Women push their development demands on the financing front
June Zeitlin; Nadia Johnson
Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
The challenges of increasing inequality and exclusion and the feminisation of poverty have been exacerbated by the rapid globalisation of the world economy. However, the draft of the Monterrey Consensus document failed to challenge the current macroeconomic framework that perpetuates global imbalances, inequality and suffering.
1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) and Agenda 21 marked
the start of a global agenda-setting process that has transformed public policy
demands and allowed civil society more influence in policy-making.
UNCED women from around the globe came together in all their diversity to
strategise and to gain formal recognition of their crucial role in achieving
development that is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. At
subsequent conferences on development, women advanced their agenda, winning
government commitments to protect and advance women’s human rights (Vienna),
reproductive health and rights (Cairo), poverty and social development
(Copenhagen) and a broad platform of political, economic and social advances for
women (Beijing).[1]
even as women have struggled to hold their governments accountable in the
implementation of these commitments, the challenges of inequality and the
feminisation of poverty have been exacerbated by rapid globalisation of the
world economy. For women, therefore, the Financing for Development (FfD)
process—with its focus on mechanisms to finance the development goals of the
Millennium Forum and the 1990s conferences—held great promise.
years, women’s organisations and other NGOs have monitored six critical
aspects of development finance: mobilising domestic resources; mobilising
international resources for Foreign Direct Investment; trade; official
development assistance (ODA); debt; and systemic issues such as reform of the
international financial architecture. In the FfD process, civil society argued
that the existing approach to economic globalisation is leaving many countries
and people behind and that new approaches were needed. A growing number of
governments, leaders of the international financial and trade institutions and
some business leaders are beginning to agree.
these efforts there has been a steady whittling away of the political will to
reform the international financial and economic system. Governments have elected
to stick with the failed policies of the Washington Consensus—deregulation,
privatisation, and trade and financial liberalisation—that have swelled the
ranks of the poor, particularly women, and led to growing global inequality. To
our dismay, as the Fourth Preparatory Committee drew to a close in January 2001,
the draft of the Monterrey Consensus document failed to challenge the current
macroeconomic framework that perpetuates global imbalances, inequality and
it is generally accepted that women make up the majority of the world’s poor,[2]
the Monterrey Consensus is almost devoid of gender analysis or any clear
commitment to gender equality. It ignores women’s unique position within the
labour market and the uneven and negative impact of global economic policies on
the sectors where women predominate.
expresses little understanding of the extra responsibilities of women in
managing their households in addition to their income-generating activities. As
social services are privatised, cut back or eliminated in the wake of
globalisation, women get more household responsibilities and less income. This
fact has not been considered in the official financing deliberations.
the first time, gender is mentioned in the Mobilising International Resources
section with businesses urged “to take into account … the developmental,
social, gender and environmental implications of their undertakings” (para.
21). And though the Systemic Issues section includes a call to “mainstream the
gender perspective into development policies at all levels and in all sectors”
(para. 58), this was watered down from an earlier and more specific call for
gender mainstreaming in international financial and development institutions.
The other three sections—Trade, ODA, and Debt—make no mention of the needs
or concerns of women. The final document will almost certainly lack the kind of
systemic changes or systematic gender analysis that would make a real difference
to women.
direct investment, Official Development Assistance (ODA), free trade zones and
other external forces that directly affect the social and economic restructuring
of developing countries are key development issues for women of the South. For
example, structural adjustment policies are celebrated by industrial nations as
a means to promote effective, sustained economic growth, but in practice they
open the economies, peoples and natural resources of developing countries to
exploitation by external entities. This reality directly impacts the livelihoods
of women in the South, but their perspectives have been marginalised thus far in
the FfD process.
