Decentralization and sovereignty: how policy space is eroded
Nancy Alexander[1]
Citizens’ Network on Essential Services
In many countries,
citizens clamor for decentralization which can vest them with
greater grassroots power and autonomy. The foundation of decentralization is the
“principle of subsidiarity,” which assigns power and responsibility to the
lowest level of government – the level closest to the people being served.
However, market
decentralization (another term for “privatization”) shifts power and
responsibility from governments to firms – even in the areas of health care,
education and water services. Particularly in the absence of strong regulation,
citizens, especially poor citizens, have little power over firms.
The impacts of
decentralization were studied by researchers at the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 19 countries, who found that
“decentralization has actually led to improvements in poverty reduction in only
a third of the cases” (Jutting et al., 2005). Countries where there has
been no impact or a negative impact include Uganda, Ethiopia, Mozambique,
Vietnam and Sri Lanka.
Many factors
contribute to the disappointing impacts of decentralization. This article
highlights how the international financial and trade institutions derail
decentralization by diminishing “fiscal space” (i.e., options and resources) and
transferring the rights of governments to investors. To take back power,
citizens must not only struggle to establish accountable, representative
government, but also take into account the ways in which the international
financial and trade organizations, e.g., the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
World Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO), can undercut their efforts.
Budget bosses
During the 1990s,
Shahid J. Burki and Guillermo Perry, World Bank Vice President for Latin America
and Chief Economist, respectively, engineered decentralization in the region. In
Beyond the Center, Burki et al. (1998) argue that in order to
protect against macroeconomic instability caused by subnational (i.e., state and
local) fiscal excesses, it is necessary to have a “hegemonic and internally
disciplined political party with the power to suppress any defiant behavior on
the part of subnational politicians” and to revise electoral rules to
“discourage party fragmentation…which makes policy-making more difficult and
weakens the position of the president.” The authors also stress the importance
of rules and legislation that strengthen the office of the presidency in
relation to the legislature, including “powers to rule by decree” and “an
unassailable presidential veto.”
In Latin America,
this is called presidencialismo. This suits the reformers for whom the
ultimate goal of decentralization is the transfer of public responsibilities to
private sector actors. Indeed, decentralization redefines the boundaries of the
public and private sectors.
The International
Financial Institutions – the IMF and the World Bank – centralize power through
policy conditionality attached to loans negotiated with the Finance Ministers of
developing countries. Some conditions require Presidents to issue “Supreme” or
“Executive Decrees.” In the aftermath of protests against water price hikes in
Cochabamba, Bolivia, the World Bank postponed its requirement that the Executive
issue a Supreme Decree further raising water prices. In 2004, a loan called for
Mozambique to issue seven decrees.
Such measures shift power from the legislative branch to the executive branch of
government and undermine the democratic character and functions of the
By marginalizing
parliaments, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) processes have also
facilitated this shift. Low-income country governments must prepare PRSPs –
so-called national development strategies as a requirement for financing.
Parliaments need not only greater engagement, but also more power in such
processes. As it is, the IMF sets budget parameters for the governments of most
low-income and highly-indebted countries to heed.
Donors and creditors
do not use their power responsibly when their volatile aid flows create massive
budget imbalances. Some countries, such as Ghana and Ethiopia, have absorbed
rather than spent aid in order to off-set volatile aid flows, avoid currency
appreciation, and build up reserves.
In addition, donors and creditors undercut governments when they channel
financing through Program Implementation Units (PIUs) which operate in parallel
with public administration and budgeting efforts.
When donor
priorities appear in the budgets of local governments, these budgets need to be
spent on the donors’ goals rather than on other local needs. In some countries,
such as Mali, donors are requiring governments to devote more resources to
foreign-owned projects while local priorities are neglected.
Attempts by donors
and creditors to build government capacity for public financial management,
including budgeting, have had mixed results. World Bank support for capacity
building has encountered “considerable difficulty in the area of public
financial management largely because of limited country ownership of the change
Indeed, such efforts in Ghana were doomed because the government had different
goals than the Bank.
Increasingly, donors
and creditors provide “budget support,” meaning that they pool their resources
in support of national and subnational budgets. In 2004, a USAID study finds
that the budget support process in Tanzania prompted the disengagement of many
parliamentarians (Frantz, 2004, p. 7).
When donors pool
their money, it relieves a government of the competing demands of many donors,
but it also creates a donor/creditor policy cartel with many “budget bosses.”
