The dimensions of poverty
What is poverty? Who are the poor? What are
the ways of fighting it? We often tend to believe that these questions may be
obvious or easily answered, especially when we come face to face with poverty.
But there are many views and many people who talk and write about poverty around
the globe, without reaching an agreement as to what they are actually saying.
Despite having a common basis, there are a variety of definitions and
conceptions about «poverty».
Grandmother from Chipinge, Zimbabwe
from The Suffering are the Cornerstone in Building a Nation, 1995.
«You want to know how I define Poverty? How
can you ask the question when you yourself see that I live in poverty? The
definition of poverty is right in front of you. Look at me. I stay alone. I
don’t have enough food. I have no decent clothing or accommodation. I have no
clean water to drink. Look at my swollen leg. I can’t get to the clinic which
is too far for me to walk. So what kind of a definition of poverty do you expect
me to give you which is better than what you are seeing with your naked eyes?»
In the following paragraphs we will address some
aspects linked to the definition of poverty, its measurement, its evolution, and
the perspective adopted by the Social Development Summit held in Copenhagen,
regarding its relevance and ways to fight it.
Poverty, to one degree or another, affects all
the regions of the world. In most of the industrialized countries, it is a
question of «pockets» that impact on certain geographic regions and population
groups (immigrants or workers in particularly low–wage jobs). In much of the
developed world the gap has grown between the narrow high–income sector and
the vast low–income sector. Analysts tend to allude to this fact as a
reduction of the middle class.
The developing world –the countries of Asia,
Africa, Oceania and Latin America–is where the majority of the world's 1.6
billion poor live and lie. It is in the countries of Africa and Southern Asia
that the Third and Fourth World poor prevail.
The last Human Development Report prepared by the
UNDP (United Nations Development Program) indicates that despite the spectacular
economic growth shown by a group of countries, 1.6 billion people remain
marginated and are currently worse off than they were a few years ago. The
economic growth benefited a few countries, at the expense of many others; and
the countries where the population is better off than it was 10 years ago are
the ones where the governments addressed qualitative, as well as quantitative,
growth. They have promoted measures fostering greater equity, they have improved
health, education and employment of their citizens.
«The world has become economically polarized,
both between countries and within countries», says James Gustave Speth, UNDP
Administrator, in a foreword to the report. If present trends continue, economic
disparities between industrial and developing nations will move from inequitable
to inhuman.
Poverties and their definition
Concern regarding the problems of poverty in the
world is not new. In the 1940s the international declarations of Human Rights
and Social Development called for the need not only to alleviate poverty, but
also to seek measures to abolish it. More than 50 years later the discussions
continue, and the controversies on the conceptual and methodological planes
persist. Nevertheless, some progress has been made and the 1995 Human
Development Summit probably set a landmark, notwithstanding the difficulties in
implementing the agreed Platform. At the Summit, governments committed to
eradicating world poverty through national actions and international
cooperation, with the understanding that this is a humanitarian imperative of an
ethical, social, political and economic sort.
At a general level, and based on a quick review
of the bibliography, the points for conceptual and methodological debate on the
subject of poverty arise out of certain polemical aspects that repeatedly crop
In broad terms, it is possible to say that the
debates generally start with the diverse meanings, uses or functions which the
different authors attribute in their theorizing to the concepts of poverty
and/or human poverties; lacks; physiological and human needs; capacities;
fulfillment; goods and services; satisfiers; deprivation; potentials;
achievements; liberty; the finite or infinite nature of human needs and their
historicity, etc.
This is an initial aspect that must be taken into
account when analyzing the subject: there is no consensus as to the starting
point or to the conclusions. The meaning taken on by poverty also depends on
the customs, standards and values of each of the countries and regions.
But beyond the specific positions assumed
regarding the foregoing set of questions, the most widespread approaches tend to
be aligned with one of two positions as to the question of poverty, regardless
of whether we are dealing with studies on its evolution in a single country or
with international comparisons: the relative and the absolute approaches. Other
authors propose approaches that meld absolute and relative poverty. There are
many countries where people living in poverty lack sufficient resources to
ensure minimum levels of food, clothing and shelter. In most of the
industrialized countries, however, absolute poverty is almost nonexistent, and
the concept of poverty is more linked to participation and social integration
and to the approach of relative poverty.
