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Progress and Setbacks 2007

Measuring progress
The following documents are on PDF format :
To visualize the documents in PDF format you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
pdf files of the tables included in the printed report

Statistical tables in spreadsheet format including references and additional data

  Download the Measuring Progress section in one large file (2391 kb)
documento en formato PDF Basic Capabilities Index 2007. Half-way between 2000 and 2015: Far from where we should be
documento en formato PDF Gender Equity Index 2007. Inequity persists
documento en formato PDF How to read the Social Watch tables
documento en formato PDF Methodological notes: thematic tables
documento en formato PDF Food security. Insurmountable gaps?
documento en formato PDF Education. Information society vs. hundreds of millions of illiterate people
documento en formato PDF Information, science and technology. Overlapping inequalities
documento en formato PDF Public expenditure. A tool to reduce inequity
documento en formato PDF Development Assistance. Distorted and insufficient figures
documento en formato PDF Environment. The ongoing struggle for water and sanitation
documento en formato PDF Health. A scenario of vulnerability
documento en formato PDF Reproductive health. Good policies can make the difference
documento en formato PDF Gender Equity. A worldwide gap
documento en formato PDF Status of ratifications of fundamental ILO conventions
documento en formato PDF Status of ratifications of human rights international treaties



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The Third World Institute - Social Watch
Social Watch is an international watchdog citizens' network on poverty eradication and gender equality

18 de Julio 1077/902, Montevideo 11100, Uruguay
Phone: + 598-2-902-04-90. Fax: + 598-2-902-04-90/113;
e-mail: socwatch@socialwatch.org