% of
the household income, and in the indigent homes, women's
economic contributions to the budget was even higher (See
Graph 4).
Case studies show the economic income of the women of
poorer sectors -in contrast with that of the men- was
distributed in a more equitable manner between the
members of the household and was totally destined to the
consumption needs of the family (Buvinic, 1991), which
confirms the importance of women's income to their
The contribution of domestic
All societies assign women the daily reproduction they
carry out through housework. This is done in an isolated
parcelled-off manner inside each home, its economic value
is not recognised and it is distributed unequally
according to the level of development of each nation,
social class, cycle of family life, geographical area.
The UNDP calculated that in the developing nations 66% of
women's work is outside the system of national accounts
(SNA) whereby it is not accounted for, recognised or
evaluated (UNDP, 1995). This greater effort by women is
expressed in a greater number of hours taken up by their
market and domestic work.
The institutional support systems to care for children
and old people are practically non-existent. The
nurseries and pre-school services have a low coverage,
especially for those who most need them: the poorest
women who work outside their homes. In the same way,
caring for old people and invalids also falls back on the
families, that is, on women, as there are very few
support mechanisms, and these are very costly because
they are private. In Latin America, pre-school coverage
for children aged 0 to 5 years-old reached 7.8% in 1980
and doubled to 16.8% in 1991. In the majority of cases it
was concentrated in the private sector and in urban
areas. In some cases the amount of coverage has been
increased and in others there have been legislative
attempts to make pre-school education obligatory.
However, in the majority of regional nations there is
still a lot to be achieved on these fronts. The concern
for the older population is still less explicit, despite
the fact that in several regional nations the older
population is becoming an increasingly important
proportion of the population.
We need not only to broaden the support social
institutions can offer to the family but must also modify
the participation of the other members of the home within
this, so as to better balance the gender roles in social
In conclusion, the cultural changes related to
modifying perceptions of the functions and structures of
the family and their interrelations with the economy,
along with modifications to the gender structures are
still a pending task for the 21st century. It is to be
hoped the contributions and needs of men and women will
be better balanced in the new century, modifying their
roles in the social and political ambits as well as in
the employment and family areas in a positive manner. The
organisational and planning capacity of women could be
the keystone of accelerating this process.
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1 The opinions in this article are entirely the
responsibility of the author and do not involve the
institution she works for. She would like to thank Rosa
Bravo for her substantial contribution to this document
and Lorena Godoy for her pertinent criticism, on the
understanding that any deficiencies which exist can be
attributed to the author.
2 Cuba, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Panama and
others have a female population with high levels of
education, while Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador and
Nicaragua show high levels of female illiteracy according
to data from FLACSO (1995).