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 Country by country -  United States of America

Versión en español

2008 report
Sixty years and waiting
Alexandra Spieldoch Lane Vanderslice Aldo Caliari Karen Hansen Kuhn Tanya Dawkins
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Hunger Notes Center of Concern Action Aid USA Global-Local Links Project

In 2008, the 60th anniversary year of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the US presidential election provides a window of opportunity to re-engage the country in the human rights framework and to find common agreements domestically and globally. US communities are bringing innovative approaches to advance human rights that should be expanded and strengthened so that they can influence the national debate

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Progress and setbacks by key indicators see references
Stagnant  Undernourishment Stagnant  Public education expenditure
Slight regression  Primary school enrolment rate Stagnant  Military expenditure
Slight progress  Secondary school enrolment rate Stagnant  Population with access to sanitation
Slight progress  Tertiary school enrolment rate Stagnant  Population with access to improved water sources
Significant progress  Internet users Slight progress  Tuberculosis
Significant progress  Personal computers Stagnant  People living with HIV/AIDS
Slight progress  Telephone mainlines Slight progress  Infant mortality
Significant progress  Scientists and engineers in research and development Slight progress  Under-5 mortality
Slight regression  Information and communication technology expenditure Slight progress  Births attended by skilled health personnel
Stagnant  Research and development expenditure Stagnant  Contraceptive use among currently in-union women aged 15-49
Slight progress  Public health expenditure Stagnant  Activity rate gap

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Signatures and ratifications by United States of America
Human Rights International Treaties Total 9 ; signed 8 ; ratified 5 .
Table of ratifications of fundamental ILO conventions Total 7 ; not yet ratified 5 ; ratified 2 ; denounced 0 .
Treaties mentioned in the Millennium Declaration Total 10 ; signed 7 ; ratified 4 .
See general references see references
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