Absolute poverty, as a definition, is
based on what human beings require as a minimum, to survive. This definition
uses the arbitrary concept of "absolute poverty" to suggest that there
are certain absolute standards that can be identified; the most frequently used
absolute measurement is income. Personal or family income falling below a
certain limit indicated as essential to maintain an appropriate standard of
living can be taken to define poverty. Other forms of absolute measurements for
poverty revolve around concepts of basic needs and evaluate whether the
households and/or individuals are covering those needs or not.
The other definition is relational in nature –relative
poverty– and is based on the position of a person or family in relation to
others in the community or to a standard considered necessary for living in
society. Thus the positions of different individuals and groups are considered
in relation to others in a specific universe. This type of measurement has the
advantage of taking into consideration the importance of the relative lack,
i.e., of the conditions that are not at the prevailing levels of consumption in
the country in question. Under this perspective, it is clear that persons who
can be classified as poor in some countries or regions may have higher income or
greater comforts that some groups not considered poor in other less developed
The following quotations reflect some of the
different perspectives on the issue and make it possible to identify some
relevant authors.
Rowntree: A family is poor if its total
income is insufficient to cover the minimum needs to sustain mere physical
Orshansky: Poverty, like beauty, is in
the eye of the beholder.
Townsend: Any rigorous
conceptualization of the social determination of necessities refutes the idea of
absolute necessities and applies a complete relativity in time and space. The
necessities of life are not fixed. They are continually being adapted and
increased with changes in society and its products.
Atkinson: It is wrong to suggest that
poverty can be considered in terms of an absolute standard that can be applied
to all countries at all times, independent of the social structure and the level
of development. (...) A threshold of poverty cannot be defined in a vacuum, but
only in relation to a particular society on a particular date. Poverty must not
be considered in absolute terms, but instead in relative terms.
Amartya Sen: There is an irreducible
core of absolute deprivation in our idea of poverty, which translates
manifestations of death by starvation, malnutrition and visible misery into a
diagnosis of poverty, without first looking into the relative panorama. Thus the
approach of relative deprivation complements rather than replaces the analysis
of poverty in terms of absolute deprivation. Poverty is understood to be an
absolute concept in the space of capacities and achievements, and relative in
terms of goods and satisfiers.
Meghnad Desai, along the same line as Sen,
proposes the following capabilities as basic and necessary: (a) the
capability to stay alive/enjoy a long life; (b) the capability to ensure
intergenerational reproduction; ( c) the capability to have a healthy life; (d)
the capability for social interaction; and (e) the capability to have knowledge
and freedom of expression and thought.
Chambers talks about five sets of
factors that interrelate like a web from which it is very difficult to escape.
The sets are: (a) poverty itself; (b) physical weakness; (c) isolation; (d)
vulnerability; and (e) powerlessness.
On the other hand, some authors call for
treatments combining different manners of reconstructing reality by the adoption
of spaces allowing for analytical complementation between poverty indices and
typologies constructed on the basis of aggregate data and the evidence deriving
from application of qualitative methodologies in diverse dimensions,
incorporating evidence and data of a qualitative nature (deriving from methods
such as role–playing, focus groups, in–depth interviews, life stories,
biographies, etc.) that constitute a rich source of information to move ahead in
the understanding of aspects rarely considered in conventional analyses of
The different authors and papers reflect very
different demarcations of the field of elements or instances that ultimately
make up the situation of poverty as they understand it; they go from
predominantly economistic views to those involving multidimensional concepts,
and include diverse types of deprivations and questions related to power.
Poverty and its measurements
The specific measurement of poverty, therefore,
requires a definition of the conceptual sort and a choice of a certain level of
referential life conceived by selection of minimum or relative dimensional
The choice of a set of dimensions and associated
variables for establishing a benchmark or standard (depending on whether the
approach is of the poverty or poverties sort) in order to define the situation
of the units observed with respect to same, is the subject of new discrepancies.
Moreover, the choice of the criterion for decision regarding how the units are
classified or located, as well as the types of units selected for observation
(geographic, nuclear families, households, persons, etc.) lead to different
stratifications, extensions, intensities and conclusions.
Thus, for example, regarding the benchmark level
or standard of poverty there are positions that delegate their definition to:
- experts in nutrition who determine
nutritional needs that become a diet or reference food basket.