Steps to shift
rights from governments to investors
The World Bank’s
focus on reforming investment regimes constitutes a centerpiece of its corporate
strategy. This emphasis permeates its operations to promote decentralization
through structural adjustment, public sector reform,
and sector-wide reform (e.g., health care, education) programs as well as its
project financing.
Donors and creditors
finance privatization, budget austerity, and economic liberalization programs
that accompany the decentralization process. The impacts of such policies on
local governments are discussed below.
Decentralization and Privatization. Commonly, political decentralization
precedes fiscal decentralization, so that local governments inherit “unfunded
mandates” – that is, mandates to deliver services without the resources required
to do so. This is particularly problematic because local governments may lack
access to capital markets and rely heavily upon locally-generated taxes and fees
for services. Due to the lack of resources, many local governments are forced to
privatize assets and services.
The World Bank
sometimes cripples local governments by promoting premature decentralization,
placing additional financial resources and responsibilities upon local
governments before they are prepared to handle them.
Decentralization and Services in Sri Lanka
The 2003-2006 World Bank Country Assistance Strategy (CAS)
for Sri Lanka stipulated that the government would gain access to higher
levels of financing if it increased the share of revenues transferred to the
local level. On one hand, there is a good argument to be made that
decentralization needs to be accompanied by corresponding increases in fiscal
resources. On the other hand, the CAS suggests that this transfer will be the
principal measure of effective decentralization – a classic case of using a
simple input (money) to measure a complex outcome (good local governance).
Because more World Bank funds are promised if these transfers are sped up, the
government has an incentive to channel significant revenue streams before
mechanisms are created for ensuring transparent and accountable governance at
the local level.
In the privatization
process, local governments are often faced with demands that they provide
subsidies and guarantees for private firms.
2. Subsidies.
As privatization proceeds at the subnational level, local governments are often
required to provide subsidies for corporations. Some schemes provide
“performance-based” subsidies to firms when delivery of services (e.g., health
care, education, water) to poor populations is verified. However, there are
serious transaction costs and constraints to such schemes, especially in
low-income countries and those with weak governance.
Donors and creditors
promote subsidies to corporations, since cross-subsidies between sectors
(telecommunications and water) or between rich and poor rate-payers violate
trade rules.
Guarantees. Generally, investors expect local governments to provide
guarantees – particularly for infrastructure projects – which shift specific
price, demand and currency risks onto taxpayers. The Articles of Agreement of
the World Bank (IBRD and IDA) require that, if the institution provides a
guarantee to a subnational government, it must obtain a counter-guarantee from
the central government. However, the World Bank and other creditors and donors
launched a new Subnational Development (SND) Facility in July 2006 that offers
guarantees to local governments without backing from the central government.
When private ventures backed
by a guarantee fail, the local government is likely to assume large, debt-like
financial obligations without any mechanisms for restructuring or writing down
the obligations. Creditors might intercept transfers
from the central to local government, leaving the local government impoverished.
4. Infrastructure
spending. At present, donors and creditors are promoting infrastructure
investment. Soon, infrastructure operations will constitute 40% of the World
Bank’s lending portfolio. The IMF raised its inflation targets to permit higher
levels of government spending for infrastructure, among other things. Local
governments are being asked to provide significant infrastructure financing and
guarantees relative to their fiscal resources. Indeed, the World Bank estimates
that during the 1990s, governments and public utilities provided 70% of the
financing for public-private partnerships (PPPs) in infrastructure compared with
only 22% from aid, and 8% from the private sector.
In 2005, World Bank
expert Antonio Estache (2004) released a study of PPPs in infrastructure from
1994 to 2004 which found that efficiency gains were often at the expense of poor
people and poor areas. Risks to government budgets increased as governments
offered investors costly guarantees and financial supports that ensure
profitability, minimize capital outlays, and greatly increase the fiscal
exposure of government. Corruption also increased.
In order to expand
the supply of infrastructure and social services, donors and creditors are also
scaling up community-driven development (CDD) and social fund (SF) operations
which finance community groups, civil society organizations, and local
governments. World Bank lending in support of CDD approaches increased from USD
250 million in 1996 to approximately USD 2 billion annual investments (or 10% of
the Bank’s portfolio) in 2004. Social funds have received World Bank financing
in about 60 countries for a total of nearly USD 4 billion from all sources.