perspectives and recommendations in the FfD process were explored at a
WEDO/UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) consultation at the
Second Preparatory Committee in February 2001. The meeting brought together some
30 representatives of women’s organisations from around the world to map
out ways of bringing a feminist
perspective to the FfD agenda. Representatives of six of the
participating groups[3]
developed recommendations from which advocacy materials were produced. The
materials—a set of issue briefing papers and a document of specific proposals
on each of the FfD themes—provided a point of reference for FfD delegates
seeking ways to incorporate gender concerns into the process, and for other
civil society organisations to engender their own sectoral proposals. The main
points and recommendations made by the women follow.[4]
domestic financial resources for development
governments play the primary role in development of the national financial
sector, protection of social services, and provision of resources needed for the
growth of human potential and capacity. But globalisation and market
liberalisation place severe limitations on the ability of governments to provide
social protection and invest in human resources. Governments are instead
confronted with the dilemma of creating a “competitive” economic environment
from policies that result in social and economic devastation. Liberalised
markets intensify women’s subordination in numerous areas such as literacy,
life expectancy, and access to land, information, technology, and education.
Taxation policies could be a useful tool for redistributing wealth and
redressing social inequities, but the ability of governments to generate tax
revenues is inhibited by IMF/World Bank-type reforms that favour predominantly
male, middle-to-high income brackets while reducing or eliminating subsidies on
basic goods such as milk, bread and cooking gas, on which poor communities,
particularly women, rely.[5]
Women’s recommendations
gender-disaggregated analyses of national budgets to obtain the facts about
women’s labour—paid and unpaid, formal and informal—in comparison with
men, from which economic development policies and strategies that are truly
equitable and efficient can be devised.
and enforce transparency measures in financial decision-making bodies,
government agencies and institutions. Such measures would increase public
awareness and involvement in policy-making processes, thus promoting good
governance and democracy and reducing incidences of corruption.
gender-aware analyses into all macroeconomic decision-making. Micro-credit alone
cannot eliminate the barriers women face in accessing markets and financial
resources. Macroeconomic policies involving trade and loan agreements,
agribusiness, land distribution, and tax administration must be developed with
awareness and consideration of their gender implications.
international resources for development: foreign direct investment and other
private flows
awareness is crucial in the mobilisation of international financial resources
involving the transfer of funds. Policies and institutions are not
gender-neutral: they affect women and men differently. Women constitute half the
global population but control fewer than 10% of the resources and earn less than
men for comparable work. Gender-sensitivity is necessary if investment and trade
policies are to be effective since gender inequalities and biases constrain
women’s ability to use available opportunities, respond to policy initiatives
or engage in productive advances in terms of land rights, credit, and
technology. The guiding question must be how to mobilise international resources
for development, in the context of gender-aware economic and financial
policy-making, to ensure that the concerns of women and girls are addressed.[6]
gender-sensitive sustainable human development as an integral part of economic
growth. A mechanism to facilitate this policy could be the establishment of a
gender desk in national finance ministries.
gender- and environmentally-sensitive regulatory frameworks to monitor global
capital flows and employment practices of global corporations and
gender-sensitive Sustainability Impact Assessments of public-private sector
partnerships that review fiscal and social risks of joint investments and
ventures as well as social responsibility, accountability, transparency and the
participation of women’s and other civil society organisations and unions.
gender-sensitive programmes that link small business development with foreign
enterprises and encourage the transfer of information and technology to small
businesses and the informal sector.
trade as an engine for development
liberalisation is proceeding rapidly with little consideration of the cost to
women and men in developing countries or its impact on gender and social
equality. This lack of attention poses particular challenges to women in the
areas of food security and protection, agricultural livelihood and rural
development, health and health care, and access to public services, biological
diversity, and technology. Additionally, restrictive investment measures have
serious implications for the growth and development of micro and small
businesses, where women are concentrated.[7]
Women’s recommendations
a comprehensive gender and social impact assessment of the current General
Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) framework followed by re-negotiation to
meet the needs of developing countries.
Agreements on Agriculture, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) and Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS) from the WTO discipline;
agriculture and investment decisions should be left at the national level.
gender-sensitive and socially equitable development systems that protect
traditional knowledge by recognising the contribution of men and women farmers,
the nature of the benefit sharing, and prior consent provisions.
that linkages between foreign direct investment and trade policies result in
equitable, safe, and sustainable employment. Export processing zones are replete
with examples of the negative impacts this linkage can have on workers,
particularly women and children.