- philosophical anthropology (Terrail) which
undertakes the analysis of specific social needs for a particular society.
- social prescription (Mack and Lansley)
obtained from consultation with the population (questions put to samples)
regarding the necessary or desirable nature of a set of items including
goods, services and activities.
- adoption of the «political definition of
poverty». Here, the level of income or satisfaction of essential basic
needs tends to be adjusted to those it is feasible to address by means of
the social policies of a country at a particular time.
Despite the diverse criteria, it is possible to
identify some forms of measuring as the most usual in studies on poverty.
The satisfaction of needs of a person or a
household will depend on six sources of well–being: i) current income, ii)
rights to access free or subsidized governmental goods or services, iii)
ownership or rights to use of assets providing basic consumption services
(accumulated basic patrimony), iv) educational levels, skills and know–how as
expressions of the capability to make and to understand, v) time available for
education. In general, the measurements that only partially take these sources
into account tend to underestimate poverty.
Each method, and within that, each variable,
identifies different extents and groups of poor people. The chief methods are as
- Sectorial gaps method defines the
minimum for each need and calculates the population below each of same
(illiteracy, sewage service, etc.
- Unsatisfied basic needs (UBN) brings
together various sectorial dimensions and identifies poor households and/or
persons. Households not having satisfied one or several of the chosen basic
needs are considered poor, along with all of their members. Here the number
of poor identified depends on the number of basic needs chosen, so that the
more needs are taken into account, the greater the incidence of poverty.
- Poverty line (PL) defines a basic food
basket, calculates its cost and divides the portion of spending devoted to
food into the total cost of basic needs (Engel coefficient, which can be
obtained based on the poorest, the average, or the reference stratum),
confirming the poverty line. On occasion, the cost of the food basket
constitutes the line of extreme poverty or indigence. Variants exist when
measuring relative poverty (when the reference basket is taken based on an
observed stratum) or absolute poverty (when the basket is stipulated as a
standard). The results differ depending on whether the calculation is based
on income (with differences according to whether the income is adjusted or
not to national accounts, and also depending on whether formal and informal
transfers are taken into account) or on consumer spending (this makes it
possible to estimate indebtedness capacity over time).
- Integrated measurements methods (MIP)
combine PL and UBN, in some cases composing an index of intensity of poverty
either by household or individual. They tend to adopt a normative posture
regarding the food basket and an empirical posture regarding other needs.
These methods give rise to different categories of poor people: structural,
impoverished, chronic, recent and inertial, etc.
- Social progress index (Desai): This
index includes the dimensions of income, basic needs and life expectancy. It
quantifies in terms of achievement, as an expression of the quality of life
or current well–being. The proportion of the life potential realized is
calculated by dividing the remaining life expectancy, given the person’s
age, into the standard additional years the person ought to live. It
expresses its results in terms of life «well–being» and, for the poor,
in terms of life «deprivation».
The MIP tend to identify some basic needs using
UBN and others using the PL. We find that they primarily identify the following
- water and sewage services
- educational level of adults and school
attendance of minors
- electricity
- housing
- household furniture and equipment
- free time for recreation
- food
- clothing, shoes and personal care
- personal and household hygiene
- transportation and basic communications
- private spending on utilities
- private spending on health and education
- recreation, information and culture
- ealth and social security coverage
The results of the studies indicate target
populations to be addressed by policies. Usually, PL studies provide a basis for
adopting measures in the field of policies for income generation, wages and
employment, while UBN studies tend to generate implications for governmental
policies or credit policies for housing, water services, sewage, health,
education, etc.
Human Development Index and Capability Poverty
The Untied Nations, in its Human Development
Reports beginning in 1990, has chosen a series of indicators that have been
varied and adjusted over the years, with a view to evaluating the situation of
different countries. The Human Development Index (HDI), while it does not
measure poverty directly, alludes to it insofar as it is impossible to conceive
of human progress under poverty conditions. The indicators on which this index
is based speak to the quality of life of a population: longevity (measured as
life expectancy at birth); educational level (measured based on a combination of
adult literacy and combined primary, secondary and tertiary enrollment); and
standard of living (measured as real GDP per capita).