World Bank evaluators found that:
The experience with community development shows that despite
sophisticated targeting mechanisms, the poorest and most vulnerable generally
appear to have been missed while the better off among the community have gained
more of the benefits... Where social funds have accounted for a substantial
share of public expenditure, such as in Bolivia, Honduras, and Nicaragua, they
have distorted the efficiency of resource allocation and have negatively
affected sectoral and budgetary planning. And where community development
projects have been implemented by setting up parallel structures for community
participation rather than by working through local governments, they have
actually weakened the capacity of local governments and the decentralization
Three out of four of
the water components of CDD projects failed.
External evaluators participating in a World Bank evaluation of such projects
suggested that the Bank cease financing CDD and SF operations until performance
can be improved.
Budgets that
mortgage the future
1. Cutting Local
Governments Loose. Since 2002, investment reform has taken center stage in
the World Bank’s corporate strategy. Decentralization can upset the
macroeconomic stability prized by investors. Hence, to restrain demand, restore
macroeconomic balances and build creditworthy subnational governments, donors
and creditors promote policies to:
limit fiscal transfers from central to state and local (“subnational”)
allow central government transfers to local governments to be
“intercepted by creditors in order to collect debt-related obligations;
require local governments to adopt hard budget ceilings which prevent
central governments from bailing them out. For instance, prior
to the 2002 election in Brazil, leaks revealed that the IMF and the Brazilian
Finance Ministry agreed to terms which required, among other things, a reduction
in revenue-sharing with the states and municipalities, termination of revenue
earmarking, and promises by President Lula Da Silva’s new administration to
resist pressures to reopen the debt restructuring agreements between federal and
subnational governments.
This deal, which by-passed democratic debate and decision-making by the
Brazilian Congress and people, placed state and local governments under
significant fiscal pressure.
The case of Bolivia
In 2002, World Bank loans required that the Government of
Bolivia 1) present a legal opinion confirming the legality of the use of
revenue intercepts as collateral to municipal credit operations with any
lender; 2) adopt major procurement reforms; and 3) require municipalities to
adopt fiscal responsibility laws, which ensure that they maintain hard budget
ceilings, precluding bail-outs from the central government.
Such steps are intended to improve the access of municipalities to financing
from the international capital markets for their local investment programs.
Seven municipalities adopted fiscal responsibility laws and
accepted fiscal targets that were based on the IMF’s assumption of 4% Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) growth in 2001. The actual GDP growth rate was only
1.2% with output declining in all areas except for natural gas production.
Central government revenues plunged by 26% in 2001 and general
transfers from the central to municipal governments were 11% less than
projected. However, the municipalities with fiscal responsibility laws were
constrained from borrowing; instead, they instituted new taxes and user fees
and carried out cutbacks in programs and services.
2. Budgets and
Government Procurement. Donors and creditors engaged in “budget support”
operations are in a position to pressure governments to liberalize government
procurement at central and subnational levels. Through procurement practices,
governments have always promoted national or local productive, employment, and
service sectors. However, as government procurement is liberalized, local
suppliers and workers must compete for government contracts with global
suppliers. Liberalizing government procurement is a sure path to privatization
of services.
In Ghana, a binding
condition of a 2003 World Bank loan required the liberalization of government
The loan conditionality was so invasive that a World Bank Board member expressed
concern that the World Bank’s heavy pressure was forcing Ghana to liberalize
well beyond WTO requirements.
In 2005, World Bank
evaluators stated that IDA exerted “significant pressure” on the government of
Malawi to liberalize its procurement and that the Bank did not pay attention to
government concerns about proposed procurement reforms, which were finally
rammed through.
1. Trade
liberalization policies. By definition, trade liberalization cuts trade
taxes, hence putting tremendous fiscal pressure on central governments, which
turn to local governments to shoulder greater fiscal burdens.
In sub-Saharan
Africa, trade taxes accounted for between a quarter and a third of total tax
revenue. Consumption taxes (e.g., the value-added tax, or VAT) seek to recoup
lost revenue from trade taxes. The VAT is highly regressive, meaning that it
hits low-income groups the hardest.
Low-income countries
usually fail to replace lost trade tax revenues from other sources. “Using a
panel of 125 countries over 20 years, Baunsgaard and Keen (2005) find that
low-income countries typically recover at most 30 cents for each dollar of lost
trade tax revenue, even over the longer-term.”
A recent United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development study predicts that the losses in
tariff income for developing countries under the WTO’s Doha Round could range
between USD 32 billion and USD 63 billion annually. This loss in government
revenues – the source of developing-country health care, education, water
provision, and sanitation budgets – is two to four times the mere USD 16 billion
in benefits projected by the World Bank.