international financial cooperation for development
effectively eradicate poverty, financial assistance must focus on women and
girls, who constitute the majority of the world’s poor and who suffer most the
effects of poverty. ODA and other forms of international financial assistance
play a significant role in defining the macro economic frameworks and their
related processes. Yet some important new strategies that have the potential to
improve donor coordination and local ownership of development models—Country
Development Frameworks, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP), SWAPs, and so
on—are gender neutral. Given the experience of past economic reform policies,
these new approaches are likely to have equally destabilising impacts, and
negative effects, particularly on women. These new strategic frameworks must be
revised to support sound socio-economic policies and enable development entities
in receiving countries to direct the implementation of ODA, focusing on
environmental protection, labour rights and gender equality.[8]
Women’s recommendations
nations must increase ODA to 0.7% of GNP in keeping with commitments made at the
Millennium Forum and Third UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries. A
timetable must be established to meet this target, starting with a commitment to
the UN Secretary General’s challenge to double contributions to USD 100
billion within the next two or three years in order to reduce by half the number
of people living in extreme poverty by 2015.[9]
must support technical assistance for institutional capacity building in gender
analysis, including resources and technical assistance for gender disaggregated
data such as policy impacts on different groups of women and men; and must
strengthen programme design and management and operational policies and
procedures within developing countries and countries in economic transition.
global public goods in addition to ODA, and include the eradication of HIV/AIDS
and other major infectious diseases, environmental protection, poverty
eradication, and gender equality among these goals.
international cooperation on meeting the internationally agreed upon development
goals, including those in human rights treaties, in outcome documents of UN
conferences of the 90s and in the Millennium Declaration.
debt financing and external debt relief
debt is growing exponentially and debt relief continues to be an exercise of
power and control through structural adjustment policies imposed by the
international financial institutions that drain debtor nations of precious
resources. Present debt-management proposals—the Heavily Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC) Initiative and the Enhanced HIPC—offer too little too late to
too few countries since they are devised by creditors for debt collection not
debt relief. But unless present debt-management plans are transformed into
effective, equitable, development-oriented and durable debt release
opportunities, the devastating cycle of debt accumulation will repeat itself,
condemning millions more people to suffering.
adjustment policies give priority to debt repayments over spending on health,
education, sanitation, clean water and other social needs. This undermines
accountability by debtor governments to their people and erodes local democratic
institutions. Debt and loan negotiations are conducted in secret between elites
in the North and elites in the South, fostering corruption. Caught as they are
at the divide between the productive and reproductive spheres of life, women
have borne the full impact of debt dependence, adherence to SAPs and
underdevelopment. [10]
Women’s recommendations
the debt of low-income countries and the illegitimate debts of all countries of
the South, with immediate effect.
immediate debt relief for severely indebted middle-income countries.
the active participation of civil society in decision-making to determine the
allocation of funds from new loans and debt relief.
with the heavily indebted poor countries in Africa, eliminate conditions
attached to new loans and debt relief that perpetuate indebtedness, as
articulated in the PRSP and the enhanced HIPC initiatives.
an independent, transparent arbitration process for negotiating international
debt cancellation that ensures losses and gains are shared equally, and
establish ethical lending and borrowing policies to prevent future debt crises.
issues: enhancing the coherence and consistency of the international monetary,
financial, and trading systems in support of development
the international financial architecture, improving global governance, and
strengthening the role of the UN are the three major dimensions to this
contentious issue. At stake is the direction that development financing will
take beyond Monterrey. Women and other NGOs argue that the global human
ecosystem is being jeopardised by severe imbalances in productivity, resource
mobilisation, and the distribution of goods and services resulting from the
policies of the Washington Consensus, which promotes deregulation,
privatisation, and trade and financial liberalisation. This model, which
subordinates poverty eradication and gender equality to economic growth, is
economically and politically unsustainable. The challenge is to change the
existing governance structure and rules to a system that will help achieve
sustainable human development.