Growth and development
The 1996 Report on Human Development analyzes in
detail the complex relationship between economic growth and human development,
maintaining –as likewise concluded at the Social Development Summit– that
there is a certain degree of independence between economic growth and human
development, and that the relationship is not automatic. Economic growth
broadens the material base for satisfaction of human needs, but the degree to
which they are satisfied depends on the distribution of resources among the
people and the use and distribution of opportunities, particularly employment.
It is now commonly accepted that poverty cannot
be reduced by economic growth alone. Poverty and inequalities have persisted in
countries such as Malawi, the Philippines and Pakistan despite strong economic
growth. By contrast, growth strategies have helped reduce poverty significantly
where they were broad–based and made ample use of labour, as was the case in
Indonesia and other East Asian countries. Therefore, national policies and
budgets must be reviewed on a regular basis to assess their impact on poverty,
employment and social development. This requires a thorough examination of the
content of past and current policies and programmes
If attention is not paid to quality of growth,
with governments taking corrective action, the «wrong» kind of growth is bound
to occur, says the report.
The report identifies five such types of growth:
- Jobless growth – the overall economy
grows, but fails to expand job opportunities.
- Ruthless growth – the rich get richer, and
the poor get nothing.
- Voiceless growth – the economy grows, but
democracy/empowerment of the majority of the population fails to keep
- Rootless growth – cultural identity is
submerged or deliberately outlawed by central government, as in some of
the states of former Yugoslavia or the Kurdish areas of Iraq and Turkey.
- Futureless growth – the present generation
squanders resources needed by future generations.
«Many people are concerned that human
development is anti–growth. Nothing could be further from the truth»,
said chief author Richard Jolly. «Human development and sustained,
successful economic growth go hand in hand.»
Both quantitative and qualitative indicators are
needed to monitor the impact of policies and programmes on social development.
The purpose of the policy reviews is to ensure that development policies are not
biased against low–income communities –and specifically women living in
poverty– and to reorient those policies as necessary towards reducing social
inequalities and meeting the basic needs of the population.
The 1996 HDR includes the «Capability Poverty
Index» (CPI). With a view to understanding the extent and the nature of
poverty, the authors go beyond income and take other elements into
Since poverty is often so linked with human
development, or the lack of it, this year’s report takes a special look at
poverty and concludes that income poverty is only part of the picture. «Just as
human development encompasses aspects of life much broader than income, so
poverty should be seen as having many dimensions», says the report. As a
result, the report introduces a new, multidimensional measure of human
deprivation called the capability poverty measure (CPM). The CPM focuses on
human capabilities, just as the human development index does. Instead of
examining the average state of people’s capabilities, it reflects the
percentage of people who lack basic, or minimally essential human capabilities,
which are ends in themselves and are needed to lift one from income poverty and
to sustain strong human development.
The CPM reflects the proportion of children under
five years who are underweight, the proportion of births unattended by trained
health personnel and the rate of female illiteracy.
The CPM considers therefore the lack of three
basic capabilities.
The first is the lack of being well nourished and
healthy, the second is the lack of capability for healthy reproduction, and the
third is the lack of capability to be educated and knowledgeable. The composite
index emphasizes deprivation of women because, says the report, «it is now well
known that the deprivation of women adversely affects the human development of
families and of society.» Because investment in women pays off so well, low CPM
is also a sign of great economic inefficiency.
Comparing the new capability poverty measure with
the income poverty index, the report found that while 21 per cent of the people
in developing countries are below the income poverty line, 37 per cent face
capability poverty. That is, 900 million people in developing countries are
income poor, but 1.6 billion are capability poor. Nor does economic growth
always help.
In all countries, «poverty cannot be eradicated
merely by boosting income. It will also take a broad expansion of basic human
capabilities and the productive use of those capabilities», warns the Human
Development Report 1996.
Anderson, Jeanine: «La Feminización de la
Pobreza en América latina». Red Entre Mujeres, Diálogo Norte–Sur.
Lima, 1994.
Boltvinik, Julio: «Pobreza y Estratificación Social en Méjico».
Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Información. IIS–UNAM.
Mexico, 1995.
Inter–Church Coalition on Africa: Toward a Moral Economy: Responses to
Poverty in the North and South. Toronto.
World Summit on Social Development, Copenhagen, 1995.
4th World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995.
UNDP: Informe sobre Desarrollo Mundial 1996. Mundi–Prensa Libros s.a.
Madrid 1996