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 Country by country -  Somalia

Versión en español

2008 report
New thinking is imperative
Mohamed Ali Shidle
Somali Organization for Community Development Activities (SOCDA)

Crime, rape and forced recruitment of child soldiers are on the rise in a country already registering some of the worst social, political and economic indicators of exclusion in Africa.Donors and a future national government will have to change in their thinking radically to revitalize the country. Somali political leaders, with the help of all private sectors, donors, multilateral institutions and official and non-governmental organizations should take concerted action to develop the country

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Progress and setbacks by key indicators see references
Slight progress  Internet users Stagnant  Malaria
Slight progress  Personal computers Significant progress  Tuberculosis
Slight progress  Telephone mainlines Significant progress  Infant mortality
Stagnant  Public health expenditure Significant progress  Under-5 mortality
Stagnant  Population with access to sanitation Stagnant  Births attended by skilled health personnel
Stagnant  Population with access to improved water sources Slight progress  Contraceptive use among currently in-union women aged 15-49

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Signatures and ratifications by Somalia
Human Rights International Treaties Total 9 ; signed 6 ; ratified 5 .
Table of ratifications of fundamental ILO conventions Total 7 ; not yet ratified 5 ; ratified 2 ; denounced 0 .
Treaties mentioned in the Millennium Declaration Total 10 ; signed 2 ; ratified 1 .
See general references see references
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