Women’s recommendations
global economic conditions, policies, and institutions from the perspective of
overall development goals, including poverty eradication and gender equality as
established in the UN Charter, Millennium Declaration, and all UN conferences of
the past decade.
all sectors of civil society, particularly women, in the design and application
of trade, fiscal, and financial policies, at national, regional, and
international levels.[11]
the primacy of the UN in addressing the lack of institutional democracy and
transparency in the international financial and trade institutions—the World
Bank, IMF and WTO.[12]
government efforts to achieve full and effective implementation of the Beijing
Platform for Action.
have been organising at both the regional and national levels to ensure that
gender is integrated into all economic development financing and
decision-making. Meetings between economists, activists, and in some cases
government officials, have taken place in India, the Philippines, and Denmark,
and new networks such as the Cartagena Initiative in Latin America have formed.
policymakers and activists have recognised that women organisers at the
grassroots level are shut out of the official FfD process. To address this
critical problem, WEDO and UNIFEM sponsored a joint initiative to help
facilitate gender-sensitive policy and decision-making in the FfD process. As
part of this partnership, regional workshops for Africa, Central and Eastern
Europe/Newly Independent States, and Asia/Pacific were organised. These
workshops brought together government officials, grassroots women activists, and
feminist economists to share experiences, strategise, and network around FfD
issues in their regions. These workshops aimed to attract regional attention to
the FfD process and catalyse further advocacy efforts at the national, regional,
and global levels.
Africa regional workshop, organised by the African Women’s Economic Policy
Network (AWEPON), was held in Kampala, Uganda, and covered the regional
dimensions of economic and social governance, gender and trade, external debt,
security and peace, HIV/AIDS, technical aid, food security, and domestic
resource mobilisation.
Central and Eastern Europe/Newly Independent States regional workshop was held
in Kiev, Ukraine, and was organised by the Liberal Society Institute. Issues of
concern included corruption, access to micro-finance, domestic resource
mobilisation, social protection, new forms of violence against women, sex
trafficking, and the recent emergence of external debts.
Asia/Pacific workshop was organised by South Asia Watch and held in Kathmandu,
Nepal. Regional and sub-regional issues identified were the external debt
crisis, women’s high illiteracy rates, lack of food security, the supply and
demand side of corruption, sex trafficking, and the exploitative labour of women
and children fostered by current neo-liberal FDI and trade frameworks. The need
to decentralise power and increase state autonomy was highlighted.
workshops provided an arena to inform, strengthen networks, and develop
strategies for future activities such as information sharing, research and
education, training, lobbying and advocacy, publishing, and participation. They
also developed advocacy statements and concrete language proposals for the
Facilitator’s outcome document. Connections were made between FfD and the
World Summit on Sustainable Development—recognition of the need to form
linkages between development financing and economic, social, and environmental
sustainability. The discussions were both informative and inspiring, and the
combined networks of the participants demonstrated the potential for women’s
advocacy around the impact of macroeconomic issues at the national, regional,
and global levels, and at the Monterrey Conference and beyond.
FfD process has provided women the opportunity to bring gender analysis and
feminist perspective to the macroeconomic discussion. While WEDO, DAWN, the
World Council of Churches/Ecumenical Team, the International Confederation of
Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), and a number of women activists have sought to
provide this analysis and these perspectives and were a constant presence and
reminder of the importance of gender concerns, overall women’s participation
has been limited.
of this results from the objective limitations of financial and human resources
among women’s NGOs. But a major problem lies in the lack of women in economic
decision-making and amongst the larger civil society movement against financial
globalisation. Despite
the gains women have made in many fields, they are still poorly represented in
decision-making bodies. Women comprise only 13% of those in national
legislatures. Among government ministers worldwide, women fare only slightly
better at 14%, and they are largely concentrated in sectors typically seen as
the least powerful, such as education, health and sports. The number of women
heading those government sectors with the most clout in the power structure is
particularly low, with only 9.4% in the legal area and less than 5% in economic,
political and executive positions.[13]
In the IMF women are 2.2% of governors (4 out of 179) and there are no women
among the 24 directors.[14]
At the World Bank it is not much better: 5.5% of governors (10 out of 181) and 2
out of 24 directors.[15]
women are present in critical numbers and empowered to share their different
experiences, perspectives, concerns, and needs, these will not be recognised in
the policy debate. This is true not only in governmental and inter-governmental
institutions but among civil society organisations as well. Women are still
under-represented in the anti-globalisation movement, which has been in the
forefront of redefining a new approach to globalisation focused on promoting
sustainable development and addressing income inequality. Women activists must
organise around globalisation issues and seek to influence the agendas not only
of governments but also of NGOs.