While many
legislatures have little influence over decisions to reduce tariffs, they are
generally faced with a potentially catastrophic budgetary situation after the
cuts are made.
2. Trade and
Investment Agreements. The WTO, including the General Agreement on Trade in
Services (GATS), came into force in 1994. The GATS applies its rules, or
disciplines, to about 160 sectors. As central governments make
commitments under the GATS and negotiate other trade and investment agreements,
they are committing local governments to conformity with trade rules.
These trade rules are enforced on the domestic legal and regulatory activities
of “regional, or local governments” and “nongovernmental bodies in
the exercise of powers delegated” by any and all government jurisdictions. These
rules create a loss of fiscal and policy space at the local level.
When a government’s
human rights norms and trade rules come into conflict, the conflict would not be
resolved in a domestic court, but rather in a secret international trade
tribunal, beyond the public “eye.”
A UN report,
“Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Liberalization of Trade in Services and
Human Rights,”
presented extensive evidence that, although increased foreign private investment
can upgrade national infrastructure, introduce new technology, and provide
employment; it can also lead to:
the establishment of a two-tiered service supply with a corporate
segment focused on the healthy and wealthy and an under-financed public sector
focusing on the poor and sick;
brain drain;
an overemphasis on commercial objectives at the expense of social
objectives which might be more focused on the provision of quality health, water
and education services for those that cannot afford them at commercial rates;
an increasingly large and powerful private sector that can threaten the
role of the government as the primary duty bearer for human rights by subverting
regulatory systems through political pressure or the co-opting of regulators.
Burki, S.J., Perry, G. and Dillinger, W. (1998). Beyond
the Center: Decentralizing the State. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Estache, A. (2004).
“PPI partnerships vs. PPI divorces in LDCs”. World Bank and ECARES (Université
Libre de Bruxelles), October.
Frantz, B. (2004).
“General Budget Support in Tanzania: A Snapshot of its Effectiveness”. USAID, 3
Jutting, J., Corsi,
E. and Stockmayer, A. (2005). “Decentralization and Poverty Reduction”.
Policy Insights, No. 5, OECD Development Centre, January.
Nancy Alexander is Director of the Citizens’
Network on Essential Services.
World Bank Poverty Reduction
Support Credit I (PRSC I), 2004.
IMF, “The Macroeconomics of Managing Increased Aid Inflows:
Experiences of Low-Income Countries and Policy Implications,” 8 August 2005.
See the IMF’s First Review under Mali’s 3-Year PRGF arrangement. April 2005
World Bank, Operations
Evaluation Department (OED). “Capacity-Building in
Africa,” 2005, p. 29.
In Fiscal Year 2005 almost half of the new Bank projects had at least one
component addressing governance and public sector reform.
In addition, “non-discriminatory” trade rules do not permit a government to
favor domestic firms or disfavor foreign firms engaged in “like” activities.
Such rules, where they apply, could require that, where a government
subsidizes domestic health care or water companies, it must also subsidize
“like” foreign companies. (See GATS Article III, Paragraph 17).
Draft Concept Note, International Conference on Local Development,
Washington, D.C., 16-18 June 2004.
World Bank, Independent Evaluation Group, draft Annual Review of Development
Effectiveness (ARDE), 2004.
World Bank, Operations Evaluation Department (OED). “Efficient, Sustainable
Service for All? An OED Review of the World Bank’s Assistance to Water
Supply and Sanitation,” Report No. 26433, 1 September 2003.
See comments by Robert Chambers and Norman Uphoff in Annex R of the World
Bank IEG’s evaluation of “The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for
Community-Based and -Driven Development,” October 2005.
IMF, Brazil – “Request for Stand-by Arrangement,” 30 August 2002, p. 23; and
“First Review Under the Stand-by Arrangement and Request for Modification of
Performance Criterion,” 4 December 2002.
World Bank Programmatic Structural Adjustment Credit for Decentralization,
May 2001; and The Tranche Release Document for the above Programmatic
Structural Adjustment Credit (PSAC), July 2002.
World Bank Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC), July 2003.
World Bank, Operations
Evaluation Department (OED), Capacity-Building in
Africa, Malawi Case Study, 2005.
IMF, “Dealing with the Revenue Consequences of Trade Reform,” 15 February
2005, p. 19.
Report of the High Commissioner, 15 June 2002.