engagement: first steps
the UN it will be very important to carry forward the FfD discussions and
outcomes into the preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development,
to be held in Johannesburg in August 2002. The vision and reach of WSSD will
rest in part on the financing possibilities and commitments reached in
presents an opportunity to apply a broader gender lens to the Millennium
Development Goals—combating violence against women and addressing the issues
of women’s equality and empowerment in eradicating poverty are significant
inclusions but cannot in themselves adequately meet the overall needs of women,
nor their role in development. To successfully attain the Millennium Goals of
eradicating poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, reducing
child mortality, improving maternal health and combating HIV/AIDS, it is
critical to document and understand the different positions of men and women,
girls and boys in society.
addition to the social and economic indicators in the Millennium Development
Goals, commitments for achieving environmental sustainability are also given
prominence. Thus the WSSD is an opportunity to unify the social, economic, and
environmental components of sustainability within the context of the Millennium
Goals and UN conferences and agreements of the past decade.
know that the various financing mechanisms on the table at FfD are means to a
larger end, that of human development. These finance mechanisms are discussed in
many other forums—WTO, IMF, World Bank, regional development banks and
multinational corporations. However, there is no single institution that is
looking at how each of them is appropriated or at the relationships between
them. The social consequences of their policy decisions are secondary
considerations. Thus, the UN provides the only forum for formal
intergovernmental discussion linking financing to social development. This
feature of FfD is what makes it unique and what lends it such importance for
forged a visionary agenda during the past decade of global meetings on
development from the heady days of Rio to the triumphs in Beijing. But while we
can celebrate some successes in gaining implementation of these
commitments—gender budgets in several countries; new gender equity laws;
improvements in electoral legislation—it is not enough. As WEDO’s founder
Bella Abzug declared, “We have the
words, now we need the music, and the music is the action.” To turn the
words into action at the global level, women must take FfD forward to the forum
on Sustainable Development. And, we must do so in larger numbers—working at
national, regional and global levels—as we press forward to full equality in
the social, political and economic
World Conference on Human Rights (WCHR), 1993, Vienna, Austria;
International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) 1994, Cairo,
Egypt; World Summit for Social Development (WSSD) 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark;
Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW), Beijing, China.
Seventy percent is the commonly-used estimate, but since “gender-sensitive
income-poverty indicators have yet to emerge…there is no way of estimating
the extent of feminisation of poverty.” “Biennial
Report: Progress of the World’s Women 2000”. UNIFEM, 2000. p 95.
Association for Women’s Rights In Development (AWID), Canada; Freedom From
Debt Coalition, Philippines; Gender and Trade Network, Washington, DC; World
Council of Churches Ecumenical Team (WCC/ET), New York; Women’s
Environment and Development Organisation (WEDO), New York; Women’s Eyes on
the Multilaterals, Mexico.
Partly derived from a paper commissioned by UNIFEM: M. Floro. “Gender
Dimensions of the Financing for Development Agenda”. April 2001.
N. Johnson. “Mobilising Domestic Resources: Women’s Consultation
Briefing Paper”. September 2001, New York.
J. Goodson Foerde. “Mobilising International Resources: Women’s
Consultation Briefing Paper”. September 2001, New York.
M. Williams and M. Riley. “Trade: Women’s Consultation Briefing
Paper”. September 2001,
Washington D.C.
J. Kerr. “Official Development Assistance: Women’s Consultation Briefing
Paper”. September 2001, Canada.
FfD NGO Caucus Statement to the Press, 22 January 2002, New York.
Lerner, G., Lozada, R., and Torres, V., ”Debt: Women’s Consultation
Briefing Paper”, September 2001, New York and Philippines.
Laura Frade, Women’s Eyes on the Multilaterals, “Women’s Consultation
Recommendations, FfD PrepCom III”, 2-8 May 2001, New York.
FfD NGO Caucus Statement to the Press. Op.cit.
S. Reyes. “Women Working with Women: Breaking Down the Barriers”;
“Getting the Balance Right: Strategies for Change”. WEDO, 2001, New
IMF Annual Report, 2001.